UN Treaty/As Bad As Expected

SCCA Minutes of meeting held at the

SUNY Cobleskill College, Curtis Mott Rm

on April 25th 2019.

Liz Reinhart, President of SCCA called the meeting to order at 7:00 with the pledge of allegiance with 20 in

attendance. Clubs represented were NWTF Schoharie Ridge Runners, Schoharie County SCOPE, Middleburgh Rod & Gun, West Fulton Rod & Gun, Richmondville Fish & Game, Schoharie County Whitetails Unlimited, Long Path N. Hiking Club, Cave Country Riders, several College Students and Middleburgh Ridgerunners Snowmobile Club. The March – April minutes were approved with a motion from Greg Warner, second by Carl Stefanik. The treasurer’s report for April was approved with a motion from Richard Price and second by Harold Guest. Both reports were approved by the membership. There will be two $50 door prizes given out at the SCCA May meeting to encourage members to attend. These were supposed to drawn last month but were over looked. The next SCCA meetings will be held at a different location.

Elections were held at the April SCCA Meeting. Greg Warner was elected President, Doug Handy, Vice President, Mike Zeh, Secretary and Liz Reinhart, elected treasurer. Liz and Mike are going to share the responsibilities of Treasurer and Secretary so they can cover for one another when one is not available. Still need to elect the two positions of the Board. Currently Carl Stefanik and John Hornauer are holding the positions. Also we need representatives for the NYSCC. Mark Hotaling and John Hornauer are holding the positions. The Council meets twice a year to vote on resolutions concerning our Association.

The tickets are currently available for our annual Kayak Raffle. This is the only fund raiser SCCA has annually. Please contact Liz or Mike for tickets. There was $562 raised at the Cobleskill Wildlife Festival on April 27th. It was really cold and windy and there was a small attendance. Some fish were caught by the kids and there was lots of food available.

The membership voted to donate $500 to the Middleburgh Rod & Gun Club for the Archery Building rebuild. A motion was made by Dave Wood and second by Carl Stefanik. The membership also voted to send in the Annual $250 Dues for the NYSCC with a motion made by Carl Stefanik, second by Gerald Olsen.

The special drawing at the November SCCA meeting for the NYS Lifetime Sporting License which includes the combined privileges of hunting license, fishing license and turkey permit for a youth will again take place. There will be an application to fill out and mail in. See application attached to this newsletter. Any Association club member or Individual member who is has paid their SCCA Dues is eligible to send in an application. Applicant must be under 12 years old and a relative of a member in good standings. Last year we received 25 applications for this special drawing. Hopefully this program will encourage our youth to hunt and fish with-in New York State.

SCCA did attend the Cobleskill College Wildlife Festival which will be held on April 27th at the Veterans Memorial Central Park in Cobleskill. Carl Stefanik, Doug Handy, Mark Hotaling, Joel Oliver, Liz Reinhart and Mike Zeh volunteered to help setup the display and have kayak raffle tickets available. Dave Hendricks also volunteers for the BB gun booth and helped with the setting up and tearing down that cold, rainy day.

SCCA Activity Report: Carl Stefanik has finished the 2019 Activity Report and has printed out 250 copies to hand out to all school libraries, Club Associations, Local Town Supervisors, and some for the Wildlife Festivals this spring and fall along with copies for the Cobleskill Fair week. This is the eleventh year Carl has done this. Thank you for a job well done. Carl is looking for help with this project. He says it time someone took over for him. We all are getting burned out.

Two College students presented Power Point Presentations at the April meeting. Colin Clark received a $400 Scholarship for his project on the Spawning of Walleyes in Otsego Lake. He was checking for along the Shoals for spawning walleyes vs spawning in the nearby tributaries. The locations were on sunken Island and Clark Point. No proof was found. Daria Sparks did her presentation on Wood Ducks with surveys at the Greenwood area near Cooperstown. During the 1800’s duck populations declined. All duck hunting was band in 1916. By 1940 populations started recovery. Some ducks lay eggs in more than one box. 2/3 of ducks return to the box used last year. Of the 17 duck houses available 9 were utilized. Height of boxes above the surface of the water seems to make a difference. Also the distance to water and some were up to a mile distance from water. Nest should be cleaned out at the end of season, after August. Some ducks can hatch out a second nest in late August. Daria also received a Scholarship for $400 for her presentation.

