Classroom Expectations

Programming and Robotics

Course Expectations 2015-16

Course Description:

Programming: Students will progress through 5 programming languages on a learning management platform through code academy. Once students have shown mastery of these 5 programming languages students will be asked to use their knowledge to build a creative website and then to build an interactive website.

Robotics: Students will walk through the design and build a mobile robot to play a sport-like game. During this process they will learn key STEM principles, and robotics concepts. This modular and project-based curriculum teaches the design process in an engaging, hands-on manner by moving students through an actual engineering project, students quickly understand the relevance of what they are learning. At the culmination of this class, they will compete head-to-head against their peers in the classroom.

|Contact Information |

| | |

|Adam Knutsen | |

|School Website: |Voicemail: (951) 304-1885 x3646 |

|Teacher Website: |Email: |

|I will be using Haiku Learning Management System |Email is the preferred method of contact |

Important considerations

1. The type of reasoning required to be successful in Programming and Robotics is different from than any class you

have taken so far and a different approach may be required.

2. The depth of learning is proportional to the time you put in.

3. Active learning will be encouraged, and I will try to make you think about the material.

4. The object of each class period is not so much to inform you of important facts, but rather to stimulate you to try and

learn about some concept.

5. Depth of learning is greatly enhanced when students work together. Therefore, some group work will

be required and student collaboration encouraged.

Homework (Practice)

Practice will be assigned daily. Practice should be completed online when working on programming. Homework will be checked daily – it is expected that students will never give up when trying to write a program or build a robot. All appropriate work should be shown in form of code to receive credit.

Due to time constraints it will not always be possible to review all homework problems in class. Therefore, the following strategy for students is strongly recommended.

1. Actively engage yourself in each lecture by paying attention, participating in class discussions/activities, and following

along online when appropriate. Make sure that you’ve done everything possible during class time in order

to be successful with the homework.

2. Do all homework problems in a meaningful way (I talk more about this in class). For problems that you can’t do, I

encourage posting questions on the class forums, asking questions in class the next day, and coming in for help after

school if necessary.


Any exam missed due to an excused absence must be made up outside regular class time. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with the instructor to take the test within a number of days that is less then or equal to the number of days of their absence. Make-up exams are not curved, but are graded on a straight percentage. Any missed exams due to an unexcused absence will count as zero.


All exam policies mentioned above also apply to announced quizzes. Some quizzes may be done in groups; however, students always have the option of taking a group quiz individually provided that they make such a request prior to the start of the quiz. Some quizzes may be unannounced. Students who have an excused absence on the day of an unannounced quiz will be excused from taking it. Students with an unexcused absence will receive a zero.

Required Materials

The following should be brought to class everyday:

1. A three-ring binder containing some graph paper and all completed homework assignments for the quarter.

2. The three-ring binder must also contain 3 dividing tabs: 1st for notes, 2nd for homework and 3rd for quizzes

3. Two or more pencils (NO PENS)

Classroom Behavior

Any behavior that in any way diminishes the learning environment in the classroom is not acceptable.

This includes, but is not limited to any off task behavior, lack of respect for other people, and not being prepared for class. Students are expected to be in their seats and ready to work when the bell rings. I find students generally know what is and is not acceptable classroom behavior. I follow the discipline procedures as outlined by the school when necessary. School rules for attendance will be enforced.


I use a weighted grading system rather then total points.

|Grades break down as follows: |Final semester grade distribution will be as follows: |

| |90 % - 100% = A 70% - 79% = C |

|Exams & Quizzes (Including Final Exam 10%) 50% |80% - 89% = B 55% - 69% = D |

|Homework/In-class Work /Participation 50% | |

| | |

Extra Credit

There is a small amount of extra credit available. This is offered to help students make-up missed points caused by the inevitable infringement of real life upon their education. These precious few assignments are scattered throughout the semester and not saved until the very end. Students are encouraged to take advantage of them as they come.

Chapter Outline by Month (approximate timelines)

Web fundamentals and HTML and CSS August

Python September

Java Script October

JQuery October

PHP November

Make a Website November

Make an Interactive Website December

Ruby December

Unit 1: Introduction to Engineering January

Unit 2: Introduction to Robotics January

Unit 3: Introduction to VEXnet February

Unit 4: Introduction to Autodesk Inventor February

Unit 5: THE GAME! February

Unit 6: Object Manipulation March

Unit 7: Speed, Power, Torque & DC Motors March

Unit 8: Mechanical Power Transmission April

Unit 9: Drivetrain Design April

Unit 10: Lifting Mechanisms May

Unit 11: Systems Integration May

Unit 12: Testing and the Iteration Process June

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STUDENT: I have read and understand all the information on this sheet.

My signature below indicates my willingness to cooperate with my teacher and follow these class


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PARENT: I have read this information sheet and understand what is expected.

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Parent phone: ____________________________

Parent email: ____________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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