Name = Name:


Budapest, Hungary

5th June 2004

Message: #1

Date: 02.06.2004

Name: Gergely Nagy

E-mail: gergely.h.nagy@xxx

Age: 28

Country: Hungary

City: Budapest

Job: Economist, Brand Manager

Hobby: Listening to Sting’s music & fusion jazz

Favourite song: I Was Brought To My Senses

Dear Sting,

First of all, the Hungarian Sting Mailing List and Fan Club (MSL) welcomes you to Budapest, Hungary and we really appreciate that you have accepted this very special present of ours, Fanbook 2004.

You may remember us, because four years ago on 11th June 2000 we also gave a similar book to your hands, containing a lot of messages of your fans from all over the world. We hope you found it interesting and enjoyable to read.

With the help of a very good friend of mine Attis, who is the webmaster of, we started to collect letters and photos to you again via the Internet. During our three-month campaign, Send Your Love To Sting! we received 200 messages and 78 pictures altogether. Fans from 5 continents and 37 countries (from Argentina to Yugoslavia) wanted to express their feelings about your wonderful music and lyrics. Being a Hungarian citizen, I am really proud of the fact that more than one third of all messages were written by fellow fans from Hungary. Interestingly enough, the youngest person who wrote to you is 11 years old and the oldest one is 70 years old. Every message was printed without any modifications, so please excuse us for any mistakes.

In fact, I’m a huge fan of yours since I was 13. I think your music and personality made my life happier and more colourful. I also discovered the fantastic and exciting world of contemporary jazz through your and your musicians’ works. I’m personally grateful to you, so I would like to pay tribute to your career by creating this Fanbook, which couldn’t have been completed without the support of the most loyal fans of course. The message is common in every single letter of this book:

You send your love to us through your music, and now we would like to send our love back to you through this Fanbook.

Thanks for coming, thanks for reading, God bless and see you again! ;-)

Best regards,



Message: #2

Date: 29.02.2004

Name: María Elena Bonilla

E-mail: stingbo@xxx

Age: 29

Country: Uruguay

City: Sauce,Canelones

Job: Teacher

Hobby: Listening to music

Favourite song: Desert Rose

Hi Sting,

I hope by the time you read this you'll be fine. I just wanted to express how wonderful it is to have someone like you on this planet.You're such an incredible human being and songwriter . Your lyrics truly express deep feelings and thoughts which it's always a pleasure to listen to a new studio album , because one is always excited about what new emotions you will bring out .

I also wanted to add that 'Sacred Love'songs are really amazing ( I loved all of them since the moment I heard them !!) . That's why I also want to tell you that you must keep writing those wonderful lyrics for a thousand years to come !!. You're just incredible .

And last but not least , when are you going to como to Uruguay ? we love you so much here and it's been 14 years since the last time you came that we long to have you here again !!!

Well , I suppose that after this long message you must be yawning , so I won't bother you any more .

Big hug and kiss

María Elena



Message: #3

Date: 02.03.2004

Name: Patryk Cholody

E-mail: peppers@xxx

Age: 19

Country: Poland

City: Lublin

Job: Medicine Student

Hobby: music, sport

Favourite song: Saint Augustine In Hell

Hi! I'm the chairman of Your Polish Fan Club, I also run a webpage about You. I just wanted to say, that your music means everything to me and to all people in our Fan Club. I hope that You'll come to visit Your fans in Poland :) Greetings from "...Nothing Like Sting" Fan Club :)

Message: #4

Date: 02.03.2004

Name: Emanuele

E-mail: angelinem@xxx

Age: 30

Country: Italy

City: Torino

Job: Corporate Strategist

Hobby: reading, music, swimming, cycling, girls

Favourite song: Shape of my heart

As a spare-time keyboard player and musician I'm glad to feel inspired by your music.

Your last effort, "Sacred Love", was surely appreciated but I preferred the previous works. I'm turning back to "Brand New Day" and to the other glorious works of the past.