There will be another student presenting a presentation at this month’s SCCA meeting. Colby Slezak will be doing a project on the American Woodcock. He has applied for the Dorwin Hamm Scholarship and SCCA has approved.

Wildlife Task Force Meeting: Jessica Kirby the new Community Relations Supervisor for the Blenheim Gilboa Power Authority (Samantha’s replacement) has set up a meeting for June 18th, 11am – 1pm, Lunch will be provided. The meeting will be held at the BG Visitor’s Center Conference Room.

NYS DEC did the trout stocking in Schoharie County on April 30. There were about ten volunteers who helped including three SUNY Coby college students. The three areas of stocking were the West Kill Stream with 440 Brown Trout (size SY), Mallet Pond with 200 Brown Trout (size SY) 230 Rainbow Trout (size SY) and The Cobleskill Holding Pond with 180 Brown Trout (size 9”Y) 200 Rainbow Trout (size 9”Y) 230 Brown Trout (size 2 year old) . Everything went fine until the stocking truck got stuck in the mud at Mallet Pond, but we got it out with little delay. Dave Wood asked me to mention that Mallet Pond is about 2 feet below normal because of a pipe rusted through causing problems at the spillway. This needs to be repaired so the level can be restored to normal.

Region 4 - New York Fish & Wildlife Management Board: - 26 in attendance - A motion to approve the meeting minutes of March 27, 2019 was made by Mike Zagata, second by Mike Zeh. All were in favor; so carried.

Chairman Mike Zagata called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mike Zagata- Chairman – reported 13,724 habitat stamps sold, SUNY Cobleskill hired an aquaculture engineer who will work with DEC to modernize hatcheries. FWMB has been asked by DEC to checking traditional stocking locations to see if fishing is still taking place. Also, check for new locations. Assessing Vegetation Impacts from Deer (AVID) program is gaining interest. Will help assess damage from deer browse, 100 plots per WMU is the goal.

Jeff Rider- R4 Regional Supervisor of Natural Resources reported - Coeymans Creek WMA ·The city of Albany sold 361 acres of rural land in Coeymans to the state Department of Environmental Conservation for $814,000. The city took ownership in 2006 after spending nearly $5.2 million. Hand Hollow acquisition - 524 acres (doubles the size of Hand Hollow SF. Mixture of Woodlands and fields. Windham Blackhead Range Wilderness Area - The state acquired 50 acres in the town of Catskill. The site contains about 1,400 feet of frontage on the Old Catskill Mountain Turnpike, which the DEC maintains as a hiking trail.

Michael Clark- R4 Wildlife Manager reported - 2018 Deer Take Highlights - Total take increased 12% and is above the 5-year average – great hunting conditions (snow) for most of the state. Buck take increased about 5% Adult Female take increased almost 20%, which was needed, but the increase was mostly just because the 2017 Adult Female take was so oddly low. Reporting rate increased slightly again: now 51%, was 50% in 2017 and had been 43-45% for the prior decade. Nearly 60% of antlered bucks statewide were ≥2.5-year-old.  Even excluding the Antler Restricted units, 54.5% of bucks were ≥2.5-year-old. No CWD confirmed again in NYS, although there was a false positive in R9 during bow season. Prevalent in Pennsylvania’s wild deer herd. 2018 Bear Take Highlights - Official take was 1295 bears harvested in 2018. The Northern zone had 491 harvested and was slightly above the 5-year average of 476. The Southern Zone had 804 harvested and was below the 5-year average of 1056. All Region 4 counties went down with exceptions of Albany and Rensselaer which both had records takes (17 and 25, respectively). Poor food availably and early snow sent bears into hibernation early, and we’ve been dealing with malnourished cubs all fall/winter. Bears have been out of hibernation for a couple weeks and we’re already receiving reports of bears at bird feeders. No den work this winter in Region 4, as one den was vacant, one had porcupines and the other had a large male that we were unable to work up.

