Federal Aviation Administration

U.S. Department of TransportationFederal Aviation AdministrationWashington, D.C.Flight Standardization Board (FSB) Report Revision: 1Date: 05/20/2014 Learjet 45LR / 45 / -40, -45, -70, -75Troy A. ZwickeChair, Flight Standardization BoardFederal Aviation Administration Kansas City Aircraft Evaluation Group901 Locust Street, Room 332Kansas City, MO 64106Telephone:(816) 329-3233FAX:(816) 329-3241RECORD OF REVISIONSRevision NumberSectionPages AffectedDateOriginalALLALL05/10/19981ALLALL05/20/2014HIGHLIGHTS OF CHANGERevision 1: Entire report combined pertinent information from; Original LR/45-45 FSB report dated 05/10/1998 and Original LR/45-40 FSB report dated 03/03/2006, into a single report including all Learjet Model Aircraft including LR/45-40, LR/45-45, LR/45-70 and LR/45-75. No Change Bars were added, the entire report has been revised / updated.CONTENTSSECTIONPAGERECORD OF REVISIONS2HIGHLIGHTS OF CHANGE 2CONTENTS 3PURPOSE AND APPLICABILITY5PILOT TYPE RATING REQUIREMENTS7MASTER DIFFERENCE REQUIREMENTS (MDR)8OPERATOR DIFFERENCE REQUIREMENTS (ODR)8FSB SPECIFICATIONS FOR TRAINING9FSB SPECIFICATIONS FOR CHECKING13FSB SPECIFICATIONS FOR RECENCY OF EXPERIENCE15AIRCRAFT REGULATORY COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST15FSB SPECIFICATIONS FOR TRAINING DEVICES AND SIMULATORS17APPLICATION OF FSB REPORT17ALTERNATE MEANS OF COMPLIANCE17MISCELLANEOUS18 CONTENTSAPPENDIX 1.MDR TABLE20APPENDIX 2.ODR TABLES21Annex A - ODR Definitions -Training Levels21Annex B – ODR Table: Learjet 45 to Learjet 4022Annex C – ODR Table: Learjet 45 to Learjet 7524Annex D – ODR Table: Learjet 45 to Learjet 7031Annex E – ODR Table: Learjet 40 to Learjet 4539Annex F – ODR Table: Learjet 40 to Learjet 7541Annex G – ODR Table: Learjet 40 to Learjet 7049Annex H – ODR Table: Learjet 75 to Learjet 7056Annex I – ODR Table: Learjet 75 to Learjet 4558Annex J – ODR Table: Learjet 75 to Learjet 4065Annex K – ODR Table: Learjet 70 to Learjet 7572Annex L – ODR Table: Learjet 70 to Learjet 4574Annex M – ODR Table: Learjet 70 to Learjet 4082APPENDIX 3AIRCRAFT REGULATORY COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST89APPENDIX 4.PILOT TRAINING COURSE OUTLINES1151. PURPOSE AND APPLICABILITY1.1 Primary Purpose. The primary purpose of this report is to specify Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) master training, checking and currency requirements applicable to flight crews operating the Bombardier Learjet (LR) Model 45 aircraft. This report can assist Title 14 Code of Federal Regulation (14 CFR) part 91 subpart K (91K) fractional ownership program, part 135 air carrier operators and part 142 training centers in the development and approval of the training programs by their Principal Operations Inspector (POI) and FAA Training Center Program Managers (TCPM). Note: All regulatory references within this report are found in 14 CFR, unless otherwise indicated.The guidelines in this report also apply to operations inspectors, Aircrew Program Managers (APM), 14 CFR part 135 air carrier check airmen and instructors, airline transport pilots instructing in air transportation service, certificated flight and ground instructors, aircrew program designees, Training Center Evaluators (TCE), and part 61, 135, 141 and 142 training providers.This report also provides information which is advisory in nature, but may be mandatory (under part 91K management specifications and part 135 operation specifications) if the designated configurations apply and if approved for that operator. 1.2 This report specifies master training, checking, and currency requirements applicable to pilots operating LR-45 aircraft. Provisions of this report: Identify the pilot "type rating" assigned to the LR-40, LR-45, LR-70 and LR-75, Describe any unique requirement applicable to initial, differences or recurrent training,Describe MDRs for flight crews requiring differences qualification for mixed-fleet-flying or differences, if applicable,Provide examples of ODR tables, if applicable,Describe acceptable training program and training device characteristics when necessary to establish compliance with applicable regulations, and MDR table, if applicable.Identify checking and currency standards to be applied by the FAA or operators and,Provide a listing of regulatory compliance status (compliance checklist) for part 91 and part 135, Advisory Circulars (AC), and other operationally related criteria.1.3 This report addresses LR-45 aircraft identified in FAA Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS) # T00008WI. Unless otherwise specified, LR-45 means the LR-40, LR-45, LR-70 and LR-75. This report is also applicable to all training and checking conducted in the aircraft, as well as the currency and experience requirements.1.4 The provisions of this FSB report are effective until amended, superseded, or withdrawn by subsequent revisions to this report. 1.5 Determinations made in this report are based on the evaluations of specific LR-45 aircraft equipped in a production configuration and in accordance with current regulations and guidance. Modifications and differences made to the model described herein, or introduction of new related aircraft, may require amendment of the findings in this report. The FSB reserves responsibility / authority to re-evaluate and modify sections of this report based on new or revised AC information or revisions to part 91 and part 135, aircraft operating experience, or the testing of new or modified aircraft under the provisions of AC 120-53, Guidance for Conducting and Use of Flight Standardization Board Evaluations, as revised.1.6 Terminology. The term "must" is used in this report, even though it is recognized that this report, and the AC 120-53 , on which it is based, provides one acceptable means, but not necessarily the only means, of compliance with part 91K and part 135. The term "must" acknowledges the need for operators to fully comply with the FSB report provisions if AC 120-53 is to be used by the operator as its means of complying with part 91K and part 1351.7 This report includes:minimum training, checking, and currency requirements for FAA field offices to use for approving operator programs (e.g. MDRs, Type Rating designations, etc.),general advisory information which may be approved for that operator (e.g. MDR footnotes, ODR tables), andinformation which is used to facilitate FAA review of an aircraft type or related aircraft that is proposed for use by an operator (e.g. compliance