Bacterial and Viral Infections Mimicking IBD

Bact er ial and Vir al I nf ect ions Mimicking I BD

Mur at Tor uner Ankar a Univer sit y Medical School

Ankar a - TURKEY

Out line

? Summar y of clinical manif est at ions of Ulcer at ive colit is

? Summar y of clinical manif est at ions of Cr ohn's disease

? Dif f er ent ial diagnosis of inf lammat or y bowel diseases

? Specif ic bact er ial and vir al inf ect ions mimicking inf lammat or y bowel diseases

Clinical Manif est at ions of Ulcer at ive Colit is

? Bloody diar r hea, ? Passage of mucus, ? Cr ampy pain, ? Tenesmus, ? Fever , ? Weight loss, ? Poor nut r it ional st at us, ? Anemia due t o blood loss

Clinical Manif est at ions of Cr ohn's Disease

? Abdominal pain, ? Diar r hea ? Fever , ? Weight loss, ? Per ianal pain and dr ainage (per ianal disease) ? Anemia

Disor der s may Simulat e I BD

? I nf ect ious Agent s

? Salmonella ? Shigella ? Escher ichia coli ? Campylobact er j ej uni ? Yer sinia ? Tuber culosis ? Ameoba ? CMV ? C. Dif f icile

? I nf lammat or y diseases

? Diver t iculit is ? Collegeneous colit is

? Vascular agent s

? I schemic ? Radiat ion

? Neoplasms

? Lymphoma ? Adenocar cinoma ? Car cinoid

? Mot ilit y disor der s

? I r r it able bowel syndr ome ? Solit ar y r ect al ulcer

? I at r ogenic f act or s

? NSAI Ds ? Endoscopic cleaning solut ion

r eact ion


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