AP English Name _________________________________________________Extended Definition Planning GuideChoose to define one word with which you have personal experience, one that is a part of your identity.You may choose to write about:?a personality trait that you possess (loyalty, perseverance, compassion, etc.), ?a personal role (son, daughter, student, etc.), ?social role/definer (your ethnicity, age group, gender, etc.), ?beliefs (religion, political view, etc.),?or a concept/stereotype that you have a clear opinion on (jock, nerd, etc.).STEP I:Choose a “label,” or a word that has been used to define/describe you. This will be the word on which you will write your extended definition essay.Write your word here:STEP 2: Look up the dictionary definition of the word and write it below.Dictionary definition:STEP 3: Ask at least three different people to define your chosen word without looking it up. You may ask parents, friends, teachers, etc. Write each given definition.Definition #1:Definition #2:Definition #3:STEP 4: What are some examples of the way the mass media portrays / defines your chosen word? Give one example of your word as seen in the media and describe itMedia Example #1: Description of Example #1: STEP 5: Do you agree or disagree with the way your friends, family, teachers, etc. portray your chosen word? Do agree or disagree with the way the mass media portrays your chosen word?Friends/Family/Teachers/Etc.AgreeDisagreeExplain your opinion:Mass MediaAgreeDisagreeExplain your opinion:STEP 6: What are at least three (3) ways in which this word applies to your life? Give three (3) specific examples of your experience with this word.Experience #1:Experience #2:Experience #3:STEP 7: What tone do you think you should try to establish in your personal essay? Look to your tone word sheet to help decide.Tone: _________________________________________________________________________________Why is this tone appropriate for you word? What techniques might you use to develop this tone (think imagery, description, metaphors, etc.)?-720725-47688500Tone Words ................

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