Hunter Educational Program - The Regional Hunter Education program finished out 2018 with a total of 155 classes (98 Hunter, 48 Bowhunter, and 8 Trapper education). Classes are starting to gear up ahead of the May 1st turkey opener. There were 9 classes scheduled for March (7 hunter and 2 trapper); and 22 Hunter Ed, 4 Bow and 2 Trapping Classes scheduled so far for April. Hunter Education Instructor refresher meeting have been scheduled and the schedules and have been mailed out to instructors. The Hunter Ed program requires that instructors attend a refresher every 2 years. Instructors will soon be receiving new ID cards with a bar code. We are starting the process of bar-coding equipment and using a scanner for signing items in and out to better keep track of firearms, computers, screens and other equipment we are required to track. Instructors who visit the Stamford DEC office to pick up supplies will be working with Bob Benson as well as Liz Dejoy. Liz will be working with Bob to get him familiar with the equipment typically requested by instructors as she prepares for her retirement at the end of the year.

Waterfowl - SDM handout – SE Zone duck season for the next 5 years will start on the 3rd Saturday of October, running for 44 days ending on a Sunday, 5 days off, then 16 more days ending on a Sunday. For 2019 this means: October 19-December 1 and December 7- December 22. Swans – Mute Swan plan has been finalized and is on the public website. This plan split the state into two zones, downstate and upstate. See website for additional information.

Woodcock - If you have woodcock on your properties during the early fall (pre-hunting season) please let us know. We’re part of a large (US and Canada) study trying to find out more about their migration patterns and we’re interested in capturing some woodcocks and fitting them with transmitters to track their migration south.

Furbearers - Fisher camera study is occurring again in Region 4, and the first year of three results are as follows (before any occupancy model occurs): Series 1 (WMU 4F): 23/32 sites had fisher detected (72%); Series 2 (WMU 4F): 24/32 sites had fisher detected (75%); Series 3 (WMU’s 4F, 4O): 22/32 sites had fisher detected (69%); Series 4 (WMU’s 4O, 4G): 14/32 sites had fisher detected (44%); Otter Mgt Plan – still working on this, but the data from our winter track surveys is very promising and shows that where we have suitable habitat in the state, we generally have otter.

Grassland birds – NYS DEC is looking to acquire a large piece of property in Montgomery County for grassland bird focus area (this will be a WMA) – around 500 acres. If you know of something for sale, let us know. This area is under high threat to solar farms.

New Fish &Wildlife tech 2 out of the Schenectady office – work on access and habitat projects at our WMAs as well as Threatened & Endangered Species work. Starting in May.

YFI work is actively ongoing at Bear Spring Mt, Vinegar Hill, Capital District and Partridge Run WMAs.

Chris VanMaaren- R4 Fisheries Manager reported - Delaware Tailwaters Creel survey will resume. Public meeting April 9 in Hancock. Interim reports to be put on website. Using PIT tags to determine pre and post movement of various sizes of trout. Studies on-going in upper East Branch and tailwaters. Stocking just getting started. Water levels looking good for a decent early season . Mohawk River: Gobie expansion study continues. eDNA shows them in R4 but not confirmation catches. Likely just a matter of time before they are found throughout the Mohawk, Hudson and possibly Champlain. Presented in MA about Hoosic River fisheries management. Filmed

HooRWA is looking to find ways to improve fishery. May be looking to improve access, CSLAP on reservoirs.

Mt Ida dam removal (temporary?) still controversial in Troy. On Poestenkill. Tomhannock clean-up day is April 13. Besides all the tailwaters work, this year’s field season will focus on Susquehanna walleye and eels, Lawson lake investigation (they want us to stock), Partridge Run pond assessments, Hoosic impoundments (Valley Falls and Schaghtocoke), and more on the Mohawk.

Earth Day event at Lawson Lake 4/26 from 12-4.

Winter fish Stocking: Otsego Lake - First Lake Whitefish stocking in ~ 77 years. SUNY Cobleskill stocks 164 Lake Whitefish (by permit) off 3-mile point on Jan 17, 2019. The 'Bay Journal ' out of PA is writing a story on Otsego Lake Whitefish. Lake Whitefish propagation currently on hold due to limited brood stock in Otsego. DEC needs to find another egg source outside Otsego Lake.

Winter Public Outreach Events – Region 4 Fisheries co-hosted 4 successful free ice fishing clinics this past winter.

