FSIMS Handbook

Volume 5  airman certification


Section 8  Conduct a Commercial Pilot Certification Including Additional Category/Class Ratings


1 Original Certification. 1504.

2 Additional Category, Class, or Instrument Rating. 1505.

2 OBJECTIVE. The objective of this task is to determine if the applicant meets the requirements for certification as a commercial pilot under Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 61, subpart F. Successful completion of this task results in the issuance of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Form 8060-4, Temporary Airman Certificate(Commercial Pilot; FAA Form 8060-5, Notice of Disapproval of Application; or a Letter of Discontinuance.


1 Airworthiness Coordination. The aviation safety inspector (ASI) conducting the practical test, or an airworthiness ASI, should review the aircraft maintenance records, aircraft logbook, airworthiness certificate, and aircraft registration to determine if the aircraft is airworthy and suitable for the practical test. After review, return the documents to the applicant.

2 Pilot-In-Command (PIC) Duties. Part 61, section (§) 61.133 allows a commercial pilot to act as PIC of an aircraft for compensation or hire. During the practical test, ASIs should determine whether the applicant is aware of the types of flight operations and other regulatory requirements found in parts 133, 135, and 137 that affect these privileges.

3 Commercial Pilot Certificate. To apply for a commercial pilot certificate, the applicant must hold a private pilot certificate.


1 Graduate of an Approved School.  Under the provisions of part 61, § 61.71(a), an applicant who graduates from an approved training program under 14 CFR part 141 or 142 is considered to have met the applicable aeronautical experience, aeronautical knowledge, and areas of operations requirements of part 61, if the applicant presents the graduation certificate and passes the required practical test within the 60-day period after the date of graduation.

2 Graduate of an Approved School With Examining Authority. Under the provisions of § 61.71, an applicant who graduates from an approved training program under part 141 is considered to have met the applicable aeronautical experience, aeronautical knowledge, and areas of operation requirements of part 61, if the applicant presents the graduation certificate and passes the required practical test within the 60-day period after the date of graduation.

3 Not a Graduate of an Approved School. If the applicant is not a graduate of an approved pilot school, or has not applied for a commercial pilot certificate within 60 days as specified for approved school graduates, the applicant must meet all applicable aeronautical knowledge, aeronautical experience, and flight proficiency requirements of part 61, subpart F.

4 Aeronautical Knowledge. A knowledge test report or a test report from an approved school with knowledge test examining authority are the only acceptable forms of evidence that the applicant has passed the knowledge test for a private pilot certificate.

1 The format of the knowledge test report from an approved school or computer testing designee must include an embossed seal in the lower right corner and the testing facility’s name and air agency designation number.

2 The holder of a category rating for powered aircraft is not required to take a knowledge test for the addition of another category rating to a private pilot certificate.

5 Aeronautical Experience. The applicant must present a pilot logbook training record or other reliable record(s) as evidence of meeting the required aeronautical experience.

1 Military pilot flight time records may be used to show the required flight time if the records meet the requirements of § 61.51.

2 An applicant for a commercial pilot certificate must have received the required minimum night flying aeronautical experience. An exception is made for persons who reside in Alaska, who may have their training delayed, but only in accordance with § 61.131.

6 English Language Requirement.

1 Early in the process of issuing a commercial pilot certificate, the ASI must determine whether the applicant can read, speak, write, and understand the English language. Advisory Circular (AC) 60-28, English Language Skill Standards Required by 14 CFR parts 61, 63, and 65, explains how to determine English language abilities required for pilot certification.

1 If the applicant cannot read, speak, write, or understand the English language, then the ASI may not issue the commercial pilot certificate unless the reason is because of a medical disability.

2 If the applicant is unable to read, speak, write, and understand the English language because of a medical disability (e.g., a hearing impairment or speech impairment that is medically substantiated by a certified medical physician), the ASI may place an operating limitation on the commercial pilot certificate. The operating limitation may require the person to be accompanied by another pilot who is qualified to act as a PIC for the appropriate aircraft category, class, type (if class and type of aircraft is applicable), and operating privilege.

