Explanatory prompts K-5 - Highlands Elementary School

Kindergarten/First Grade Explanatory Writing Topics

1. What does it mean to hibernate? Explain how mammals hibernate.

2. What does it mean to have shelter? Describe the various types of shelter one can have.

3. What are some ways to be helpful? Why should we be helpful? 4. What would you wish for if you had three wishes? 5. The Life Cycle of a Frog

Videos: mid=A56FF165DCEFE6FBB0ABA56FF165DCEFE6FBB0AB&rvsmid=94FE25CD7E86E017 866B94FE25CD7E86E017866B&FORM=VDMCNR


6. The Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Videos: =detail&mid=20BA65CF383CBC02078D20BA65CF383CBC02078D&FORM=VIRE

7. Explain how kids can be nice to each other. Video: All about Kindness

Book: Kindness is Cooler Mrs. Ruler by Margery Cuyler

8. Explain why it is important to eat healthy.

Video: Eat your Rainbow

Book: Why Should I Eat Well? By Claire Llewellyn

9. There are many different community helpers that work to keep our community safe and functional. Choose one community helper that interests you and write to explain what they do. What is their job? How do they help the community?

Books: Miss Bindergarten Takes a Field Trip Career Day by Anne Rockwell Youtube Videos: Community Helpers - Community Helpers Play and Learn

Community Helpers Play & Learn | Top Best Educational Apps for Kids Community Helpers Play & Learn is available for: iPad, iPhone More Information App Download (iTunes): App Downl...

2nd Grade Explanatory Topics 10. Why people should be kind to animals 11. Explain ways kids can stay save on the internet. 12. Talk about how you can make your diet healthier 13. My Ideal Home

Most people can imagine a dream home. What would yours be? Big or small? In the country or in the city? How many floors? Would it be underground or up in a tree? As a young person, write an essay describing your dream home to a parent or guardian.

Classic Sesame Street Video ? Homes around the World

Different Types of Homes around the World by HomeAdvisor


Around the world, people live in many different types of houses. Some houses are very large, some are made with expensive materials, some are very simple, and others are extremely old. All of them have one thing in common: they keep people comfortable, whatever the weather outside. Depending on where you live, a particular type of house may be most appropriate. If you live in the city, you won't live in a log cabin, and if you live in the arctic tundra, you can't live in a tepee. Learn about some of the most unusual houses in the world to get an idea how other children live.


Igloos are dome-shaped houses made of ice. In places where the weather is below freezing for most of the year, an igloo is an ideal type of house. To build an igloo, you first cut blocks of ice in particular shapes. Then you can stack them, much like bricks, to create a dome.


A tepee is a type of conical tent. Traditionally, tepees were used by certain Native American tribes. Tepees are made of light materials, so they are easy to transport and ideal for nomadic groups.


The wigwam is a type of domed house that was used by Native American and Canadian First Nations tribes for many years. They are usually made out of brush, bark, grass, rushes, hides, or cloth.


There are many types of longhouses from around the world. In general, all of them are much longer than they are wide. In North America, they are traditionally made of wood, but in some

other places, longhouses are made of logs, reed poles, or thatch. Longhouses exist in America, Europe, Asia, and Oceania.


A chickee or chickee hut is a type of house that the Native American tribes in the southeastern United States traditionally lived in. Chickees are mostly open, with simple poles and a thatched roof. In Florida, where most chickee houses can be found, there is often rain but very seldom very cold temperatures.

Log cabin

A log cabin is a very basic type of wooden house. Instead of sawing or milling lumber into planks, someone building a log cabin simply uses whole logs. By flattening the sides of these logs, it is possible to stack them up and create a closed structure.

Stilt house

A stilt house is any type of home that is raised off of the ground with strong poles, also known as stilts. Stilt homes are very useful in places where it rains frequently and may be flooded. Even if the ground becomes soaked with water, the house stays dry!

Adobe home

An adobe home is made of clay and usually built in places where the soil consists of a lot of clay. For example, in the southwestern United States, it is common for native tribes to build their houses out of adobe. The roofs of adobe houses are often flat because it rarely rains in these regions.

Mud house

A mud house is a little bit like an adobe home; it is made of mud. However, mud houses may be built in places with more rain than where you find traditional adobe houses. They usually have sloped roofs made of thatch.


If you live in a watery place, you might wish to live in a houseboat. Houseboats are simply boats that are designed for comfortable living, with a kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms, and an area to eat and relax.


