12th Grade Economics - Home

Name: _____________________________________________________________________Date: ___________________________Participation in GovernmentStudy GuideFoundations of GovernmentTopics to Know: What is Locke’s philosophy of Natural Rights?What the requirements for Democracy?What were the influences of the Declaration of Independence?What was the purpose of Common Sense by Thomas Paine?Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?What compromises were agreed upon at the Constitutional Convention?Practice Questions:Read the quote below.“In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms; our repeated petitions have been answered only be repeated injury.” –The Declaration of Independence1. The action to which the signers refer is protected by theFirst AmendmentSecond AmendmentEighth AmendmentFourteenth Amendment2. The pamphlet Common Sense by Thomas Paine aided the American cause in the Revolutionary War because itconvinced France to join in the fight against Englandled to the repeal of the Stamp Actcreated a new system of government for the United Statespersuaded undecided individuals to support independenceConstitution and Federalism Topics to know:Identify the main arguments between the Federalists and Anti-FederalistsExplain the purpose of government as listed in the PreambleWhat is “popular sovereignty” and how does it relate to Democracy>Supremacy ClauseIdentify the different powers of governmentExpressed, implied, concurrent, reserved, delegated, inherent , enumeratedWhat are the duties of the three branches of government?Checks and BalancesSeparation of PowersPractice Questions.Read the following newspaper headlines.“President Roosevelt Proposes Wide Range of New Deal Programs”“Supreme Court Orders President Nixon to Release Watergate Tapes”Congress Calls Cabinet Member to Testify”3. Which concept is best illustrated by the above newspaper headlinesfederalismstates’ rightsthe elastic clauseseparation of powers4. Based on the Constitution, what is the difference between concurrent and reserved powers?Reserved powers are exclusively given to the federal governmentConcurrent powers only go into effect during wartimeConcurrent powers only apply to the executive branchReserved powers are exclusively given to state governmentsCongressTopics to know:Explain the process of impeachment.Proportional vs. equal representationPractice questions5. According to the Constitution the main purpose of Congress is to do which of the following?make lawsdetermine whether laws are constitutionalcarry out lawsveto laws proposed by the PresidentPresident and BureaucracyTopics to know:What is the Executive Office of the President and what role does it play?Identify and explain the many “Hats” of the President (Duties).How does presidential succession work?What is the Electoral College? How does it work?Practice Questions6. Based on the Constitution how are presidential elections different for members of Congress?Presidential elections only take place in even-numbered yearsPresidential elections use an electoral votePresidential elections consider absentee ballots before deciding the outcomePresidential elections use a popular voteRead the quote below.“I am the Vice President, in this I am nothing, but I may be everything.” –John Adams7. The quote from John Adams describesthe order of presidential successionthe role of the Vice President as presiding officer of the Senatethe custom of nominating the Vice President to the Supreme Courtthe role of the Vice President as Commander in Chief during war time. ................

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