Invitation to tender



No 10021

Integrated Library Management System



1. Preliminary information concerning the invitation to tender 5

1.1. Presentation of the Publications Office 5

1.2. Nature of the contract 5

1.3. Subject and background of the contract 6

1.4. Starting date of the contract and duration of the tasks/contract 6

1.5. Price 7

1.6. Terms of payment 7

1.7. Guarantees 7

1.8. Place of performance 7

1.9. General terms and conditions for the submission of tenders 7

1.10. Period of validity of the tender 8

1.11. Date and place of opening of the tenders 8

2. The tender and the evaluation 9

2.1. Assessment and award of contract 9

2.2. Form and content of the tender 9

2.3. Structure of the tender 10

2.4. Section one: administrative information 10

2.5. Section two: exclusion criteria 11

2.5.1. Documents relating to the exclusion criteria 11

2.5.2. Grounds for exclusion 12

2.5.3. Administrative and financial penalties 12

2.6. Section three: selection criteria 13

2.6.1. Financial and economic capacity of the tenderer 13 Documents to provide concerning the financial and economic capacity 13 Evaluation of the financial and economic capacity 13

2.6.2. Technical and professional capacity of the tenderer 14 Documents to provide concerning the technical and professional capacity of the tenderer 14 Evaluation of the technical and professional capacity 14

2.7. Section four: award criteria – technical bid 15

2.7.1. Documents to provide concerning the technical award criteria 15

2.7.2. Evaluation of the technical award criteria 15

2.8. Section five: award criteria – financial bid 17

2.8.1. Documents to provide relating to the financial award criteria 17

2.9. Final evaluation 17

2.10. Information for tenderers 18

2.11. Award of the contract 18

3. Joint bid and subcontracting 19

3.1. Making a bid in collaboration with other companies 19

3.1.1. Joint bid 19

3.1.2. Subcontracting 19

3.2. Documents to submit – joint bid 20

3.3. Documents to submit – subcontracting 21

3.4. Evaluation of the bids in case of joint bids or subcontracting 22

3.4.1. Exclusion criteria 22

3.4.2. Selection criteria 22

3.4.3. Award criteria 22

4. Technical specifications 23

4.1. Introduction 23

4.1.1. Purpose and goals of the contract 23

4.1.2. Scope of the project 23

4.1.3. Main users 23

4.1.4. Current situation 24 Specific features 24 ProCat collections 24 Catalogue number 25 The structure of volets and the 25 Glossary 27

4.2. Constraints 30

4.2.1. Compliance with international standards and protocols 30

4.2.2. Compliance with Office's infrastructure 30

4.2.3. Implementation environment 30

4.2.4. Partner systems 31

4.3. Functionalities and Features 31

4.3.1. Authentication and User profiles 31

4.3.2. Languages 32 Interface language 32 Supported languages 32 Multilingual thesaurus 33 Multilingual authority files 33

4.3.3. Cataloguing and indexing 33 Serials 34 Bibliographical records 34 Handling of codes 34

4.3.4. Data requirements 35 Data import and export 35 Data validation and control 35

4.3.5. Outsourcing of cataloguing activity 36

4.3.6. Reports and statistics 36

4.3.7. OPAC 37

4.3.8. Help 37

4.3.9. Reliability 38

4.3.10. Performance, Throughput and Availability 38

4.3.11. Appearance 38

4.3.12. Interoperability and Interfaces 39

4.3.13. Other requirements 42

4.3.14. Documentation 42

4.4. Framework for Execution of the Project 42

4.4.1. Direct services: 42

4.4.2. Additional services: 43

4.5. Project phases 43

4.5.1. Initialisation of the project 43

4.5.2. Analysis and creation of the interfaces 43

4.5.3. Installation on test environment and Testing 44

4.5.4. Migration into production 44

4.5.5. Planning 45

4.5.6. Training 46

4.5.7. Post-installation assistance 46

4.6. Summary of all deliverables 47

4.7. Additional Services 47

4.7.1. Licences and annual maintenance 47 Maintenance and support of the software licence after the first year (without upgrade) 47 Upgrade of software licence to 25 concurrent users 47 Maintenance and support of the software licence after the first year (with upgrade) 47

4.8. Working methods and general constraints 48

4.8.1. Introduction 48

4.8.2. Working methods 48 Working methods for additional services 48 Delivery and acceptance 49

4.8.3. General constraints 50 Language constraints 50 Commitment to quality assurance 50 Software engineering 50 Security context 50

5. Annexes 52


2A financial identification form 55

2B "legal entity" form 56

2C Agreement / Power of attorney 57

3 Form for identification of the tenderer 59

4 questionnaire for joint bids and subcontracting 61

5 list of documents to provide 63

6 declaration on the grounds for exclusion 65

7A Project overview table 67

7B Project / Activity Reference Form 68

7C Company Form 71

7D Integrated library management System mandatory requirements 73

7E Staff profile description 74

8A Questionnaire regarding the award criteria 77

8B Optional ILMS features 80

Preliminary information concerning the invitation to tender

These specifications follow the publication of:

- the contract notice in OJ S – 2009/S 38-054820 of 25/02/2009

1 Presentation of the Publications Office

The Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, hereinafter referred to as “the Publications Office”, (2, rue Mercier, L-2985 Luxembourg) is the publishing house of the European institutions in the broadest sense, responsible for producing and distributing, on all media and by all means, all the publications of the European Union. The Publications Office, whose current organisation and operation are laid down by Decision 2000/459/EC, ECSC, Euratom (Official Journal of the European Communities, L 183, 22.7.2000, p. 12), is managed by a Management Committee in which each institution is represented by its Secretary-General. The Publications Office is administratively attached to the European Commission. More information can be found on the Publications Office website: .

As a publisher, the Publications Office has a duty to offer the highest quality service to its customers – the originating departments of the institutions and other bodies of the European Union and to its public – the people of the European Union and those throughout the world who are interested in European affairs. In the field of new technologies, the Publications Office must place itself in the forefront of the publishing profession.

Under the provisions of the Treaties establishing the European Communities, the publication of certain titles, such as the Official Journal of the European Union or the General Report on the Activities of the European Union, is a legal obligation.

Useful web sites

|Office for Official Publications | |

|EU-bookshop: the Union's online bookshop | |

|EUROVOC: multilingual thesaurus | |

|CORDIS: Community R&D Information Service | |

|Eur-Lex: the gateway to European Union law | |

|WHOISWHO: inter-institutional directory of the European Union | |

|TED: supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union | |

|SIMAP: EU-information for public procurement | |

|DG MARKT: DG Internal Market | |

|Other useful links | |

2 Nature of the contract

The contract is a hybrid service contract with the title: Integrated Library Management System (ILMS). The estimated volume of the contract is 130.000 Euro.

A "hybrid service contract" is a service contract whose implementation shall be executed partly on the basis of this service contract directly (through direct services) and partly on the basis of the orders or specific contracts to be issued within this service contract (through additional services).

3 Subject and background of the contract

The purpose of this invitation to tender is to procure an Integrated Library Management System for the creation, management and export of bibliographic records for all publications published or disseminated by the Publications Office (hereinafter referred to as 'the Office').

The cataloguing needs at the Office are diverse. It is necessary to create and maintain a comprehensive bibliographical catalogue which can, in turn, feed a more limited commercial catalogue (hereinafter referred to as ‘EUBookshop’).

The Office also acts as the bibliographical agency for the Community institutions and bodies. In order to compile exhaustive catalogues of the Community’s publishing production, the Publications Office signed contracts and agreements with the International ISBN Agency[1] in 2001, the ISSN International Centre[2] in 2002 and the International DOI Foundation (IDF)[3] in 2004. These contracts guarantee that the Office has the exclusive right to assign international ISBN, ISSN and DOI identifiers, thus ensuring that the cataloguing of the duly identified official EU publications is exhaustive.

The Office, acting as sole authority for registration of these identifiers, is in turn responsible for creating and managing the bibliographical data associated with these international identifiers. This data then needs to be provided regularly to the international agencies for registration in catalogues/directories worldwide.

Furthermore, to streamline cataloguing work carried out unnecessarily in each library/documentation centre, the European Parliament and the European Commission have commissioned the Office, within the framework of Eurolib[4], to catalogue at source all EU publications in internationally recognised formats, i.e. ISBD and MARC21. Moreover, these bibliographical records are intended for use in other professional circles where the XML format is preferred.