There's too much dread and confusion in your latest experiments. But I understand that growth comes also from facing new directions, and I'm still awaiting eagerly for your next work.

Greetings from Italy

Message: #5

Date: 03.03.2004

Name: Joe Snodgrass

E-mail: mercury_falling2@xxx

Age: 21

Country: USA

City: Spokane, WA

Job: Customer Service Representitive

Hobby: Reading, Music

Favourite song: Valparaiso

I don't really know what I should say. I, unfortunately (because I'm so damn pessimistic) don't believe if you do read any of the entries at all, that you will make it this far. However, feel free to email me if you do... ok; that was cheesy.

Anyways, I would like to thank you for your music and what you've done globally for mankind in general. Really, it is admirable what you do; however, the unfortunate part of it is that one person cannot save the entire world from destroying itself. No man can - Jer. 10:23 says: "I well know, O Jehovah, that to earthling man his way does not belong. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step." - So you see, mankind cannot solve the problem at all. We can contribute, but only God and his kingdom will solve mankinds problems. I know you believe in all paths leading to the same god and/or destination. But, most of these religions believe in the bible to some extent; by careful examination of it, you too will see that that idealism completely contradicts the whole theme of the bible. If you are interested in learning more about the bible, accurately, please contact your nearest Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses.

And now I have shared the good news even with Sting. Thank you,

Joe Snodgrass

Message: #6

Date: 03.03.2004

Name: Phillip

E-mail: phillip172002@xxx

Age: 22

Country: Germany

City: Laupheim

Job: Chemikant

Hobby: PC, Music

Favourite song: Send your Love

Hi Sting,

your Music and you are the best!!!

Sting thanks för all the beautiful Songs!!!!

Your big Fan


Message: #7

Date: 03.03.2004

Name: Sylwia

E-mail: sylwiaz@xxx

Age: 24

Country: Poland

City: Lodz

Job: student

Hobby: music, joga, religions

Favourite song: Fields of Gold

I love your music, Sting. You're great!

I'd like to see you in Poland.

I will waith for you...

Message: #8

Date: 03.03.2004

Name: SANCHEZ, Laura Isabel

E-mail: lauraisabel_es@xxx

Age: 28

Country: Spain

City: Madrid

Job: Petrochemical Supplies

Hobby: Music & Literature

Favourite song: Be Still My Beating Heart


Your music fill my life with joy when it was empty, and bring me my boyfriend, the best gift of all.

God Bless you!

Message: #9

Date: 04.03.2004

Name: Michaela Ash

E-mail: Michaela.Ash@xxx

Age: 44

Country: Germany

City: Munich

Job: Mother

Hobby: Flamenco (Singing and Dancing)

Favourite song: Fragile and many more

Dear Sting,

Although I can´t say that I´m a proper Fanof yours I have to confess, that somehow every time my life changed I came across your music and it was a good companion to me.

I´d like to thank you so much for your latest release. My passion belongs to Flamenco (el cante jondo)and I found this time a couple of songs on your record had a lot of "duende", even on CD.

Thank you very much again and be blessed for your work


Message: #10

Date: 04.03.2004

Name: Joanna

E-mail: j_ro55@xxx

Age: 21

Country: Poland

City: Suwałki



Favourite song: They dance alone

I wanted to write a unique letter; however,I know it is impossible 'cause everything was probably written before. I really admire you as an artist. Your music is one of the aspects that changed my attitude towards life,particulary towards other people... I know it's not new for you 'cause you probably hear such things all the time... And what's my dream??? There are two actually. One is of course your tour in Poland (or at least one or two concerts in my country), the other is recording a song with one of my favourite Polish artists - Anna Maria Jopek. I've heard that it's possible in the near future, but I think it may be just a gossip (hope not). So, that will be all. Hope you'll read it (I keep my fingers crossed).



