Subject: Ultimate Aloe/Acid reflux

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia about 2 1/2 years ago when in a bedridden state with chronic pain throughout my body, dry eyes and mouth, irritable bowel, headaches, depression, anxiety, loss of sleep and memory, tingling throughout my body and total shut down. I take allot of magnesium (slowmag), OPC-3, Isochrome, calcium, multi, B12, Aloe, antioxidant, oxygen plus, and vitamin C daily. Also, must eat differently, drink allot of water daily, and do some exercise. If more info is needed, please let me know.Because I care, Patricia McCann Carlisle, PA pmccann@ ===============================================

I would recommend her starting out the products without the loading dose. Some people can't handle that much OPC-3 or Glucosatrin. Have her take OPC-3 1 cap full until she gets it into her system about 1 month then go for on to 2 capfuls. She will need two capfuls of OPC-3 everyday thereafter, The same with the Glucosatrin, just get her to take it 2x daily it may take a little longer to get the results however it does work. She should also be taking the multivitamin. I have had Fibromyalgia for 9 years and have taken every pain/anit-inflamitory/muscle relaxer out there and nothing worked like this combination. Does she want to live in pain or like a zombie or does she want to feel better? Believe it or not some people like misery or just give up. She/He needs to make a decision do you want to beat this thing??????? I am not a doctor this is just what has helped me and I strongly recommend it for everyone else out their with this horrible illness. I found excuses for not wanting to take it at the beginning also, however I was lucky enough to have a best friend tell me what do I have to loose by trying it and look what I will gain if it works. I have my life back now and have started one of the most powerful business ventures imaginable with my husband, yes Market America, and I thank God for the amazing products and also for the incredible compensation plan. I have gotten my life back and at 37 this feels wonderful. Can your friend say that? If I can be of further assistance please feel free to contact me. Best wishes, Jeanne Powers ===============================================

Jackie, age 32 ish - Chronic Fatigue syndrome and Fibromyalgia for some 10years "I had been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, accompanied with chronic fatigue syndrome. The doctors prescribed a strong anti-inflammatory drug plus an anti-depressant. For two and a half years I had been able to sleep only on my back. When I started taking OPC's, the pain improved in 3 days, and in 14 days most of it was gone. The pain in my arms had been very severe, like an abscessed tooth. The pain in the groin, ribcage, hip, back, neck, and elbow has also gone for the most part."


"I was diagnosed as having chronic fatigue with secondary Fibromyalgia. It is a chronic condition that causes fatigue and widespread pain throughout the body. Some call chronic fatigue and Fibromyalgia the "irritable, everything syndrome"! I started on OPC's as another thing to try after many different prescriptions. I had absolutely no faith in it, but figured it wouldn't hurt me. In 3 days, I noticed that I was really having some good days, which I decided was due to my ups and downs. After about 3 and half months, I consider myself back to normal. My activities are many and my schedule is booked full. No fatigue or pain hinders my life."====================

Christy, I suffered with fibromyalgia for years and was under a rheumatologist. His treatment of choice was exercise and minute dosages (1/4 pill of the smallest pill that drug companies manufacture) of Librium (sp?) 4 hours before retiring at night. This regimen did help but did not solve the problem. I still reached for the Advil bottle every morning before I had my morning coffee because I hurt so much in the morning. I was so fatigued every morning that it took me 2-3 hours before I felt like doing anything. I became affiliated with Market America in March 1998 and began taking OPC3 shortly after for lower back pain. Lo and behold, after 3 days of the loading dose, I awoke one morning, went through my morning routine of vitamins, then coffee, then reading the morning paper and suddenly realized that I had not taken any Advil because I WASN'T HURTING! I couldn't believe it. I also had more energy in the morning and became much more productive because I felt like being productive. The black cloud of negative feelings lifted and I felt like living completely for the first time in years. Now I have added Glucosatrin and fibromyalgia is NOT a problem. I am so thankful for OPC3 and highly recommend it for fibromyalgia. If anyone wants to speak personally with me, I will gladly discuss it with anyone. Marjie Shires Pensacola, FL (850) 941-2897 mnssjs@ =========================