2 While there are no practical test standards (PTS) established to ascertain the applicant’s English language ability, the following examples may be used as guidelines to evaluate and test an applicant’s proficiency in reading, speaking, writing, and understanding the English language:

1 An ASI may ask the applicant to listen to a tape recording of an air traffic control clearance or instructions, then ask the applicant to speak and explain the clearance or instructions back to the examiner in the English language.

2 An applicant may be asked to write down in English the meaning of an air traffic control clearance, instructions, or a weather report, then asked to speak and explain the clearance, instructions, or weather report back to the ASI in the English language.

NOTE: The intent is not to require the applicant to read, speak, write, and understand the English language at college-level standards. A common sense approach should be used in evaluating an applicant for this requirement (reference § 61.123(c)).

5 LIMITATIONS. Because of specific operating conditions, commercial pilot certificates may have certain operating limitations. The airman must observe any operating limitation until the limitation is removed from the certificate. Any limitations on the private pilot certificate that were not removed before the commercial certificate was issued must be placed on the commercial certificate, unless the applicant demonstrates or presents evidence that the limitations no longer apply. Applicants with a medical impairment that prevents them from flying at night would not be able to meet the requirements for night solo aeronautical experience that is required by § 61.129 at the commercial pilot level. Those applicants would be issued a certificate with the limitation “Night Flying Prohibited” as a PIC or as a “Required Pilot Flight Crewmember.”

NOTE: Night Flying Limitations. On August 4, 1997, a complete rewrite of part 61 became effective. Section 61.131 eliminates the night flying exception for all pilot applicants except those applicants who receive flight training in and reside in Alaska and have not received the required aeronautical night flying training as required by § 61.131, as appropriate. Those applicants may be issued a certificate with the limitation “Night Flying Prohibited”. However, they must comply with the appropriate night aeronautical flight training requirements (§ 61.129, as appropriate) within the 12 calendar-month period after the issuance of the pilot certificate. The certificate will be considered invalid for use at the end of 12 calendar-months unless the appropriate night training requirements of § 61.129 are met.


1 Commercial Pilot Certificate. The following are the aircraft category and class ratings for the commercial pilot certificate:

• Airplane single-engine land,

• Airplane single-engine sea,

• Airplane multiengine land,

• Airplane multiengine sea,

• Rotorcraft helicopter,

• Rotorcraft gyroplane,

• Powered-lift,

• Glider,

• Lighter-than-air airship, and

• Lighter-than-air balloon.

2 Lighter-Than-Air Class Ratings.

1 A commercial pilot with a lighter-than-air category rating may instruct in balloons or airships, as appropriate. The commercial PTS for Commercial Lighter-Than-Air, Balloon (Airborne Heater) contains areas of operations that specifically test flight instructor responsibilities.

2 At their discretion, ASIs are authorized to omit Area of Operation I, Fundamentals of Instructing, when conducting practical tests for those airmen who hold a current flight instructor certificate and who are applying for a commercial pilot certificate with a lighter-than-air category and an airship, balloon (airborne heater) or balloon (gas) rating. In addition, ASIs are authorized to use applicable portions of the Balloon (Airborne Heater) PTS when conducting initial practical tests for balloon (gas) certification.


1 Prerequisites. This task requires knowledge of the regulatory requirements of part 61 and FAA policies, and qualification as an ASI (Operations).

2 Coordination. This task requires coordination with the airworthiness unit and with the airman records section of the Airmen Certification Branch, AFS-760.


1 References.

• Title 14 CFR parts 1, 61, 91, 141, 142, and 187 (appendix A, Fees)

• FAA-S-8081-2, Commercial Pilot Practical Test Standards, and the references listed within

• PTRS Procedures Manual (PPM)

2 Forms.

• FAA Form 8060-4, Temporary Airman Certificate (Figure 5-41)

• FAA Form 8060-5, Notice of Disapproval of Application (Figure 5-39)

• FAA Form 8710-1, Airman Certification and/or Rating Application (reverse side) (Figure 5-42)

3 Job Aids. Sample letters and figures.


1 Schedule Appointment. Advise the applicant to bring the following documents to the appointment:

1 A properly completed FAA Form 8710-1;

2 A private pilot certificate (if for original commercial pilot certification);

3 A commercial pilot certificate (if for an additional category or class rating at the commercial pilot certificate level);

