Five Expository Text Structures - The Colorado Education ...

Five Expository Text Structures and their Associated Signal Words

Pattern Description Sequence



Cue Words (signal words)

The author

? for example

describes a topic by listing characteristics, features, attributes, and examples

? characteristics ? for instance ? such as ? is like ? including ? to illustrate

The author lists ? first

items or events in ? second

numerical or chronological sequence, either explicit or implied

? third ? later ? next ? before ? then

? finally

? after

? when

? later

? since

? now

? previously

? actual use of


Information is ? however

presented by

? nevertheless

detailing how two ? on the other hand

or more events, ? but


? similarly

theories, or things ? although

are alike and/or different

? also ? in contrast

? different

? alike

? same as

? either/or

? in the same way

? just like

? just as

? likewise

? in comparison

? where as

? yet

Graphic Organizer

1.__________________ 2.__________________ 3.__________________ 4.__________________

Alike _________ _________ _________

Different _________ _________ _________

Cause and Effect

The author

? if/then

presents ideas, ? reasons why

events in time, or ? as a result

facts as causes ? therefore

and the resulting ? because

effect(s) or facts ? consequently

that happen as a result of an event.

? ?

since so that

? for

? hence

? due to

? thus

? this led to

Effect #1


Effect #2

Effect #3

Problem and Solution

The author

? problem is

presents a

? dilemma is

problem and one ? if/then or more solutions ? because to the problem ? so that

? question/answer

? puzzle is solved

Problem Solution


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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