The Book of Revelation

Supplemental Notes:

The Book of


compiled by

Chuck Missler

? 2005 Koinonia House Inc.


These notes have been assembled from speaking notes and related materials which had been compiled from a number of classic and contemporary commentaries and other sources detailed in the bibliography, as well as other articles and publications of Koinonia House. While we have attempted to include relevant endnotes and other references, we apologize for any errors or oversights. The complete recordings of the sessions, as well as supporting diagrams, maps, etc., are also available in various audiovisual formats from the publisher.

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Audio Listing

Session 1: Introduction

Some general comments about the Book of Revelation and its uniqueness. Why this book contains a special blessing.

Session 2: Revelation 1

"The Things Which Thou Hast Seen." The vision which opens the book and the verse that organizes it.

Session 3: Ephesus

Chapter 2:1-7: The Letter to the Church of Ephesus.

Session 4: Smyrna

Chapter 2:8-11: The Letter to the Church of Smyrna.

Session 5: Pergamos

Chapter 2:12-17: The Letter to the Church of Pergamos.

Session 6: Thyatira

Chapter 2:18-29: The Letter to the Church of Thyatira.

Session 7: Sardis

Chapter 3:1-6: The Letter to the Church of Sardis.

Session 8: Philadelphia

Chapter 3:7-18: The Letter to the Church of Philadelphia.

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Audio Listing

Session 9: Laodicea

Chapter 3:14-22: The Letter to the Church of Laodicea.

Session 10: Revelation 4 - 5

Chapters 4-5: The Throne Room of Heaven.

Session 11: Daniel's 70 Weeks (Daniel 9)

The 69 Weeks of Daniel.

Session 12: The 70th Week of Daniel (Daniel 9)

The 70th Week of Daniel.

Session 13: Revelation 6

Chapter 6: Opening the Seals.

Session 14: Revelation 7

Chapter 7: Sealing the 144,000.

Session 15: Revelation 8 - 9

Chapters 8-9: The Seven Trumpets

Session 16: Revelation 10 - 11

Chapters 10-11: The Two Witnesses

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Audio Listing

Session 17: Revelation 12

Chapter 12: The Woman and Man-Child.

Session 18: Revelation 13

Chapter 13: The Two Beasts.

Session 19: Revelation 14

Chapter 14: Prelude to the Bowls.

Session 20: Revelation 15 - 16

Chapters 15-16: The Seven Bowls of Wrath.

Session 21: Revelation 17 - 18

Chapters 17-18: The Mystery of Babylon.

Session 22: Revelation 19

Chapter 19: Return of the King.

Session 23: Revelation 20

Chapter 20: The Millennium.

Session 24: Revelation 21 - 22

Chapters 21-22: Eternity.

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The Book of Revelation

Session 1: Introduction

The Revelation: singular, not plural. VApoka,luyij - noun (19 times): "revelation," to unveil or uncover. VApoka,luptw - verb (26 times): "to reveal."

"He Shall Glorify Me" John 16:14

? Old Testament ?

? Gospels


? Acts


? Epistles


? Apocalypse ?

Christ in Prophecy Christ in History Christ in the Church Christ in Experience Christ in coming Glory

To Whom Given?

The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto Him, to show unto His servants things which must shortly come to pass; and He sent and signified it by his angel unto His servant John: who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw.

Revelation 1:1,2 ...rendered into "signs" (sememes)...

Basic Units

? Alphabet = of written language; ? Phonemes = of spoken sound; ? Pixels = of images; ? Sememes = of meaning:

semaino; from sema, a mark (4591 times): 1) to give a sign, to signify, indicate; 2) to make known.

Signified by God = in "code" (1:1) "to give a sign or signal." There are, in the Bible 4591 semas: The word is translated "sign" (15:1), "wonder" (12:1, 3) and "miracle" (19:20). This same word is used by John for the miracles of Christ. It's a "spiritual code," understood only by those who know Christ personally.

Revelation is in code: every code is explained in Scripture (virtually every other book required)!

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The Apocalypse

Where to begin a serious study? Revelation is excellent...Everything begun in Genesis is consummated in Revelation: integrated design...

? Catastrophic end-crisis of present age ? Spectacular reappearance of the King of Kings in His global empire ? Internment of Satan in the Abousso ? Millennial earth-reign of Christ ? Final insurrection and the abolition of sin ? New Heaven and New Earth

A Unique Promise

Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.

Two Basic Discoveries

1) The Bible consists of 66 separate books penned by over 40 authors over a period of several thousand years that are an integrated message system. 2) It can be demonstrated that the origin of this message is from outside of our dimensions of space and time.

The Central Theme

? The OT is an account of a Nation. ? The NT is the account of a Man. ? The Creator became a Man. His appearance is the Central Event of

all history. ? He died to purchase us and is alive now. ? The most exalted privilege is to know Him. That's what the Bible is

all about.

Our Presuppositions

? God means what He says and says what He means. ? The Bible is an integrated whole: Every detail is there by design

(Mt 5:17,18). ? Nothing is trivial: All things are for our learning (Rom 15:4). ? God is His own interpreter.

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These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.

Acts 17:11

Luke is warning you: Don't believe anything that Chuck Missler says! Check it out for yourself!

Revelation: "The Unveiling"

? The consummation of all things. ? The only book promising a special blessing to the reader. ? 404 verses containing over 800 allusions from the Old Testament. ? It presents the climax of God's Plan for Man.

John, the Author

? The Gospel of John. ? Three Epistles (1 John, sermon on love; 2 John, personal letter to

Mary(?); 3 John, personal note to Gaius). ? The Apocalypse.

John was born at Bethsaida to Zebedee and Salome and was a Galilean fisherman; partner with Peter and Andrew. He was an early disciple of John the Baptist and seemed to be well connected (High Priest, Nicodemus, et al , cf. Jn 18:15).

John was one of the inner circle: Mt. Transfiguration (Mt 17); raising of Jairus' daughter (Mt 9:18); Olivet Discourse (Mt 24); Gethsemane (Mt 26:37); Assigned care of Mary (Jn 19:26); ultimately retires to Ephesus after his exile.

The Patmos Exile

Patmos is a small island, 6 miles by 10 miles, 40 miles from Miletus and 24 miles from the coast of Turkey. John was exiled by Domitian (A.D. 8196), the brother of Titus who destroyed Jerusalem. According to Irenaeus (2nd century A.D.), Revelation was written by John during the reign of Domitian.

Irenaeus, Clement, and Eusebius wrote that after Domitian died, John returned to Ephesus, went to the churches, and appointed leaders, and set things in order.

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Alternative Views

? Preterist ? Historical ? Idealist ? Futurist

Then only History only Allegorical Prophetic

The Book of Revelation claims the latter (1:3; 22:7, 10 18-19; cf.10:11).

Why Prophecy?

? Old Testament: 1,845 references to Christ's rule on the earth; 17 OT books give prominence to the event.

? New Testament: Of the 216 chapters, there are 318 references to the Second Coming; it is mentioned in 23 of the 27 books.

? For every prophecy relating to His First Coming, there are eight treating His Second Coming.

Still, most people assume that the future is but a linear extrapolation of the present; life will just go on. But the Bible says otherwise.





Post-Tribulational Mid-Tribulational Pre-Tribulational




Amillennial Problems

? Messianic Promises throughout the Old Testament. ? Destiny of Israel in God's Covenants. ? Promise given to Mary by Angel Gabriel. ? Numerous reconfirmations in the New Testament.

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