SIOP Lesson Plan Components

SIOP Lesson Plan Components

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|Topic: |Class: |Population Description: |Time Frame: |

|Arizona Regions |4th Grade Social Studies |SEI Classroom |1 class period |


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|AZ State Content Standards: |AZ ELL Proficiency Standards: |

|Strand 4: Geography |ELL III Intermediate: Reading |

|Concept 2: Places and Regions |Comprehending Text |

|PO 3: Locate the landform regions of Arizona on a map. |3. Identify the main ideas, key words, and important details in short expository text on a familiar |

|PO 4: Compare the landform regions of Arizona according to their physical features, plants, and |topic. |

|animals. |ELL III Intermediate: Writing |

| |Writing Applications |

| |3. Write an expository paragraph or a simple report based on research, with a topic sentence. |

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|Content Objectives: |Language Objectives: |

|All students will be able to name, locate and describe the regions of Arizona. |All students will be able to write an expository paragraph about an Arizona region. |

| |All students will be able to read expository text about Arizona's regions. |

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|Key Vocabulary: |Learning Strategies: |Materials: |Higher Order Questions: |

|retire, crater, erupt, meteorite |Sorts |SMART Board lesson “Arizona Regions” |Can you identify the main differences between the |

| |Vocabulary Visuals |Blank map worksheet |three regions of Arizona? |

| |Jigsaw reading |Vocabulary Visuals worksheet | |

| | |Discovering Arizona book | |


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|Building Background: Links to Experience & Learning: |Building Background: Key Vocabulary Activities: |

|SMART Board Page 2 |SMART Board Page 5 |

|Have students take turns sorting the pictures into the region categories. |Allow students to take turns matching pictures with the key vocabulary words. |

|In groups, have students collaboratively write a definition describing each region and locate the |Once correct matches are made have students write the word on their Vocabulary Visuals worksheet. |

|regions on the blank map. |Ask students for definitions of words, if they know them. |

|SMART Board Page 3 |Review actual definitions and have students complete their Vocabulary Visuals worksheet. |

|Show students actual definitions and have volunteers match them to the regions. Allow time for students| |

|to check their group definitions. | |

|SMART Board Page 4 | |

|Have volunteers label where the group thought the regions were located. | |

|Review actual locations of the 3 regions. | |

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|Presentation: Lesson Delivery: |Practice/Application: Activities: |

|SMART Board Page 6 |SMART Board Page 7 |

|Have students in each group number off from 1-3 to prepare for Jigsaw reading. |Assign each group 2 places to locate. Have groups locate the places using an atlas. |

|All #1s will read about the Plateau Region (p. 32-33 in Discovering Arizona) All #2s will read about |Allow groups to add the names to the map while explaining which region each is located in. |

|the Mountain Region (p. 36-37 in Discovering Arizona) All #3s will read about the Desert Region (p. 38 |Have students add locations to their blank maps. |

|in Discovering Arizona) |SMART Board Page 8 |

|Groups will reconvene and teach each other information regarding the region they read about. |Have groups take turns completing the picture quiz. |

|As a group they will complete the last part of their Vocabulary Visuals worksheet. | |

|With the whole class review what they learned about the 3 regions. | |

Review and Assessment

|SMART Board Page 9 |

|Allow students time to write a response to the prompt. Students should include information they learned about the regions. |


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