Message: #11

Date: 05.03.2004

Name: Len Boeren

E-mail: boeren2@xxx

Age: 46

Country: Holland

City: Tilburg

Job: teacher-actress

Hobby: translatingStingreviews

Favourite song: fragile

Hallo Sting

Nice to have an opportunity to send a message to you, since three month I am translating your interviews, articles and things like that english-dutch for StingUs, I am not saying how good and fantastic you are, these things you have heard enough, but my brother is a very famous dutch trombone-player, he also performed with Toots Thielemans,just like you, and he also knows Clark Gayton, who is, just like my brother one of the 100 worlds best trombone-players.

By the way, I am really one of your biggest fans, especially in the spirit,


Len Boeren

Message: #12

Date: 05.03.2004

Name: Maria

E-mail: ericbio@xxx

Age: 30

Country: Argentina

City: Buenos Aires



Favourite song: Shape of my Heart


I nedd the lyric in spanish of Sacred Love.

Thank You.


Message: #13

Date: 06.03.2004

Name: Gönczöl Peter

E-mail: xilex81@xxx

Age: 23

Country: Finland

City: Lahti

Job: student

Hobby: music, reading

Favourite song: After The Rain Has Fallen

Dear Sting,

I think your music is the best in the world, and I hope you will make great albums in the future also. We are waiting for You here in Finland!


Peter Gönczöl

Message: #14

Date: 06.03.2004

Name: Karel Van Isacker

E-mail: info@xxx

Age: 30

Country: Greece

City: Athens

Job: Senior Consultant - Head R&D Department

Hobby: Music, eating Greek food

Favourite song: When the angels fall

I was watching the Bring on the Night movie today and realised this was almost 20 years ago, the same time i started becoming interested in your music. I wonder if you would ever keep an "oldies" tour during which only songs from your first three solo albums would be performed. Something actually The Cure did last year ... just an idea.

Take care,


Message: #15

Date: 06.03.2004

Name: Giovana Bigarella Ruaro

E-mail: gi@xxx

Age: 18

Country: Brazil

City: Curitiba

Job: Student

Hobby: Cinema

Favourite song: A thousand Years

Dear Sting,

I'm a big fan and I was never able to go to one of your concerts. Please, come to Brazil with the Sacred Love Tour!

Your music inspire us to be a better human being.

You get better and better with the time. I'm talking about your music and your look! ;)

A special kiss for you.



(sorry, my english is not that good)

Message: #16

Date: 06.03.2004

Name: Pamila Ausley

E-mail: PDAusley@xxx

Age: 45

Country: United States

City: Nokesville

Job: Nutritionalist

Hobby: decorating

Favourite song: Whenever I say your name

Dear Sting,

I truly started to connect with your music after my husband left me and my kids in 1999. First with your CD "Brand New Day" I lived and breathed your songs and they helped me to enjoy the new changes in my life brought on by separation and divorce. Then I saw a special on VH1 about you and your life and was completely drawn to you. I was sad to see of your first marriage breaking and the pain you went through, but then realized why I related to you. I love your song "I'm so happy I cant stop crying"...been there! Thank you for sharing your heart and soul in your words and music and life. Your passion and true sense of who you are has touched my soul. I saw you in concert in Washington, D.C. May 2001. I felt as if my soul has known you before. I would love to meet you in person someday, possibly this will occur. God bless you and your lovely wife Trudi and your family. Keep singing! with love and thanks, Pamila

Message: #17

Date: 07.03.2004

Name: Apu

E-mail: apu_ad1@xxx

Age: 40

Country: India

City: Gandhidham, Kutch

Job: Port Radio Superintendent

Hobby: Music,FM DXing, Geogrophy

Favourite song: Walking on the moon

Dear Mr Sumner,

I saw you last in India when you visited Rangbhavan at Bombay in 1977....

since then India is very unfortunate to have your live concerts..though you have great friends like anushka, and nora who are from india ...but no concerts...looking forward for your indian tour... we miss you dear gordon we so much dearly poorly miss you here in India...come to India please once ,,,,,apu