4 At least a third-class medical certificate and Statement of Demonstrated Ability (SODA), if applicable;

5 A knowledge test report (if applicable);

6 A school graduation certificate (if required by § 61.71);

7 Personal logbooks or other records substantiating the flight experience shown on the application form;

8 The aircraft maintenance records;

9 The aircraft airworthiness certificate;

10 The aircraft registration;

11 An acceptable form of photo identification; and

12 The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) aircraft station license, if applicable.

2 Applicant Arrives for Appointment.

1 Collect the documents listed above.

2 Open PTRS file.

3 Review the Application, FAA Form 8710-1.

1 In section I, ensure that the applicant has checked “Commercial.” If the applicant is seeking a rating (other than an instrument rating), ensure that he or she has checked “Additional Aircraft Rating.”

2 Check the application for accuracy, using the instructions attached to FAA Form 8710-1 and guidance found in volume 5, chapter 1, section 3.

3 Ensure that the flight instructor has signed the endorsement block no more than 60 days before the application was submitted.

4 (4) The application must be completed in ink or typed and signed by the applicant. Per part 61, § 61.39(a)(7), the applicant must complete Section III, Record of Pilot Time, on the FAA Form 8710-1 application. As a special emphasis item, the examiner must review the applicant’s aeronautical experience recorded on FAA Form 8710-1 and in the applicant’s logbook/training record to ensure compliance with the appropriate aeronautical experience requirements for the certificate and/or rating sought.

4 Verify Applicant’s Identity. Inspect acceptable forms of identification to establish the applicant’s identity. Compare the identification with the personal information provided on FAA Form 8710-1 (see volume 5, chapter 1, section 3).

1 If the applicant’s identity can be verified, proceed with the task.

2 If the applicant’s identity cannot be verified because of lack of identification or inadequate identification, explain what types of identification are acceptable. Advise the applicant to return with appropriate identification to reapply.

3 If the applicant’s identity appears to be different from the information supplied on FAA Form 8710-1, or it appears that an attempt at falsification has been made, do not continue with this task (see volume 7, chapter 6).

5 Airmen Requirements for Original Issuance. Determine if the applicant meets the specific eligibility, knowledge, competency, and experience requirements for certification as a commercial pilot (sections (§§) 61.123, 61.125, 61.127, and 61.129). The following list expands on the basic requirements:

1 If the applicant proposes to operate powered aircraft, ensure that the medical certificate (FAA Form 8420-2) is current.

2 Inspect the applicant’s medical certificate and SODA, if applicable, to ensure that it does not bear any limitation that would make a special medical flight test necessary. If a special medical flight test is necessary, see volume 5, chapter 8.

3 Have the applicant present proof of aeronautical knowledge and flight proficiency in accordance with §§ 61.125, 61.127, and 61.129. Use an acceptable logbook or other reliable record that conforms to § 61.51 requirements.

4 Check the record of flight time in section III of the application to determine if the applicant has the minimum aeronautical experience required for the certificate and ratings sought under part 61 or 141.

5 Check FAA Form 8710-1 to determine if the applicant has failed the commercial pilot practical test previously. If so, check the applicant’s FAA Form 8710-1 for the required certified flight instructor’s signature verifying that the applicant has received the necessary required training.

6 Request and examine any one of the following documents as acceptable evidence of having passed the knowledge test:

• An Airman Knowledge Test Report

• A test report from an approved computerized knowledge test facility

• A test report from an approved school with knowledge test examining authority

7 Ensure that second-in-command (SIC) pilot time was acquired in an aircraft with a type certification that requires an SIC or in an aircraft operated in compliance with a regulation that requires an SIC.

6 Airmen Requirements for Additional Category and Class Rating. These requirements are the same as in paragraph E above; however, the knowledge test is not required if the applicant already has a powered aircraft rating. The applicant must present at least a third-class medical certificate for an additional category/class rating in a powered aircraft.

7 Aircraft Requirements. The ASI conducting the practical test or an airworthiness ASI should review the applicant’s aircraft maintenance records, aircraft logbooks, airworthiness certificate, and aircraft registration to determine if the aircraft is airworthy and suitable for a practical test. After review, return the documents to the applicant.