checklist), andrequirement for Inspectors and Designees / Check Airmen to receive initial and recurrent training on both LR-40/45 and LR-70/75, to administer checks.1.8 Relevant acronyms are defined as follows:ACAdvisory CircularACOAircraft Certification OfficeADSAutomatic Dependent SurveillanceAEGAircraft Evaluation GroupAFCSAutomatic Flight Control SystemAFMAirplane Flight ManualANPActual Navigation PerformanceAPMAircrew Program ManagerASIAviation Safety InspectorATPAirline Transport PilotBCBack CourseCFITControlled Flight Into Terrain14 CFRTitle 14 of the Code of Federal RegulationsCHDOCertificate Holding District OfficeCPDLCController Pilot Data Link CommunicationCNSCommunications, Navigation and SurveillanceDEECDigital Electronic Engine ControllerDPDeparture ProcedureEFBElectronic Flight BagEICASEngine Indicating and Crew Alerting SystemESISElectronic Standby Instrumentation SystemFAAFederal Aviation AdministrationFAFFinal Approach FixFANSFuture Air Navigation SystemsFMSFlight Management SystemFSBFlight Standardization BoardFFSFull Flight SimulatorFTDFlight Training DeviceGPWSGround Proximity Warning SystemIACRAIntegrated Airman Certification and Rating ApplicationIAPInstrument Approach ProcedureICAOInternational Civil Aviation OrganizationIPTIntegrated Procedures TrainerJAAJoint Airworthiness AuthorityLOCLocalizer LOELine Oriented EvaluationLOFTLine Oriented Flight TrainingLRBombardier LearjetMDRMaster Differences RequirementsMFDMulti-Function DisplayMFWMulti-Function WindowNDBNon-Directional Radio BeaconNOTAMNotices to AirmanNSPNational Simulator ProgramODROperator Differences RequirementsPICPilot In CommandPFDPrimary Flight DisplayPOIPrincipal Operations InspectorPTSPractical Test StandardRNPRequired Navigation PerformanceRVSMReduced Vertical Separation MinimumSICSecond In CommandSOESupervised Operating ExperienceSTARStandard Terminal Arrival RouteTCASTraffic Alert and Collision Avoidance SystemTCDSType Certificate Data SheetTCETraining Center EvaluatorTCPMTraining Center Program ManagerVORVery High Frequency Omnidirectional Range91K14 CFR Part 91 Subpart K2. PILOT "TYPE RATING" REQUIREMENTS2.1 Pilot-In-Command (PIC) Type Rating. In accordance with the provisions of part 1, 61, and 135, the same pilot type rating is assigned to the LR-40, LR-45, LR-70 and LR-75 aircraft and is designated “LR-45”.2.2 Second-In-Command (SIC) Type Rating. In accordance with the provisions of § 61.55 and FAA Order 8900.1 Volume 5, Chapter 2, Section 5, Paragraph 5-325, a SIC Privileges Only type rating can be issued as "LR-45" with Limitation for “LR-45 SIC Privileges Only”.3. MASTER DIFFERENCE REQUIREMENTS3.1. Common Requirements. (All LR-45 aircraft).3.1.1. Autopilot Engage Altitudes. As referenced in the FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual (AFM), the LR-45 aircraft has specifically been evaluated for autopilot suitability engagement after takeoff. Autopilot engaged takeoff is not authorized. 3.1.2. Minimum Altitude for Autopilot Use. The LR-45 aircraft has specifically been evaluated for autopilot suitability for continued use during precision approaches, non-precision approaches and in the go-around mode as referenced in the FAA Approved AFM. Autopilot engaged landing is not authorized.3.1.3 Landing Minima Categories. Landing Minima Category for the LR-45 aircraft is Category “C” for normal straight-in landing approaches and normal circling approaches. 3.1.4 Normal "Final Landing Flap Setting". The normal "final landing flap setting" per § 91.126(c) is considered to be "Flaps 40" for all LR-45 aircraft. Normal straight in precision, non-precision and circling approaches are flown with Flaps 40 from the Final Approach Fix (FAF) and use of the Flight Management System (FMS) for constant angle non-precision approaches is recommended, if possible. Landing with flaps settings other than “Flaps 40” is by an Abnormal or Emergency procedure only. No flap approach and landing is not waived. Training and checking is required.3.1.5 Special / Unique Requirements. No other special or unique requirements common to all LR-45 aircraft are identified.3.2 Master Difference Requirements. 3.2.1 Requirements for particular LR-45 Related Aircraft Combinations. MDRs for related LR-45 aircraft are shown in Appendix 1. These provisions apply when differences between related aircraft exist which affect crew knowledge, skills, or abilities related to flight safety (e.g., Level A or greater differences).3.2.2 MDR Footnotes. Footnotes to MDR requirements define acceptable "required means" or "alternate means" of compliance. A footnote can indicate requirements that are less restrictive than the basic designation, or more restrictive than the basic designation, depending on the significance of the differences between related aircraft.4. OPERATOR DIFFERENCE REQUIREMENTS TABLE4.1 ODR Tables. ODR tables are used to show an operator's compliance method. ODR tables for operators conducting mixed fleet operations, using the LR-45 aircraft are shown in Appendix 2. The ODR tables represent an acceptable means to comply with MDR provisions based on those differences and compliance methods shown. The tables do not necessarily represent the only acceptable means of compliance for operators with airplanes having other differences, where compliance methods (e.g., devices, simulators, etc.) are different. For operators flying the LR-45 aircraft, the ODR tables in Appendix 2 have been found acceptable, and therefore, may be approved by a POI for a particular operator.4.2 Operator Preparation of ODR Tables. Operators flying a “mixed fleet” of LR-45 aircraft must have approved ODR tables applicable to their fleet.4.3 ODR Table Coordination. Unless identical or equivalent ODR tables have been previously approved by the FAA, new ODR tables proposed by operators should be coordinated with the FSB prior to FAA approval and implementation. FSB coordination ensures consistent treatment of related LR-45 aircraft between various operators, and compatibility of each ODR table with MDR provisions.4.4 ODR Table Distribution. Original FAA approved ODR tables are to be retained by the operator. Copies of FAA approved ODR tables are to be retained by the Certificate Holding District Office (CHDO) and should be provided to the LR-45 FSB Chair at the Kansas City Aircraft Evaluation Group (AEG).5. FSB SPECIFICATIONS FOR TRAINING5.1 Assumptions Regarding Airmen’s Previous Experience. The provisions of this section apply to programs for airmen who have experience in part 