Week 1 -- Schedule

|Module #1 -- Week 1 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pgs. 1- mid 5; |Pgs. mid 5-7; “Democritus” |Pgs. 8-11; Three Other |Pgs. 12-16; The Progress of| |

| |Introduction, The First |through end of section |Notable Greek Scientists |Science Stalls | |

| |Inklings, True Science | | | | |

| |through “exp[eriment” | | | | |

|Written Work |On Your Own (OYO) 1.2 p.3 |OYO 1.2, 1.3 p.7 |OYO 1.4, 1.5 p.11 |OYO 1.6 p.16 |Study Guide and Module |

| | | |Fig 1.4 CD | |Summary on work covered |

|Lab Experiments |Exp. 1.1 – Density in |Exp. 1.2 – Atomic Motion | |Exp. 1.3 – A Chemical | |

| |Nature | | |Reaction | |

|Notes |

|Reading has pages listed, then the section names (or partial names). If the reading stops mid-section then the reading has the last word to be read listed in |

|quotes. The next day’s beginning reading has the starting word listed in quotes. |

| |

|Exp. 1.1 – vegetable oil, water, maple or corn syrup, grape, piece of cork, ice cube, small rock, tall glass |

| |

|Exp. 1.2 – two glass canning jars (or similar), both same size, food coloring, pan, water (will be using stove) |

| |

|Exp. 1.3 – plastic, 2-liter bottle, 6-9 inch round balloon, clear vinegar, baking soda, funnel, few leaves of red cabbage*, pan, measuring cups, ice cubes (will be |

|using stove) |

| |

|* Buy a small head of red (purple) cabbage and cut into strips, take what you need for this experiment, then place the rest into a resealable bag and freeze, as you|

|will need it for experiments in modules 12 and 13. |

| |

|Vocabulary |

|Science (1) Papyrus (2) Spontaneous generation (9) |

|Week 2 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 6 |Day 7 |Day 8 |Day 9 |Day 10 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pgs. 16-21; Science begins,|Pgs 21-24; “Other” through |Pgs. 24-31; The | | |

| |The Renaissance, through |The Era of Newton |“Enlightenment”, The Rest, | | |

| |“foci” | |Modern Science, Summing it | | |

| | | |Up | | |

|Written Work |OYO 1.7 p.18 |OYO 1.8 p.23, 1.9 p.24 |OYO 1.10 p.29 |Finish Study Guide & Module|Test – Module 1, A Brief |

| | | | |Summary ?’s; study for test|History of Science |

|Lab Experiments |Exp. 1.4 – CD Mapping the | | | | |

| |Paths of Planets | | | | |

|Notes |

|Exp. 1.4 – pencil, paper, 4 thumbtacks, 8 inch piece of string, cardboard 8.5x 11 inches, tape. |

| |

|Module #2 -- Week 3 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 11 |Day 12 |Day 13 |Day 14 |Day 15 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pgs. 35-36; Introduction, |Pgs. 37-39; “Galileo” |Pgs. 40-42; The Scientific |Pgs. 42-44; finish section | |

| |What Science is Not through|though end of section |Method through Fig. 2.3 |on scientific method | |

| |“falls” | | | | |

|Written Work | |OYO 2.1 p.39; watch|Watch CD |OYO 2.3 - 2.6 p.44 |Study Guide and Module |

| | |CD Fig| | |Summary on work covered |

| | |2.1 CD Fig 2.2 CD | | | |

|Lab Experiments |Exp. 2.1 – How Does Weight | | |Exp. 2.3 – The Broken | |

| |Affect the Speed; Exp. 2.2| | |Flashlight | |

| |– Learning More About | | | | |

| |Weight and Speed | | | | |

|Notes |

|Exp. 2.1 – fairly heavy book, sheet of cardboard approximately same size as book, sheet of heavy paper, sheet of regular paper |

| |

|Exp. 2.2 – same as in 2.1, with the addition of a metal paper clip, small rock (weighing less than the cardboard) |

| |

|Exp. 2.3 – working flashlight, parent or helper (helper needs to see instructions in solutions and tests guide for this experiment) |

| |

|Vocabulary |

|Counter-Example (38) Hypothesis (40) Theory (40) |

|Scientific law (40) |

|Week 4 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 16 |Day 17 |Day 18 |Day 19 |Day 20 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pgs. 44-48; Failures of the|Pgs. 48-55; The Limitations| | | |

| |Scientific Method |of Science, Science and | | | |

| | |Christianity | | | |

| | |** | | | |

|Written Work |OYO 2.7, 2.8 p.48 |OYO 2.9, 2.10 p.55 |Finish Study Guide & Module|Finish Study Guide & Module|Test – Module 2, Scientific|

