Universal Design for Learning in HCPSS

After you have reviewed this lesson: , brainstorm with a colleague and discuss what you could do to enhance it through the use of technology. Using the Educator Checklist, and the Universal Design for Learning Guidelines, identify the current barriers to learning have been identified for Principle I and Principle II. Work with your partner to complete the table for Principle III.

|Lesson Plan |Barrier | UDL Principle |What could be done to improve/change |Which technology resources could be used to |How do these resources support UDL |

| | | |instruction? |enhance this lesson? | |

|Students will demonstrate |The sequence chart and |Principle II (Action and |Perhaps the use of a video or | an option to |

|knowledge of the process |activity may not represent|Expression) |interactive tool would show protein |dna/transcribe/ | |

|of protein synthesis |protein synthesis as a |How of Learning |synthesis as a continuous process. | |scaffold for practice and |

| |continuous process. | |Students could use online drop and |This site allows students to actively go |performance. |

| | | |drag activity to sequence the steps. |through the process of protein synthesis. | |

| | | | | |enhance capacity for monitoring |

| | | | | |progress. |

|Students will demonstrate | |Principle III (Engagement)| | | |

|knowledge of the process | |Why of Learning | | | |

|of protein synthesis | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |


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