91K or part 135 operations and multi-engine transport turbojet aircraft including glass cockpit and FMS experience. For airmen not having this experience, additional requirements will be necessary in accordance with part 61.5.2 SIC Training. SIC training is mandatory in accordance with § 61.55 for airmen serving as a SIC on the LR-45. A SIC type rating is required for international operations in accordance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards.Training programs should address all training elements of § 61.55 and include tasks stipulated in Section 5, FSB Specifications for Training: Areas of Emphasis, Training for Seat Dependent Tasks. A SIC Pilot Type Rating may be issued when all required training and documentation; including tasks stipulated by this report, are completed satisfactorily.5.3 Pilots Initial, Transition and Upgrade Training5.3.1 Pilots Initial, Transition and Upgrade Ground Training. Initial, transition, or upgrade ground training for the LR-45 aircraft is accomplished as specified by §§ 61.155, 91.1101 or 135.345. No unique provisions or requirements are specified. 5.3.2 Pilots Initial, Transition and Upgrade Flight Training. Initial, transition, or upgrade flight training for the LR-45 aircraft is accomplished as specified by §§ 61.157, 91.1103 or 135.347. No unique provisions or requirements are specified5.3.3 Crewmember Emergency Training. Crewmember emergency training should be conducted for the LR-45 aircraft in accordance with part 61, part 91K or part 135. The objective of emergency training for the LR-45 aircraft is to provide crewmembers with the necessary knowledge concerning emergency equipment, situations, and procedures, to ensure implementation of the correct actions in the event of an emergency.Emergency training consists of instruction on the location, function, and operation of emergency equipment that is different in each related LR-45 aircraft and from other aircraft in the operator's fleet. Where emergency equipment is common, instruction may be adjusted for crewmembers qualified and current on this equipment, provided records are available which demonstrate that crewmembers meet the §§ 91.1083 or 135.331 requirements. Emergency training also consists of instruction in crewmember emergency assignments and procedures including; crew coordination and communication, handling of emergency or unusual situations, emergency performance and observation drills, that are specific to LR-45 aircraft.In accordance with §§ 91.1083, 135.331 and FAA Order 8900.1, Volume 3, Chapter 19, Section 4, emergency training requirements refer to two types of training: "general" emergency training and "aircraft specific" emergency training. General emergency training is instruction on those emergency items that are common to all LR-45 aircraft in the operator's fleet, e.g., instruction on fire extinguishers and firefighting procedures, if common to all aircraft. Aircraft specific emergency training is training on those items that are specific to LR-45 related aircraft. As part of an approved training program, an operator may use several methods when conducting aircraft specific emergency training including; classroom instruction, pictures, videotape, ground training devices, computer-based instruction, and static aircraft training.There are no specified training program hours for Crewmember Emergency Training. A chart addressed in FAA Order 8900.1 Volume 3, Chapter 19, Section 4, table 3-47 provides "National Norms" for the approval of the general emergency training program hours. The complexity of the different related LR-45 aircraft and the complexity of the type of operation to be conducted should be considered when approving the LR-45 aircraft specific emergency training.5.3.4 Areas of Emphasis. The following areas of emphasis should be addressed during ground and flight training: a)Flight Instruments. The Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System (EICAS), the Primary Flight Displays (PFD), and Multi-Function Displays (MFD). Altitude and airspeed are presented on vertical scale instruments in both digital and analog formats. Pilots need to be able to understand the multitude of information presented on all the displays. Pilots transitioning from traditional round dial basic "T" instruments may require additional training and instrument scan practice to gain proficiency in manually flying by reference to the PFD. Recognition of display failures, reversionary modes, and appropriate corrective action to be taken should be addressed.b)Flight Control System. An operational understanding of the basic modes of operation as well as an understanding of the primary and secondary flight control systems and their associated system components. Pitch and roll mechanical disconnect should only be demonstrated in the simulator, and should never be utilized in the aircraft unless checklist requires it. Demonstration of pitch and roll mechanical disconnect is not required for the practical test.c)Flight Guidance System including the Autopilot and Flight Director. An understanding of the various lateral and vertical modes and the ability to select and arm the various modes during different phases of flight is essential. An operational understanding of the autopilot and flight director limitations and the skills and ability to operate the aircraft in compliance with associated limitations. d)Digital Electronic Engine Control (DEEC). An operational understanding of the DEEC and the engine thrust selection and limitations are required.e)Control Panels. System control panels using pushbuttons with integral light bars. Pilots should have an understanding of the switch position and system configuration as it relates to whether the light bar is illuminated or not. This understanding is required for both normal and abnormal system operation.f)LR-70/75 Touch Screen Controllers. Pilots should have an understanding of touch screen controllers, navigation through the various pages, the selected touch key position and system configuration as it relates to system operation. This understanding is required for both normal, abnormal and emergency system operation.g)LR-70/75 G5000 system functionality concerning touch screen controllers, synoptic pages, display softkeys, FMS functions, database currency requirements, synthetic vision, annunciations, flight planning, hazard avoidance systems, system failure modes and back up controllers. h)Any other function / area deemed appropriate by the FSB.5.3.5 