Message: #18

Date: 07.03.2004

Name: Mariam Alkalali

E-mail: endlessrain55@xxx

Age: 21

Country: Australia/Thailand

City: Canberra/Bangkok

Job: Student/Singer

Hobby: listen to music , Play games

Favourite song: Tomorrow will see

Hi Sting,

I'm Mariam....I've been listening to your music since I was 10 now I'm 21 .... well it haven't been so long but I can say that I don't love your music any less....Everytime you're on TV I will get a phone call from my friends say hey sting is on channel ..... blah blah..... You inspired me in everyway.....I would love to meet you one day.....not sure if our path will ever cross but you know it's one of my biggest dream to be able to meet you...... I'm a music student at Canberra School of Music in Australia....every holidays I go home to Thailand (that's where I'm from Bangkok , I'm a singer there .. I have an album , video clip and stuff haha I'm hoping one day my music will reach your side of the world and I'm hoping to sing with you one day ..... I have to learn Giant Steps (Coltrane's solo) at uni right now.....It's quite hard for a singer like me but you know thinking about if I ever get good enough to sing with you......Give me 100 choruses of Giant Step!

s ... I will learn them all......hahaha

I love the words in your songs.....I love the musicians you chose.....I really admire you , you are my biggest hero !

>From Mariam

Message: #19

Date: 07.03.2004

Name: agnieszka dudzinska

E-mail: adudzinska@xxx

Age: 29

Country: poland

City: szczecin

Job: medical representative

Hobby: travelling, people

Favourite song: santa agnes

Thank you, four your music which help in my everyday life. I wish you luck. Be good!!!

Message: #20

Date: 07.03.2004

Name: nancy simmons

E-mail: nsimmons@xxx

Age: 45

Country: Canada

City: Niagara Falls

Job: Dental Hygienist

Hobby: jamming on keyboard

Favourite song: wild wild sea

hello Sting!

My husband and I saw you on the Brand New Day tour in '96 in Buffalo, NY. Lyle Lovett opened and you sang "I'm so Happy I can't stop crying" with him. As I recall there were a large number of deaf fans and a woman was signing the lyrics for them on stage. We are tremendous fans of your work and are looking forward to seeing you in Toronto

on March 20th. We are taking our 16 year old son who is an aspiring guitarist himself and his girlfriend. They are also big fans. My son's favourite song of yours is "Brought to my Senses" ...loves the guitar intro and the poetry in the lyrics.Thanks for all of the lovely music over the years.

I read your book (it was a Christmas gift) and found it poignant and quite hilarious at times. Wishing you continued health and happiness.

Sincerely, Nancy Simmons

Message: #21

Date: 08.03.2004

Name: Linda J.

E-mail: jankowski1@xxx

Age: 51

Country: USA

City: Kansas City

Job: Admin Assistant

Hobby: Drawing, reading, gym

Favourite song: Let your soul be your pilot

This may sound trite and cliche, but it seems that I connect to your songs in a special way, almost like I know them before I hear them. "A Thousand Years" sounded so familiar to me, even though I knew that I was hearing it for the first time. In addition, it sometimes seems that a particular song will come to me via the airwaves that is exactly what I need to hear at the time I need to hear it. When I came out of the doctors office after hearing I needed eye surgery to save my sight, "Let your soul be your pilot" was playing on the car radio and it gave me a little courage. Thank you also for "Sacred Love", which is helping me currently to accept the death of my parents. The main thing I want to say is thank you for sharing your gift of music with the rest of us, and please don't stop!

Message: #22

Date: 08.03.2004

Name: charlie meehan

E-mail: cmeehan@xxx

Age: 36

Country: USA

City: MIami

Job: english professor

Hobby: music

Favourite song: I Burn for You

Sting: You have been an inspiration and your music has played an essential role in my life for many many years. I want to thank you sincerely for all the wonderful music and lyrics that you have written throughout the years. Your music has provided the soundtrack to my life. Thanks again.