1. THOMPSON LAKE - Saturday Jan 19, cohosted by DEC/Parks was well attended (~50) this year where 11 chain pickerel and 2 largemouth bass were caught on tip ups. No press coverage.

2. TOMHANNOCK RESERVOIR - Saturday Jan 26, cohosted by DEC/city of Troy was well attended (~125) like last year but a cold front pushed fish offshore and only a few yellow perch were caught all day using jig'n rods and tip ups. Local press coverage by the Troy Record.

3. OTSEGO LAKE- Wednesday Feb 20, cohosted by DEC/Parks. 10th annual event off Glimmerglass SP was well attended (~100). The usual catch included some 5 chain pickerel and Glimmerglass SP was well attended (~100). The usual catch included some 5 chain pickerel and 40 yellow perch on tip ups. Local press coverage by Utica Observer-Dispatch news channel 2.

4. LAWSON LAKE - Saturday Feb 23, held during the Albany County winter festival that drew some 400 people. The fishing clinic was well attended (~100) and productive. Many fish were caught including chain pickerel, yellow perch, and black crappie, mostly on tip ups. Local press coverage by Albany news channel 13.

Upcoming Public Outreach Events - for Spring - LAWSON LAKE - Free Fishing Clinic at a post-earth day event on Friday April 26. Shore fishing with gear, bait, assistance from 12-4 pm. Bring your own paddleboats as desired

WALTON Sports Expo - 211d annual event held on Saturday, May 4th. Located at the county fairgrounds again. · No free fishing clinic this year.

NYC DEP- John Staby reported: Having boat auction this year sometime in July. Guide permit program for DEP. Must already be state licensed guide. DMAP Program - 450 tags were issued, mostly for west of the Hudson River. So far 670 have signed up through the lottery system.


Schoharie County- Mike Zeh and Dave Wood - Three kids sent to camp. Venison donation- 625 pounds donated. · Three ice fishing derbies were held in February. NWTF banquets being held by SUNY Cobleskill and Ridge Runner snowmobile club. $400 scholarship given to student for presentation on Otsego Lake. SUNY Cobleskill is having its fish and wildlife festival on 4/27.

Greene County - Richard Steele and Walter Bennett - Hunters are having issues reporting deer. Hunter Creek and 10 Mile Creek have funding to be restored. Bears are getting into garbage. Sleepy Hollow has an overabundance of deer, but hunting is not allowed. Deer are destroying landscape.

Schenectady County- Tracy Lamanec and Ray Gawlas - 10+ kids going to camp. Venison donation- 74 pounds donated. Ice fishing derby had 90 kids and 150 fish were caught. Crossbow Coalition wants to show legislature that sportsmen want changes to crossbow season.

Albany County- Kevin Busch, Tim Barnard and Mike Walchko - ~15 ice fisherman at a time at 6-Mile Waterworks. Hope to have permission to ice fish again next season. 7 kids going to camp. 3 kids were sent to Pat Arnold Trapping Course. 5 kids received a scholarship. Clearwater TU will have youth camp 6/30-7/5. Some pheasant hunters have raised concerns about finding stocking maps online. Mike Clark- maps can be mailed to hunters and found on kiosks.

Otsego County- Dave McLean and Harold Palmer - 28 kids are going to camp. first time deer have been recorded being struck by lightning.

Rensselaer County- Tim Holt Sr., Bob Davis and P.J. Hyde - Getting ready for trout stocking. Explosion of white perch in the Tomhannock Reservoir. Will have outdoor show in October. 40 kids in trap shooting club. Hunter safety course was held in a school. It was successful with 45 students attending.

Other Business: A motion was made by Mike Zeh to have the meetings officially start at 7:00PM and not early like in meetings past, to be fair to everyone. The majority voted and approved.

Next Meeting

The next FWMB meeting will be held on June 26th, 2019, at the DEC Regional HQ in Schenectady at 7pm.

Adjournment - A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Dave Wood at 9:16 PM; second by Mike Zeh. All were in favor; none opposed; so carried.