Training for Seat Dependent Tasks. Accomplishment of certain tasks, procedures, or maneuvers require training of a crewmember for a particular crew position (i.e. captain, first officer, check airman, etc.). Training programs should recognize and address the necessary seat / position related tasks for the applicable crewmember. Accordingly, training programs should address seat dependent tasks or maneuvers to the extent necessary to ensure crew proficiency at each position, and in accordance with ODR tables when applicable.Features or Procedures which could have Seat Dependent Elements include the following:Rejected TakeoffEmergency DescentAbnormal and Emergency Procedures that require locating circuit breakers in the left and right crew seatCrew coordination for manual gear extensionEnvironmental controls at right crew seatOxygen controls at left crew seat5.4 Differences Training.5.4.1 General. Unless an initial or transition program is completed for each related aircraft, differences training is required for each related aircraft, as provided in MDR and ODR tables (reference §§ 91.1103 or 135.347). MDR and ODR tables provide guidelines for differences training requirements applicable to particular aircraft equipage.A Differences Training Program prerequisite is that a trainee has completed initial, upgrade, or transition training in one related aircraft and will receive differences training for the other related aircraft.When a Differences Training Program involves related aircraft having the same Pilot Type Rating, coverage of differences may be completed either coincident with each phase of an initial, upgrade, or transition training course, or following completion of that training course. The differences training must be consistent with the provisions of the approved applicable MDR / ODR Tables.5.4.2 Differences Ground Training. Differences ground training is required on the topics applicable to the pertinent related aircraft and is shown by applicable ODR tables.5.4.3 Differences Flight Training. Difference flight training is required in the topics and maneuvers applicable to the pertinent related aircraft that is shown by applicable ODR tables. 5.4.4 Fleets with Different Engine Types. Mixed fleet flying of LR-45 aircraft with different engine types (e.g. LR-45 aircraft with -20AR, -20BR and -40BR engines) require additional training as shown by applicable MDR / ODR tables.5.5 Recurrent Training:5.5.1 Recurrent Ground Training. Courses must include appropriate training in accordance with §§ 91.1107 or 135.351 for each related LR-45 aircraft as specified by MDR and ODR tables for differences training.5.5.2 Recurrent Flight Training. Courses require appropriate maneuvers and procedures identified in §§ 91.1107 or 135.351 or as otherwise described in this report. Maneuvers and procedures must account for differences between each related LR-45 aircraft operated. The ODR table(s) must identify the differences.5.5.3 Mixed Fleet Operations Recurrent Training Considerations. For mixed fleet flying, Recurrent Training must include differences in accordance with MDR and ODR tables. Recurrent training will alternate between LR40/45 and LR70/75 aircraft.5.6 Operating Experience:5.6.1 Operating Experience Pertinent to Each Flight Crewmember. Operating experience must be obtained while serving in a primary crew position. Operating experience for the LR-45 aircraft may be accomplished in any related LR-45 aircraft provided differences are accomplished in accordance with an acceptable ODR table for mixed fleet flying. 5.6.2 Mixed Fleet Flying Operating experience. Separate operating experience applies to the LR-40/45 and LR-70/75 aircraft.5.6.3 Supervised Operating Experience (SOE). SOE required for a PIC Type Rating in accordance with part 61 pilot certification must be accomplished from the left pilot seat. SOE required by pilot certification should include the following tasks listed in 5.2.3 Crewmember Emergency Training, 5.2.4 Areas of Emphasis, 5.2.5 Training for Seat Dependent Tasks, and applicable differences when mixed fleet flying.5.7 Other Training:5.7.1 Line Oriented Flight Training (LOFT) Programs. LOFT programs are approved in accordance with existing regulations. 5.7.2 Instrument Approaches. Only Category I approaches are permitted by certification. Operators should ensure that flight crews are familiar with appropriate use of the Mode Select Panel, Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) / Autopilot, Standby Instruments / Electronic Standby Instrument System (ESIS) and FMS / G5000, including modes to be used for the types of instrument approaches to be flown and methods in lieu of or in conjunction with Non-Directional Radio Beacon (NDB), Very High Frequency Omni-Directional Radio Beacon (VOR), Localizer (LOC), or Back Course Localizer (BC) procedures.5.7.3 Long Range / Extended Range / Overwater Flights. Due to criticality of fuel computations, flight crews should be familiar with all aspects of fuel management to include normal and abnormal procedures, published flight planning information, and the manner in which fuel computations are made.5.7.4 Hazardous Weather and Winter Operations. Proper precautions and procedures regarding hazardous weather / winter operations, which may be unique to LR-45 aircraft should be addressed. Topics such as wing / tail de-ice, antiskid braking characteristics, procedures for windshear identification and recovery techniques, hazards associated with rejected takeoffs near V1, and other such topics.5.7.5 Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT). Due to continued efforts to reduce exposure to CFIT accidents, special emphasis on this topic is appropriate. Emphasis on altitude awareness, Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) warnings, situational awareness and crew coordination is appropriate.5.7.6 Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM). Operations training programs and operating practices and procedures to include Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) alerts and annunciations. 