For more details on the tasks to be performed, refer to section 4 (Technical specifications).

4 Starting date of the contract and duration of the tasks/contract

The contract is foreseen to be signed in the second quarter of 2009.

The execution of the tasks may not start before the contract has been signed. The Contract is concluded for an initial period of twelve (12) months from the date on which it enters into force. The Contract shall be renewed automatically up to three (3) times, each time for twelve (12) months, under the same conditions, unless written notification to the contrary is sent by one of the contracting parties by registered mail and received by the other not later than three (3) months before its expiry.

5 Price

• Prices must be all inclusive and expressed in euro. For tenderers in countries which are not part of the euro zone, the price quoted may not be revised in line with exchange rate movements;

• Prices can only be revised according to Article I.3 of the contract. Please note that the price revision is conditional to a request which must be put in place at the latest three months before the anniversary date of the entry into force of the contract. In case of a justified and timely request, the revised prices shall enter into force on the anniversary date of the entry into force of the contract. The price revisions will be calculated with the same number of decimals as was accepted in the initial original Price Schedule and also the revised prices will have the same number of decimals.

For details on how to present the financial bid in the price schedule and estimation form, see point 2.8.1.

6 Terms of payment

Payments shall be made in accordance with Article I.5 of the draft hybrid service contract.

7 Guarantees

The successful contractor shall guarantee the proper operation of software for a period of one year (for the system) and six months for customized developments from the date of final acceptance, of the given customisation.

According to Article I.5.1.1 of the draft hybrid service contract a balance of 10% of the value of the direct services shall be paid only at the end of the guarantee period.

8 Place of performance

The place of performance of the tasks shall be the Publications Office's premises, the contractor's premises or any other place indicated in the tender. Meetings between the Publications Office and the successful contractor may be held on the premises of the Publications Office: for further details please refer to the Technical specifications.

9 General terms and conditions for the submission of tenders

Participation in the tendering procedure is open on equal terms to all natural and legal persons coming within the scope of the treaties and to all natural and legal persons in a third country which has a special agreement with the European Communities in the field of public procurement on the conditions laid down in that agreement.

Submission of a tender implies that the tenderer accepts all the terms and conditions set out in the invitation letter, in these specifications (including the annexes) and in the draft contract and waives all other terms of business. Submission of a tender binds the tenderer to whom the contract is awarded during performance of the contract.

Once the Publications Office has accepted the tender, it shall become the property of the Publications Office and the Publications Office shall treat it confidentially.

The Publications Office shall not reimburse any costs incurred in preparing and submitting tenders.

The Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities or, where appropriate, the Vienna Convention of 24 April 1963 on Consular Relations shall apply to this invitation to tender.

10 Period of validity of the tender

The offer must remain valid for a period of nine (9) months following the final date for submitting tenders (see invitation letter). During this period, tenderers must maintain all the conditions of their bids.

11 Date and place of opening of the tenders

Tenders will be opened at 10h00 on 15/04/2009 at the following location:

|Address of the Publications Office: |

|Publications Office |

|2, rue Mercier |

|L-2985 Luxembourg |

An authorised representative of each tenderer may attend the opening of the bids. Companies wishing to attend are requested to notify their intention by sending a fax or e-mail at least 48 hours in advance to the address below. This notification must be signed by an authorised officer of the tenderer and specify the name of the person who will attend the opening of the bids on the tenderer's behalf.

|Fax: (352) 2929-42672 |

|E-mail: |

The tender and the evaluation

1 Assessment and award of contract

The assessment of tenderers and offers will take place in three main stages:

The aims of each of these stages are:

• to check, in the first stage (exclusion criteria), whether tenderers can take part in the tendering procedure and, where applicable, be awarded the contract;

• to check, in the second stage (selection criteria), the economic and financial capacity and the technical and professional capacity of each tenderer who has passed the first stage;

• to assess, on the basis of the award criteria, each bid which has passed the first and second stages.

The assessment procedure may end with the award of the contract.

The assessment will be based on the tenderer’s offer. Concerning the exclusion and selection criteria, the Publications Office reserves the right to request additional evidence in relation to the bid submitted for clarification or verification purposes within a time-limit stipulated in its request. All the information will be assessed against the criteria specified in this chapter.

Please note that concerning the award criteria, the Publications Office can contact the tenderer only if clarification is required or if obvious clerical errors must be corrected. This contact can only lead to clarification of points already mentioned in the bid and may not lead to an alteration of the terms of the bid. Only the offers meeting the requirements of a stage will pass on to the next stage of the assessment.

2 Form and content of the tender

Tenders must be clear and concise and assembled in a coherent fashion (e.g. bound or stapled, etc.). The tenderer is also asked to provide a completed list indicating where to find the required documents (Annex 5). If the tender is divided into different files, it is advised to make a table of contents in each file.

Since tenderers will be judged on the content of their written bids, these must make it clear that they are able to meet the requirements of the specifications.

Information on the general requirements and on how to submit the bid is provided in the invitation letter.

Please pay attention to the fact, that the tender shall be signed by a person or persons who is/are entitled to represent the economic operator in accordance with its articles of association and/ or extract from the commercial register, or by a person(s) who received power of attorney to do so from (a) person(s) who is/are mentioned in those documents. The documents showing that the person is entitled to represent the economic operator must be submitted as explained in point 2.4.

The same rule is applicable to the person(s) designated to sign the contract.

3 Structure of the tender

All tenders must be presented in the following five sections:

Section One: administrative information

Section Two: exclusion criteria

Section Three: selection criteria

Section Four: award criteria - technical bid

Section Five: award criteria - financial bid

Sections one to four on the one hand and Section five on the other hand must be submitted in two separate sealed envelopes, which together are placed in double sealed envelopes as described in the invitation letter. Each inner envelope must clearly indicate its contents (“technical” and “financial”).

Please observe that all documentation has to be provided in triplicate (original and two copies) and that this also applies to any diskette, CD or similar medium that is part of the offer.

4 Section one: administrative information

In the first section, the tenderer must provide the following:

• a duly signed cover letter

• a financial identification form filled in and signed by an authorised representative of the tenderer, stamped by the bank and signed by a bank representative. If you attach the copy of a recent bank statement, the stamp and signature of the bank's representative is not needed. A standard form is provided in Annex 2A and a specific form for each Member State is available at the following Internet address:

• the "Legal Entity" form, to be signed by a representative of the tenderer authorised to sign contracts with third parties. There is one form for individuals, one for private entities and one for public entities. A model is provided in Annex 2B. Specific forms in each Member state language are available at:

The Legal Entity Form must be supported by the following documents in order to prove the administrative information of the tenderer:

For private entities:

• a legible copy of the instrument of incorporation or constitution, and a copy of the statutes, if they are contained in a separate instrument, or a copy of the notices of such constitution or incorporation published in the national or other official journal, if the legislation which applies to the tenderer requires such publication;

• a legible copy of the most recent amendment to the instruments mentioned in the previous indent, including that involving any transfer of the registered office of the legal entity, or a copy of the notice published in the relevant national or other official journal of such amendment, if the legislation which applies to the tenderer requires such publication;

• if the above documents don’t show the registration number, a proof of registration, as prescribed in their country of establishment, on one of the professional or trade registers or any other official document showing the registration number;

If the most recent document submitted according to this or one of the two previous paragraphs is more then one year old at the time the offer is sent, a written confirmation, signed by a legal representative of the tenderer, that there has been no amendment or transfer of registered office since the most recent of these documents were issued must be added.

• if the above documents don’t show the VAT number, a copy of the VAT registration document, where applicable;

• a legible copy of the notice of appointment of the persons authorised to represent the tenderer in dealings with third parties and in legal proceedings, if it is not included in the abovementioned documents, or a copy of the publication of such appointment if the legislation which applies to the legal entity concerned requires such publication. If the person(s) signing the tender or the person designated to sign the contract is/are entitled to represent the economic operator by a Power of Attorney from the abovementioned authorised persons, the Power of Attorney must also be submitted;

For Public Entities:

• a copy of the resolution decree, law, decree or decision establishing the entity in question or failing that, any other official document attesting to the establishment of the entity;

• the names and functions of the legal representatives (directors, etc) of the tenderer, authorised to sign contracts with third parties (a copy of the appointment of the persons authorised to represent the tenderer must be produced);

• if the public entity has completed a VAT registration number in the Legal Entity Form, an official document showing the VAT number.