Message: #23

Date: 08.03.2004

Name: assal haddad

E-mail: assal_haddad@xxx

Age: 26

Country: jordan

City: irbid

Job: engineer

Hobby: music

Favourite song: when the angels fall

dear sir sting, my father was a poet, and he once wrote a poem named "a soward for jesus, a conscience for judath, and a master for pilatos, and may peace be on earth", a long name i know, but in arabic it doesnt sound that long, it was his equation of the right earth. i guess you sir have fulfilled these requirements in order to be clean of a sin.

which brings me to your "i found the cure for the countrie's ills", i always found it a bit childish when the artists talked about love as a healing device, i always looked up for nation's, religion's, or society's rules and laws as the way out of our misory, and loosing the track of that is what made us reach this point of inhumanity, but lately i am seeing that all the religions or societys or nations have been defragmented into small pieces that no longer have a meaning (and i dont know whos behind all of this), and we reached a point where nothing shines meaning from within but love. its like when your in college studying engineering this means that you have passed succesfuly your high school, but what if your haigh school degree was a fake, this requires us to give every and each guy in the university a test in the fourth grade's math and history books, and this is the case here i think, relations and soceity nets and countrys have skipped that silly test in the !

forth grade which is love, and for that they should be sent back there to catch up with the young lovers once again....this way i realy find love our own salvation but in the same time its realy scary when nothing can indicate truth but your heart, when nothing holds as evidence but what lies in the vacinity of your own body, its a sign of how torn apart humans have become, we have reached the most primative evidence of our existance, once again im not against romantic arts, actually i see salvation through them, but its just that i know that the line is declining rapidly down, sorry for my dark thoughts, i am a lover myself, i play music with and for love, but its only when i look to my small sister or when i imagine whats it like for my kids....or when i see myself roped to a tree and the whole village is on fire.....jesus i am dark.....thanks again sir for not getting tired...

Message: #24

Date: 08.03.2004

Name: Helen Shang

E-mail: hallospacegirl1013@xxx

Age: 17

Country: United States

City: Cupertino

Job: Student in high school (blah...)

Hobby: Writing, singing, violin and bass, sleeping.

Favourite song: Whenever I Say Your Name

March 8, 2004

Dearest Sting,

As I sit writing this at one o'clock on a Monday morning (instead of finishing my murderous backlog of homework) I'm wondering if I'm really ' qualified ' enough to write a letter to you. While many of your fans have been listening to you since the Police, I became a fan of yours ever since' last week. Your enigmatic performance (and that spiffy hurdy-gurdy!) at the 2004 Oscars hooked me to your music, and made the ensuing days a flurry of excitement as I tried to get my hands on every single album of yours in record time.

Sting, your ability to vividly invoke the senses through your songs is incredible. This afternoon I was listening to 'Fill Her Up, ' and you sang in your soft, smoky voice, 'The evening sun is slanting through the pine trees real pretty/It's like I walked into a glade of heaven. ' Just then I noticed the sunlight soaking through my window ' the first real sunlight after months of winter ' and a feeling of warmth and contentment washed over me. It was such a beautiful experience, Sting, and I can only imagine the treasures I will uncover as I listen to more of your priceless music. It's going to be a great adventure.


Helen Shang

Message: #25

Date: 08.03.2004

Name: Tania Smith

E-mail: tania.k.smith@xxx

Age: 35

Country: Germany

City: Wiesbaden

Job: none

Hobby: music

Favourite song:

Great Music

Message: #26

Date: 08.03.2004

Name: Eszter Őri

E-mail: tikuc@xxx

Age: 15

Country: Hungary

City: Nyírbátor

Job: -

Hobby: listening to Police& Sting music

Favourite song: Inside




Message: #27

Date: 08.03.2004

Name: susan gula

E-mail: suzel_777@xxx

Age: 37

Country: Canada

City: toronto

Job: Office admin

Hobby: music/reading/crafts/musicvideos/shopping

Favourite song: Shape of My Heart(I love them all!)