| |Fig 2.4 CD | |Summary ?’s |Summary ?’s; study for test|Inquiry |

| | | | | | |

|Notes |

|**It needs to be discussed that the author of this book is a “Young Earther” – following the belief that the bible is historically accurate and that a day in the |

|bible = a day on earth. This makes the earth relatively young, as opposed to being millions of years old such as an “Old Earther” would believe. This will come |

|out throughout his books. |

|Module #3 -- Week 5 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 21 |Day 22 | Day 23 |Day 24 |Day 25 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pgs. 59-63; Introduction, |Pgs. 64-66; Using a Series |Pg. 66-67; through “water” |Pgs. 67-70; “You” through | |

| |Experiments and Variables |of Experiments through | |end of section | |

| | |“motion” | | | |

|Written Work |OYO 3.1 - 3.3 p.64 | | |OYO 3.4; 3.5 p.70 |Study Guide and Module |

| |Fig. 3.1 CD Fig 3.2 | | |Fig 3.3 CD |Summary on work covered |

| |CD | | | | |

|Lab Experiments |Exp. 3.1 – A Floating Egg |Exp. 3.2 – Which “Boat” |Exp. 3.3 – What Does Soap |Exp. 3.4 – What Does Soap | |

| | |Will Move? |Do To Water, Part 1 |Do To Water, Part 2 | |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Exp. 3.1 – tall glass, measuring cups, water, egg, teaspoon, spoon for stirring, salt |

| |

|Exp. 3.2 – 4 sheets of thick cardboard (like cardboard box), scissors, sheet of facial tissue (not treated with lotion), chunk of bar soap, stick of chewing gum, |

|bathtub |

| |

|Exp. 3.3 – fairly large bowl, water, ground black pepper, tweezers, sheet of facial tissue (not treated with lotion), chunk of bar soap, stick of chewing gum |

| |

|Exp. 3.4 – bowl, water, needle, thread, tape, tweezers, sheet of facial tissue (not treated with lotion), chunk of bar soap, stick of chewing gum, helper |

| |

|Vocabulary |

|Experimental variable (59) Control (of an experiment) (65) |

|Week 6 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 26 |Day 27 |Day 28 |Day 29 |Day 30 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pgs. 70-73; Recognizing |Pgs. 74-76; Interpreting | | | |

| |Experimental Variables |the Results of Experiments | | | |

|Written Work |OYO 3.6, 3.7 p.73 |OYO 3.8 - 3.10 p.77 | Finish Study Guide & |Finish Study Guide & Module|Test – Module 3, How to |

| | |Fig 3.5 CD |Module Summary ?’s |Summary ?’s; study for test|Analyze and Interpret |

| | | | | |Experiments |

|Notes |

|Vocabulary |

|Blind studies (71) Double-blind studies (72) |

| |

|Module #4 -- Week 7 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 31 |Day 32 |Day 33 |Day 34 |Day 35 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pgs. 83-86; Introduction, |Pgs. 86-89; Simple |Pgs. 89-92; “As” through |Pgs. 93-95; The Wheel and | |

| |The Distinction Between |Machines, The Lever through|the rest of the section |Axle | |

| | |“lifted” | | | |

|Written Work |OYO 4.1, 4.2 p.86-87 | |OYO 4.3-4.5 p.92 |OYO 4.6 p.95 Fig 4.2 |Study Guide and Module |

| | | |Fig 4.1 CD |CD |Summary on work covered |

|Lab Experiments | |Exp 4.1 – The Lever | | | |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Exp. 4.1 – wooden pencil, wooden ruler, at least 5 quarters |

| |

|Vocabulary |

|Simple machine (87) Force (87) Mechanical advantage (89) |

|Diameter (93) |

| |

|Mechanical advantage of lever = (distance from fulcrum to effort) ((distance from fulcrum to resistance) |

| |

|Mechanical advantage of wheel = (diameter of wheel) ( (diameter of axle) |

|Week 8 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 36 |Day 37 |Day 38 |Day 39 |Day 40 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pgs. 95-99; The Pulley |Pgs. 99-102; The Incline |Pgs. 101-104; The Screw | | |

| | |Plane, The Wedge | | | |

|Written Work |OYO 4.7 p.99 Fig. 4.8 CD|OYO 4.8 p.100, 4.9 p.101 |OYO 4.10 p.104 Example 4.3 |Finish Study Guide & Module|Test – Module 4, Science, |

| | |Fig. 4.11 CD |CD |Summary ?’s; study for test|Applied Science, and |

| | | | | |Technology |

|Lab Experiments |Exp 4.2 – A Simulation of a| | | | |

| |Series of Pulleys | | | | |

|Notes |

|Exp 4.2 – two brooms or mops, several feet of rope (nylon works best), 2 strong helpers |