Respectfully submitted, Joseph Caruso, Recording Secretary, NYS DEC Wildlife Technician

(SCOPE) Shooters’ Committee on Political Education: The next Schoharie County Scope Chapter meeting will be held on June 20th 7PM @ the Middleburgh Rod & Gun Club. Walt Janczak is our new Chairman, Jerry Olsen, Treasury. Still need a volunteer for a Recording Secretary. The raffle is all set for the fair. 1st Prize is a Henry Lever Action 22 Commemorative edition. 2nd Prize is a Mossberg 20 gauge pump youth edition and there will be also several other prizes available. Drawing date will be August 11th , last day of Cobleskill Fair. Website for SCOPE. . The membership voted to run another raffle at the fair. $5 tickets with the same prizes as last year. Tickets will be available at the next meeting.

NWTF Schoharie County Ridge Runners : The banquet for the National Wildlife Turkey Federation was held on April 19th at the Settles Hill Tree Farm near Duane burg, N.Y. The event was well attended with lots of winners. There were 18 8 guns available for drawings & raffles along with Turkey & Hamm for food. The Schoharie County Club was recognized for Most Improved Chapter with Most New Sponsors. Congratulation goes to Dave Hendrick for an outstanding job. NWTF purchased 40 trees to plant on Partridge Run in Albany County.

West Fulton Snowmobile Club: Meetings are held at the West Fulton Firehouse on the 1st Wednesday of the month @ 7:00PM. For more information call President Aaron Hamm @ 827-6881.

Cave Country Riders Inc.: Snowmobile Club is holding a raffle, drawing will be at the annual Meeting on December 12, 2019. 1st prize will be $300 Cash, 2nd prize will be $200 Cash and 3rd prize will be $100. Tickets are $5 each or 5 tickets for $20. - Meetings are held at the Eagles on Legion Drive in Cobleskill, the 2nd Thursday of every month @ 7:00 pm. From October - March. POC is Terry Bradt 518-234-7331 or Doug Handy 518 – 231-0970.

Jeep Club: Meetings are 7:30pm on the second Thursday of every month, summer meetings at the Club property, and winter meetings at Stella Motors in Cobleskill. There are 48 members in the club to date. POC: Terry Keller - 234-3004.

Middleburgh Ridge Runner’s Snowmobile Club: Meetings are held on 2nd Wednesday from Oct – April. @ Pasta Grill in Middleburgh. For more information call 518-285-6473 or 518-295-8554.

Schoharie County Pistol League: POC – Dick Shaul 528-827-4687, Jim Hilt 607-538-9603, and Hank Mulbury 518-296-8492. Shooters welcome. There are four teams, shooting at three clubs.

Summit Sno Riders: Meetings are 6 pm first Monday of the month (September thru April) at the Summit Conservation Club at Bear Gulch Rd. (109 Club Road) in Summit. See . 518-287-1961.

Coby Fish & Game Club: The next club meeting will be scheduled and advertised in the SCCA newsletter. The club did stock $600 worth of tiger trout in the Cobleskill Holding Pond on April 30th.

Conesville Rod & Gun Club: Meetings are held at the Conesville Fire house. POC - President Karl Fancher.

SUNY Cobleskill College: SCCA received another scholarship application. That will make it three applications so far this year. A presentation was given by students who are interested in creating habitat for fish in Fancher Pond located near Richmondville. They presented a model of a unit, made of a hardwood structure which is about five feet square and about 5 feet tall , using cement blocks to keep the structure from floating. By placing between 6 and 10 of these habitat structures in the Fancher Pond, it would give young fish a better chance of survival, hopefully changing the life spam of some of the Walleye and Bass fish. Currently almost all of the fish only reach about 10 inches in length. This program has been very successful in water areas in Pennsylvania. The cost of these habitat structures is about $700 which will be donated by SCCA(motion by Mark Hotaling, second by Dick Price) & Richmondville Fish &Game Club. A permit from NYS DEC needs to be requested. The College NWTF Gun Bash held March 28th was a big success. On Thursday April 18th, 2019 from 6-9 pm in the Center for Agriculture and Natural Resources the students did hold a Pot Luck event with close to 60 in attendance. There were ten different dishes from Bison to Fish on the menu. The new Forestry Club will be identifying all the trees on campus this spring. The students held the drawing for a special raffle for a camera, winner was Colin Miller. The college students did a special clean up at the Cobleskill Reservoir on April 12th. There were 17 college students who met at Liz Reinhart’s farm in Canajoharie for a bird watching event. 15 different birds were identified. The trip this September will be to Reno, Nevada with 12 to 15 students attending.

