Expressive Language Targets for Children Functioning Between the 24 ...

[Pages:1]Expressive Language Targets for Children Functioning Between the 24 - 36 Month Developmental Level

? Uses two-word phrases frequently and spontaneously ? Has an expressive vocabulary of at least 50 words ? Regularly adds new words to vocabulary ? Relates personal experiences ? Uses three-word phrases ? Refers to herself by name then by pronoun by 27-30 months ? Asks for assistance ? Uses action words ? Uses two sentence types (declaratives, questions) ? Responds to greetings consistently ? Uses negation ? Answers questions with "yes" or "no" ? Uses plurals ? Uses prepositions ? States gender ? States first and last name ? Relates recent experiences through verbalization ? Uses verb forms ? Expresses physical state words ? Converses in sentences 3-5 word sentences ? Counts to 3 ? Names one color ? Learns to answer early "Wh-" questions

If you need ideas for working on these goals, I can help you with that! This list is from Teach Me To Talk: The Therapy Manual where you'll find lists for receptive and expressive language milestones along with fabulous strategies and activities that WORK to help toddlers acquire each skill. If you want to know more about this book, click here.

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Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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