5 Section two: exclusion criteria

1 Documents relating to the exclusion criteria

In Section Two, the tenderer(s) must provide the declaration on grounds for exclusion (Annex 6) and the following related certificates or documents:

• a recent extract from the ‘judicial record’ or equivalent as evidence that they are not in one of the situations listed in paragraph (a), (b) or (e) of point 2.5.2, or, failing this, of an equivalent recent document issued by a competent judicial or administrative authority in the country of origin or residence, showing that these requirements have been met;

• a recent certificate by the competent authorities of the state concerned stating that the tenderer has fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or equivalent;

• a recent certificate by the competent authorities of the state concerned stating that the tenderer has fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of taxes or equivalent.

Where no such documents or certificates are issued in the country concerned, they may be replaced by a sworn or failing that a solemn statement made by the tenderer before a judicial or administrative authority, a notary or a qualified professional body in his country of origin or provenance.

2 Grounds for exclusion

In accordance with Article 93 of the Financial Regulation No 1605/2002 (OJ L 248, page 1, of 16 September 2002, as amended), tenderers shall be excluded from the selection and award procedures if they:

a) are bankrupt or being wound up, are having their affairs administered by the courts, have entered into an arrangement with creditors, have suspended business activities, are the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations; or

b) have been convicted of an offence concerning their professional conduct by a judgment which has the force of res judicata; or

c) have been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the contracting authorities can justify; or

d) have not fulfilled their obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which they are established, or with those of the country of the contracting authority or those of the country where the contract is to be performed; or

e) have been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity detrimental to the Communities' financial interests; or

f) are currently subject to an administrative penalty referred to in Article 96(1) of the Financial Regulation (Council Regulation N° 1605/2002 of 25/06/2002, as amended).

In addition, contracts may not, according to Article 94 of the Financial Regulation, be awarded to tenderers who, during the procurement procedure:

g) are subject to a conflict of interest;

h) are guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required by the contracting authority as a condition of participation in the contract procedure or fail to supply this information.

The Publications Office reserves the right to check the above information.

3 Administrative and financial penalties

The tenderers should also be aware of the following points:

• A central database shall be set up and operated by the Commission in compliance with Community rules on the protection of personal data. The database shall contain details of candidates and tenderers which is in one of the situations referred to in point 2.5.2 above and candidates and tenderers which have been excluded from the contracts or grants financed by the budget of the European Communities.

• According to Article 96 of the Financial Regulation No 1605/2002 (OJ L 248, page 1 of 16.9.2002, as amended), administrative or financial penalties may be imposed by the Commission on tenderers who the situation in point 2.5.2 (h) above or who have been declared to be in serious breach of their obligations under contracts covered by the budget of the European Communities after they have been given the opportunity to present their observations.

These penalties may consist:

a) in the exclusion of the tenderer or contractor concerned from contracts and grants financed by the budget of the European Communities, for a maximum period of ten years;

b) in the payment of financial penalties by the tenderer or contractor up to the value of the contract in question.

The penalties imposed will be in proportion to the importance of the contract and the seriousness of the misconduct.

The details of those penalties are laid down in Article 133a of the implementing rules to the Financial Regulation, Commission Regulation No 2342/2002 (OJ L 357, page 1 of 31 December 2002, as amended).

6 Section three: selection criteria

Selection of the tenderer suitable for attribution of the contract will be based on an assessment of the tenderer’s:

• economic and financial capacity, and

• technical and professional capacity.

A tenderer may, where appropriate, rely on the capacities of other entities, regardless of the legal nature of the links which it has with them. In that case, it must prove to the contracting authority that it will have at its disposal the resources necessary for performance of the contract, for example by producing an undertaking on the part of those entities to place those resources at its disposal.

1 Financial and economic capacity of the tenderer

1 Documents to provide concerning the financial and economic capacity

Section Three must include in its first part, the information on the financial and economic capacity of the tenderer. It must contain the following documents:

1. the balance sheets and profit-and-loss accounts for the past three years,

2. the overall turnover and the turnover relating to the services involved in this contract carried out by the tenderer over the past three years,

2 Evaluation of the financial and economic capacity

The tenderers’ financial and economic capacity will be evaluated on the basis of the above mentioned documents which the tenderers have to submit according to point

The minimum financial and economic capacity level is the following: the amount representing the estimated volume of the contract for one year must not exceed 60% of the annual overall turnover carried out by the tenderer over the last year, or the average annual turnover carried out by the tenderer over the past three years. For the estimated volume of the contract for four years see the Specifications, point 1.2.

2 Technical and professional capacity of the tenderer

1 Documents to provide concerning the technical and professional capacity of the tenderer

In the second part of Section Three, the tenderer must provide information on his technical and professional capacity. You will find the relevant forms and documents in Annex 7.

Please note that it is possible to make annexes to the different pages of the forms or to add lines.

Evidence of the technical and professional capacity of tenderers will be established on the basis of the following documents:

o Project overview table (Annex 7A). It must contain a brief description of the tenderers economic activity relating to the principal services provided and supplies delivered in the past three years, with the sums, dates and recipients, public or private. At least three of them must be integrated library management systems, presently operational and maintained.

o Project/activity reference forms (PARF) (Annex 7B) with detailed information relevant to the subject and to the expertise required by this invitation for tender for projects contained in the project overview table in Annex 7A. Please note that descriptions provided in the PARF must be specific and synthetic to demonstrate the relevance of the call for tender. Minimum 3 PARF's have to be provided and maximum 10. If the tenderer presents more than 10, only the first 10 PARF’s will be analysed. At least three of the presented PARF's have to be for integrated library management systems, presently operational and maintained.

o Company form (Annex 7C) with information concerning the structure of the company.

o Form with ILMS mandatory requirements (Annex 7D).

By submitting a tender, each legal entity involved therein accepts the possibility of a check being carried out by the Publications Office on its technical capacities and, if necessary, on its research facilities and quality- control measures.

In addition, all tenderers are informed that they may be asked to prove that they are authorised to perform the contract under national law, as evidenced by inclusion in a professional or trade register or a sworn declaration or certificate, membership of a specific organisation, express authorisation, or entry in the VAT register.

Tenderers' attention is drawn to the fact that any total or partial omission of information for which one or more legal entities involved in the tender are responsible may lead the Publications Office to exclude the tender from the rest of the procedure.

2 Evaluation of the technical and professional capacity

The technical and professional capacity will be judged on the basis of the tenderer’s expertise relevant to the required services in particular with regard to their know-how, efficiency, experience and reliability.

The technical and professional capacity of the tenderers will be assessed on the basis of the documents delivered according to point In particular, the following criteria will be analysed:

|Analysed selection criteria |Requisite documents |

|Company experience | |

|The tenderer has to prove that he has experience with the delivery of |The selection is based on the tenderer’s project overview table (Annex 7A), |

|services comparable to those defined in the ‘Technical Specifications’ |the Project / activity reference forms (PARF - Annexe 7B) and the ILMS |

|and that the library management system offers a minimum of built-in |mandatory requirements (Annex 7D). The following aspects will be evaluated |

|functionalities. |in comparison to the requested services: |

|Comparable means that similarities exist in terms of activity, effort |relevance of the described project/activity, |

|and technology. |relevance of the described organisation and planning, |

| |relevance of the technical environment, |

| |mandatory built-in requirements. |

| |Three of the projects (PARF's) must be integrated library management |

| |systems, presently operational and maintained. |

| |The above-mentioned aspects will be evaluated in the whole set of provided |

| |forms and not in each form separately. |

7 Section four: award criteria – technical bid

The contract will be awarded to the tenderer who submits the most economically advantageous bid on the basis of the criteria set out below.

1 Documents to provide concerning the technical award criteria

This part has to contain the documents showing the merits of the bid, to make it possible to evaluate the technical award criteria Please fill in the "Questionnaire on the technical award criteria" (Annex 8A) and the table in Annex 8B.

2 Evaluation of the technical award criteria

The award criteria have the purpose to choose between the tenders which have been submitted by tenderers not subject to exclusion and which meet the selection criteria.

