Exponential Growth and Decay - Union High School


Cane Toad Project

Exponential Growth and Decay

1. Read Cane Toad Article at

2. Watch the you tube video on Cane Toads.

3. Write brief summary that proves understanding of the challenges Australia faces due to the Cane toad population. Use page 4 or attach. (20 Points)

4. Given the data below, find the rate at which the population is growing has been growing since 1935. Show Calculation (5 Points)

Growth Factor = __________________

5. Extend the growth trend to show the Cane Toad population in the 6th, 7th, and 8th year. Show all calculations (10 Points)

|Years since 1935 |Calculation |Toad Population |

|0 | |100 |

|1 | |114 |

|2 | |130 |

|3 | |148 |

|4 | |169 |

|5 | |192 |

|6 | | |

|7 | | |

|8 | | |

6. Complete the population chart below for the Cane Toad. Answers should NOT be left in scientific notation. (20 Points)

|Year |Calculations |Toad Population |

|1945 | | |

|1965 | | |

|1995 | | |

|2010 | | |

|2020 (projected) | | |

|2040 (projected) | | |

7. Write the formula to find the population of Cane Toads for x years since 1935. (5 points)

8. Use Graphing Calculator to produce a sketch of the graph for the population of Cane Toads since 1935. List Window settings for graphing calculator. (10 points)

|X-Minimum | |

|X- Maximum | |

|Y Minimum | |

|Y Maximum | |


9. Explain whether your graph and formula models exponential growth or decay. Which part of your formula from # 7 supports your claim? (5 Points)

10. The poisonous Cane Toad has dramatically affected the crocodile population in Australia. As the Cane Toad population boomed, crocodiles attempted to prey on Cane Toads more frequently, and when successful, the crocodiles die immediately due to ingesting the poison.

The crocodile population in 1980 was 100,000 and experienced a 12% decline each year

Discuss the environmental issues caused by the Cane Toad. What environmental predictions can you make based on your data?

Back up your prediction with relevant calculations that strengthen your argument.

Why might an environmentalist or a politician be interested in your findings?

(Insert data into the chart below use page 4 or attach your explanation)

(25 Points)

|Year |Calculations |Crocodile Population |

|1980 | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Written Response Planning Section

Final copy should be typed.

3. (1-2 paragraphs) (20 Points)

10. (1-2 paragraphs) (25 Points)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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