WEM Aviation - Goldsboro Flight Training

BASIC SUPPLIES LISTA list of “stuff” you need for completion of the Private Pilot and Instrument Course. Color / bold indicates MANDATORY. IPAD… Yep I really think an IPAD should be mandatory because you can use it for test prep, navigation, surfing the web, reference library…. I like the mini and I use one with max RAM. Up to you. Not mandatory but I have no idea how you could complete the course without it. You will use it during the cross-country phase. FAA Airplane Flying Handbook- This book is fundamental and is a primary reference by the FAAFAA-H-8083-3AFAA Pub or ASA printing versionFAA Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge- This book is fundamental and is a primary reference by the FAAFAA-H-8083-25FAA Pub or ASA printing versionAviation Weather ServicesFAA-AC00-45HFAA Pub or ASA printing versionAviation Weather(AC) 00-68FAA Down Load or ASA printedFAA Private Pilot – Airplane Airman Certification Standards- This book is fundamental and documents the exact standards to which the flight examiner will evaluate a PPL candidate. FAA-S-ACS-6AFAA Pub or ASA printing versionPrivate Pilot Oral Exam Guide- Different than the FAA written exam. The examiner will conduct an oral exam of the PPL candidate. This book provides great supplemental information and prep for the oral. Not an official FAA publication but a must to get thru the oral exam. Mandatory but not a FAA DocumentASA Publication not available from FAAFAA FAR / AIM (latest version) - FAA Fundamental Document. The actual regulations! Get a written copy and highlight, tab, mark and dogear it! The examiner will have you reference it during the oral exam. FAA FAR / AIMASA or anyone Visual Flight Maneuvers HandbookLow Wing Version ASA Visualized Flight Maneuvers The Standard Pilot Log- Your logbook. Remember the LOG BOOK becomes a legal official record of your flight training. Mandatory but not a FAA DocumentASA-SP-57 or anyone you likeASA E6B Metal Flight ComputerSpend the dollars and get the good one!ASA Ultimate Fixed PlotterNo Need for a “rotator” save the moneyKnee BoardAny will do … I like the “Flyboys” version.Head SetGet what you want. I’ve used everything from a $100-dollar to $ 1200-dollar head set. You really get what you pay for! Local Area Sectional Chart- Your Navigation “map” … it is really a CHART … They expire on a regular basis. If you take an expired chart to your exam expect a failure. They are expensive too. FAA Charlotte Sectional Finger Led Light FliteLite FG-RGW Red-Green-White LED Finger Light Three Pack You really only need one for nights but I’m sure you will lose it.Digital WatchInexpensive if fine.Extra Stuff for the instrument rating. FAA Instrument Flying Handbook- This book is fundamental and is a primary reference by the FAAFAA-H-8083-3AFAA Pub or ASA printing versionFAA Instrument Procedures Handbook- This book is fundamental and is a primary reference by the FAAFAA-H-8083-25FAA Pub or ASA printing versionInstrument Oral Exam GuideMandatory but not a FAA DocumentASA FAA Instrument Rating ACS- This book is fundamental and is a primary reference by the FAAFAA-S-ACS-8AFAA or ACS ................

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