5.7.7 Future Air Navigation Systems (FANS). Flight Crews operating aircraft equipped with FANS software should receive appropriate instruction in its general operational functions, appropriate uses for areas of operation, routes, or procedures to be flown. General training should address Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance (CNS) functions covered by FANS, Required Navigation Performance (RNP), and Actual Navigation Performance (ANP). In addition, sufficient training in use of Controller Pilot Data Link Communication (CPDLC) and Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS) to ensure adequate knowledge, skill, and proficiency for flight crews to operate the above system(s) in typical daily operations (requiring their use) should be provided when installed.5.8 Training Objective. The objective of both ground and flight training is to train to proficiency.6. FSB SPECIFICATIONS FOR CHECKING6.1 Checking Items. . Testing, Checking and Evaluations specified by part 61, part 91K, part 135 and FAA Practical Test Standards (PTS). 6.1.1 Areas of emphasis. The following areas of emphasis should be addressed during checks:a)Proficiency with manual and auto-pilot engaged flight must be demonstrated.b)Proper selection and use of PFD / MFD displays, flight director, and Flight Guidance System modes should be demonstrated, particularly during instrument approaches.c)Demonstration of FMS / G5000 navigation proficiency including departures, arrivals, holds and approaches. d)Proper outside visual scan without prolonged fixation on FMS / G5000 system while demonstrating proficient operation of the FMS / G5000 system including failure of component(s) / mode(s).6.1.2 No Flap Landings. Demonstration of a No Flap approach and landing during a check is appropriate. When the flight test is conducted in the airplane in actual flight, a touchdown from a no flap approach is not required and should not be attempted in accordance with FAA Order 8900.1, Volume 5, Chapter 3, Section 2, Paragraph 5-832. The approach should be flown to the point where the FAA Aviation Safety Inspector (ASI), check airman or examiner can determine if the landing would occur in the touchdown zone.6.2 Type Ratings6.2.1 Oral Examinations. Oral examinations for the LR-45 aircraft may be completed at the end of the academic phase of training. When an airman is qualifying in only one related aircraft, oral test items need only address the model for which the test is being conducted.6.2.2 Practical Tests. Practical tests may follow standard provisions of part 61 and PTS. The satisfactory completion of a practical type rating evaluation in any related LR-45 aircraft will meet the requirement for the LR-45 type rating. In order to operate another related aircraft, crewmembers operating under part 91K or part 135 are required to satisfactorily comply with the requirements of the MDR and ODR tables in Appendix 1 and 2. The same requirement should be followed by flight crewmembers operating under part 91. 6.2.3 Application For and Issuance of Type Ratings. Airmen completing pertinent part 61 or part 135 requirements for the issuance of a pilot type rating in accordance with FSB requirements described in this report may apply to the FAA for the LR-45 type rating endorsement. Upon satisfactory completion of required tests, and submission of an application via Integrated Airman Certification and Rating Application (IACRA) or a FAA Form 8710-1 (Airman Certification and/or Rating Application), an authorized designee or qualified ASI may issue the pilot certificate with type rating. The checks must be administered by an authorized designee, or ASI who has been qualified on the specific LR-45 variant. 6.3 Proficiency Checks. 6.3.1 General. Proficiency Checks are administered in accordance with part 61, part 91K, and part 135. A proficiency check in any LR-45 aircraft suffices for the type provided initial qualification, recurrent qualification and differences per MDR and approved ODR tables for that operator are met. These checks must be administered by an authorized check airman or qualified ASI on the specific related aircraft. Satisfactory completion of a proficiency check may be substituted for recurrent flight training as permitted in part 91K and part Proficiency Checks for Mixed Fleet Flying. Proficiency Checks for Mixed Fleet Flying will alternate checks each 6 months for PICs and annually for SICs between LR-40/45 and LR-70/75 aircraft. Aircraft differences must be addressed in accordance with the MDR and ODR tables for that operator.7. FSB SPECIFICATIONS FOR RECENCY OF EXPERIENCE7.1 Recency of Experience. Each related aircraft is addressed separately unless otherwise approved. Recency of experience must include operation and programming of the FMS / G5000 and use of AFCS / Autopilot for departure, enroute, arrival and approaches.7.1.1 Takeoff and Landing Credit. Takeoffs and Landings performed in one related LR-45 aircraft are equivalent and may be credited to all related aircraft.7.2 Mixed Fleet Flying Currency. These are shown in MDR / ODR tables.7.2.1 Level B Currency. When MDR / ODR specifies level B, currency is maintained by operating the related aircraft within the previous 180 days. 7.2.2 Re-Establishing Level B Currency. Level B currency may be re-established by a review of all ODR Level B items identified for the pertinent related aircraft to include Bulletins, Placards, Memos, Limitations, Operating Procedures and Manual Updates prior to operating the related aircraft. 7.3 Level C Currency. When MDR / ODR specifies Level C, currency is maintained by operating / flying the related aircraft through a complete flight cycle (pre-flight thru engine shut-down), including an Instrument Approach Procedure (IAP) within the previous 90 days. 7.3.1 Re-Establishing Level C Currency. Level C currency may be re-established by operating the related aircraft, Full Flight Simulator (FFS), or Level 6-7 Flight Training Device (FTD) with a qualified PIC for a minimum of one complete flight cycle (pre-flight thru engine shut-down) including an IAP, completing an approved differences course, completing a type rating practical test, completing any of the following checks (to include an IAP), in the related aircraft, FTD or FFS by an authorized Check Airman, qualified Check Pilot, authorized TCE, Designated Examiner, a person qualified by the Administrator or a qualified ASI: §§ 61.57(d) , 61.58, 91.1065, 91.1069, 135.293, 135.297, 135.299. Section 135.299 check must be in related aircraft in flight. 7.4 Part 142 Instructor Currency. Part 142 Instructors conducting the complete pertinent practical training as outlined in Appendix 4 within the previous 90 days are considered to be current.8. AIRCRAFT REGULATORY COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST8.1 Regulatory Compliance Checklist (see Appendix 3).Compliance checklists are provided as an aid to FAA CHDO in identifying those specific rules or policies for which compliance has already been demonstrated to the FAA for aircraft having a particular aircraft type, and variant. The compliance checklist also notes rules or policies not demonstrated to the FSB, which must be demonstrated to CHDOs by operators. 