From the MRA Resource Center

Telecommuting or Remote Work Arrangements Policy

The ability to work from home is one of many flexible work arrangements that XYZ Company offers to enable employees to achieve a more successful balance between work responsibilities and family life. Working remote is the practice of working at home or at a site near the home instead of physically traveling to a central workplace. XYZ Company may offer this option to employees when it benefits both the organization and the employee. XYZ Company also may define some positions as ongoing, full-time remote positions.

Remote work arrangements do not change the terms and conditions of employment with XYZ Company. As such, XYZ Company has the right to refuse to make remote work available to an employee and to terminate a remote work arrangement at any time.

Common Remote Work Arrangements:

1. Casual/Short Term - works occasionally on a special project (e.g., one day per week, in the evenings, on the weekends or on the road during business travel, or formally as outlined below) or telecommutes on a short-term basis, [e.g., to accommodate short-term medical or personal needs]. Arrangements for employees on medical leave must be made with consent of the employee's health care provider.

2. Part-time -generally works 1-3 days per week from home.

3. Full-time - works away from the office 4-5 days per week and goes into the office for special events and meetings.

Equipment and Materials:

Telecommuters will be provided with the following equipment and materials:

• A laptop or desktop computer comparable to the computers being used by other employees at the XYZ Company corporate office. Computer will be purchased and configured by IT.

• Software required by the position as determined by the supervisor and IT department. Software will be purchased and installed by IT.

• Virtual Private Network (VPN) provides access to files while working remote. Employees will be responsible for saving all work-related files to the network.

• XYZ Company will supply the employee with appropriate office supplies (pens, paper, etc.) for successful completion of job responsibilities. XYZ Company will also reimburse the employee for all other business-related expenses, such as shipping costs, that are reasonably incurred in accordance with job responsibilities. The employee should follow usual company expense reimbursement policies and provide receipts.

All equipment, records, and materials provided by XYZ Company shall remain the property of XYZ Company and is for XYZ Company business-use only and may not be used by any individual other than the employee. The employee agrees to protect XYZ Company equipment, records, and materials against unauthorized or accidental access, use, modification, destruction, or disclosure. The employee agrees to report to the supervisor instances of loss, damage, or unauthorized access at the earliest reasonable opportunity.

Equipment supplied by the employee, if deemed appropriate by XYZ Company, will be maintained by the employee. XYZ Company accepts no responsibility for damage or repairs to employee-owned equipment.

The employee will be required to use an XYZ Company provided email account as their primary means of communication. The employee must provide their own internet connection. The employee will be solely responsible for purchasing any additional hardware or software required for the internet connection. Employee shall also be solely responsible for cost of installation and associated monthly fees. XYZ Company reserves the right to make determinations as to appropriate equipment, subject to change at any time.

Provisions and Conditions of Working Remote

The employee, supervisor, and Human Resources will review the feasibility of remote work based on the following criteria:

• Employee Competencies - evaluate needs and work habits. Employees who work remote should be good planners, self-motivated, strong communicators, able to manage their workload effectively, aware of their personal work style preferences, flexible, committed and responsible, willing to ask for feedback, able to work independently with minimal supervision, able to work without continual input and support from others, comfortable working and being alone, possess time management skills, proven producers of quality work, and able to focus on priorities and meet deadlines.

• Job Responsibilities - determine if the job can be successfully performed remotely, including review of the work schedule.

• Workspace/Equipment: assess equipment needs and workspace design considerations.

Expectations of Working Remote

1. There may be occasions when remote work is suspended for a given period of time because of unexpected events, emergencies, or business need.

4. The employee may not adjust his or her normal work schedule without managerial approval. The employee must remain productive and responsive during scheduled work hours.

5. Non-exempt telecommuting employees will be required to enter their hours worked into a time sheet. An email indicating hours should be sent to the supervisor every Friday morning of the week prior to a pay period. Important - overtime work must be approved in advance by the supervisor.

2. The employee will maintain an active presence with his or her department and co-workers while working remote. Active presence may be maintained by using appropriate technology including but not limited to: computer, phone, email, instant messaging, and/or video conferencing. The employee is expected to maintain the same response times as if he or she were on-site and will make himself/herself available to attend scheduled work meetings as required and/or requested. 

3. The employee and supervisor will agree on the number of days of remote work allowed each week, the work schedule the employee will customarily maintain, and the manner and frequency of communication. The employee agrees to be accessible by phone or email within a reasonable time period during the agreed upon work schedule.

4. The employee and supervisor will periodically interact by phone, email and in-person meetings to check-in on duties and performance. Remote workers will be subject to scheduled performance reviews in the same manner and frequency as other XYZ Company employees.

6. The employee will establish an appropriate work environment within their home for work purposes. XYZ Company will not be responsible for costs associated with initial setup of the employee's home office such as remodeling, furniture or lighting, nor for repairs or modifications to the home office space.

7. XYZ Company assumes no responsibility for injuries occurring in the employee's at-home workspace outside the agreed-upon work hours. The employee agrees to maintain safe conditions in the at-home workspace and to practice the same safety habits as those followed on XYZ Company premises. Telecommuting employees are responsible for promptly notifying Human Resources of any injuries.

8. The employee understands that his/her personal vehicle will not be used for XYZ Company business unless specifically authorized by the supervisor. However, the employee may use his/her personal vehicle for travel to and from XYZ Company's corporate office, when necessary.

9. Remote working is NOT designed to be a replacement for appropriate child, pet, or elder care. Although an individual employee's schedule may be modified to accommodate child/eldercare needs, the focus of the arrangement must remain on job performance and meeting business demands. The employee is encouraged to discuss expectations with family members prior to working remote.

10. The availability of telecommuting or working remote as a flexible work arrangement for employees can be discontinued at any time at the discretion of XYZ Company. XYZ Company will make every effort to provide reasonable notice of such a change. There may be instances, however, where less or no notice is possible. In addition, management retains the right to terminate or modify this agreement on a temporary or permanent basis in its sole discretion.

11. The employee agrees to return XYZ Company equipment, records, and materials within 5 business days of the termination of this agreement. All XYZ Company equipment will be returned to XYZ Company by the employee for inspection, repair, replacement, or repossession within 5 business days of written notice.


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