Standards, manuals or handbooks - Stache Air

Standards, Manuals or Handbooks

I frequently need help with the basics and I'm sure a lot of engineers who go to college and don't serve an apprenticeship would know what I mean. "Zeus book? What's a Zeus Book?"

Here's some from my favorites list to start. Apologies for the emphasis on fasteners, but guess what I've been struggling with lately?

1) NASA Fastener Design Manual (9.4Mb)

2) SPS Fastener References (Misc. Sizes)

3) Acceptable Methods, Techniques, and Practices - Aircraft Inspection and Repair. (Broken into chapters, Misc. Sizes)

4) Maryland Metrics - Source of many handy charts and tables.

5) The Mil-HDBK 5 replacement (75Mb)

6) Fastener Technical Info (Bossard Company, Misc. Files)

7) Introduction To Composite Materials (1.73Mb)


9) NACA Reports:

10) NASA Reports:

11) Accident Reports:

12) Hardware suppliers: ,


13) Bristolmick, you also need this one:




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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