Care After Cataract Surgery - St. John's Surgery Center

Care After Cataract Surgery

1. Now that your surgery is complete, you will notice a gradual improvement in

both comfort and vision. Most of our patients have no discomfort after cataract

surgery. However, once in a while, a patient mentions a sensation of grittiness

or “sand in the eye”. There is nothing to be alarmed about and will go away.

If you have any minor irritation, you may take some Tylenol, Advil, or any other

equivalent to relieve it. However, if you experience any pain, please call the

office right away.

2. Your vision may fluctuate as your eye heals. This is normal. However, if you

notice a decrease in vision, please call the office right away.

3. You may shampoo and shower whenever you like. Close your eyes so that you

don’t get soap or water in your operated eye. If you go swimming, do not put

your head under water for one week.

4. Some patients may experience either a brow ache, dim vision or haloing around lights

and this too is normal.

5. Do not lie with pressure on your operative eye for 4 nights. DO NOT RUB EYE.

6. Do not drink alcoholic beverages for 12 hours. Do not drive for 12 hours

7. You may resume your normal activities tomorrow.

8. The doctor’s office will call to confirm your post operative appointment.


I understand and have received a copy of the above instructions.


Date:___________________________ Lens Card: ___________________________


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