Summit Conservation Club: Club meetings are held on the second Monday @ 6 PM of each month. The club ran a special raffle for a Portable Generator to help with club’s expenses. Drawing date was April 14th.

Schoharie Valley Trappers: NYS Trappers offers a $1000 scholarship. Check state website. POC- Kenny Hellijas: klhellijas@ 234-3715 for questions. Trapper Education Class on March 23 had 18 certificates from 24 registrations included with 22 male and 2 female students. There were 6 no shows, 5 male and 1 female. Next class to be held at Guan Ho Ha on June 1st and Middleburgh Rod & Gun Club on September 28, 2019. Remember that you must register through the NYS DEC Website.

Clearwater Chapter of Trout Unlimited: The SUNY college club is meeting on the second Monday of each month in the new building, Center for Agricultural Resource, room 002. The Official Publication of the Clearwater Chapter of Trout Unlimited - America's Leading Coldwater Fisheries Conservation Organization Promoting Habitat for Wild Trout and Salmon. Clearwater Chapter of TU PO Box 9686 Schenectady, NY 12309. Clearwater Chapter meetings held 3rd Monday of each month at the Jos. E Zaloga American Legion Post 1520, 4 Everett Rd. Colonie, NY 12205. POC Ray Lamberton 518-421-2500. Don’t forget that Trout Season opens on April 1st so get out the gear and get it ready. NYS DEC will be doing the fish stocking during the month of March & April. For a complete list of stocking visit the NYS DEC Webpage. .

Long Path North Hiking Club: Total membership is now 169. We have a couple of outhouse projects which are needed at the Lean Two’s on Cotton Hill and Looking Glass Pond for which can be used for Eagle Scout projects. List of hikes: May 18th Hunterfield Ridge trail,3-4 miles call Clarence for info; June 1st National Trails Day, Hike part of LP Section 29, MineKill Falls to Manor Kill Falls, 6.75 miles, Leader will be Don Allard; June 15th Hike up Rundy Cup Mountain near Schoharie, 3 miles, Steve will be hike leader; July 13th Dust off that Kayak again with a paddle on the upper Susquehanna River, Call Mark for details; Aug 3 LP Section 27, Mt Pisgah & Richmond Mountain, about 3 miles, call Mark for Mark for details. Hiking leaders are as followed: Carol & Mark Traver 518-295-8039 or Clarence Putman 607-538-9569, Marilyn Miles 518-768-2870, Dan Kwaitkowski 827-8377, George Spohn 518-505-7097, Steve Babbitt 518-295-8535, Don Allard 518-577-7741. For membership info, contact Cherie Clapper at 518-827-4386, P.O. Box 200, West Fulton, NY 12194. Next meeting is May 16th @ Schoharie Library, 6PM. DEC is looking for someone to maintain the hiking trails on Vroman’s Nose. There was a tire clean up on DEC lands up by the Truck Trail on Westkill Road near Blenheim performed by Long Path Hikers. 21 tires were picked up by members and DOT removed from area. Next meeting will be July 18th @ Schoharie Library 6 PM. Annual meeting will be held at the Blenheim NYPA in September.

Richmondville Fish & Game Club: Monthly meetings are the first Monday of each month at either the Richmondville Municipal Building or club property located on High View Rd. The club is filing for permission from NYS DEC to install habitat structures in Fancher Pond. Next year the derby may be moved to the Fancher Pond. The club is very interested in helping the college students with the cost of material for the Habitat Project at Fancher Pond. Club’s website address: .

Whitetails Unlimited: The next Whitetails Unlimited meeting will be on June 3rd @ 7PM at Earl Berg’s house on Cripplebush Rd. between Central Bridge and Sloansville off Route 30A to review our Banquet needs for the banquet on September 29th of 2019. Joe Reinhart was the winner of the Black Powder Rifle drawing from the list of names who donated a whole deer to the Venison Program in Schoharie County for the local food pantries in 2018. There was 620 lbs. of venison donated last year.