Hi. My name is Vikki, I live in NH. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia as well as bipolar 7 years ago. I had many different treatments, antidepressants, diet changes, exercise, massage therapy, the list goes on. A year ago, this week , I was introduced to OPC3. I felt a tremendous difference in a week. As of today I am 100% symptom free of both. I do take many other Isotonix, but I know that OPC3 gave me the "jump-start" I was looking for. Hope this is helpful Vikki Babbin


A lot may depend on how long he has had this problem and how much of a dosage of OPC-3 you have him on. We have found that people with this problem tend to do better with a large loading dose for 3 weeks before lowering it to a maintenance dose. As an example we might suggest 6 caps of OPC-3 per day as a loading dose taken for the first 3-4 weeks for such an individual along with one cap of Antioxidant, which can increase the potency of the OPC-3 by as much as 50%, along with one cap of Vitamin C, which can increase the potency of the OPC-3 by as much as 20%. We have found that most people with this problem will usually notice a difference within the loading period of the first 3-4 weeks if they take the products as described above; however not all people will, some may need 45-90 days to experience a difference. I hope this assists you. Scott & Philo Executive Director Nashua, NURSING HOME ============================

Re: - Fibromyalgia Date: 6/29/00 9:04:26 AM Mountain Daylight Time I have Fibro and have been under doctors' (and that's doctors) care for years. This past October (1999) I freed myself from ALL medications and here's how: I take 3caps of OPC3 first thing every day with 2 caps of Isochrome and CoQ10. I take all our vitamins and minerals (B12, Multi-Tech, Mineral Blast, and Vit C) with breakfast daily and take the Calcium (2caps) at night. I have been on Glucosatrin since last September and have only recently been able to lower my daily dose from 2 caps 2x a day to 2 caps 1x daily. (In the last 30 days I have noticed that if I miss a day---I do not have any recurring pain the next day---this is one more improvement.) I also take TC Select daily. This seems to help with other disorders I suffered with my entire life (i.e. manic depression, migraine headaches, TMJ and sever tendonitis). I have been taking OPC3 for two years and as time passes I notice more and more positive changes in my health. When the fibro "achiness" kicks in at night (and that is very seldom) I just add a cap or two of OPC3 to my nighttime calcium and sleep like a baby. I recently started taking Straw-Kiwi Aloe at night, seems to help my sleep and I wake up more rested. Might sound like a lot, but my quality of life has improved 300%! I was loosing days at a time to the agonies caused by the Fibro and Migraines—the pain and medications ruled my life for more than15 years. Migraines would wake me up feeling like an elephant was standing on my head. Visits to the emergency room, resulted in massive injections of Demerol and anything and everything the professionals thought would help. The pain always remained and my ability to function with the medications became very limited. I would have to be carried out of the emergency room and lost most of my ability to think, talk, function, etc. I was often just "sleeping it all off. The Fibromyalgia caused muscle cramping and leg thrashing in the night. I suffered with achiness affecting my ability to sleep or relax. As a result, the doctor's medication of choice was often a muscle relaxer and anti-depressant or both. Visits to massage therapists and chiropractors sometimes helped and other times didn't. If found myself just "drugged up" a lot of the time. I became dependent on a self-injection medication for the migraines called Imitrex. Horrible effects from this drug –although it would often abort the migraine. I still lost a day or so recouping from the effects of the headaches and the medication. The Imitrex also seemed to set off more pain and discomfort of the Fibromyalgia---I was in a giant "catch 22". I can only say, I am so thankful it is all behind me. Today, I get up feeling great—no aches and pains, no headaches----ever! I can get out of bed without the help of my husband (for months he had to assist me and it took quite some time to get the body moving without pain) I sleep incredibly well and have lost all the weight caused by the adverse effects of all the meds. (Thanks to the SouthBeach Diet) The "chronic" problems I was diagnosed with seem to be non-existent with my daily routine of vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants. I am so thankful for Market America and these amazing products. Jennifer Cisneros- July 2000 Age 47 Colorado Springs, Co