The award criteria are intended to assess the quality of the bid based on the proposal of the tenderer. The criteria concerning the ability or capacity of the tenderers such as previous experience, professional education and references, which are taken into account for the evaluation of the selection criteria will not be taken into account for the evaluation of the award criteria. The technical evaluation will be based on the following criteria.

| | |Technical award |Relevant |Maximum points |

| | |criteria |sections | |

| |1.1 |Quality of the project planning |4.5 |5 | |

| |1.2 |Quality assurance procedures |4.5.1 |3 | |

| |1.3 |The definition of all deliverables |4.6 |3 | |

| |1.4 |Quality of the project team |- |2 | |

| |1.5 |Quality of the training proposal |4.5.6 |2 | |

|2 |Architecture requirements and system performance |- |45 |22,5 |

| |2.1 |Appropriateness, quality and usefulness of the outlined architecture including ILMS |- |8 | |

| | |layout and ergonomics | | | |

| |2.2 |Definition of minimal hard- and software resources to run the system with the |- |6 | |

| | |required performance | | | |

| |2.3 |Compliance to the Office's infrastructure |4.2.2 and Annex 13|15 | |

| |2.4 |Reliability, performance, throughput and availability |4.3.9 and 4.3.10, |8 | |

| |2.5 |Interoperability, interfaces and other requirements |4.3.12 and 4.3.13 |8 | |

|3 |Number and quality of ILMS requirements, including ILMS layout and ergonomics[5] |Annex 8B |60 |30 |

|4 |ILMS methodology and documentation |- |30 |15 |

| |4.1 |Quality and relevance of the methodology for data modelling and migration to the |- |15 | |

| | |ILMS | | | |

| |4.2 |Available ILMS-related documentation |4.3.14 and Annex |8 | |

| | |(relevant for this installation). |15 | | |

| |4.3 |Implemented ILMS releases over the 3 last years. |- |7 | |

| |Total number of points | |150 |100 |

The result of the technical evaluation is the sum of the number of points obtained as a result of the evaluation of each criterion. Only those bids which pass the thresholds indicated and with a total score of at least 100 points will be considered for the award of the contract. For the sub criteria the thresholds are not applicable.

Since assessment of the tenders will focus on the quality of the proposed services, tenders should elaborate on all points addressed by these specifications in order to score as many points as possible. The mere repetition of mandatory requirements set out in these specifications, without going into details or without giving any added value, will only result in a very low score.

8 Section five: award criteria – financial bid

1 Documents to provide relating to the financial award criteria

For the financial bid, the tenderer must use the annexed price schedule and estimation form.

The financial bid must fulfil the following requirements:

• prices must be expressed in euro;

• prices should be expressed to a maximum of 2 decimal places;

• prices should be quoted free of all duties, taxes and other charges, i.e. also free of VAT, as the Communities are exempt from such charges in the EU under Articles 3 and 4 of the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Communities of 8 April 1965 (OJ L 152 of 13 July 1967). Exemption is granted to the Commission by the governments of the Member States, either through refunds upon presentation of documentary evidence or by direct exemption.

For those countries where national legislation provides an exemption by means of a reimbursement, the amount of VAT is to be shown separately. In case of doubt about the applicable VAT system, it is the tenderer's responsibility to contact his or her national authorities to clarify the way in which the European Community is exempt from VAT.

The following must be taken into consideration when completing the Price schedule and Estimation form.

- the price schedule must include the name of the firm and each page must be duly completed and signed by one of the duly authorised representatives of the company (Annex 1). No amendments to the price schedule will be permitted and a full reply must be given to each question.

If no answer is given, the response will be assumed to be negative. Any omission or amendment to the original price schedule will cause the bid to be considered null and void.

- the Estimation form must be duly completed and signed (Annex 1). The content must be based on the unit prices given in the price schedule and the price schedule will take precedence over the estimation form if there is any discrepancy between them. However, the estimation form is intended as a rough guide only and may not be cited in the event of litigation, only the work actually carried out is to be invoiced, on the basis of the unit prices given in the price schedule.

9 Final evaluation

Once the quality of the bids has been assessed, all offers which passed the thresholds per criteria and with a total score of at least 50 points will be considered for the award of the contract.

The contract will be awarded to the tenderer with the most economically advantageous bid.

In order to identify the offer presenting the best value for money, quality will be given a weighting of 50 % and price will be given a weighting of 50 % in accordance with the following formula, using only data from bids that have reached the final evaluation stage:

|R= |(50x |Q |) + (50x |Pmin |) |

| | |Qmax | |P | |


|R |stands for value for money |

|Q |stands for quality score for the bid in question |

|Qmax |stands for quality score for the bid obtaining the highest quality mark |

|Pmin |stands for the total final amount of the specimen quotation for the lowest bid |

|P |stands for the total final amount of the specimen quotation of the bid in question |

11 Information for tenderers

The Publications Office will inform tenderers of decisions reached concerning the award of the contract, including the grounds for any decision not to award a contract or to recommence the procedure.

If a written request is received, the Publications Office will inform all rejected tenderers of the reasons for their rejection and all tenderers submitting an admissible tender of the characteristics and relative advantages of the selected tender and the name of the successful tenderer.

However, certain information may be withheld where its release would impede law enforcement or otherwise be contrary to the public interest, or would prejudice the legitimate commercial interests of economic operators, public or private, or might prejudice fair competition between them.

12 Award of the contract

The procurement procedure is concluded by a contract signed by the parties, or by a decision not to conclude the contract.

After the period of validity of the tender has expired, conclusion of the contract shall be subject to the tenderer's agreement in writing.

Joint bid and subcontracting

This section only applies for tenders involving joint bid or subcontracting. If this is not the case, please continue to the next section (4. Technical specifications).

1 Making a bid in collaboration with other companies

Where a tender involves several legal entities, they may choose between:

• making a joint bid, in which case all the economic operators must be considered as tenderers and, if theirs is the successful bid, as contractors (in this case, one of the tenderers must be put forward as co-ordinator to manage the contract); and

• making a bid in the name of only one tenderer, who is then the sole contractor if the bid is successful, the other legal entities being considered as subcontractors.

Whichever type of bid is chosen (joint bid or bid in the name of one tenderer), the tenderer(s) must stipulate the role, qualifications and experience of each legal entity and, where relevant, the monitoring arrangements that exist between them.

1 Joint bid

Tenderers in a joint bid assume joint and several liability towards the Publications Office for the performance of the contract as a whole. Statements saying, for instance:

• that one of the partners of the joint bid will be responsible for part of the contract and another one for the rest, or

• that more than one contract should be signed if the joint bid is successful,

are thus incompatible with the principle of joint and several liability.

The Publications Office will disregard any such statement contained in a joint bid, and reserves the right to reject such offers without further evaluation on the grounds that they do not comply with the tendering specifications.

In the case of a joint bid, one of the partners of the joint bid (co-ordinator) should be given power of attorney to represent the other parties to sign and administrate the contract.

If the joint bid is selected the tenderers may be required to adopt a given legal form after they have been awarded the contract if this change is necessary for proper performance of the contract.

2 Subcontracting

If certain tasks provided for in the contract are entrusted to subcontractors, the contractor retains full liability towards the Publications Office for performance of the contract as a whole. Accordingly:

• the Publications Office will treat all contractual matters (e.g. payment) exclusively with the contractor, whether or not the tasks are performed by a subcontractor;

• under no circumstances can the contractor avoid liability towards the Publications Office on the grounds that the subcontractor is at fault.

Tenderers must inform the subcontractor(s) that Article II.17 of the contract will be applied to them. Once the contract has been signed, Article II.13 of the above-mentioned service contract shall govern the subcontracting. During execution of the contract, the contractor will need the Publications Office’s express authorisation to replace a subcontractor with another and/or to subcontract tasks for which subcontracting was not envisaged in the original offer.

2 Documents to submit – joint bid

In the case of a joint bid, the following documents must be provided:

Section One: Administrative Information and evidence for access to the contract

1. A declaration based on the model agreement on the “Power of Attorney” attached in Annex 2C, signed by the legal representatives of all the partners of the joint bid including the following:

• recognising joint and several liability for all the partners of the joint bid for the performance of the contract;

• giving one of the partners of the joint bid (co-ordinator) power of attorney to represent the other parties to sign and administrate the contract.

2. If the tenderers have already set up a consortium or similar entity to that end, they should state this in their offer, together with any other relevant information and documentation in this connection.

3. The questionnaire for joint bids and subcontracting (Annex 4) must be provided signed by a legal representative of the co-ordinator.

4. The form for identification of the tenderer must be provided by each partner of the joint bid.

5. The "legal entity" form for each tenderer with all the abovementioned supporting documents as specified in point 2.4.

Only the co-ordinator must return the financial identification form.

