Q.1 Who are singing in the tree?

a) dogs b) birds c) bees d) cats

Q.2 Who make the buzzing sound ?

a) bees b) birds c) rats d) cats

Q.3 Who is called sleepy head ?

a) child b) man c) mother d) tiger

Q.4 How is the day ?

a) cloudy b) lovely c) sunny d) rainy

Q.5 Wake up means ?

a) go to bed b) come in c) get up d) come out

Q.6 Lovely means ?

a) ugly b) bad c) beautiful d) not good

Q.7 Opposite of come is-

a) go b) wait c) get out d) run

Q.8 Hurry up means-

a) do fastly b) do not do c) do slowly d) let us do

Q.9 Rhyming word of wake is-

a) cake b) late c) fate d) wait

Q.10 Word tiniest means-

a) big b) small c) very small d) large


Q.1 What time did Neha’s clock ring every morning ?

a) 4 o’clock b) 5 o’clock c) 9 o’clock d) ) 6 o’clock

Q 2 .What did the birds say ?

a) keep on sleeping b) go and play c) wake up d) go and sleep

Q.3 What is inside you that makes you get up at the same time everyday ?

a) our feet b) our ears c) our eyes d) our body clock

Q.4 Who said,” wake up, dear! wake up, fast!”

a) mother b) father c) alarm clock d) birds

Q.5 Ram _____ a good football player.

a) were b) is c) has d) had

Q.6 Who said , Relas today is Sunday!

a) mother b) father c) brother d) sister

Q.7 What is the sound of a clock-

a) pick- pick b) tick –tick c) mick- mick d) dick -dick

Q.8 _________ is related to morning -

a) darkness b) sun c) moon d) star

Q.9 Who was sleeping?

a) mother b) father c) brother d) Neha

Q.10 What was the day Neha felt very sleepy ?

a) Sunday b) Monday c) Tuesday d) today


Q.1 Who looked in the mirror ?

a) child b) ) uncle c) poet d) ) aunt

Q 2 .What did the child looked at ?

a) nose b) ear c) eye d) mouth

Q.3 How did the nose appear to her ?

a) funny b) flat c) flat d) beautiful

Q.4 The two holes in the nose is for -

a) put in water b) breathing c) put in flower d) for rats to live

Q.5 The rhyming word for shows is _____

a) were b) about c) grows d) goes

Q.6 Giggle means –

a) to smile b) to shout c) to laugh d) to cry

Q.7 Nose is also used for -

a) look b) hear c) feel d) smell

Q.8 Everyone likes the smell of -

a) dirty shoes b) garbage c) petrol d) rose

Q.9 The two holes in the nose are called?

a) thumb b) finger c) nostrils d) Nails

Q.10 No one likes the smell of -

a) rose b) champa c) garbage d) agarbatti


Q.1 Who was Shetty ?

a) footballer b) magician c) teacher d) electrician

Q 2.What happened suddenly ?

a) began to rain b) sun came out c) became cold d) cloudy

Q.3 What is the name of the tree ?

a) neem b) pepal c) banyan d) fir

Q.4 The fie tree have leaves like_________ -

a) needles b) stones c) bowl d) plate

Q.5 Who ate the green leaves ?

a) cow b) goat c) donkey d) horse

Q.6 Who stole the gold leaves ?

a) policeman b) men c) women d) children

Q.7 Who broke the glass leaves ?

a) wind b) cloud c) child d) men

Q.8 The opposite of happy is-

a) smiling b) laughing c) cry d) sad

Q.9 How many wishes the magician granted to the tree?

a) 2 b) 5 c) 4 d) 1

Q.10 The rhyming word of bright is -

a) night b) grant c) rain d) pram


Q.1 What does the poet tell us to do ?

a) walk b) play c) talk d) run

Q .2 Run to the country mean?

a) to the village b) country to country c) in the country d) out of the country

Q.3 In which game do we not run ?

a) chess b) cricket c) hockey d) football

Q.4 Breeze means -

a) cold wave b) hot wave c) no wave d) storm

Q.5 Tick the long’e’ word ?

a) peg b) met c) tree d) fear

Q.6 What do not feel when we run fast ?

a) heart beat faster b) we feel sleepy c) we feel breathless d) we feel ful of energy

Q.7 Which place poet does not want us to run ?

a) raindrop b) in the city c) meadows d) hill side

Q.8 Meadow means -

a) garden b) park c) grassland d) road

Q.9 Which is not a rhyming word?

a) run b) fun c) sun d) fan

Q.10 Which is a good exercise ?