March 16, 1999 I was a very active woman, with healthy eating habits, healthy exercise habits, and never on medications. Hospitals were foreign to me, thank the Lord. Approximately 6 yrs ago, I started experiencing some unusual symptoms to include getting tired quickly, forgetting where I was going/coming from; losing my thoughts in the middle of sentences, simple things that I took for granted would just flow from my lips would get caught somewhere in space. Tingling throughout my body, sleep apnea, drying of the mouth. Many other symptoms, but these name a few. I consulted my doctor and was sent home with "nothing observed". Just my "nerves" I was told. I started to wonder about Alzheimer's. A few years passed with the same problems, only becoming more intense. Another doctor, and same results....nothing seems to be wrong. Continued plugging away, but time didn't help...things got worse. I couldn't get up in the morning, and I couldn't wait to go back to bed when I did force myself up.....Every part of my body ached with pain. I lost my way several times while driving in a city that I had been familiar with for almost 30 years. I was exhausted from the "inside - out". I ended up in the hospital emergency room having lost my vision, my hearing, my motor skills, my memory (didn't recognize my own daughter when she came to see me)...I was a mess. "They" performed several tests on me and when I was sent home from the hospital, I was told I had experienced a "migraine" attack. They set me up with a Neurologist. He sent me home with "nothing" found. There was nothing more for me to do! I consulted a different doctor with a large list of complaints....mostly the memory loss that had been occurring, joint and muscle pain, exhaustion! (I'm talking about an exhaustion that is so bad you can hardly lift a fork to your mouth to eat). Again, I was sent home with "nothing". After a long cry, I sent my husband to see our niece about "that stuff" she kept talking about! OPC3 Two years she spent, trying to get me to try it! Well, this was my last hope, so I decided to "listen" this time! Let me tell you...... Three weeks to the day I started my loading dose of this product, I felt that terrible 5-year cloud lift from my head. I wasn't "cured" right away, but since that time, it's been down hill all the way. I started reading about this anti oxidant, and the other Isotonix supplements, because I wanted to know what it was that "changed my life". I now take a combination of these vitamin supplements as well as the TC 5000 and TC Select. After much reading, listening, talking....I consider that I have experienced Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia.I am back to my healthy self again! That "syndrome" does not exist in my life! I am enjoying a very wonderfully healthy life, thanks to Market America, Inc. and their products! I am pain free and living long, happy days again. I praise and thank God for putting this company and it's products at my fingertips. Thanks you and God Bless! Suzanne Ryan Manchester, NH