| |

|Vocabulary |

|Circumference (102) |

| |

|Mechanical advantage of inclined plane = (length of the slope) ( (height) |

| |

|Mechanical advantage of wedge = (length of the slope) ( (height) |

| |

|Mechanical advantage of screw = (circumference) ( (pitch) |

|Module #5 -- Week 9 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 1 41 |Day 2 42 |Day 3 43 |Day 4 44 |Day 5 45 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pgs. 109-114; Introduction,|Pgs. 114-117; The Internal |Pgs. 118-121; The External |Pgs. 122-123; The | |

| |How Do We, Archaeology and |Test |Test |Bibliographic Test | |

| |History | | | | |

|Written Work |OYO 5.1, 5.2 p.114 |OYO 5.3 p.117 |OYO 5.4 p.121 |OYO 5.5 p.123 |Study Guide and Module |

| |watch CD Fig 5.2 | | | |Summary on work covered |

| |CD | | | | |

|Notes |

|Vocabulary |

|Life science (109) Archaeology (109) Artifacts (109) |

|Geology (110) Paleontology (110) Aristotle’s dictum (111) |

|Week 10 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 46 |Day 47 |Day 48 |Day 49 |Day 50 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pgs. 124-128; Archaeology |Pgs. 128-130; Relative |Pgs. 130-132; What Do We | | |

| |in the Absence of |Dating and the Principle of|Know About Human History | | |

| |Historical Documents |Superposition | | | |

|Written Work |OYO 5.6, 5.7 p.127 |OYO 5.8, 5.9 p.130; draw |OYO 5.10 p.131 |Finish Study Guide & Module|Test – Module 5, The |

| | |and label figure 5.10 p.129| |Summary ?’s; study for test|History of Life: |

| | |Fig. 5.10 CD | | |Archaeology, Geology, and |

| | | | | |Paleontology |

|Notes |

|Vocabulary |

|Known age (124) Dendrochronology (125) Radiometric dating (127) |

|Absolute age (127) Principle of Superposition (128) |

|Module #6 -- Week 11 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 51 |Day 52 |Day 53 |Day 54 |Day 55 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pgs. 135-136; Introduction |Pgs. 137-139; Soil, Rock, |Pgs. 139-142; “What” |Pgs. 142-145; “What” | |

| | |and Minerals through end of|through exp. 6.2 in Strata |through exp. 6.3 in | |

| | |experiment |in Sedimentary Rock |Weathering of Rock | |

|Written Work |OYO 6.1 p.136 | |OYO 6.2, 6.3 p.140 |OYO 6.4 p.143 |Study Guide and Module |

| | | |Fig 6.3 CD Fig 6.4 | |Summary on work covered |

| | | |CD | | |

|Lab Experiments | |Exp. 6.1 – The Difference |Observe exp. 6.1; Exp. 6.2 |Observe exp. 6.2; Exp. 6.3 |Observe exp. 6.3 |

| | |Between Rocks and Minerals |– Separation of |– Physical Weathering (This| |

| | |(This is a two-day |Sedimentation (This is a |is a multi-day exp.) | |

| | |experiment.) |two-day experiment.) | | |

|Notes |

|Exp. 6.1 – 4 oz. Alum, 2 small glasses, spoon for stirring, thread, 2 weights (washers, sinkers), large plate, small rocks, sheet of dark paper, magnifying glass, |

|(optional: sugar, food coloring). |

| |

|Exp. 6.2 – large glass jar with lid, dirt from yard, sand, gravel, water. |

| |

|Exp. 6.3 – plaster of paris, medium or large margarine tub, few lima beans, water, paper towels |

| |

|Vocabulary |

|Catastrophism (136) Uniformitarianism (136) Humus (137) |

|Mineral (137) Weathering (146) |

|Week 12 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 56 |Day 57 |Day 58 |Day 59 |Day 60 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pgs. 145-149; Exp. 6.4 |Pgs. 147-152; Erosion |Pgs. 152-156; Bringing It | | |

| |through end of section | |All Together | | |

|Written Work |OYO 6.5, 6.6 p.147 |OYO 6.7, 6.8 p.152 |OYO 6.9, 6.10 p.155; draw |Finish Study Guide & Module|Test – Module 6, |

| |Fig 6.6 CD | |and label figure 6.9 p.152 |Summary ?’s; study for test|Foundations of Geology |

| | | | | | |

|Lab Experiments |Observe exp. 6.3; Exp 6.4 –|Observe exp. 6.4; |Observe exp. 6.4 | | |

| |Chemical Weathering (This |Exp. 6.5 – CD Erosion | | | |

| |is a multi-day exp.) | | | | |

|Notes |

|Exp. 6.4 – vinegar, large glass, limestone rock, steel wool, small bowl |

| |

|Exp. 6.5 – shoebox, shovel, scissors, spot you can dig up, water hose and water, large rock |