8 Discrepancies. If a discrepancy that cannot be immediately corrected exists in any of the documents, return the application and all submitted documents to the applicant. Inform the applicant of the reasons for ineligibility, and explain how the applicant may correct the discrepancies.

9 Conduct Practical Test. After determining the applicant is eligible and meets all prerequisites for the commercial pilot certificate, category or class rating, conduct the practical test.

1 Use the procedures and maneuvers outlined in FAA-S-8081-2 for the category and class of aircraft for which a certificate or rating is sought. An applicant who is retesting may be given credit for those areas of operation successfully completed on the previous practical test, provided the previous test was conducted within 60 days before the retest. If the previous test was conducted more than 60 days before the retest, the ASI must test the applicant in all areas.

2 If the practical test is not completed for reasons other than proficiency, issue the applicant a letter of discontinuance (Figure 5-40). Return the application and all submitted documents to the applicant.

3 Close PTRS.

10 Unsatisfactory Performance. If an applicant’s practical test performance is not satisfactory, terminate the practical test and inform the applicant of the reasons.

1 Give credit for areas of operation that were satisfactorily completed.

2 Indicate on the FAA Form 8060-5 the areas of operation and tasks that were unsatisfactorily performed on the practical test, and indicate those operations not performed during the practical test.

1 All required areas of operation and tasks on which the applicant was evaluated to be unsatisfactory must be listed on the FAA Form 8060-5.

2 List the number of practical test failures by the applicant for this certificate or rating, in any available space on FAA Form 8060-5.

3 An applicant for retesting may receive credit for those areas of operation and tasks completed satisfactorily on the previous practical examination(s). However, an ASI must reexamine the applicant on all areas of operation required for a pilot certificate or rating if 60 days has lapsed from the date of the initial practical test for the certificate or rating, as appropriate. An ASI may reexamine the applicant on any areas of operation required for a pilot certificate or rating, as appropriate, if the applicant demonstrates unsatisfactory proficiency or competence on a task that was previously evaluated satisfactory on a prior practical test.

4 The ASI must date and sign the FAA Form 8060-5 and enter the district office acronym.

3 Forward the certification file to AFS-760.

4 Return all submitted documents not forwarded to AFS-760 to the applicant.

11 Satisfactory Performance. Issue FAA Form 8060-4 when the applicant has met all requirements for a commercial pilot certificate.

1 Prepare FAA Form 8060-4 (Figure 5-41) in duplicate as in volume 5, chapter 1, section 5.

2 If an instrument rating is added to a certificate using a single-engine airplane, and the applicant has a multiengine rating (land or sea), enter a visual flight rule (VFR) limitation for those multiengine privileges.

3 If the pilot certificate is issued in a foreign country, see § 61.13(a) and part 187, appendix A.

4 Complete the inspector certification section and sign the reverse side of FAA Form 8710-1.

5 Forward the completed file to AFS-760.

6 Return all submitted documents not forwarded to AFS-760 to the applicant.

12 PTRS. Complete PTRS in accordance with the PPM.

10 TASK OUTCOMES. Completion of this task results in the issuance of one of the following:

1 Temporary airman certificate-commercial pilot,

2 Notice of disapproval of application, or

3 Letter of discontinuance.


1 Applicant may return for an added category, class, or type rating.

2 Applicant may return for an upgraded certificate.

RESERVED. Paragraphs 5-412 through 5-430.

Sample FAA Form 8060-5, Notice of Disapproval of Application for Commercial Pilot


Letter of Discontinuance

FAA letterhead


[applicant’s name and address]

Dear [applicant’s name]:

On this date you successfully completed the oral portion of the practical test for a [indicate grade] certificate with an [indicate category] category and [indicate class] class rating. The practical test was discontinued because of [indicate reason].

If application is made by [indicate a date 60 days from date of letter], this letter may be used to show the following portions of the practical test which have been completed satisfactorily.

• [indicate pilot operations completed on the test]

After [indicate expiration date] you must repeat the entire practical test.

This letter does not extend the expiration date as shown on the knowledge test results, medical certificate, or required endorsements.


[signed by the inspector conducting the practical test]

Sample FAA Form 8060-4, Temporary Airman Certificate for Commercial Pilot


FAA Form 8710-1, Airman Certificate and/or Rating Application (Reverse Side)



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