Dear Friends, This testimony is being written to encourage and give hope to anyone who can relate to my story and to introduce you to the incredible Isotonix products Market America offers. It all started five years ago, when I was diagnosed with Mono while I was pregnant. I ended up on bed rest two thirds of that pregnancy. On average, I slept 12-14 hours a day. Soon after my baby girl was born, I was diagnosed with Epstein Barr Virus. When you have EBV, you feel like you have a bad flu 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The fatigue is overwhelming, every part of you aches, and you're constantly fighting infections because your immune system is unable to fight them off. You live from one prescription to another and one Doctor to another. I continued to feel worse finding very little relief. I underwent so many tests and procedures to find out if I had a more serious condition. It was then that I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome. CFS is very similar to EBV with added stomach problems, insomnia, chronic headaches, sore throat, numerous allergies to both food and environment, and memory problems (a.k.a. "brain fog"). The fatigue becomes crippling and disabling. During the same time period when I was diagnosed with CFS, I had another baby girl. Having two babies at home with CFS was incredibly difficult. There were so many days when we never changed out of our pajamas. Every ounce of energy I had was spent taking care of the girls and their older brother, everything else went undone. I was so sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. I decided to see a Naturopath Doctor for alternative treatment. Natural medicine helped me more than prescriptions (due to the horrible side effects I had) but at a high price. On average, I spent $250 dollars a month that was not covered by insurance. After two years of this with my husband being the only income earner for our family, I could no longer afford to continue seeing the Naturopath. At this point in my life, I returned to the Medical Doctors for treatment and I could not have gone any lower. It was then, that I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I call it a "Curse". Fibromyalgia affects every part of your body from head to toe in horrific ways. You feel as if you are literally dying, day by day. I began to think I would never see my children grow up and share in all their milestones. I even began to plan my own funeral as horrible as that sounds; it's very true. The pain is so intense and seems to never let up, it just gets worse. By this time, I was taking many prescriptions and receiving 14 injection shots a minimum of twice a week. These injections would numb the pain so I could halfway function and walk. I received four injections in each knee, two in each upper shoulder area, and two in my upper neck area at the base of my skull. The first shot in the base of my skull, I had my firs! t panic attack. I felt so hopeless and fell into a deep depression.Now hear my recovery story! A friend of mine who knew my health problems told me that she had a product she thought could help me. I was very skeptical because I truly had tried everything (I thought). The product she had was OPC-3. The product sounded great and the cost was very reasonable. I had nothing to lose so I gave it a try. Four days after taking OPC-3 my worst pain in my knees was almost completely gone. Seven days after taking OPC-3, I made the decision to stop taking my prescriptions and to have NO MORE injections. I haven't been to the Doctors since then. At this same time, I also started B-12 and my energy level dramatically increased. I am so thankful that I was open minded enough to try these products. Today I have my supplement cocktail every morning of OPC-3 and the other Isotonix products. I have never felt better. Praise God!! Every day I am truly grateful for the these products literally giving me my life back and my husband is just as grateful because he has his wife back too. Since these products were working so well for me and the rest of my family, I looked into getting them at wholesale prices. When I discovered how easy this was to do I became a Distributor with Market America and now purchase the products directly from the company and have them delivered to my front poor. I then began to share my story and how well I was feeling with a few friends and they shared with a few friends and so on. Everyone wanted the products and continues too want more because their health has improved and they are feeling better. At this point, Market America has turned into a part-time business (8-10 hours a week) and this month we will have earned OVER $3,000 in commission checks and almost double that if you include retail sales profits in just 7 months. Remember that we joined Market America to get the products at wholesale prices not realizing we would receive commission checks like we! are. And the BEST part of this business is that we are helping people to feel better and to improve their health. For this reason alone, we would do this business even if we never received a single commission check. Several times a week both my husband and I hear such awesome testimonies of what these products are doing for them and receive sincere appreciation for introducing them to these products. I get emotional thinking of how many people are being helped and that I have the honor of being a part in that. As I said earlier, these products have given me my life back and Market America is allowing us to give our children choices and to fulfill our dreams. I am a walking, talking, and LIVING example of what Market America is all about. I extend an offer to you to take a look at these products and the Company at their website canjoy., if not for you, but for someone you know. Then I'll look forward to hearing from you, so you too can begin your road to improved health and begin your recovery story. Wishing You And Yours Good Health And God's Blessings! Tracy A. Wilkening Enumclaw WA (360) 825-8798 1-800-211-1202 ext. 11824 5Ts@ ===============================================