| |

|Vocabulary |

|Erosion (147) Unconformity (153) |

|Module #7 -- Week 13 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 61 |Day 62 |Day 63 |Day 64 |Day 65 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pgs. 159-162; Introduction,|Pgs. 162-166; The Making of|Pgs. 166-168; Making of |Pgs. 168-171; Three General| |

| |The Making of Fossils |Fossils parts 2 & 3 |Fossils, part 4 |Features of the Fossil | |

| | | | |Record | |

|Written Work |OYO 7.1 p.162 Fig 7.1 CD |OYO 7.2 p.164, 7.3 p.166 |OYO 7.4 p.168 |OYO 7.5 p.171 |Study Guide and Module |

| | |Fig 7.2 CD | | |Summary on work covered |

|Lab Experiments |Exp. 7.1 – Making a Fossil |Exp. 7.2 – Minerals in |Exp 7.3 – A Model of the | | |

| |Cast |Water & Evaporation |Carbonization Process | | |

|Notes |

|Exp. 7.1 – modeling clay, plaster of paris, paper plate, shell or something with distinct design, petroleum jelly |

| |

|Exp. 7.2 – plastic margarine tub, water, rock, freezer |

| |

|Vocabulary |

|Fossil (159) Petrifaction (162) Resin (167) Extinct (170) |

|Week 14 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 66 |Day 67 |Day 68 |Day 69 |Day 70 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pgs. 172-174; The Fourth |Pgs. 174-177; Geology and |Pgs. 177-181; Geology and | | |

| |General Feature of the |Paleontology from the |Paleontology, Which View is| | |

| |Fossil Record |Uniformitarian |Correct | | |

|Written Work |OYO 7.6 p.174 |OYO 7.7 p.177 |OYO 7.8 p.180, 7.9-10 p181 |Finish Study Guide & Module|Test – Module 7, The Fossil|

| | | | |Summary ?’s; study for test|Record |

| | | | | | |

|Notes |

| |

|Module #8 -- Week 15 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 71 |Day 72 |Day 73 |Day 74 |Day 75 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pgs. 185-191; Introduction,|Pgs. 191-194; |Pgs. 194-198; Catastrophism|Pgs. 199-203; | |

| |Uniformitarianism and the |Uniformitarianism and |and the Geological Record |Catastrophism and the | |

| |Geological Record |Evolution | |Fossil Record | |

| | | | |** | |

|Written Work |OYO 8.1 – 8.3 p.191 |OYO 8.4, 8.5 p.194 |OYO 8.6, 8.7 p.198 |OYO 8.8 p.203 |Study Guide and Module |

| |Fig. 8.1 CD | | | |Summary on work covered |

|Lab Experiments |Exp. 8.1 – A Simulation of | | | | |

| |Using Index Fossils | | | | |

|Notes |

|Exp. 8.1 – 18 index cards, helper |

| |

|Vocabulary |

|Index fossils (184) Geological column (190) The Theory of Evolution (191) |

| |

|** Discuss these view points with your child. |

|Week 16 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 76 |Day 77 |Day 78 |Day 79 |Day 80 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pgs. 203-207; |Pgs. 208-211; Evolution: | | | |

| |Uniformitarianism or |Another Weakness of | | | |

| |Catatropism: Which is |Uniformitarianism | | | |

| |Better | | | | |

|Written Work |OYO 8.9 p.207 Fig. 8.10 CD|OYO 8.10 p.211 |Finish Study Guide & Module|Study for test |Test – Module 8, |

| | | |Summary ?’s; study for test| |Uniformitarianism and |

| | | | | |Catastophism |

| | | | | | |

|Notes |

| |

| |

|Module #9 -- Week 17 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 81 |Day 82 |Day 83 |Day 84 |Day 85 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pgs. 215-218; Introduction,|Pgs. 218-223; The Structure|Pgs. 223-225; Energy and |Pgs. 225-226; Energy and | |

| |DNA and Life |of DNA |Life |Life (cont.) | |

|Written Work |OYO 9.1, 9.2 p.218 |OYO 9.3, 9.4 p.223 | |OYO 9.5, 9.6 p.226 |Study Guide and Module |

| |Fig 9.1 CD |Fig 9.2 CD | |CD on metabolism |Summary on work covered |

|Lab Experiments | |Exp. 9.1 – Building a Model|Exp. 9.2 – Finding Food in |Exp. 9.3 – A Simple | |

| | |of DNA |Plants |Biosphere | |

|Notes |

|Exp. 9.1 – long pipe cleaners, four different colors of beads (that can be threaded onto pipe cleaners), scissors able to cut pipe cleaners |