a) sitting b) running c) sleeping d) talking

LESSON – 6. Nasurrudin’s aim

1) What was Nasruddin doing-

a) playing b) chatting c) reading d) writing

2) Who gave Challenge for the Nasruddin

a) Friends b) Neighbor c) King d) Father

3) Nasruddin hit the target

a) In first time b) In second time c) In third time d) In fourth time

4) Which is an out door game -

a) Cricket b) chess c) playing card d) Carom

5) In which game goggle word is used ?

a) Football b) Hockey c) Basketball d) Cricket

6) The thing which is used for storing something -

a) Cup b) plate c) mug d) container

7) Which is a ' ing' form of verb -

a) play b) played c) run d) running

8) Tick the correct spelling-

a) Accept b) Acept c) Acepet d) Accepte

9) Bow is made by -

a) Iron b) Bamboo c) rubber d) copper

10) Which is a antonym of happy -

a) cheer b) good c) sad d) pleasant

LESSON – 7. " Why ?"

1) What sort of a boy is described in the ' Why ' poem ?

a) Sad b) Curious c) brave d) bold

2) At the time of Solar Eclipse we can't see

a) Sun b) moon c) Stars d) planet

3) Which thing will not be float ?

a) Balloon b) Boat c) plastic ball d) Iron nail

4) What work we should not do in the night.

a) Sleeping b) Study c) Dinner d) playing in the dark.

5) Write the plural form of story -

a) Stores b) Stories c) Stair d) Storis

6) Write the superlative degree of 'hard '-

a) Haredest b) harder c) hard d) Hardest

7) What is the rhyming word of 'Stop'-

a) top b) small c) high d) deep

8) Tick the opposites of ' Start '

a) happy b) little c) end d) middle

9) Boy is a .......

a) masculine gender b) feminine gender c) neuter gender d) Comman gender

10) Which song the man sang for the Onion.

a) hot Onion b) Sweet Onion c) Purple Onion d) Dear Onion

LESSON -8. Alice in Wonderland

1) The rabbit had-

a) White eyes `b) big eyes c) pink eyes d) yellow eyes

2) Who was burning with curiosity ?

a) Alice b) The rabbit c) Children d) The monkey

3) Who fell down and down ?

a) Alice b) A mouse c) The rabbit d) butterfly

4) Who said - " Oh, my ears and whiskers ? How late it's getting ! "

a) The rabbit b) Alice c) Alice's sister d) a mouse

5) The garden which Alice saw was --

a) Big b) lovely c) small d) bad.

6) What was the Alice doing ?

a) reading b) playing c) cooking d) running

7) Alice followed the -

a) Rabbit b) Rat c) Cat d) Monkey

8) ' To be inquisitive ' means -

a) to think b) quickly c) Curiosity d) Suddenly

9) Which is a plural form of ' watch '-

a) Watches b) Watchiess c) Watched d) Watching

10) " Oh dear, I will be too late who said this -

a) Rabbit b) Alice sister c) mouse d) Donkey

LESSON -9. Don't be Afraid

1) What is the poem about ?

a) night b) day c) sun d) moon

2) When the day is over the earth do -

a) rest b) Work c) shines d) move

3) Peace is the opposite of ---

a) War b) Silent c) calm d) please

4) Haven't is a short form of

a) Have not b) will not c) hasnot d) Should not

5) Which one is a loud Sound

a) Running train b) an ant walk c) SShhhh d) A leaf falling

6) Sweeter is a ........

a) positive degreeb) Comparative degree c) Superlative degree . d) general degree.

7) Which one is a Softer sound ?

a) stamping feet b) clapping hand c) whisper d) A car moving

8) Alice was wonder after seeing the rabbit because it

a) Could run fast b) Could read c) Could speak d) Could dance.

9) Moon do rest in -

a) night b) day c) never d) Always.

10) What we should do at night ?

a) think about friends b) running c) playing d) Dancing

LESSON -10. Helen Keller

1) Helen Keller was born in .........................

a) Alabama b) Alaska c) Iran d) Brazil

2) Miss Sullivan was Helen's ........................

a) teacher b) mother c) friend d) sister

3) Blind people read by ..................

a) Braille Script b) Devnagri Script c) Sanskrit Script d) Arabian Script

4) 'Dark' is a opposite of .........................

a) White b) Light c) Orange d) Black

5) We should go for a walk........................

a) every day b) once in a week c) once in a month d) once in a year

6) Son and Sun are ...........................

a) Opposite b) homophones c) Synonyms d) Comparative word

7) Singing is a ................................

a) past form of verb b) Present form c) future form d) ing form of verb

8) The tortoise walk ...........................

a) slowly b) fast c) very fast d) doesn’t walk

9) We should always speak ...........................

a) truth b) lie c) wrong d) rudely

10) Which one is not a homophonic word ?