Section Two: Documents relating to the exclusion criteria

6. Each tenderer must fill in and return the declaration on grounds for exclusion (Annex 6) and provide the supporting documents as specified above in point 2.5.

Section Three: Documents relating to the selection criteria

7. Each of the parties of a joint bid must provide the documents regarding the economic and financial capacity:

• the balance sheets and profit-and-loss accounts for the past three years,

• the overall turnover and the turnover relating to the services involved in this contract carried out by the tenderer over the past three years.

• evidence of professional risk indemnity insurance.

The technical questionnaire concerning the selection criteria only has to be completed once for all partners of a joint bid, but it must be indicated to which partner the described capacities belong.

Sections Four and Five: Documents relating to the award criteria

The documents relating to the award criteria shall be provided once by the co-ordinator representing the group of tenderers.

3 Documents to submit – subcontracting

If the offer envisages subcontracting, it must include the following.

Section One: Administrative Information and evidence for access to contract

1. the questionnaire for joint bids and subcontracting provided in Annex 4., signed by a legal representative of the tenderer. The third page of this questionnaire must be provided once for each subcontractor, including the following information:

• the reasons for subcontracting;

• the roles, activities and responsibilities of each subcontractor, and

• the volume / proportion for each subcontractor;

2. a letter of intent by each subcontractor stating its intention to collaborate with the tenderer if the contract is awarded to him.

Section Two: Documents relating to the exclusion criteria

3. subcontractors must provide the duly signed declaration on grounds for exclusion (Annex 6). Where, in a bid, the value of the subcontracting which is to be executed by a subcontractor is equal to or exceeds 20% of the value of the contract, the subcontractor must be prepared to provide all the supporting documents to the declaration as specified in point 2.5. Where those services represent less than 20% of the contract, the subcontractor shall not be required to provide the supporting evidence. The Publications Office, however, reserves the right, to request the evidence if considered necessary.

Section Three: Documents relating to the selection criteria

4. Where, in a bid, the value of the subcontracting which is to be executed by a subcontractor is equal to or exceeds 20% of the value of the contract, the subcontractor must provide the documents related to the economic and financial capacity as specified in point 2.6. Where those services represent less than 20%, the subcontractor does not have to provide the documents related to the economic and financial capacity. However, in case the tenderer relies on the capacities of subcontractors for fulfilling the selection criteria as he indicates in the questionnaire for joint bids and subcontracting the Publications Office will ask for those documents (Annex 4). The Publications Office also reserves the right to ask for those documents if considered necessary.

5. The subcontractor has to answer the questions in the technical questionnaire which concerns the services he or she is proposed to perform.

Sections Four and Five: Documents relating to the award criteria

The documents relating to the award criteria shall be provided only by the tenderer.

4 Evaluation of the bids in case of joint bids or subcontracting

1 Exclusion criteria

The exclusion criteria will be assessed in relation to each tenderer or subcontractor individually.

2 Selection criteria

Joint bid

If several tenderers are involved in the bid as partners of a joint bid, each of them must prove that they have the required economic and financial capacity. However if the criteria are to be achieved above a certain level, a consolidated assessment shall be made.

The selection criteria concerning the technical and professional capacity will be assessed in relation to the group as a whole.


The selection criteria concerning the economic and financial capacity will be assessed in relation to the tenderer and each proposed subcontractor individually if the Publications Office finds it necessary due to the role of the subcontractor and volume of the subcontracting. However if the criteria are to be achieved above a certain level, a consolidated assessment shall be made to the extent that the subcontractor puts its resources at the disposal of the tenderer for the performance of the contract.

The selection criteria concerning the technical and professional capacity will be assessed in relation to each proposed subcontractor only as regards the subcontracted services.

Only in the case where the tenderer intends to rely on capacities from the subcontractor in order to fulfil the selection criteria, as he indicates in the questionnaire for joint bids and subcontracting (Annex 4), the selection criteria for technical and professional capacity will be assessed in relation to the combined capacities of the tenderer and the subcontractor as a whole, to the extent that the subcontractor puts its resources at the disposal of the tenderer for the performance of the contract.

3 Award criteria

The evaluation (award) criteria will be assessed in relation to the tender as a whole.

Technical specifications

1 Introduction

1 Purpose and goals of the contract

The purpose of this invitation to tender is to procure an Integrated Library Management System (hereinafter referred to as 'the system' or ILMS) for the creation, management and export of bibliographic records for all publications published or disseminated by the Publications Office (hereinafter referred to as 'the Office' or OPOCE).

Although ILMS will be an off-the-shelf tool, it should enable a high degree of user parameterisation. It must be a stand-alone solution, capable of communicating with a limited number of applications via predefined XML schemas.

2 Scope of the project

It is intended to adapt and simplify the current workflows in order to integrate the ILMS in a more effective and efficient way. The main objectives of the system are:

• to facilitate the management of catalogue records for the Office’s general publications (import of pre-production records from PlanPubli and other sources, exchange between ILMS and ProCat, creation, correction and validation of the bibliographical records);

• to feed the commercial catalogue of the Office (EUBookshop through ProCat);

• to provide an integrated OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue);

• to export or to permit the retrieval of records for our partners (ISSN, ISBN, DOI and associated libraries).

3 Main users

ILMS will be used mainly by:

• The Identifiers and ProCat Section of the Customer Relations Unit which is responsible for the production of these bibliographic records for all publications produced by the Institutions and Agencies, as well as the dissemination of these records to various partners. These records are intended to provide to the International identification agencies the meta-data (bibliographic records) associated to a specific identified publications: to ISSN and to ISBN and to DOI.

This activity currently does not include the storage and/or management of physical and/or digital copies of the publications.

There are currently around 10 members of staff, including a team of qualified librarians. These staff members will be the principal end-users of the system, but other staff within the Office will need to access with limited user rights.

• Infrastructures Unit for the purposes of license purchase, installation and IT system operations.

Unit's mission is to provide efficient support and infrastructures to allow the Office's services to perform their duties in optimal conditions.

4 Current situation

The principal purpose of the bibliographic records is to feed the EUBookshop site (hereinafter referred to as EUB) with bibliographic information on products available for order/download.

Currently a basic record is created by one of two systems at the Office and transmitted to an external contractor. The contractor then completes the record, adding new fields based on a copy of the actual publication. He then returns the completed record to the Office where it is uploaded into a proprietary database, hereinafter called 'ProCat'. The structure of the file containing the record is based on a DTD provided by the Office

(see: ). The bibliographical records are produced at the appropriate cataloguing level in accordance with the various ISBDs in MARC21/XML format, generally using the XML basic records generated by the Office. In certain cases however the contractor may create a record without receiving a basic record first.

The records returned by the contractor are then corrected and validated by the cataloguers at the Office. This is currently done using an interface developed in-house. Currently cataloguers correct/validate records directly in ProCat, however the interface is very simple and has none of the features of a standard cataloguing tool.

Different stages of production of a record are identified by different "encoding levels" in the MARC record. Once the record reaches a particular level (see section, ProCat uploads the bibliographical record to EUB for display on the website. Any subsequent updates/changes to a record are also uploaded.

As well as feeding EUB with records in a daily batch upload, ProCat sends these same records to LibCo. LibCo is an OPAC-like portal, with restricted user access, housed on the EUB site. It was designed to permit the export of records to ISBN and ISSN International Centres, as well as allowing selected libraries and documentation centres to download records directly from the site to feed their own catalogues. The records pass through a series of treatments to LibCo. These treatments add value to the records, for example, punctuation according to ISBD, decoding of codes (see section, addition of default fields (001, 040, etc). It is clear though that this is a very heavy procedure.

The new system is therefore foreseen to optimise the existing architecture around the ProCat data base while replacing some current workarounds and smaller satellites (e.g. LibCo).

1 Specific features

In the current process, a bibliographic record is identified by different properties that have been developed within a proprietary system. These features need to be accommodated in the new system, in order to permit smooth integration with other applications within the Office. These properties are: the different ProCat Collections, the Catalogue Number, and the .

2 ProCat collections

The ProCat database is a central repository not only for the general publications of the Office but also the Official Journal of the European Union. These are the two main collections in ProCat.

The records which form the object of this current call for tender are those found in the general publications collection. Here, the records are further divided into sub-collections:

PUB for monographs

SET to regroup monographs published in multi-volumes

SER for periodicals

PER old collection used for periodicals

COM for preparatory legislative documents

The general "PUB" collection in ProCat currently amounts to 130 985 records.

