ORDINARIATE NEWS (from the Anglicanorum Coetibus Society)

News from the?Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham"All Eyes Are Upon You" CDF Prefect Tells Ordinaries?Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller (centre), the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, has spoken to the three ordinaries of the personal Ordinariates worldwide of the delicacy and importance of their task “in these first key years” in the Ordinariates’ existence. “You will come under scrutiny from many quarters; all eyes are upon you”, he said. Cardinal Müller?told the ordinaries that, because the unity of the Church was the ostensible reason for the establishment of the Ordinariates, effective communion would be a principal measure against which Ordinariate communities would be judged. ?Temporary Vows?right000On Thursday 6 March, David Butler, who is presently part of the Ordinariate's formation?group?looking towards ordination to the priesthood next year, took temporary vows as a hermit during Mass at the Ordinariate's central church, Our Lady of the Assumption and St Gregory, Warwick Street, London. David, who was formerly an Anglican Priest, has been living a simple eremitical life for some years. He was received into the full communion of the Catholic Church in 2009 but has been registered as a member of the Ordinariate and wanted his religious vows to be under the jurisdiction of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham. ?Please remember him in your prayers.??Ordinary to visit ordinariate in Scotland?13887452984500The Ordinary of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, Monsignor Keith Newton, is to visit the Ordinariate in Scotland to take part in a residential weekend in the tranquil setting of the Schoenstatt Scotland centre at Campsie Glen, near Glasgow. The weekend, from 14 - 16 March, is intended for existing members of the Ordinariate in Scotland as well as for Anglicans who are exploring the possibilities of entering the full communion of the Catholic Church via the Ordinariate. Participants will have the chance to meet Mgr Newton in a relaxed and informal setting, and to talk and worship together. The Ordinariate in Scotland – which has a small, but faithful presence in various parts of the country – celebrates Mass according to the Ordinariate Use liturgy, which integrates centuries old Anglican prayers into the Roman Rite. Talks over the weekend will include a reflection from the Ordinary, entitled The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham Three Years on.The Ordinariate as seen from Poland?Journalists from the Polish newspaper, Gosc Niedzielny, visited London and Oxford recently to write an article about the Ordinariate. In London, they visited Our Lady of the Assumption and St Gregory, Warwick Street and interviewed the ordinary. In Oxford, they spoke with laity, seminarians and clergy from the Ordinariate Mission in Oxford.New Deacon for the Ordinariate ordained??The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham is pleased to welcome a new deacon. The Revd Anthony Cockram was ordained by the new bishop of Plymouth, the Rt Revd Mark O'Toole, in Plymouth Cathedral on Sunday, 2 March. Deacon Anthony, a former priest in the Church of England, has been ministering with the Torbay Ordinariate Mission since his reception into the Catholic Church.?In the Church of England Tony had served as a priest and after being received into the full communion of the Catholic Church, within the Ordinariate, Tony received approval for formation for Holy Orders in the Catholic Church. Tony has been ministering with the Torbay Mission.The Mass was celebrated at the Cathedral of Plymouth Diocese, and we were warmly welcomed by the Dean, Mgr Nannery. The Mass opened with Newman's hymn, Praise to the holiest. We sang the Missa simplex except for the Gloria (missa de angelis); as the ordination had been organised at short notice, we needed something well known. Nevertheless the mass was celebrated with dignity and joy.Bishop Mark spoke in his homily of the three aspects to diaconal ministry: the word, the altar and of charity. Quoting St Francis of Assisi he spoke about preaching the word as not just about sermons but also living according to the Word, that there needs to be integrity between what is proclaimed and what is lived. In his homily the Bishop also quoted the Pope Emeritus and spoke about the priority of truth. He spoke of his gladness at celebrating the ordination for the Ordinary, Mgr Newton, and how glad he was that we in the Ordinariate had found our home in the Catholic Church. He emphasised the blessing of legitimate diversity within the Church, but also the wonderful unity we share in being in full communion with the successor of St Peter.During the mass, and just before the Litany of the Saints, a prayer of thanksgiving for Anglican ministry was offered by the Bishop, as follows:Almighty Father, we give you thanks for the years of faithful ministry of your servant Anthony in the Church of England, whose fruitfulness for salvation has been derived from the very fullness of grace and truth entrusted to the Catholic Church. As your servant has been received into full communion and now seeks to be ordained to the Diaconate in the Catholic Church, we beseech you to bring to fruition that for which we now pray. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.Tony was supported by his wife, Sue, his family and friends, and many of the local members of the Ordinariate who took the trouble to travel across Devon to be with him. Following the mass we moved to Christ the King Hall for cake, tea, nibbles and a few bottles of vino (it was not yet Lent after all!). It was good again to be together as an Ordinariate with much that we share in the journey into the arms of the Catholic Church, and much more that we share now in the mission and vocation of the Ordinariate.A wonderful day for Tony, for Sue, and for us all.Fr Ian HellyerGroup Pastor of the Buckfast Mission?Coming Up...Saturday, 22 March, 7.30 pmThe Byron Consort Choir from the famous English public school, Harrow, gives a concert at the Ordinariate's central church in London, Our lady of the Assumption and St Gregory, Warwick Street, to raise funds for the church. All welcome.Monday, 14 April, 11:30 amChrism Mass. Church of Our Lady of the Assumption and St Gregory, Warwick Street, London. Principal celebrant: the Apostolic Nuncio, H.E. Archbishop Antonio MenniniSaturday 28 JuneOrdinariate pilgrimage to Walsingham. Begins at the Anglican shrine at 11.40 am. Ends with sung Mass (Ordinariate Use) in the Chapel of Reconciliation.?Saturday 20 SeptemberCardinal Vincent Nichols attends Ordinariate Day for all Ordinariate groups and friends. Westminster Cathedral, Victoria Street, London, followed by the cathedral hall.?Tuesday 11 - Tuesday 18 NovemberOrdinariate pilgrimage to the Holy Land led by the Ordinary. Book now at portalmag.co.uk? Messages to ordinariate clergy?You can now edit and update your own individual group pages on the newly launched Ordinariate website. If you have not yet applied for access, please email?mailto:website@.ukChurchmarketplace is an online supplier set up by The Catholic Church in England and Wales which allows Catholic dioceses, parishes, religious and schools to buy a wide range of supplies at discount prices. ?How can you help?The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham relies on the generous finanical help of people like you. The Apostolic Nuncio has encouraged all Catholics to aid the establishment of the Ordinariate: "I urge all those who support the Holy Father's vision to lend their spiritual and material support to the Ordinariate, especially in these early days".The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham is a company limited by guarantee with no share capital,??registered in England with Company Registration Number 07582943 and?Charity Registration Number 1141536..uk ................

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