I have had a chemical imbalance for a number of years due to vitamin deficiency. I have been allergic to all store vitamins and have had to be hospitalized for it. I also had a calcium deficiency and the calcium pills the doctors were giving me for 7 years were not working. My hairdresser finally convinced me to try the MultiTech and Calcium Plus. Within a month, my doctor noticed the difference in my blood work and my skin color. He told me whatever I had found keep using it and don't stop! Within two month, my dentist noticed that my teeth were beginning to tighten back up in my gums and that my fingernails were beginning to harden. Both doctors were glad that I had finally found something that would give me better health. In January of 1999, I started fracturing vertebra's and had also developed stenosis of the lower spine that caused me so much pain that they were talking about starting me on morphine therapy. Since I am morphine intolerant, I felt that was not an option. I ended up giving up my home in Virginia and went to live with my sister in Vermont in June. I could hardly walk and wasn't able to take care of myself. In October, Market America's magazine, Powerline, ! described the product Glucosatrin and I called my hairdresser to get more information. I then ordered it right away because I didn't want to use the pain relief treatment the Veterans Hospital wanted to use. Within three (3) weeks, it not only relieved 75% of my back pain but also cleared up my Fibromyalgia. The rest of the pain became manageable. I have had such success with these products that my doctors can't believe that I can walk and not use my wheelchair. I have had to stop taking the Multi Tech because of the iron, but am taking: OPC-3, Isochrome w/Q-10, Antioxidant, vitamin C, Glucosatrin, and ThermoChrome 10,000 ThermoChrome has helped me lose 35 pounds this year and with the Isochrome, I haven't had an angina attack in several months. Many times when the vertebra's fracture, it causes some chest pain because of muscle spasms and by taking the Glucosatrin and Isochrome, it has made manageable. If it! weren't for Market America's products, I would have to live with my sister or in an Assisted Living Facility instead of buying a new home in New Hampshire. THANKS MARKET AMERICA for giving me a new start in life!! Carol A. Jackson New Hampshire 1-800-693-6101 ext 04 ===============================================

From my experience with Fibromyalgia customers, I would say "no" the OPC-3 does not interact negatively with pain killers. In fact, I have a lady who got off *all* of her pain medications since being on OPC-3. She started on OPC-3, Antioxidant and Mineral Blast and wanted to take TC Select (this put another cust. into remission) but she is on Synthroid for her Thyroid. She is doing awesome on the products, in fact, has become a distributor since having such great results!! Hope this helps! Pam Shoop Mason City, IA shoopshoop1@====================

 I too have a customer with Fibro.  It's ME!!!! I've been on OPC-3 for over a year now and will NEVER be without it.  The pain is all but gone.  I'm doing things that I haven't been able to do for 2-3 years prior to OPC-3. My first comment would be to convince your client that a 90 day committment is a must.  Three weeks just isn't enough time to tell if OPC-3 is right for her. Be sure to get this committment!!  She'll love you for it. I also have Reflux Esophagitis (sic).  I found that my stomach reacted to the natural "fizz" in some of our products.  I've learned to let my OPC-3 cocktail (with Vitamin C) sit for at least 5 minutes before I drink it.  That really helped. You may also want to discuss our Aloe drink with your client. I sincerely hope you can convince her to stay on OPC-3 for at least 90 days.  Life without the Fibro pain is "beautiful". Good luck and we'll see you at the top. TL Weaver ===============================================

Ditto! I have a customer with that condition also and a rhematoid athritis and more. She had to take OPC for several months in at least 4x daily, plus multitech and calcium to notice any aid in pain. But after about 3 months she ran out thinking she could wait til she returned from a trip and reorder. She got into so much pain she was begging me for the OPC upon her return- and it has been over a year now and needless to say she does NOT run out. Adding mineral blast is also helpful I hear, but we got her under control with OPC, multitech,  and calcium.  And she was on (zorcor? and she stopped that  after only taking that med for a month) we also added feminene recently because she stopped HRT treatment after all the negative reports and the feminene is helping those symptoms. Customer is 50 yrs. old.Hope it helps, Deborah h. smith atg 11259============================================================ 

Hi, Mary.  Here are some I have:

> I have fibromyalgia and my sister-in-law also.  I started taking OPC-3 about

> a year ago and she also did shortly after me.  I experienced dramatic

> results with my fatigue within a week.  It took a week for her to see the

> swelling going down in her legs and feeling better with the muscle aches.

> I started with 2 caps a day and now I take 2 in am and 2 in pm. My sister in

> law was only taking 1 cap a day and has increased to 2 caps a day.