The yearly production of bibliographical records is growing over the recent years.

Yearly production of bibliographical records (General publications only).

|Year |2006 |2007 |2008 |

|Number of new bibliographical records |5 778 |10 559 |10 174 |

3 Catalogue number

As soon as a request for a publication is made to the Office (via an internal production system at the Office called PlanPubli), a unique catalogue number is assigned. This number has an internal semantic value (e.g. it indicates the format, the institutional author of the work, its different linguistic versions, the revised editions, the volumes of a collection/serial) but it is not a reliable source for deducing information. It is simply a unique identifier.

The name of each record (ID_PUB) is composed by its catalogue number preceded by the code for the sub-collection to which it belongs (e.g. PUB_KS7007038ENC).

The catalogue number is a unique key to each publication, regardless of language version, format, and remains the key identifier of the publication in the various systems at the Office.

4 The structure of volets and the

All information of the bibliographic records is delimited by tags, in pieces of logical information – volets – within an XML structure. The further described volets are essential for workflow of pre-notices and bibliographical records in this context.

• : the unique number of the bibliographical record.

• : Elements of the publication references of the records like ISSN, catalogue number, reference of publication within the Official Journal, information about the existing languages.

• : Indexing to EUROVOC (thesaurus) for all documents. The input is currently entered by a contractor.


Figure 1. Example of volet

• : Generic structure able to receive any MARC record. Allows storing the contents of the bibliographical record.


Figure 2. Structure of volet

– encoding level – is a part of volet . It is used to indicate the status of the record, i.e. the level of completeness and quality of meta-data in the production's workflow from the creation of a pre-notice before the work is published, to its completion and validation of the bibliographical record.

The ENCLVLs currently in use are presented in the following table.

|ENLCVL Status |Description |

|9 |Pre-notice not to be sent to the contractor, no EUROVOC indexation |

|8 |Pre-notice to be sent to the contractor |

|7 |Completed record to be validated (currently for records received from an external contractor) |

|b |Completed record to be validated (currently for records received from an external contractor and invoiced at a lower price |

| |because it has based on another record (i.e. additional linguistic version) |

|5 |Record validated by the Publications Office (to be published) |

|c |Record corrected by the Publications Office |

|e |Record under embargo (not to be exported or displayed in OPAC) |

|r |Record rejected by the Publications Office and awaiting correction by the external contractor |

|s |Record corrected by external contractor following rejection by the Publications Office. These records are not subject to |

| |invoicing. |

|z |Hidden record ("logical" deletion of the record) |

|o |Records recovered from an internal legacy database |

|p |Records recovered from external legacy database |

|h |Basic records created through the Publications Office Digital Library Project |

5 Glossary

|Abbreviation |Description |

|AACR2 |Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules. The dominant bibliographic standard regulating cataloguing in the English-speaking |

| |world.  AACR2 represents a set of rules for the standard description of and access to all library materials |

|ADT |Atelier de table de Traduction. Translation tables of terms and phrases used in the bibliographic records ADT is an |

| |application in charge of managing the translations of other applications screens. All the labels are kept coded in |

| |bibliographical records (pre-notices and complete notices). The exchange of data between ADT and any client application is |

| |made with XML files (XML schema "ADT"). |

|DOI |Digital Object Identifier, The Digital Object Identifier System is for identifying content objects in the digital |

| |environment. DOI names are assigned to any entity for use on digital networks. They are used to provide current |

| |information, including where they (or information about them) can be found on the Internet. Information about a digital |

| |object may change over time, including where to find it, but its DOI name will not change. See: |

|DTD |Document Type Definition. |

| |See: |

|Dublin Core |A metadata element set for use in resource description. |

| |See: |

|EU |An online service giving access to publications from the EU institutions, agencies and other bodies. EU Bookshop allows |

|Bookshop, EUB |users to search for EU publications, order them and where possible, download copies. See: |

|EUDOR |Repository of the electronic publications of the Office |

|Eurolib |A grouping of European institutional libraries, see: |

|EUROVOC |A multilingual thesaurus covering the fields in which the European Communities are active. EUROVOC version 4.2 exists in 22|

| |official language of the European Union and one another language (Croatian). See: |

|Exip |Tool for the export of basic bibliographical records to be completed |

|Gescom |GEStion COMmerciale de la production. An internal application for commercial management for the monographs periodicals, and|

| |series produced and/or diffused by the OPOCE. |

|GUI |Graphical user interface. A GUI offers graphical icons, and visual indicators as opposed to text-based interfaces, typed |

| |command labels or text navigation to fully represent the information and actions available to a user. |

|IDF |International DOI Foundation. The Foundation supports the development and promotion of the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) |

| |System as a common infrastructure for content management. |

|ILMS |Integrated Library Management System |

|ISBD |International Standard Bibliographic Description. A set of rules produced by the International Federation of Library |

| |Associations and Institutions (IFLA) to describe library materials within the context of a catalogue. |

|ISBN |International Standard Book Number. It is a unique, numerical commercial book identifier. It is 13-character |

| |alpha-numerical string, but used to be a 10-characters string. It is based on ISO standard 2108. The Office has the |

| |exclusive right to assign ISBNs to official EU publications, thus ensuring that the cataloguing of the identified |

| |publications is exhaustive. To fulfil this obligation, the Office sends metadata to the ISBN agency in ONIX format. |

|ISSN |International Standard Serial Number. It is an eight-digit number which identifies periodical publications as such, |

| |including electronic serials. It is based on ISO 3297 standard. The Office has the exclusive right to assign ISSNs to |

| |official EU publications, thus ensuring that the cataloguing of the identified publications is exhaustive. To fulfil this |

| |obligation, the Office sends metadata to the ISSN Centre in ONIX format. |

|LibCo |Librarians' corner. An OPAC-like portal, accessible from EU Bookshop to authorized users, for display of complete |

| |bibliographical records and export. |

|MARC XML |A MARC record expressed in XML. See: |

|MARC21 |Machine Readable Catalogue for the 21st century. The standard communication formats for the representation and exchange of |

| |bibliographic, information data in machine-readable form. The structure of a MARC record is an implementation of the |

| |international standard Format for Information Exchange, ISO 2709. |

|MARC21 holdings format|Defines the codes and conventions that identify the data elements in MARC holdings reports for serial and non-serial items.|

|MODS |Metadata Object Description Schema. A schema for a bibliographic element set that may be used for a variety of purposes, |

| |and particularly for library applications. As an XML schema it is intended to be able to carry selected data from existing |

| |MARC 21 records as well as to enable the creation of original resource description records. |

|Notice |This term is used in the Office as a synonym of bibliographical record. It also describes the information exchanged by the |

| |production systems, i.e. a Gescom notice is the XML file send by Gescom to alert about the presence of a stock for a |

| |certain publication. |

|OAI-PMH |Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting. The Protocol "provides an application-independent |

| |interoperability framework based on metadata harvesting. There are two classes of participants in the OAI-PMH framework: |

| |Data Providers administer systems that support the OAI-PMH as a means of exposing metadata; and Service Providers use |

| |metadata harvested via the OAI-PMH as a basis for building value-added services. For more information see |

| | |

|OJ |The Official Journal of the European Union |

|ONIX |Online Information Exchange. A metadata format, the international standard for representing and communicating book industry|

| |product information in electronic form. See: |

|OPAC |Online Public Access Catalogue |

|OPOCE, |Publications Office of the European Communities |

|the Office | |

|PlanPubli |A workflow management system for planning the production of the publications |

|Pre-notice |An initial record that signals the production of a publication, triggers the request of a bibliographic record and is the |

| |basis of it. The pre-notice does not yet contain all descriptive information (which is provisional at this stage), and not |

| |yet formatted in MARC. Format – XML file. |

|ProCat |PROduction CATalogue, the main database of bibliographical records in use in the Office. |

|ProCat Suivi |An internal workflow system for storing the information of transactions' of the bibliographical records between OPOCE and a|

| |contractor. It also facilitates the invoicing of cataloguing work. |

|Unicode |A universal encoding scheme designed to allow interchange, processing and display of the world's principal languages, as |

| |well as many historic and archaic scripts. Unicode supports and fosters a multilingual computing world community by |

| |allowing computers using one language to "talk" to computers using a different language. |

|Volet |All information of the pre-notices and bibliographic records (metadata) are delimited, by tags, in pieces of logical |

| |information (volets) within an XML structure. |

|XML |Extensible Mark-up Language, a subset of Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) |

|WOOD |Worldwide Object Oriented Dispatcher – in-house tool which written in PERL and parameterized for polling/transferring |

| |folders via FTP in different physical locations |

|Z39.50 |A standard for an application layer protocol for information retrieval which is specifically designed to aid retrieval from|

| |distributed servers |

2 Constraints

1 Compliance with international standards and protocols

The ILMS must be compliant with international standards and protocols, including:


• the MARC21 format and the AACR2 rules for cataloguing, authorities and holdings;

It should also support:

• Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (ISO 15836), ISBD, ONIX and MODS standards;

• the Z39.50 (ISO 23950) Information Retrieval Protocol;

• export according to ISO 2709 format;

It should be possible however to adapt the cataloguing rules to reflect local practice.