| |

|Exp. 9.2 – one slice of raw potato, pale green leaf, rubbing alcohol, iodine, one jar with a lid, two shallow dishes, tweezers |

| |

|Exp. 9.3 – large jar with lid, small potted plant that can fit into jar, water, sunny area of house, piece of masking tape or marker |

| |

|Vocabulary |

|Atom (216) Molecule (217) Photosynthesis (224) |

|Metabolism (226) |

|Week 18 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 86 |Day 87 |Day 88 |Day 89 |Day 90 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pgs. 227-229; Sensing and |Pgs. 229-234; Reproduction |Pgs. 234-236; The Cell – | | |

| |Responding to Change |and Life |Life’s Smallest Unit | | |

|Written Work |OYO 9.7 p.229 |OYO 9.8 p.234 |OYO 9.9, 9.10 p.236; draw |Finish Study Guide & Module|Test – Module 9, What is |

| | |Fig 9.4 CD |and label figure 9.5 p.234 |Summary ?’s; study for test|Life? |

| | | | | | |

|Lab Experiments |Exp. 9.4 – CD Sensing and |Exp. 9.5 – Fruit Fly | | | |

| |Responding to Change |Reproduction *needs | | | |

| |*needs earthworms* |presence of fruit flies* | | | |

|Notes |

|Exp. 9.4 – few earthworms, container to hold worms with plenty of dirt, dirt, water, bright light |

| |

|Exp. 9.5 – large jar, nylon stocking, rubber band, banana |

| |

|Vocabulary |

|Receptors (227) Precocial (233) Altricial (233) Cell (234) |

|Module #10 -- Week 19 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 91 |Day 92 |Day 93 |Day 94 |Day 95 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pg. 241; Initial Experiment|Pgs. 241-245; Introduction,|Pgs. 245-249; Kingdom |Pgs. 250-252; Kingdom | |

| |Setup |The Five Kingdom System |Monera |Protista | |

|Written Work | |OYO 10.1-10.3 p.245; draw |OYO 10.4 p. 249 |OYO 10.5 p. 252 |Study Guide and Module |

| | |and label figure 10.2 p.244|Fig 10.3 CD |Fig 10.4 CD Fig 10.5|Summary on work covered |

| | | | |CD | |

|Lab Experiments |Exp. 10.1 – Factors that | |Exp. 10.1 – Factors that | | |

| |Affect Bacterial Growth, | |Affect Bacterial Growth, | | |

| |Part 1 | |Part 2 | | |

|Notes |

|Exp. 10.1 part 1 – one chicken bouillon cube, table salt, white vinegar, 4 small glasses, one large glass, one measuring cup, one teaspoon, masking tape, marker or |

|pen |

| |

|Exp. 10.2 – part 2 – the four glasses from beginning experiment, white paper, brightly-colored marker or crayon |

| |

|Vocabulary |

|Prokaryotic cell (244) Eukaryotic cell (244) Pathogen (248) |

|Week 20 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 96 |Day 97 |Day 98 |Day 99 |Day 100 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pgs. 252-256; Kingdom Fungi|Pgs. 256-260; Kingdom |Pgs. 260–261; Kingdom | | |

| | |Plantae |Animalia | | |

|Written Work |OYO 10.6, 10.7 p. 256; draw|OYO 10.8, 10.9 p. 260; draw|OYO 10.10 p.261 |Finish Study Guide & Module|Test – Module 10, |

| |and label fig. 10.6 p. 254 |and label fig. 10.8 p. 258 |CD-video |Summary ?’s; study for test|Classifying Life |

| |Fig 10.6 CD |CD-video | | | |

|Lab Experiments |Exp. 10.2 – Yeast is a |Exp. 10.3 – Vegetative |Observe experiments 10.3, |Observe experiment 10.3 | |

| |Decomposer |Reproduction; Exp. 10.4 – |10.4 | | |

| | |Turgor Pressure (these are | | | |

| | |multi-day experiments) | | | |

|Notes |

|Exp. 10.2 – baker’s active yeast, banana, two zippered plastic bags, butter knife, teaspoon, marker or masking tape. |

| |

|Exp. 10.3 – houseplant (ivy works best), glass, scissors, water. This is a multi-day experiment. |

| |

|Exp. 10.4 – stalk of wilted celery with leaves, glass, water, reasonably sharp knife, blue food coloring. This is a two-day experiment. |

| |

|Vocabulary |

|Decomposers (253) Vegetative reproduction (257) |

|Module #11 -- Week 21 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 101 |Day 102 |Day 103 |Day 104 |Day 105 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pgs. 265-266; Introduction,|Pgs. 267-271; Bones of the |Pgs. 271-273; Skeletons in |Pgs. 273-279; Skeletal | |