> She just told me, a few days ago, that she has realized that in the last 3

> weeks, she has been pain free!!!  It looks like OPC-3 is doing its job in

> scavenging those free radical cells.


> When I am having a bad day, I add a few more capfuls. We have a Physical

> Therapist in the company who has all her Fibromyalgia patients on Glucosatrin.  One of the reasons she joined the company was because of that

> product alone.


> Hope this helps.

> Joan Romano

> Clinton, CT


At a Local Seminar a couple of years ago the speaker recommended "six caps

>a day until the pain goes away" and then start reducing the dosage. (Two caps three times per day)


>After having less than good results with the first two customers that tried OPC-3 for fibromyalgia, I tried the six caps with the next one and the results were wonderful. She backed down to four caps per day after four weeks.


>Derrick Grantham


Hi Nancy,


> I have fibomyalgia.  I took 4 caps of OPC daily and 2 Vitamin C at first.  What she has is called Fibro Fog to those of us with this illness.  It is part of the illness.  I now take OPC-3 (4 caps), Vitamin C- (2caps),  Antioxidants(1cap), CoQ10 (1cap), Feminene (2 capsules), B-12 (2caps) and  Oxygen Plus (2 capsules) daily. These have been a life saver for me.  I

> still have this feeling occasionally but not every day like I did.  Now it  only happens when I'm in a flare up which are fewer and far less episodes.  Have her add one at a time.  See how she does.


> Warm wishes,

> PatriciaG


February 2003

> I have had Fibromyalgia for 17 years.  I am 44 years old and up until 3 months ago I felt like I was living in a 95 year old woman's'  body.  Among a few of the worst symptoms I experienced were:  I could not bend at the knees AT ALL without having excruciating pain.  Because I couldn't use my leg muscles I would strain my back whenever I had to pick something up off of the floor.  And heaven forbid I ever got down on the floor or ground because I could NOT get back up without help.  This really cramped my style outdoors because I am an avid Master Gardener and Landscaping Fanatic.  Having to give that up completely in the summer of 2002 for what I thought was going to be forever,

> really robbed me of my spirit and zest that makes me special in the eyes of the people who know me.  Also the tingling pins and needles piercing my arms, hands and fingers that woke me up in the middle of the night robbed me of ever obtaining a truly restful nights' sleep.  And on numerous occasions the leg cramps would be so bad that I had no choice but to get out of bed and soak in a warm tub of water for an hour or two.

> Consequently during the day my Chronic Fatigue was so bad that half the time I felt like I had better stop and check my pulse to see if I was still alive!  When I could go on no more I would drag my half dead body back to lay down for a mid day nap but I'm not the

> kind of person who can sleep during the day so that never worked and usually I was up again within 20 minutes trying to accomplish some of the work I HAD to get done for the day.   Three months ago I ran into a old friend at a funeral that I hadn't seen in nearly 20 years.  He had helped numerous people with my condition obtain their quality of life back.  I was totally skeptical because I had already tried everything out there to no avail.  Well,

> thank God he MADE me try the OPC-3 Supplement because I feel like a million dollars today.  I will never be without it.  More than 3/4 of the testimonials I read from people who have Fibromyalgia, had success within 3 days of taking the OPC-3, and for years keep their body in check with just one cap a day.   However, since my case was so extreme I started out with 3 capfuls A.M. and 3 capfuls P.M. as a loading dose.  After this regimen for a period of 2 months I was able to get up off the floor with no help and no hands!!!!!

>   Now after being on the product just 3 months I can outrun my 8 year old son!  I feel like I'm 18 years old again.  I now  take only 1 to 2 capfuls a day to keep things in check.    I got my life back. Now I want to help others get theirs back so I have become a Market America Distributor since the Isotonically capable OPC-3 is exclusively available through them.  Also, thank God for Market America's "WAKE THE DEAD" Mochotonix for treating my fatigue problems without drugs or prescriptions.  It works.  And it works FAST!!  It has also helped me achieve some weight loss.  I love it!                                 