a) are - our b) meter-metre c) sum - some d) chair – chess


Q1What would the child give the donkey?

a)grass b) tree c) corn d)husk

Q2What would the child find ?

a)hay b)wood c) food d) rice

Q3What is the antonym of ‘best’ ?

a)good b)better c)worst d)bad

Q4 Did the boy wallop the donkey ?

a)yes b)no c)always d)sometimes

Q5What does the donkey do ?

a)gives milk b)gives eggs c)carry loads d)sleeps

Q6 For whom does the donkey work ?

a) farmer b)washer man c) cobbler d) doctor

Q7 Who is the poet of the poem ‘The Donkey’?

a) John Keats b) Shakespeare c)M.S.Russell d)Robert

Q8 What is the antonym of ‘born’?

a) died b) birth c) death d)rise

Q9 _____ is the synonym of donkey .

a)kid b)pussy c)ass d)pony

Q10_______is the rhyming word of born.

a) box b) ox c)corn d) corn


Q1What is a pony?

a)a baby dog b)a baby horse c)a baby cat d)a baby cow

Q2What did the lady do to the pony?

a)she took care of the pony b)she whipped him c)she sold the pony d)she gave him a bath

Q3What did the child decide to do?

a)to lend the pony again to the lady (b)to give the pony to the lady

c)to never lend the pony to the lady again (e)to sell the pony

Q4Where does a horse live?

a)shed b)stable c)hole d)hive

Q5What was the name of the pony?

a)Sweety b)Honey c)Dapple-gray d)Dapple-dew

Q6To whom did the boy lent the pony?

a)to a lady b)to a man c)to a farmer d)to a girl

Q7Which of the following words represent distance?

a) smile b)mile c)tile d)hour

Q8_______ is a rhyming word to hire.

a) drive b)high c)mire d)horse

Q9We should not _________the animals.

a)love b)feed c)tease d)disturb

Q10Horse is a _______animal.

a)domestic b)wild c)water d)carnivorous


Q1How was the cow’s mood?

a)good b)cool c)bad d)upset

Q2What does the cow give us ?

a) egg b)milk c)wool d)silk

Q3Where was the cow sitting?

a)in the middle of the road (b)in the field c)in the shed (d)in the garden

Q4What is the meaning of ‘gleaming’?

a) breaking b)buying c)shining d)showing

Q5What do we call a person who sells vegetables?

a)cobbler b)doctor c)shopkeeper d)grocer

Q6What did the wrestler say ?

a)I have the strength of ten horses (b)I am most powerful

c)no one can beat me (d)I have the power

Q7What did the boy give the cow ?

a)bread b)honey c)chappati d)grass

Q8What is the antonym of ‘joy’?

a)fun b)happy c)sorrow d)pain

Q9Who did not try to move the cow ?

a)policeman b)milkman c)wrestler d)girl

Q10What is the best quality of life?

a)being arrogant b)being loving and caring c)being jealous d)being quarrelsome


Q1 Where do the birds live?

a)web b)nest c)den d)hive

Q2 Who was Hiawatha?

a)Indian boy b)American boy c)Red Indian boy d)African boy

Q3 Where did Hiawatha lived?

a)in a house b)in a wigwam c)in a stable d)in a cottage

Q4 What was his grandmothers name?

a)Nokomis b)Miskomis c)Kokomis d)Gogomis

Q5 What secret did Hiawatha learn about birds?

a)how they build there nests (b)how they eat c)how they fly (d) how they run

Q6 To whom did Hiawatha could talk?

a)birds b)animals c)man d)birds and animals

Q7 How were the Rabbits?

a)lazy b)noisy c)timid d)slow

Q8 What did Nokomis teach Hiawatha about?

a)science b)language c)the wonders about them d)English

Q9 Which of the following can fly?

a)animals b)trees c)human being d)birds

Q10 What did Hiawatha call the birds?

a)Hiawatha’s chickens b) Hiawatha’s friends c) Hiawatha’s brothersd) Hiawatha’s family


Q1 To imitate someone means to________

a)copy someone b)tease someone c)make someone angry d)help someone

Q2’I visited the court of Akbar’ means_______

a)you always live there b)you came there for a short time

c)you were born there d)you are from there

Q3Who came to Akbar’s court?

a)a teacher b)a saint c)a learned Pundit d)a priest

Q4What did he claim to know?

a)many games b)many jokes c)many languages d)many dishes

Q5Who took over the challenge?

a)the king b)Birbal c)no one d)courtiers

Q6What was the Pundit’s mother tongue ?

a)English b)Hindi c)Marathi d)Telugu

Q7Which of the following words means “to speak in a low voice”.