| |The Superstructure of the |Human Skeleton |Other Organisms |Muscles | |

| |Human Body | | | | |

|Written Work |OYO 11.1 p.266 |OYO 11.2, 11.3 p.271; draw |OYO 11.4 p273 Fig 11.3 CD |OYO 11.5, 11.6 p.279; draw |Study Guide and Module |

| | |& label fig. 11.1 p.268, | |and label fig. 11.4 p.274 |Summary on work covered |

| | |11.2 p.270 Fig | |Fig 11.5 CD | |

| | |11.2 CD | | | |

|Lab Experiments |Exp. 11.1 – Minerals in |Exp. 11.1 – Minerals in |Observe exp. 11.1 |Observe exp. 11.1 |Observe exp. 11.1 |

| |Bone -steps 1-2 |Bone - steps 3 on | | | |

|Notes |

|Exp. 11.1 – uncooked chicken bone, jar with lid, vinegar |

| |

|Worksheet 11.2 (W.S. 11.2) ties in with figure 11.2 page 272. |

| |

|Vocabulary |

|Axial skeleton (271) Appendicular skeleton (271) Exoskeleton (272) |

|Week 22 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 106 |Day 107 |Day 108 |Day 109 |Day 110 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pgs. 279-282; Smooth |Pgs. 282-287; Skin |Pgs. 287-288; Skin in Other| | |

| |Muscle, Muscles and | |Organisms, Summary | | |

| |Movement | | | | |

|Written Work |OYO 11.7 p.284 |OYO 11.8-11.10 p.287; draw | |Finish Study Guide & Module|Test – Module 11, The Human|

| | |& label fig. 11.8 p.283 | |Summary ?’s; study for test|Body: Fearfully and |

| | |CD-video | | |Wonderfully Made |

|Lab Experiments |Observe exp. 11.1; Exp. |Observe exp. 11.1; Exp. | |Observe exp. 11.3; do B in | |

| |11.2 – Phototropism and |11.3 – Skin Color – | |Exp. 11.2 | |

| |Gravotropism in Plants – |(two-day exp.) | | | |

| |(multi-day exp.) | | | | |

|Notes |

|Exp. 11.2 – two houseplants, few books, sunny window |

| |

|Exp. 11.3 – plastic bandage |

| |

|Vocabulary |

|Symbiosis (285) |

|Module #12 -- Week 23 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 111 |Day 112 |Day 113 |Day 114 |Day 115 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pgs. 293-296; Introduction,|Pgs. 296-398; How do |Pgs. 298-301; “Combustion” |Pgs. 302-306; What Actually| |

| |Life’s Energy Cycle |Organisms through “point” |through end of section |Gets Burned for Energy | |

|Written Work |OYO 12.1, 12.2 p.295 | |OYO 12.3-12.5 p.301 |OYO 12.6, 12.7 p.306 |Study Guide and Module |

| |Fig 12.2 CD | | | |Summary on work covered |

| |CD-video | | | | |

|Lab Experiments |Do C in Exp. 11.2 |Exp. 12.1 – What Combustion|Exp. 12.2 – What Combustion| Observe Exp. 11.2 | |

| | |Needs *working with flame* |Makes | | |

|Notes |

|Exp. 12.1 – tealight candle, glass to cover candle, deep bowl, vinegar, baking soda, matches |

| |

|Exp. 12.2 – mirror, paper towel, red cabbage, distilled water, two drinking straws, saucepan, three small glasses, measuring cups, 2 liter plastic bottle, balloon, |

|small spoon, vinegar, baking soda (will be working on stove) |

| |

|Vocabulary |

|Producers (293) Consumers (294) Herbivore (295) |

|Carnivore (295) Omnivore (295) |

|Week 24 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 116 |Day 117 |Day 118 |Day 119 |Day 120 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pgs. 306-308; Energy Use in|Pgs. 308-310; Calories and |Pgs. 310-314; Metabolic | | |

| |the Body |Food |Rates, How Combustions | | |

| | | |Works in Living Organisms | | |

|Written Work |OYO 12.8 p.308 |OYO 12.9 p.310 |OYO 12.10 p.314 |Finish Study Guide & Module|Test – Module 12, Energy |

| | | | |Summary ?’s; study for test|and Life |

| | | | | | |

|Lab Experiments |Exp. 12.3 – Body | | | | |

| |Temperature | | | | |

|Notes |

|Exp. 12.3 – oral thermometer |

| |

|Vocabulary |

|Basal metabolic rate (309) |

|Module #13 -- Week 25 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 121 |Day 122 |Day 123 |Day 124 |Day 125 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pgs. 319-320; Introduction,|Pgs. 320-323; The Human |Pgs. 323-326; The Mouth, |Pgs. 326-332; The Stomach | |