It would also be desiderable that the ILMS could support the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR).

It would also be desiderable that the ILMS could support the OAI-PMH protocol, in relation to facilities to host and maintain a repository of metadata compatible with the functions of "Data providers".

2 Compliance with Office's infrastructure

The system must ensure the smooth and effective interaction of technology (hardware and software) with the daily operations of the Customer Relations unit within the Office. Therefore:

• The ILMS should provide flexible, high-level, offline and online interfaces for data exchange and interoperability with external systems (e.g. APIs, support for SQL and ODBC, LDAP, XML, HTTP).

• It must conform the Office's infrastructure environment. Annex 13: Technical environment and standard operating procedures of the Publications Office describes the supported hardware and software platforms (operating systems, databases, web and application servers, etc.).

3 Implementation environment

ILMS shall be installed on two separate environments:

• a test/pre-production environment on the Office's premises, where the Office representatives shall install the ILMS and shall perform the acceptance tests with the support of the contractor;

• a production environment on the Office's premises, where the Office representatives shall install the ILMS with the support of the contractor and based on a previous installation on the test environment. This is the operational environment for the ILMS system – this system will follow the Office's rules for disaster recovery and failover policies (see Annex 13: Technical environment and standard operating procedures of the Publications Office).

Each environment will have its own data-set. Staff at the Office should have access to both, the production and the test databases. It should be possible to choose between the two easily. All screens would clearly indicate whether the librarian is connected to the test database or to the production database.

The contractor's development/test environments will have to be similar to the test environment of the Office (i.e. the same versions of OS, various software, tools, components, etc). In case of changes during the project lifecycle, the request must be accepted by the Office in advance.

4 Partner systems

The system must be able to communicate with other systems within the Office. The data exchange will be mainly in XML format (several network services, like FTP, HTTP, SMTP are also possible).

The list of related in-house applications and data bases is presented below together with the short descriptions of each application/data base. The detailed relations between the in-house systems and ILMS are described in section 4.3.12.

• PlanPubli – the workflow management system for planning the production of the publications.

• ProCat (PROduction CATalogue) – the main database of bibliographical records in use in the Office.

• ProCat SUIVI – a workflow system for storing the information of transactions' of the bibliographical records between OPOCE and the external contractor responsible for the cataloguing. In the near future, this system will continue to manage these interactions between the external contractor and ILMS too. However it would be considered an asset if the ILMS would be capable to replace this application and to manage these functionalities itself.

• ADT – an application in charge of managing the translations of other applications screens. The translations are made in 3 steps:

← the client application exports the translations to ADT (XML);

← the translators use the ADT application to translate the labels;

← ADT export the translations to the client application (XML).

3 Functionalities and Features

The system software must be able to perform certain actions and meet certain criteria. The Office has described the essential qualities which the software must posses for each criterion.

It is for each potential tenderer to decide on the best approach to fulfilling these criteria and to propose an appropriate solution, based on the description below.

1 Authentication and User profiles

User management:

• The access to ILMS shall be restricted to authenticated users with the unique user identifier (login, password).

• A standard central repository such as the LDAP should be used to store user-related information. Password management and policy should be enforced by the repository. The schema used for user provisioning must allow the use of existing directories.

Access control:

• Access to the system should be granted on an as-needed basis.

• Management of the accesses (grant, revocation) and roles (define, modify, delete, grant to a user) must be simple and effective.

User profiles:

• User profiles should be restricted to the required needs.

• User profiles should be attributed to roles. Individual user right should be obtained by granting appropriate roles.

• The system should maintain individual preferences for every user profile. The user should be able to configure his preferences which should automatically apply after login (e.g. selecting the interface language).

• The system must manage the read/write access to the data fields according to the roles.

ILMS must offer facilities to:

• List grants of an individual user.

• List all roles having access to a certain resource.

• Log the accesses with associated user identification.

The assets:

• The remote access with a thin client interface (performed over a secure communication channel, e.g. HTTPS), which would enable the library staff to connect and work from home or other remote workstations. For security reason, it's mandatory that the client access to the server has to pass through an HTTP reverse proxy.

2 Languages

1 Interface language

ILMS user interface (menu) language must be at least English and/or French.

2 Supported languages

Publications produced by Community authors come in various language versions or in multilingual versions. The Office currently catalogues records in the language of the publication (an English publication will be catalogued in English; a French publication will be catalogued in French) with a default value of French where either the language is not easily discernible or in the case of a multilingual publication. In order to respect this multilingual approach the system must operate in Unicode.

The system must support Unicode (UTF-8) in all modules and in any format (they must be displayed in the interface and in the content of the bibliographical record, in the back office and in the OPAC, exported/imported, printed, etc...).

The system must be a multilingual system, providing data support for several languages. It should demonstrate proven multilingual functionality as described above for data input, storage, display, printing, indexing, searching, sorting and updating for at least the bibliographical and authority data. This functionality should be supported at MARC field and sub-field level (e.g. support for bibliographic records containing simultaneously Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese scripts within a particular MARC field or sub-field).

The system must also be able to manage relationships between different linguistic versions of the publications. Once one linguistic version of a publication is catalogued, it should be possible to use this as a base for the other linguistic versions.

3 Multilingual thesaurus

The thesaurus currently used by the Office is EUROVOC, working on a similar principle to the codes (see section The indexation terms are received and stored as a code which can then be mapped to the appropriate descriptor in the language of the publication.

The indexation, using EUROVOC, of each publication is currently outsourced. The indexation (MARC field 650) is therefore received in ProCat as a separate delivery from the cataloguing record. The system should manage the import of these deliveries and update the corresponding bibliographical record.

4 Multilingual authority files

The system must be capable of managing authority files including authorities in numerous languages. The authority files are currently stored together with the other codes (see section and must be re-imported at each update, nevertheless they could be managed differently in the future. It would be an asset if the system was able to take over the management of these files, with the possibility of exporting them to partner systems.

3 Cataloguing and indexing

The system should handle data for all kinds of publications (monographs, multi-level publications, annual publications, loose-leaf publications, series, periodicals, single articles of periodicals, posters, maps and leaflets, etc.) and all types of media (paper, multimedia and electronic resources, e.g., CD, diskettes, databases, sound files, videos, web sites, online PDF documents, etc.).

The system must manage and control multilingual bibliographical records, authorities and code tables. In particular the system should support the application of the EUROVOC thesaurus, currently available in 23 languages.[6]

The system must also manage a local multilingual keyword list. This classification has a pseudo-hierarchical structure and is only available in English and French but may be expanded to cover terms in other EU languages.

The system should allow retrieving records with a variety of criteria (by catalogue/record number, author, title, ...) using Boolean operators, truncation, wildcards, etc. Any other indexed field available for searching would be an advantage. The tool should also provide for searches by creation/modification date of a record.

The results of the searches should be displayed in real-time on screen and/or printed as reports. (For extensive queries, batch mode would be acceptable.)

The system should display the descriptive labels for a field and its permitted subfields while cataloguing data in that specific field is being entered/validated. Descriptive labels should be standard, but they should be modifiable to reflect local practices. The labels should be available in English and/or French.

It should be possible to personalize work screens, and in particular to create templates for cataloguing for specific document types, such as serials, monographs and sets as well as templates for individual series of publications.

1 Serials

It is not foreseen for the system to manage subscriptions, renewals or ordering of titles as in a traditional library however, in order to fulfil the conditions of its contract with the ISSN Centre in Paris, the Office must provide individual records for each ISSN assigned.

