SkyBuild - Skyward



What is SkyBuild and how is it used? Basic Export Information Basic Import Information Key Terminology for Export/Import File Builder

Export File Builder

Overview of Export File Builder Using a Prebuilt Export Interface Creating an Export from Scratch Running an Export

Accessing Files from Export File Viewer

Automating an Export

Import File Builder

Overview of Import File Builder Using a Prebuilt Import Interface Creating an Import from Scratch Running an Import



What is SkyBuild and how is it used? Basic Export Information Basic Import Information Key Terminology for Export/Import File Builder

What is SkyBuild, and how is it used?

SkyBuild is the tool that can move data between Skyward and other systems. There are two main ways that SkyBuild is used. The first way that SkyBuild is utilized is to take data that is currently being stored and tracked in Skyward, and put it into a data file so that it can then be loaded into another piece of Software. Common examples of this are exporting data from Skyward into a Transportation, Library, or Food Service 3rd party program. This is an Export from Skyward. The other way to use SkyBuild is to take data from a file; often times created from another system, and then load that data into Skyward. Common examples of this are loading student bus stops, loading student lunch codes, or even loading demographic data for students. This is an Import into Skyward. Utilizing SkyBuild can help reduce data entry time in either Skyward or the other system a district is using. It can help ensure consistency of data across the different databases. SkyBuild Exports can also be used as an alternate reporting tool. In general, it is easiest to work with SkyBuild from the 000 District Entity due to having easier options to clone templates and having the ability to use ranges to limit data to one specific entity. However, templates can be created at an entity level. All SkyBuild templates are entity specific, so one created from the 000 District Entity will not be available when working in your High School Entity.

Basic Export Information

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As seen above, SkyBuild is split into Imports and Exports. By going under Student Management, Administration, SkyBuild, you can then click on Exports to see the different export options.

Under SkyBuild - Exports, you can see there are different options available there. Export File Builder: Under this area, you can create your own export templates, as well as use Skyward provided ones to create export files. This tool offers the most flexibility in creating export files. Export File Viewer: This area is used in connection with Export File Builder. Any files created from the Builder that are setup to "Save Exported File in Database" can be accessed from here. This is basically used to download those files to your local computer and for file management (deleting old files). Other Exports: The tools under this area are processes built for one specific task/vendor. The process is programmed to be more limited and you will only have the options that you see. If you do not like the way the tool processes (lack of ability to set a range that you would like, need it to include records that it is programmed to exclude, etc.), the change would have to be requested through a RFE. Often times, it will be possible to even create a custom export file using Export File Builder to meet those specific needs. Also, tools under Other Exports may vary from the 000 District Entity to a specific one, and also from some licensing that may be turned on for the district. All data files generated from Other Exports will be available from your Print Queue. Note: There is also a NWEA Roster File template available in Export File Builder that is better to use due to the greater flexibility available through that tool.

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Basic Import Information

By going under Student Management, Administration, SkyBuild, you can then click on Imports to see the different import options.

Under SkyBuild - Imports you can see the different tools available to bring data into Skyward. Boundary School Import Utility: This utility is used by customers using Edulog software for defining their school boundaries, and can import in students' Next Year Schools from a Boundary School Import file. Import File Builder: Just like Export File Builder, this tool offers a lot of flexibility so that data can be imported to several different tables within Skyward. There is a bit more setup that does need to be done here before a data file is set up. Staff Import Utility: This tool allows you to be able to import staff data. There is some overlap with Import File Builder as well. This utility will create new staff, update existing staff, and inactive any staff records that were not included in the import file. Test Score Import Wizard: This utility allows you to import test scores to be attached to students for progress monitoring, and printing on transcripts. This utility is part of the Test Score module and details of its use are included in that guide.

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Key Terminology for using Export or Import File Builders

There are some key terms that will be important to know when working in both Export and Import File Builders. These terms relate to the three most important pieces of setting up an Export or Import file.

The first term is Interface. An Interface is another name referring to the Export or Import Template. When working with custom exports or imports, the Interface is the first piece that needs to be set up. All other pieces of the template are connected to it. When running the export or import, you will select the Interface to run, and all parts associated with it will be created/processed.

The second term is File. Files are the individual sets of data that are either being pulled out of (exported) or uploaded into (imported) Skyward. When doing either an export or import, multiple Files may be associated with one Interface. This means that if you run an export for an interface that has multiple files attached, you will end up with the same number of individual data files to be used with the other system. Files also contain many of the ranges that should be set when creating an Export, and many update options for an Import.

Files used with Export or Import File Builder must be a fixed width or delimited file. There are a variety of delimiters that Skyward can handle as well. The extension of the file will not matter for it to be processed, as long as the data in it is formatted as either fixed width or delimited with a supported delimiter.

The last term is Fields. Fields are the individual pieces of data that are either being pulled out of Skyward (exported) or updated from a file in Skyward (imported). Fields are attached to the different Files as the type of the file will have an effect on the fields that are available. If you think about a File being organized as a table with rows and columns, the rows are the different sets of data (i.e. a student, a course, a staff person, a guardian, an attendance record; and one file will only contain one type of data), and the columns are the individual fields that make up those records. See the example below... Student 10001 has a birth date of February 8, 1997, and is a senior. Student 10002 has a birth date of May 18, 1996, and is also a senior.

Student ID 10001 10002 10003 10004

Student Birth Date 02/08/1997 05/18/1996 12/02/1997 08/20/1997

Student Grade 12 12 11 12

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