| |The Process of Digestion |Digestive System |Pharynx, and Esophagus |and Small Intestines | |

|Written Work |OYO 13.1 p.320 |OYO13.2, 13.3 p.323; draw |OYO 13.4, 13.5 p.326; draw |Fig 13.4 CD |Study Guide and Module |

| | |& label fig. 13.1 p.321 |& label fig. 13.2 p.323 | |Summary on work covered |

| | | |Fig 13.3 CD | | |

|Lab Experiments |Exp. 13.1 – Seeing a Part | | |Exp. 13.2 – Stomach Acid | |

| |of the Digestive Process | | |and Antacids *will be using| |

| | | | |chemicals* | |

|Notes |

|Exp. 13.1 – saltine cracker, tablespoon, iodine, two small glasses |

| |

|Exp. 13.2 – white TUMS antacid tablets, toilet bowl cleaner (see actual experiment for specifics), red cabbage, small glass, teaspoon, spoon for stirring, saucepan,|

|measuring cup, distilled water (will use stove). |

| |

|Vocabulary |

|Digestion (319) |

|Week 26 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 126 |Day 127 |Day 128 |Day 129 |Day 130 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading | |Pgs. 332-336; No, Its Not |Pgs. 337-339; The | | |

| | |Useless!, The Liver, |Micronutrients | | |

| | |Pancreas, and Gall Bladder | | | |

|Written Work |OYO 13.6, 13.7 p.332; Draw |OYO 13.8, 13.9 p.336 |OYO 13.10 p.339; draw and |Finish Study Guide & Module|Test – Module 13, The Human|

| |& label fig. 13.4 p.326, | |label fig. 13.7 p.334 |Summary ?’s; study for test|Digestive System |

| |13.5 p.330 | | | | |

|Lab Experiments | |Exp. 13.3 – The Effect of | | | |

| | |Sodium Bicarbonate on | | | |

| | |Stomach Acid *will be using| | | |

| | |chemicals* | | | |

|Notes |

|Exp. 13.3 – baking soda, toilet bowl cleaner, red cabbage, a small glass, teaspoon, spoon for stirring, saucepan, measuring cup, distilled water (will be using |

|stove). |

| |

|Vocabulary |

|Vitamin (337) |

|Module #14 -- Week 27 – Schedule |

|Date: |Day 131 |Day 132 |Day 133 |Day 134 |Day 135 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pgs. 343-347; Introduction,|Pgs. 347-349; The Heart and|Pgs. 349-351; “The” through|Pgs. 352-355; The | |

| |The Human Circulatory |Blood Flow through “lungs” |the rest of the section |components of Blood | |

| |System | | | | |

|Written Work |OYO 14.1, 14.2 p.347 |Draw and label figures 14.3|OYO 14.3, 14.4 p.351 |OYO 14.5, 14.6 p.355 |Study Guide and Module |

| |Fig 12.1 CD |p.347, 14.4 p.348 Fig | | |Summary on work covered |

| | |14.3, 14.4 CD | | | |

|Lab Experiments | | |Exp. 14.1 – Your Own | | |

| | | |Cardiac Cycle | | |

|Notes |

|Exp. 14.1 – stopwatch, space to move |

| |

|Vocabulary |

|Veins (343) Arteries (343) Capillaries (343) |

|Week 28 – Schedule |

|Date: |Day 136 |Day 137 |Day 138 |Day 139 |Day 140 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pgs. 355-358; Lungs and |Pgs. 358-361; The |Pgs. 361-365; Circulation | | |

| |Blood Oxygenation |Respiratory System |and Respiration Throughout | | |

| | | |Creation | | |

|Written Work |OYO14.7, 14.8 p.358; draw |OYO14.9 p.361; draw and |OYO14.2 p.363 |Finish Study Guide & Module|Test – Module 14, The Human|

| |and label fig. 14.7 p.355 |label figure 14.8 p.358 | |Summary ?’s; study for test|Respiratory and Circulatory|

| |Fig 14.7 CD | | | |Systems |

|Lab Experiments |Exp. 14.2 – Measuring the |Exp. 14.3 – A Model of |Exp. 14.5 – Xylem | | |

| |Capacity of Your Lungs |Your Lungs; Exp. 14.4 -- A | | | |

| | |Model of Your Vocal Cords | | | |

|Notes |

|Exp. 14.2 – flexible tubing (aquarium tubing), plastic one gallon jug with lid, sink with plug, measuring cup |

| |

|Exp. 14.3 – plastic 2-liter bottle, strong scissors, plastic sandwich bag, tape, round balloon (12 inch is best) |

| |

|Exp. 14.4 – rubber band larger than your wrist (without stretching) |

| |

|Exp. 14.5 – reasonably fresh white carnation, two glasses, blue food coloring, red food coloring, knife, two spoons for stirring |