• The system should therefore provide the possibility to produce a record for each ISSN, with full linking to all other language/media versions.

• It should be possible to add holdings to each serial record (based on the MARC21 Holdings Format).

• It should also be possible to maintain links between a serial record and the individual records created for each issue of that serial.

2 Bibliographical records

It must be possible to import/export, create and modify records at different levels of quality and completeness.

It must be possible to create a bibliographical record either manually or by copying (duplication and modification) an existing bibliographical record.

It must be possible to replace an existing bibliographical record with an imported bibliographical record or to merge two or more records, ensuring that information was not lost (for example local fields).

It should be possible to modify the records one by one, as well as to make mass corrections of a selection of records on certain fields (by authorised staff).

The system should track the history of creation and modification of each record (as a minimum, date and cataloguer who created/modified the data).

3 Handling of codes

In order to efficiently and effectively manage its multilingual approach (and to reduce the level of language knowledge required to catalogue a publication) the Office employs a system of codes which may replace standard and/or recurrent values in any given MARC field. (E.g. a generic code in MARC field 300 $a – NPAG represents 'p.' in English but 'S.' in German).

When a record is decoded, the codes are translated into the language of the publication. The language of a publication is determined by the content of MARC field 041.

These codes are stored in tables in both xml and excel formats (see Annex 10, Copy of all tables currently used) and managed by the ADT application; they are regularly updated. Each table may be applied to one or more MARC fields (see Annex 11 List of MARC fields with corresponding tables). The system would be required to manage the import and eventual export of these tables.

The system should permit a qualified user to decide which tables apply to which fields and to update this information (adding/removing new tables/relationships) when necessary. The system should validate the records against these requirements.

The coded version of the record is the "working version" for the cataloguer, into which any change will be introduced. On the other hand, the system is required to display both the coded version and the decoded version of the record. The cataloguer should be able to view both versions easily.

4 Data requirements

• ILMS must be parameterised in a way that it would become capable to exchange (import/export) data with the in-house partner systems and to produce the standard output to be exported to the Agencies (ISSN, ISBN, DOI).

• Bulk import/export of data must be possible (as well as punctual import/export of selected records).

• Data should be exchanged at least in an XML format.

• ILMS must provide the validation and verification on all the imported, entered or edited data/meta-data.

1 Data import and export

The system should allow the import and export of the records in a range of formats. Current export formats required are: MARC21, MARC XML, ONIX, Dublin Core and XML. The transparent addition of other formats is highly desirable.

It should be possible to overwrite and/or merge an existing bibliographic record with an imported bibliographic record.

While importing records, the system should allow the librarian to filter/map fields in order to block, update or relocate the data from external sources.

If a record received from an external contractor is deemed to be of unsatisfactory quality, it should be possible to reject an individual record, i.e. for the cataloguer to add a comment to the record explaining the error(s) and to send it back to the contractor with this comment via ProCat SUIVI. A special is given in these cases (‘r’). The contractor is then expected to resend the record with the requested changes within 24 hours. The re-sent record is supposed to overwrite the rejected one.

The system should allow the librarian to export any (or all) MARC record(s), in either a coded or a decoded format (see section

One record may be exported to several different partners at different times.

The system should allow a qualified user to filter or remap fields when exporting data in order to fulfil the individual requirements of our partners (e.g. mapping field 710→720 for ISSN centre).

The system should provide character set conversion options and transmission format (e.g. UTF-8) conversion facilities during import/export and other data exchange.

The system should allow the import/export of single volets composing a bibliographical record. In particular, it should be possible to accept the volet EUROVOC separately from the volet MARC.

It is desirable that the system could be able to receive error logs from other systems and to alert the user of reported fatal errors.

2 Data validation and control

The number of the repetitive operations should be reduced to minimum. The same data entry operations should be done only once.

The system should make appropriate validation controls (for errors, missing data, etc.) at any time while cataloguing (creation/modification).

Validation would be applicable to MARC fields and subfields, and to other data items (in particular to a range of codification tables) as well as the relationship between other data items (e.g. MARC leader and indicators in certain MARC fields).

The system should provide online data input validation and verification in all modules. It should give the possibility of accepting erroneous data from bibliographic records in a temporary file, which would be flagged for subsequent correction.

The system would allow customisation of online data input validation to suit local requirements, (e.g. mandatory items, validation against predefined reference tables and data sets stored in the ILMS, relationships between data items, etc.)

Optional features:

• Availability of a spell checker for several languages would be an asset.

• The system should offer easily customizable options for reception of the alerts on the anomalies/errors and the notifications of the successful operations such like export, e.g. to be received by e-mail.

5 Outsourcing of cataloguing activity

Currently the cataloguing activities of the Office are outsourced. The management of invoicing is currently done outside of the ILMS, but the system must allow managing the outsourced records through relevant reports and statistics to assist these activities.

In the future it may be decided to internalise cataloguing activities and to outsource only special projects (regular production and/or special collections and/or retrospective cataloguing and/or indexation).

6 Reports and statistics

The system should provide flexible and customisable reporting tools to support the cataloguing activities of the Office as well as the necessary data to manage contracts (in particular with the external contractors responsible for the cataloguing and indexing), providing appropriate reports, statistics and alert facilities.

The system should provide reports on all records which, during a specific time period, have been:

• created/created from copy

• imported/merged/overwritten

• rejected

• deleted

• corrected/modified

• validated by in-house quality control

• exported to different parties.

It should be possible to further refine by:

• date range and/or

• record number and/or

• source and/or

• language and/or

• etc

Use of Boolean operators should permit further refinement of the extraction.

The same reporting system should be available to manage the separate import of thesaurus descriptors for each bibliographic record (volet EUROVOC).

The system should allow export of non-bibliographical data in format(s) compatible with external software packages (e.g. word processing, spreadsheets, e-mail, etc.). It should provide user-friendly facilities, such as on-line help and wizards, to assist users in the execution of such export operations.

System documentation must include samples for all standard reports available in the system.


The system should provide an integrated OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue). The aim of this tool would be to facilitate access to the catalogue to users of the Office and of the professional world.

The OPAC provided should be completely integrated with all the modules in the system. The integrated OPAC should be a Web type GUI (Graphical User Interface), adapted to flexible modern search techniques and compliant with Z39.50 (ISO 23950).

Hyperlinking between data fields in different bibliographic references is desirable (e.g. author, subject, collection should be clickable to browse other references containing the same element).

The OPAC should also permit to resolve a DOI by clicking on the DOI number attributed to a publication.

It should provide the possibility to link analytical bibliographic references to the host item (e.g. individual articles to the entry for the periodical title)

The OPAC should be configured to provide different views of the catalogue to different categories of users or on request. For example, depending on the user category either a coded or decoded view (or an option for either) of each record could be displayed.

The system should allow hiding of a specific field for the display of a bibliographical record. It should be possible to restrict this information to specific user groups, based on access control.

The system should also manage the "self-service" export of records by authorized partners (selected libraries and documentation services). The service should offer a choice of formats for export, including: Marc21, MARCXML, Dublin Core, and ONIX. This service could be managed as a facility for "privileged users" of the OPAC, or by other components of the system.

The OPACs interface should be available in, at least, English and French.

The OPAC should integrate general online help and content sensitive help at all levels in the user’s interface language.

8 Help

• The system should provide general online help and context-sensitive help in all modules.

• It would be definable and easily customisable by authorized staff (for example, it should be possible to add instructions on local fields or on how to make an export to a specific client).

9 Reliability

• The ILMS must provide high reliability, high continuity of service, excellent data integrity and coherence, good back-up facilities, and good and rapid recoverability from power cuts, etc. This must be certified by client references.

• Error handling and anomaly detection must be standardized. System errors must be systematically trapped and logged. System errors should not provoke abnormal terminations.

• Transaction handling must be consistent. In case of failure in complex transactions complete rollback has to be assured.

10 Performance, Throughput and Availability

The following table defines the different parameters and the corresponding values which have to be met, as a minimum, by the ILMS in production.

Implementation of the necessary measurement procedures should be simple and automated in order to give almost immediate results and to represent as much as possible reality. In principle, the calculation of the different values should be based on the evaluation of measurements recorded in log files.

|Parameter |Value |

|Availability during the working hours (8:00–18:00) |99 % |

|Overall availability (excluding scheduled system downtime) – 24h/24h |> 96 % |

|Users supported by the system without impact on overall performance |15 |

|Average response time for online transactions | ................

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