Name ________________________ Block _______ Date

Name ________________________ Block _______ Date __________

Due Date _____________

Chapters 6 & 7

Amendments to the Constitution Project


1. Choose any one of the 27 amendments to US Constitution that you recently learned about in class. Then choose any one of the project ideas listed below to answer an inquiry question and demonstrate your knowledge of the topic you have chosen.

2. Create a written proposal (see the sample on the back of this page) for the project idea you would like to create. The proposal must include the following:

o Must be word-processed

o Include your name(s), an inquiry question (what you want to find answers to), a plan or sketch, a timeline with benchmarks and the materials and resources needed for completion.

o Approved by me before you begin your project.

3. Be sure to include the following details in your project. Name the amendment, provide examples and explain the history surrounding the amendment, determine if the amendment was a good idea or not and predict what US history would have been like without it. Finally, identify connections that you have to the amendment.

Project Ideas:

• Interview with someone who had a direct connection to an amendment (minimum 8 questions)

• Brochure (minimum 4 panels)

• Essay (minimum 300 words)

• Picture book (minimum 6 pages)

• Power point presentation (minimum 6 slides)

• Podcast or audio recording (minimum 3 minutes)

• Editorial cartoon (minimum 4 panels)

• Board game

• Smart phone app


• You create a new suggestion

Follow these steps when writing a proposal (copy and paste the sample below):

1. State your purpose.  Do this clearly and concisely so that the reader knows immediately why you are writing the proposal.

2. Give some background information about why you are proposing your suggestion so that the reader has a better understanding of what you want to do.

3. Describe your plan for the project; this is where you give specifics about your plan.

4. List the materials and resources you will need.

5. Conclude by restating your project and explaining why it seems like a good idea. 

To: (Teacher’s name)

From: (Student(s) name)

Date: (Today’s date)

Subject: A proposal to Amendments to the Constitution project.

I write this letter to propose (your idea) as a project idea for the Amendment Project. I propose the idea of creating (project idea) because (state reasons why it’s a good idea). My plan for completing this project includes (include everything in your plan). The inquiry question I hope to answer is (state the question). The materials and sources I plan on using for my project include (list your needed materials and resources). In conclusion, I think this project will be a good idea because (briefly restate why it’s a good idea).

Scoring Rubric

| |Quality |Standard |Acceptable |Not |

| |5 |4 |3 |Acceptable |

|On time |On time |1 day late |2 days late |– 1 each day late |

|Proposal |Each piece of project |Each piece of project |Provides some pieces of |Did not complete |

| |detailed |provided |project | |

|Neatness |Very neat |Neat |Not messy |Too messy |

|Indentify & Explain |Identifies amendment |Identifies & names |Names amendment and |Nonexistent |

|Amendment |exactly; demonstrates clear|amendment; demonstrates |provides title | |

| |knowledge of amendment |basic knowledge of | | |

| | |amendment | | |

|Examples |Provides several relevant |At least 2 examples |1 example provided |Provides no examples |

| |examples |provided | | |

|Historical |Clear & logical explanation|Logical explanation |Somewhat logical; sometimes|Nonexistent |

|Explanation | | |hard to understand | |

|Good or Bad Idea |Explanation is precise |Explanation is clearly |Explanation is noted |No determination of good or|

| | |stated | |bad idea |

|Predictions |Clear & logical explanation|Logical explanation |Somewhat logical; sometimes|Nonexistent |

| | | |hard to understand | |

|Connections |Clear & logical explanation|Logical explanation |Somewhat logical; sometimes|Nonexistent |

| | | |hard to understand | |

|Creativity |Clever & original; deep, |Interesting & appealing |Some appeal; shows some |Non existent |

| |full, & clear thinking; | |effort | |

| |takes successful risks | | | |

|Total | | | | |





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