|Module #15 -- Week 29 – Schedule |

|Date: |Day 141 |Day 142 |Day 143 |Day 144 |Day 145 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pgs. 367-370; Introduction,|Pgs. 371-375; Lymph Nodes |Pgs. 375-377; Tears |Pgs. 377-381; The Urinary | |

| |The Lymphatic System | | |System | |

|Written Work |OYO 15.1-15.3 p.370 |OYO 15.4, 15.5 p.375 | |OYO 15.6, 15.7 p.381 |Study Guide and Module |

| | |Fig 15.3 CD | |Fig 15.5 CD |Summary on work covered |

|Lab Experiments | | |Exp. 15.1 – Working Your |Exp. 15.2 – A Model of | |

| | | |Lacrimal Glands Too Hard |Kidney Function | |

|Notes |

|Exp. 15.1 – three onions, knife, freezer, cutting board, sink |

| |

|Exp. 15. – tea bag, three small glasses, paper towel, coffee filter, funnel, scissors, tea kettle or pot, spoon for stirring, pile of 2-3 books (will be using |

|stove). |

| |

|Vocabulary |

|Gland (370) Vaccine (372) |

|Week 30 – Schedule – Module #16 |

|Date: |Day 146 |Day 147 |Day 148 |Day 149 |Day 150 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pgs. 382-384; The Endocrine| | |Pgs. 387-393; Introduction,|Pgs. 393-398; The Basic |

| |System | | |Neurons: The Basic Unit of|Layout of the Human Nervous|

| | | | |the Nervous System |System |

|Written Work |OYO 15.8, 15.9 p.384 |Finish Study Guide & Module|Test – Module 15, The Human|OYO 16.1, 16.2 p.393; draw |OYO 16.3, 16.4 p.398; draw |

| | |Summary ?’s; study for test|Lymphatic, Endocrine, and |and label fig. 16.3 p.389 |& label side brain fig. |

| | | |Urinary Systems | |16.6 p.396 |

| | | | | |Fig 16.6 CD |

|Notes |

|Vocabulary |

|Hormone (382) |

| |

|Module #16 -- Week 31 – Schedule |

|Date: |Day 151 |Day 152 |Day 153 |Day 154 |Day 155 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pgs. 398-400; Our “Split” |Pgs. 400-401; The Brain and|Pgs. 402-405; The |Pgs. 405-407; The Human | |

| |Brains |Blood |Peripheral Nervous System |Sense of Taste | |

| | | |(PNS) | | |

|Written Work |OYO 16.5 p.400 |OYO 16.6 p.402 |OYO 16.7 p.405 |OYO 16.8 p.407; draw and |Study Guide and Module |

| | | | |label fig. 16.7 p.406 |Summary on work covered |

|Lab Experiments |Exp. 16.1 – Determining a | |Exp. 16.2 – The Pupil of | | |

| |Person’s Dominant Side | |the Eye *working with | | |

| | | |flame* | | |

|Notes |

|Exp. 16.1 – scissors, pencil, paper, ball, coin, some stairs, paper towel tube, few people over age 8, glass |

| |

|Exp. 16.2 – mirror, very dark room, candle, matches |

| |

|Exp. 16.3 – salt, sugar, water, lemon juice, onion juice, toothpicks, 5 glasses |

| |

|Vocabulary |

|Autonomic nervous system (402) Sensory nervous system (402) Somatic motor nervous system (403) |

|Week 32 -- Schedule |

|Date: |Day 156 |Day 157 |Day 158 |Day 159 |Day 160 |

|Exploring Creation with General Science |

|Reading |Pgs. 407-409; The Human |Pgs. 409-415; The Human |Pgs. 414-418; The Human | | |

| |Sense of Smell |Sense of Vision |Sense of Touch, Hearing, Do| | |

| | | |We Really, Summing | | |

|Written Work |OYO 16.9 p.409 |OYO 16.10, 16.11 p.413-414;|Draw and label fig. 16.10 |SG pgs. 421-422 finish, |Test – Module 16, The Human|

| | |draw & label fig. 16.8 |p.416 Fig 16.10 CD |study for test |Nervous System |

| | |p.409 | | | |

|Lab Experiments |Exp. 16.3 – The Sense of |Exp. 16.4 – The Human |Exp. 16.5 – The Variation | | |

| |Smell and the Sense of |Blind Spot |in Touch Sensitivity | | |

| |Taste | | | | |

|Notes |

|Exp. 16.4 – toothpicks, apple, onion, blindfold, helper, knife, two paper towels |

| |

|Exp. 16.5 – two sheets paper, black marker or pen |

| |

|Exp. 16.6 – two well-sharpened pencils, some tape |


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