>             I just can't thank my friend or Market America enough for what they have put on my plate.  As promised, I will share with others which I have been given.  Sincerely, Karen M. Thomas, Norfolk, NE 


> It is now April 2004, and I am still experiencing new improvements to my health, here are a couple examples: 

> I used to have a set of reading glasses in every room of the house.  After being on the Isotonix Nutritionals for about 8 months, I noticed I wasn't using the glasses for reading anymore!  Before I started taking OPC 3 my memory was deteriorating.  For example, if you interrupted me in the middle of a sentence, there is NO WAY I would be able to remember what I was talking about.  In other words my train of thought was very very short.  I've been taking OPC 3 for a year and a half now.  I no longer have a problem remembering what I am talking about.  It's unbelievable how you notice people having

> that problem once you no longer have it!  It's an epidemic!!

Big Al,

I Lived with Fybromyalgia, Spimadic muscles, RA and lots of other problems for 9 ½ years because of which was the results of two car accidents and wrongly prescribed pharmacy medicines. I had three disk fused together and the second accident injured two of them plus more disks. My surgeon said all he could do was fuse all the disks together with a still rod and I would have to have someone lead me anywhere I walked the rest of my life. So, I live with pain for all those years trying not to have that surgery. My last two and half of years if I drove the car 10 minutes, I was out of it in bed for three days. I sleep the last 9 months setting straight up could not let my head touch anything. The more conventional medicines I was given made me go even deeper into pain. I was given every type of treatment you could have had. I was on 13 different pain meds and going every other day for 17-31 trigger point injections in my head and neck plus therapy 3-4 times a week. I HAD NO LIFE!

I had just prayed to God if he didn’t do something within 2-3 day I could not handle the pain anymore; I was on the verge of being suicidal. With in 2 hours of that prayer, the phone rang, it was My NOW sponsor, he called me to tell he had a person that had this product that would help pain. I said if you can get it to me over night I would try it. With in three days of July 3, 2002 taking ONLY OPC-3 triple dose twice a day the first time. I could tell it was helping me, so I slowly took myself off ALL 13 pain meds that I had depended on for years, three of them any and as many doses I wanted to take a day. Six weeks to the day, starting on OPC-3, I was off ALL my meds and TOTALLY pain free. So, my husband and I became Distributors that next June just to get product wholesale. This past August was three years so far with NO pain. The OPC-3’s is a product I will NEVER go off of because I do not want back to how my body felt or my life was.

I am so grateful for the whole team at Market America and my sponsors for telling me about the Isotonix line, that I, as many of you, are ever ideated to tell anyone I can about OPC-3’s. Hope this will help someone in the future.

It has taken my husband and I longer to start working Market America’s recruiting part of the business because of getting myself back into shape. We really just started working it this past February. But watch out!

Transitions have also helped me loose 81 pounds from a size tight 18 to a 10 since last November.



Gloria J. & Steve A. Stump


41 Stump Lane

Waynesboro,VA 22980



ATG 3750



“In Market America's world of "Unfrachise" it’s not what you know that matters.

Rather, it’s what you do with what you know that counts.

By helping others do a little today to achive Freedom tomorrow.”



When Mark & I became Market America distributors I was full blown Fibromyalgia

and I had sinuses really bad, headaches, etc.


Taking the OPC 3 daily I never realized that it was doing more for me than the Fibromyalgia, sinuses, headaches, etc.  I did not realize the prevention of other



However in July of this year I was put on strong antiboitics for weeks and was not able

to take my OPC-3 during that time.  I realized on Sunday Morning of convention I had an ugly large varicose vein poking out in my upper right leg.  When I was able to get back on the OPC-3 the varicose vein began to diminish and is almost gone. 


Because I do have Fibromyalgia, I take at least 1 capful per 75 pounds; some days

I take more.  However that's anot! her testimony!


I hope this helps. 


If anyone has any questions I may be reached at ATG 02979; 302-698-1479 Home or

email: sharymark@


Shary Wilkins

X 02979


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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