8.2 Discussion of Specific Compliance Checklist Items. Operational approval information is provided as an aid to CHDOs for identifying specific regulatory compliance. 8.2.1 Forward Observer Seat. LR-45 aircraft do not have a dedicated forward observer seat. No specific aircraft interior passenger seating configuration has been evaluated. A forward facing passenger seat adjacent to the cabin entry door or side facing passenger seat across from the cabin entry door may be acceptable for compliance with § 135.758.2.2 Emergency Evacuation. Emergency Evacuation procedures have been demonstrated for LR-45 aircraft and documented on LR Flight Test Report 3930, M45 Emergency Evacuation Demonstration Test dated 16 August 1997. LR-45 aircraft are certificated for a maximum of 9 passenger seats. 8.2.3 Ditching Demonstration. No Ditching Demonstration has been accomplished for the LR-45 aircraft. The airplane is not certified for ditching under § 25.801. Each operator is responsible for their own extended over water equipment and procedures.8.2.4 Proving and Validation Tests. Proving and validation tests in accordance with § 135.145 are appropriate in accordance with FAA Order 8900.1, Volume 3, Chapter 29, Section 3, when the LR-45 aircraft is new to a particular operator. When an operator is currently operating either LR-40/45 or LR-70/75 aircraft and it adds the other related aircraft in the same kind of operation, proving tests are not required. 8.2.5 Electronic Flight Bag (EFB). For LR-70/75 aircraft, three (3) Garmin Display Units each act independently as File Servers with database synchronization. Dual File Server Units are required for paperless operation in accordance with aeronautical information requirements of §§ 91.503 and 135.83. At least one (1) File Server must be available on emergency electrical power. The G5000 system has capabilities of being utilized as an EFB that must be approved by the CHDO. Electronic Checklist. Electronic Checklists were not evaluated. Printed Pilot Checklist are required for compliance with §§ 91.503 and 135.83. Electronic Charts. For LR-70/75 aircraft, the G5000 system is capable of displaying aeronautical charts from either Jeppesen (ChartView) or AeroNav Services (FliteCharts). The charts are displayed in full color with high resolution. Both charts services require a subscription service. ChartView contains geo-referenced information on airport procedures worldwide and the database is revised every 14 days. FliteCharts contain information on airport procedures (approach plates only) for the United States only and the database is updated every 28 days. ChartView data includes Standard Terminal Arrivals (STAR), Departure Procedures (DP), IAP charts, Airport Diagrams and Chart Notices To Airman (NOTAM) applicable to specific information conveyed on the displayed Jeppesen (ChartView) chart.Dual redundancy is required for a suitable source of electronic aeronautical information. The Jeppesen (ChartView) electronic charts and enhanced map overlays were not evaluated therefore another suitable source of Enroute Chart information must be available at the pilot station.9. FSB SPECIFICATIONS FOR TRAINING DEVICES AND SIMULATORS9.1 Device and Simulator Characteristics. Device and simulator characteristics are designated in AC 120-40B, Airplane Simulator Qualification and 120-45A, Airplane Flight Training Device Qualification (as amended) or part 60. The acceptability of differences between devices, simulators, and aircraft must be determined for each approved training program. Credit for training, checking and currency in an approved FTD or FFS is allowed in accordance with the Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) and Aircraft Type Rating PTS, Appendix 1 – Airplanes Task vs. Simulation Device Credit, as applicable, except where this report is more restrictive. 9.2 Device Approval. Requests for device approval to be utilized during approved training should be made to the POI / TCPM. The POI / TCPM may approve these devices for that operator if their characteristics clearly meet the established FAA criteria and have been qualified by National Simulator Program (NSP) personnel. NSP criteria for flight devices and simulators are acceptable as published.10. APPLICATION OF FSB REPORT10.1 This report becomes effective when approved by the FAA (see Cover Sheet or Record of Revisions page). ?10.2 Training, checking and currency for the LR-45 aircraft must be conducted in accordance with all provisions of this report.10.3 All FAA approved Training Programs must incorporate the latest FAA Approved AFM Procedures, AFM checklists, manufacturer’s recommendations and bulletins, training maneuvers and all provisions of this report.11. ALTERNATE MEANS OF COMPLIANCE11.1 Alternate means of compliance to the requirements of this report must be approved by the FSB. If alternate means of compliance is sought, operators must show that the proposed alternate means provides an equivalent level of safety to the provisions of AC 120-53 (as amended) and this FSB report.?Analysis, demonstrations, proof of concept testing, differences documentation or other evidence may be required.11.2 Equivalent Safety - If alternate means of compliance is sought, training program hour reductions, simulator approvals, and device approvals, may be significantly limited and reporting requirements may be increased to ensure equivalent levels of safety. The FAA will generally not consider relief through alternate compliance unless sufficient lead-time has been planned by an operator to allow for any necessary testing and evaluation.11.3 Interim Programs - In the event unforeseen circumstances make it impossible for an operator to comply with MDR provisions, the operator may seek an interim program approval rather than a permanent alternate compliance method.? Financial arrangements, scheduling adjustments, and similar reasons are not considered “unforeseen circumstances” for the purposes of this provision. Interim program approvals must be approved by the FSB Chair.12. MISCELLANEOUS12.1 FSB Board Record (LR-45 ONLY)12.1.1 Background. Learjet Inc. made application for new type design by letter dated 27 January, 1992 for the Learjet 45. The FSB