a)whisper b)shout c)murmur d)scream

Q8 ______is the antonym of ‘awake’.

a)alive b)asleep c)alone d)arise

Q9Which of the following words is a rhyming word for ‘feather’.

a)weather b)water c)daughter d)potter

Q10What is the feminine gender for ‘king’?

a)woman king b)she king c)queen d)lady king


1 What did the boy make with the braches of the tree?

1 boat 2 furniture 3 house 4 non of these

2 Plural of branch is -----------

1 branchass 2 brenchess 3 branchess 4 brenchass

3 How did the tree help the boy earn money?

1 by giving wood 2 by giving leaves 3 by giving apples 4all these things

5 Rhyming word of money is---------

1 curly 2 early 3 honey 4 all of these

6 Which part use of plant to make furnitures

1 wood 2 flower 3 fruit 4 all of these

7 Past tens of go is --------

1 going 2 went 3 goes 4 went

8 Tick the correct spelling of

1 delicious 2 dalicious 3 dalicius 4 dilicious

9 In this story -------tree is the giving tree

1 apple 2 gvava 3 banana 4 mango


1 Chintha Chattu is a tree

A) mango (B) banana (C) gavava (D)tamarind

2. Tansing was a famous ---------

(A) the dancer (B) poet (C)singer (D) non of se

3 tick the correct spelling

A.Breve (B) brave (C) breav (D) brav

4 Is a place where books are kept

(A) library (B) computer lab (C) music room (D) hall

5 Singular of the word shelves is-------

(A)shelf (B) self (C) shailf (D) shelf

6 Antonym of the word happy said

(A) said (B) sad (C) sed (D) all of these

7 Which is not ramming word of look is -------

(A) book (B) took (C) cock (D) hook

8 Plural of story is -------

A) storys (B) stories (C) storyes (D) storees

9 A-------is a place where sick people are taken care of

(A) hospital (B) market (C) home (D) non of these

10 the word galore means ----------

(A) in great number (B) great leader (C) great views (D) non of these


1 Why did the grand father give the children money ?

1 to buy book 2 buy pen 3 buy pencil 4 fruit

2 Tick the oppositebig

1short 2small 3 smale 4 all of these

3 She is afraid ---- her mother ?

1 of 2 down 3 with 4 in

4 Tick the correct spelling ?

1 tommrow 2tommorow 3 tomarow 4 tomaro

5 The opposite gender of brother is -----

1 mother 2 father 3 sister 4 grandfather

6 where do u go buy books

1 home 2market 3books shop 4all of these

7 tick the correct spelling ?

1picher 2picture 3pictare 4pictuar

8 which leaf is used for writing ancient time

1 palm tree 2mango tree 3 banana tree 4 peepal tree

9 Future form of verb give is -----?

1given 2gave 3 giving 4 getting


1 From where did the naughty boy come

1 england 2 scot land 3poland 4 motherland

2 Poet o f poem the naughty boy is ---

1 Rukmini benarge 2 Jhon kids 3 P A Ropes 4 John keats

3 Where did the naughty boy go ?

1 motherland 2pooland 3scotland 4england

4 Out of these which is not made up of wood ?

1cot 2chair 3 table 4cap

5 Out of these which is not describing word?

1beautful 2 good 3 weak 4 table

6 Which one is made up of metal?

1balloon 2 pencil 3 knife 4 shirt

7 The people of Japan are known as ------

1Indian 2 Japanese 3Dutch 4African

8 Opposite of naughty is

1 sad 2 happy 3 shy 4 sincere

9 The plural of people is

1 peopls 2 peoples 3 pupilse 4 pupiles

10 Synonyms o f merry --------

1 sad 2 happy 3regret 4 neglect

LESSON -20. A Watering Rhymes

1 Choose The correct opposite of morning is

(1 )day (2) evening ( 3)noon (4)night

2 Choose the correct spelling of

1 earth 2 eairth 3 earteh 4 eerth

3 Write the plural of Flower -----------

1Flowers 2 flovers 3 flowars 4 flowrres

4 Rhyming words of keep

1 deep 2 beep 3sheep 4chip

5 Rhyming words of high

1 boy 2 sigh 3 lei 4 why

6 Which is the best time to water the plants?

1 at noon 2 at mid night 3 at night 4 early in the morning

7 Which part of the plant should be watered?

1 root 2 stem 3 flower 4 fruits

8 From where do flower get water?

1 Root 2 leaves 3 flower 4 fruits

9 Which part of plant give fragrance to us ?

1 root 2 flowers 3 leaves 4 stem

10 What happens if we don’t water the plant

1 they will die 2 they will grow 3 both of these 4 non of these


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