Middleburgh Rod & Gun Club: There were 48 members in attendance. Check out the club’s website. Middleburgh r&g . The drawing for the spring raffle, 500 tickets @ $10 each to help with the rebuild of the indoor archery range was held at the May meeting. A list of winners is posted on the club’s bulletin board. There is also a fund raiser for repair of the Archery building, window stickers showing club support for $10 per window decal. All money raised by raffles, 100% goes toward the Archery Building Rebuild Fund. The club is raffling off a Polaris Sportsman 450 ATV at $50 a ticket, only 200 tickets being sold. The ATV is on display at the Middleburgh Hardware Store where tickets are available. The drawing will be held Rod & Gun Club meeting. Free youth Fish Derby will happen on May 18th . Cobleskill Stone donated two loads of crushed gravel and Carver’s donated one load for the repair of the road leading up to club house. There is a $250 Scholarship available to all Graduating seniors, relatives of club member in good standing. Deadline is June meeting.

West Fulton Rod & Gun Club: The next meeting is June 4th @ the West Fulton Firehouse. The club’s Spring Picnic was held May 11th at Pee-Wee’s Camp on Rte 30. There were about 45 in attendance. A 50/50 was held which paid for most of the meat and drinks. The club voted to hold another raffle with the drawing held in December @ our annual Diner 12/7/19. 1st prize will be a $500 Gift certificate to Cobleskill Outdoors Sports, 2nd prize $200 Cash, 3rd prize $100 Cash. The members are interested in planting a tree at the Looking Glass Pond in memory of Gerald Hamm. A plague will also be displayed. The club has to get permission from the NYS DEC. The members voted to replace Looking Glass Pond sign at the intersection of Rt.30 & West Fulton Rd. Also the sign at Rossman Hill to repoint that sign. The club is looking for more community projects. Dave Hamm will head committee on the Nature Trail behind Middleburgh School; Arron Hamm will continue to the lead on the Tim Murphy Run and also the Duck Pond Project on Rossman Hill. Fall picnic date is September 21st.

SCCA website address is Anyone with information for the SCCA newsletter can send it to my e-mail address. mzeh4@nycap.. The next SCCA (Schoharie County Conservation Association) meeting – May 23th @ 7 P.M. at the CANR Building, SUNY Cobleskill College. This is the new building where all the displays of the animals, birds mount and Any questions please call me @ 518-265-4961 Mike Zeh SCCA Sec/Treas.

Schoharie County Conservation Association

P.O. Box 325

Central Bridge, New York 12035

We strive to preserve and protect our natural resources and promote hiking, fishing, snowmobiling, trapping, hunting, both small game & big game with in Schoharie County.

President Greg Warner* Vice President Doug Handy* Treasurer Liz Reinhart* Secretary Mike Zeh*

N.Y.S. Dept. of Conservation

2019 Youth Lifetime Sporting License Awards

Our not-for-profit organization is continuing a program to promote hunting and fishing in hopes of inspiring our youth to hunt and fish within New York State. Drawing will be held at the November SCCA meeting.

Rules and Requirements:

Applicant (child) must be under the age of 12 as of December 31 of this calendar year and be a full time resident of New York State. Also applicant must be a child of a member, in good standing, from a Schoharie County Conservation Association (SCCA) or a member of one of its affiliated clubs and be in good standing with that club. Incomplete, ineligible or duplicate applications will not be considered. Applications must be mailed to SCCA P.O. Box 325 Central Bridge, N.Y. 12035, Attention Lifetime Sporting License.

Parents of winner will be required to bring child’s Social Security card and another form of ID

which includes place of residence. Also the club you’re a member of .

Lifetime Sporting License will be purchased by the SCCA and will be paid directly to the Licensing Agent on behalf of the youth. No cash value or substitutions.

Winner will be drawn using a random lottery system based on the number of entries.

Winner will be notified by the information supplied on the application.

**Print** Application for Drawing a NYS DEC Lifetime Sporting License

Full Name of Child_____________________________________ DOB____/_____/_____

Full Name of Parents____________________________________Phone Number______________

Street______________________ City______________________ NY Zip_______________

Parent completing Application ________________________________________________

Email Address ____________________________Member Organization ____________________

Signature of Parent_________________________________________ Date __________________



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