Drugs for the Eye and Ear - Triton College

Drugs for the Eye and Ear

-Eye disorders

-Glaucoma- condition characterized by increased pressure within the eye caused by failure of the aqueous humor to drain

-Drug therapy of choice for treatment is miotics, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, and beta-adrenergic blocking agents.

-Side effects include diplopia (double vision)

-Eye infections

-Conjunctivitis- an inflammation of the mucous membrane that lines the back of the eyelids and the front of the eye except the cornea

-Blepharitis- bacterial infection of the eyelid that causes crusting, redness, and irritation

-Treatment is generally determined only after a laboratory test is performed to determine the infective organisms

-Ear disorders

-External otitis- an inflammation and infection of the epithelium of the auricle and ear canal

-After a culture and sensitivity test is performed to identify the causative organisms, topical antibiotics may be administered

-Cerumen- earwax

-Treatment consists of irrigation of the ear canal or lubricating drops placed in the canal to soften the ear wax

-Topical antibiotics include polymyxin B, colistin, neomycin, and chloromycetin

-Nystatin- used for fungal infections

-Corticosteroids- used for infections, except those that are fungal

-Refer to page 153 for representative drugs for the eye and ear

-Refer to pages 154-157 on how to properly administer medication to the eye and ear


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