members were; Richard McCleish (Chair), John Wenzel (AFS-800), Robert Hlubin (Wichita FSDO), Bruce Allred (Wichita FSDO), Richard Rowland (Scottsdale FSDO). Learjet plans to design and manufacture major portions of the airframe in Northern Ireland and as much as possible, will use concurrent cooperative certification procedures with the FAA and the Joint Airworthiness Authority (JAA). The Learjet Model 45 FSB convened 22 September 1997 and a new type rating was established. The FSB attended Flight Safety International in Wichita, KS. FSB Report Posted - Date 05/10/1998, Revision: Original No other information available.12.2. FSB Board Record (LR-40 ONLY)12.2.1 Background. Learjet made application to amend the Learjet 45 type design by increasing the Learjet 45 weights and then creating the Learjet 40 model by reducing the Learjet 45 weights and length. Learjet 40 models are designated by different serial numbers, Learjet 45, SN 2001 thru 4000. The fireproof identification plate designates the aircraft as a Learjet 45 model. There is a small decal at the entry door that designates the model as the Learjet Board Composition. The Board consisted of the Chair and an ASI current and qualified in the Learjet 45 airplane.12.2.3 Applicant’s Proposal. The applicant submitted MCR and ODR tables proposed at A/A/A levels. 12.2.4 Tests. As a result of the applicant’s proposal, the FSB conducted a T1 Test (Functional Equivalence) to confirm Level A differences based on AC 120- Test Results. No significant differences were noted in the conduct of the maneuvers. As such the Board accepted the applicant’s proposal.12.3. FSB Board Record (LR-70/75 ONLY) 12.3.1 Background. Learjet made application to amend the Learjet 45 type certificate design in June 2012. The application included upgrading the Avionics to the Garmin G5000 system, upgrading the engines to TFE-331-40BR, upgrading to larger winglets and an interior redesign. 12.3.2 Board Composition. The Board consisted of the Chair, an Aircraft Certification Office (ACO) Test Pilot, a part 142 TCE, a NSP Inspector and an ASI. All were current and qualified in the Learjet 45 airplane.12.3.3 Applicant’s Proposal. The applicant submitted application proposing MDR and ODR tables proposing C/C/B levels. 12.3.4 Tests. As a result of the applicant’s proposal, the FSB conducted T2 Testing (Handling Qualities Comparison) in a LR-45 and LR-75 aircraft at Wichita, Kansas during August 2013. The FSB noted no handling qualities differences and the T2 test passed.The FSB proceeded to Bombardier Training Center in Dallas, Texas to conduct T3 Test (System Differences Test and Validation of Training and Checking) during August 2013. Upon completion of the differences training, the FSB relocated to Wichita, Kansas to complete the T3 validation and set the training, checking and currency requirements. 12.3.5 Test Results. The FSB determined that level C/C/C differences were required and the MDR and ODR tables were updated in the specific areas. 12.4. Learjet Model 45 History12.4.1 Learjet 45 / 45XR. In January of 1992, Learjet Inc. made application to the FAA to type certify the Model 45 as a new type design.? Although the Model 45 externally resembles previous Learjet models, it was in fact virtually an all new design. FAA type certification was granted September 1997.The Learjet Model 45 FSB convened in Wichita, Kansas on September 22, 1997 to evaluate the proposed training, checking and currency requirements for pilots qualifying in the Model 45 aircraft.? It was the opinion of Learjet, Inc. that a new type rating would be required therefore; no other models of the Learjet family were evaluated for training credit. Upon completion of the FSB, the type rating LR-45 was awarded. The first aircraft was delivered January 1998.In June 2004, Bombardier Learjet introduced as the production line standard, the Learjet 45XR, an upgraded version of the Model 45 aircraft. Upgrades included: higher takeoff weights; faster cruise speeds; and faster time-to-climb rates when compared to original Model 45 configuration. The increase in aircraft performance was the result of upgrading the engines to the TFE731-20BR configuration. 12.4.2 Learjet 40XR. When Learjet made application to amend the Learjet 45 type design in 2004, they also introduced the Learjet 40XR, a shortened fuselage and lighter weight version of the 45XR variant. In the 2006 FSB report, the Kansas City AEG determined that the Learjet 40 and 45 aircraft were functionally equivalent with differences identified at A/A/A.12.4.3 Learjet 70 / 75. The Learjet 40 and 45 configurations of the Model 45 aircraft are being discontinued and the Learjet 70 and 75 will become the production configurations. In the fourth quarter of 2013, Bombardier Learjet planned to complete certification of the latest Model 45 upgrade. The shortened fuselage and lighter weight version of the latest production configuration will be marketed as the Learjet 70, the full length version as the Learjet 75.The Learjet 70/75 upgrade features the Garmin G5000 avionics suite, larger winglets and increased engine thrust. The FSB was conducted in August 2013 with the Learjet 70/75 entry into service planned for October 2013.12.4.4 Marketing Designators Learjet 45, 45XR, 40, 70 and 75 are marketing designators used to differentiate various configurations of the Model 45 aircraft.APPENDIX 1MASTER DIFFERENCE REQUIREMENTS TABLE TYPE RATING:LEARJET 45FROM AIRCRAFTLearjet 45Learjet 40Learjet 75Learjet 70TOAIRCRAFTLearjet 45-----A/A/AC/C/CC/C/CLearjet 40A/A/A-----C/C/CC/C/CLearjet 75C/C/CC/C/C-----A/A/ALearjet 70C/C/CC/C/CA/A/A-----Learjet 45 to Learjet 40 Findings from Original 03/03/2006 FSB Report – A/A/ALearjet 40 to Learjet 45 Findings from Original 03/03/2006 FSB Report – A/A/AAPPENDIX 2ACCEPTABLE OPERATOR DIFFERENCE REQUIREMENTS TABLESAnnex A - ODR Definitions -Training LevelsDefinitionsODR Training Level“HO” = HandoutA“S/T” = Slide/Tape presentations“TCBI” = Tutorial Computer Based Instruction“SU” = Stand-up Instructors“VT” = Video TapesB“ICBT” = Interactive Computer Based Training“CSS” = Cockpit System Simulators“CPT” = Cockpit Procedures Trainers“PTT” = Part Task Trainers“FTD 2-5” = Flight Training Devices (level 2-5)C“FTD 6-7” = Flight training devices (level 6-7)“FFS A-B” = Full Flight Simulators (level A or B )D“FFS C-D” = Full Flight Simulators (level C or D)“ACFT” = AircraftENOTESAn “X” in an ODR table column indicates that any of the training methods listed for that level are acceptable. If