In the past, the richest people in Europe lived in enormous houses called castles. Today, most castles have been converted into museums so everyone can see how kings and queens used to live.


A lighthouse is a very helpful type of house because it has two purposes. It is a place for someone to live, but it is also important for sea captains because it features a large light that indicates where the coastline begins.

Mobile home

A mobile home is a type of house that is built on wheels. If you have a mobile home, you may "park" it in one place or you may choose to drive it around.

Cave house

A cave house is a very basic type of home where early people lived. Today, very few people live in caves, though there are some exceptions in southern Spain, for example.


A penthouse is a type of home that is high at the top of a skyscraper. These apartments are usually found in big cities, where you can see interesting views from the windows.

3rd Grade Explanatory Writing Topics 14.Every day, Americans throw away approximately 40% of their food,

which has a direct impact upon our climate. Explain food waste and how we can reduce it.


Newsela | U.S. throws away half of all food produce. Good food gone to waste

15.How can kids help after a natural disaster

4th Grade Explanatory Topics Water Conservation

16.What can you do to save water?

The short video can be found on YouTube: Water conservation tips-How to conserve water at home . The video is recommended, but is optional.

Save Our Water!

Did you know that kids can make a very important difference in saving the earth's water? They can! But first off, why do we even need to save water?

Water is a natural resource that we get from the Earth. Without it, we would not be able to live! Imagine a world with no water at all. You wouldn't be able to drink it, bathe, or swim! Without clean water, plants, animals, birds and ocean life would also be unable to live. Kids can help protect this resource. You make a huge difference simply by starting at home. To get an idea of how much water we could save if we all made a small effort, think about this. What if every person across the nation flushed their toilets one time less every day? Together they could save enough water to fill a lake as large as a mile wide and long and four feet in depth!

Now you know how important it is to help save water. Try some of the ideas below. Start doing your part to change our world!

Some Ways Kids Can Help to Save Water:

When you wash your hands, don't leave the water running. Wet your hands and turn the water off. Use soap and lather your hands well. Then turn the water on to rinse. Turn off the water and make sure it is off completely. Then dry your hands.

Do the same when you brush your teeth. Turn the faucet on to get your toothbrush and toothpaste wet. Turn it on again to rinse your mouth and toothbrush. Don't leave the water running while you're brushing.

Baths use a lot of water (about 37 gallons on average). Take short showers, and use only about 20 gallons of water, instead.

Do you have plants in your house? When vegetables or other fresh produce are washed, collect that water and use it to water the plants.

Do you like a drink of cold water now and then? Keep a pitcher of water in the refrigerator. That way you don't have to run the water to get it cold.

Put a barrel outdoors to catch rain water. Then use that water for things like watering plants or flushing toilets. You can save hundreds of gallons of water a year!

In the summertime, it's fun to play under the lawn sprinkler. When you do, make sure it's only when the lawn is being watered.

Remind the others in your home, and your friends, not to leave any faucet running. Only use what is truly needed!

Is there a leaky faucet or toilet in the bathroom at school? Be sure to let someone know so that it can be repaired.

Even if you do just one thing each day to contribute to your home's water conservation, you're doing the right thing!

17. What Is an Eclipse?

An eclipse happens when light gets blocked by a moon or planet. For example, when the moon covers the sun, it will show as a large dark circle. There are two types of eclipses that people can see from Earth. The first is a lunar eclipse, or eclipse of the moon. The second is a solar eclipse, or eclipse of the sun. Lunar Eclipses

The moon orbits, or moves around, planet Earth. At the same time, Earth orbits the sun. Normally, sunlight hits the moon and reflects back. This reflected sunlight is what causes the moon to shine. Sometimes Earth moves between the sun and the moon. When this happens, Earth blocks the light from the sun. Instead of being hit by sunlight, the moon is covered by Earth's shadow. This is a lunar eclipse. A lunar eclipse can only be seen from Earth at night. Total And Partial Lunar Eclipses There are two types of lunar eclipses. One is the total lunar eclipse. The other is the partial lunar eclipse. A total lunar eclipse happens when the moon and the sun are lined up exactly on opposite sides of earth. Although the moon is in Earth's shadow, some sunlight still reaches the moon. The light first passes through Earth's atmosphere. This is the air around the planet. When light passes through it, the light becomes reddish. When the light hits the moon, it makes the moon appear red too.


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