Hello Sting! I had the pleasure of meeting you at Much More Music live intimate and interactive studio concert a few months back. Your performance was amazing as I expected! I told you I had been waiting to meet you in person, and get an autograph from you since I was 13 years old! I was so glad to have finally met you! You are every bit as charming in person as you are on tv! I think that you are one of the most talented and versatile(not to mention attractive and intelligent)performers! I also admire all of the work you do for the charities that you believe in! I have followed your music and some of your movie roles since the Police days! Your music just keeps getting better and more meaningful! I was just so honoured to have finally met you! Love Susan Gula, Toronto, Ontario, Canada:)

Message: #28

Date: 08.03.2004

Name: liis

E-mail: liis@xxx

Age: 18

Country: estonia

City: tallinn

Job: student

Hobby: theatre

Favourite song: besides all of them? "shape of my heart"

You have been, are and will always be my favourite. :)

I was in the front row when you performed in Estonia and I'd love to see you here again and I wouldn't be alone!

All the best to you from the periphery of Europe (they call Estonia). ;)

Message: #29

Date: 08.03.2004

Name: Trev Watson

E-mail: trev@xxx

Age: 26

Country: Canada

City: Niagara Falls

Job: Casino Security officer

Hobby: Dvds and playing guitar

Favourite song: Secret Journey

Dear Sting

Is there any chance you'll bring out a special Last Exit box set for your fans? After reading your amazing book and your life with Last Exit. I can't help but wonder.


Trev from Niagara Falls, Canada

Message: #30

Date: 09.03.2004

Name: Szilvi Varga

E-mail: szilvi12@xxx

Age: 22

Country: Hungary

City: Budapest

Job: university student

Hobby: rock-climbing

Favourite song: All four seasons, Fill her up, They dance alone, Fields of Gold

Hi Sting :-)

I'm Szilvi, 22, from Budapest, Hungary. It was only yesterday that I recognized you'll come to Budapest this summer again and since then I'M SO HAPPY THAT I CAN'T STOP CRYING ;x) I think me and my friends will also go out to Vienna to see your show.

I SAT DOWN AND WROTE THIS LETTER to tell you that the first concert I've ever been to was your former Brand New Day concert held in Budapest, 2000. Your concert was held on Sunday, a stuffy summer evening in June, and as that was my very last year in secondary school those days I was about to sit my final exams. The oral exams were set the next Monday and Tuesday, but as me and my friend, Luca, wanted to go to the show, FOR MANY LONELY, SLEEPLESS NIGTHS WE HAD A QUESTION THAT WAS PREYING ON OUR MIND FOR SOME TIME 'How should we ask our class master to let us take that exam on Tuesday instead of Monday'. We knew he wouldn't have been pleased with the reason 'JE SAIS QUE C'EST DUR, MAIS IL FAUT SE FAIRE AU CHANGEMENT as we'd like to go and see Sting's show, so please let us take our exam on Tuesday'. We finally came up with the idea that both of us had some kinda family gathering on Sunday, so it was impossible for us to take those exams on Monday. Well, that worked o!

ut pretty well... :)

MANY YEARS HAVE PASSED SINCE THOSE SUMMER DAYS but ALL THIS TIME I found my composure in your music. YOU STILL TOUCH ME... Sometimes, I SEE ME WITH YOU AND ALL THE THINGS YOU DO KEEP TURNING ROUND AND ROUND IN MY MIND and JE NE COMPRENDS PAS BIEN how YOU CAN BE ALL FOUR SEASONS in your music. So I'd like to say thank you for all the music you write and sing as it brings us EVERYDAY ANOTHER MIRACLE. Thanks a lot, Sting. Merci beaucoup. Mille grazie. Danke schön. Köszönöm szépen ( ................

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