Teacher’s Name:

Teacher’s Name: Greg Bachman Building: High School Grade: Subject/ Course: Trig

| | | | | | | |

| |Content |Skills |Essential Questions |Assessment |

|August | | | | |

| |Know the use of modeling for |Individually collect data and make a |Who uses statistical packages in the |Collect student work on charts and |

| |collecting data |graph or chart |business world and for what reasons? |tables for meaningness of information. |

| |Know how to read and interpret graphs |For opinions from reading data. | | |

| |and other displays |Determine the standard deviation and | | |

| |Understand measures of center |variance of data | | |

| |Know how to use a statistics package |Use the graphing calculator to | | |

| | |determine statistical measures | | |

|September | | | | |

| |Understand relationships as models of |Learn how to find the line of best |How can a study of modeling of |Students will show their skills on the |

| |functions. |fit. |polynomials help to predict in the |graphing calculator with a variety of |

| |Know the polynomials as they fit |Use the graphing calculator to |business world? |statistics. |

| |models for interpreting and |perform line of best fit | | |

| |predicting. |Learn how to set up relationships in | | |

| |Understand how correlation can give |varied degrees and extrapolate from | | |

| |accuracy for prediction |information gathered | | |

|October | | | | |

| |Know graph theory 101 |Learn how to change equations from a |In what ways can graph theory be used |Use a pretest from geometry terms. Use|

| |Understand graph translations |mapping change. |in transformations? |two quizzes for midway evauation. |

| |Understand composition of functions |Determine how transformations | | |

| |and their connection to inverse |Can be used inversely | | |

| |functions | | | |

|November | | | | |: |

| |Understand the inverse relationship |Learn how to recognize exp. And log. |How do growth and decay apply to |Use a chapter test for evaluation. | |

| |between exponential and logarithmic |models |exponential and log models? | | |

| |functions | | | | |

|December | | | | | |

| |Know angles and rotations. |Learn how to measure arcs and areas |In what ways can the basic order pair |Students hand in projects on uses of | |

| |Know right triangle trig. |of sectors. |(cos,sin) be used to model real world |Laws and Properties. | |

| |Know how circular functions evolved. |Determine the exact values through |problems? | | |

| |Know the properties and laws of trig. |special triangles. | | | |

| | |Use laws to solve problems | | | |

| | | | | | |

|January |Understand the translation images of |Learn how linear changes occur |What are trigonometric functions used|Group projects can be used for | |

| |circular function |Learn how inverse circular functions |in alternating current and square |evaluation. | |

| |Know how to model with circular |relate |waves? | | |

| |functions |Determine the reciprocal trig | | | |

| |Know how to solve problems with trig |functions | | | |

|February |functions | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Understand the fundamental properties |Learn how to use the graphing |How do independent and mutually |Students should use the Monte | |

| |of probability |calculator with permutations |exclusive events differ? |Carlo Method to show skills learned | |

| |Understand addition and multiplication|Use a graph to set up a probability | | | |

|March |principles |distribution | | | |

| |Know how to use the permutation |Determine procedures for finding | | | |

| |formula |areas with random numbers | | | |

| |Understand probability distributions | | | | |

|April | | | | | |

| |Know how to derive arithmetic and |Learn to use symbolism for limits |How is Pascal’s Triangle useful in |Students will show their skills in | |

| |geometric series |Show graphically the limit of series |setting up a binomial distribution? |setting up binomial distributions | |

| |Learn how to use formulas to build |Develop a system for quality control | |through projects | |

|May |sequences |sampling | | | |

| |Learn how to derive Pascal’s Triangle | | | | |

| |Learn how to set up binomial | | | | |

| |probabilities | | | | |

| | |Learn how to find polynomial models | | | |

| |Understand the degreed models for |Determine when to use the division |How does factoring help to solve | | |

| |polynomials |and remainder theorem |problems in mathematics |Use quizzes and a unit test for | |

| |Know how to graph the polynomials |Learn advanced factoring techniques | |evaluation. | |

| |functions | | | | |

| |Know how to use the factor theorem | | | | |

| |Understand the complex number system | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Determine how the normal distribution| | | |

| |Understand the normal distribution |curve is used in population analysis | | | |

| |curve |Work with data to develop the normal | | | |

| |Know how standard deviation and the |distribution curve. |How is the equation for the normal | | |

| |mean appear on the curve. | |distribution curve developed from its |Use student graphs to evaluate | |

| | | |parent function? |progress. | |


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