a specific instruction method is specified in an ODR table column, it must be used. “B” in the Checking column of the ODR tables indicates a “task” or “systems” check required as specified in “Level B Checking” section found in the Common Procedures Document.Garmin Integrated Procedures Trainer (IPT) referred as the Garmin Kiosk by Garmin and Learjet is considered a Cockpit System Simulator “CSS”.Annex B – ODR Table: Learjet 45 to Learjet 40DIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRDESIGNREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURRWeightsMax Ramp Weight reduced to 21,250 lbs.Max Takeoff Weight reduced to 21,000 lbs.Maximum Zero Fuel Weight 16,000 lbs.NoNoHOAADimensionsOverall Length Reduced 23.55 inchesNoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR6Dimensions and AreasFuselage length reduction requires new formulas for weight and balance. NoNoHOAA9Towing and TaxiingFuselage length reduction results in smaller turning radius, no operational impact.NoNoHOAA11PlacardsFuel Quantity placards (interior & exterior) change to reflect useable quantity reduction.NoNoHOAA21Air ConditioningRemoval of 2 gaspers.Reduction in length of main cabin condition air ducting. Reduction in length vacuum line (pressurization, outflow valve control).System operation not affected.NoNoHOAA23CommAntenna relocation results in no change to system operation.NoNoHOAA27Flight ControlsReduced length control system cables. Control system operation not affected.NoNoHOAA28FuelFuel System difference limited to a reduction in Total Useable Quantity. No change to any other system aspect.NoNoHOAA29Hydraulic PowerReductions in length of hydraulic nose gear extend and retract lines. Hydraulic system operation not affected.NoNoHOAA31Indicating Recording SystemsCAS and CWP messages added for Cabin Altitude problem awareness. L R ECS CAS messages added for bleed air system failures.Note; These changes will be introduced M45 (S/N 001 to 2000) aircraft.NoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR32Landing GearShorter emergency landing gear cable, no change in system operation.NoNoHOAA33LightsInterior lights are LED-based, no operational impact.NoNoHOAA34NavigationEGPWS, TCAS 2000 and ELT are installation standards, no operational differences from optional (STC) installations.NoNoHOAA35Oxygen5 dual masks drop (was 6).Oxygen chart in AFM and Pilot’s manual changed.NoNoHOAA52DoorsFuel quantity reduction relocated gravity fuel fill door, no operational impact.NoNoHOAA53FuselageFuselage length reduction requires no special maintenance or operational restrictions.NoNoHOAA56WindowsRemoval of three windows requires no special maintenance or operational restrictions.NoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRMANEUVERREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURRPTSManeuversNo ChangesNoNoHOAAAnnex C – ODR Table: Learjet 45 to Learjet 75 DIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRDESIGNREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURRAircraftGeneralFlight Deck panel layout modified to integrate new Garmin 5000 avionics suite and to enhance aesthetics. NoNoHOAAAircraftGeneralRelocated flight deck control panels.NoNoHOAAAircraftGeneralLarger wingletsNoNoHOAAAircraftGeneralPassenger cabin updatedNoNoHOAAAircraftGeneralWeights and dimensions unchangedNoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR21 ECSPRESSURIZATION panel resized and reconfigured. L & R BLEED, PACK, HI FLOW and EMERG PRESS switches moved to new PAX/OXY PRESS panel on pedestal. APU BLEED switch move to APU panel on pedestal.NoNorm Abnorm EmerHOAA21 ECSENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEM (ECS) synoptic page controlled via GTCsNoNoHOAA22 AFCSFlight Guidance Controller Panel (FGC) replaced by Garmin Mode Controller (GMC)NoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5CC22 AFCSFlight Director Modes same as Honeywell Primus 1000 suite except FLC versus Speed. NoNorm TCBI,SUBB22 AFCSNew Flight Director Takeoff Mode displayed on PFDNoNormHOAA22 AFCSNew autopilot servos, yaw damper and rudder boost NoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR22 AFCSFlight Director button now engages as well as disengages flight directorNoNormHOAA22 AFCSGarmin mode control panel has up/down wheel for pitch and speed referenceNoNormHOAA22 AFCSGarmin mode control panel – ASEL knob now called ALT NoNormHOAA22 AFCSAutopilot engage/disengage logic differs.NoNormAbnormEmerHOAA23 CommCommunication and navigation radio functions selected and displayed at Garmin Touch Screens Controllers 1 and 2 (GTC)NoNormAbnormEmerCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BC23 CommAudio panels functionality selected and displayed at Garmin Touch Screens Controllers (GTC 1 and 2)NoNormAbnormEmerCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BC23 CommActive and standby communication frequency displayed on Pilot and Copilot DU1 and DU3 controlled by GTCs or GCUNoNormHOCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BC23 CommControl panel removed for Clearance Delivery Head radio. New functionality provided by CLR DLY SW/IND and/or EMER COM SW/IND.NoNormHOAA23 CommADS-C and CPDLC (VDL Mode 2) (future development)------23 CommOptional HF panel removed, functionality and control at GTC1 and 2NoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommOptional SELCAL HF/VHF PRESS FOR TEST/RESET button removed. Controlled at GTC 1 and GTC 2.NoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommPassenger Address (PA) functionality and selection moved from audio panels to GTCsNoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommInterphone/Intercom functionality moved from audio panels to GTCs and additional intercom with pass compartment. NoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommTransmit and receive selection moved from audio panels to GTCs accessed via GTC radio bars.NoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommOxygen Mask Mic selection moved from audio panels to pilot and copilot switch panels and relabeled L OXY MIC and R OXY MICNoNormAbnormEmerHOAA23 CommRADIO CTL HOT BUS SW/IND removed, functionality accomplished with the clearance delivery button.NoNormHOAA23 CommOptional SatCom handset removed. SatCom functionality controlled through GTC 1 and 2.NoNormHOAA23 CommGTC recorder capable of recording and playback of clearances. NoNormHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR24 ElectricsELECTRICAL panel moved from Pilot Switch Panel to pedestal.NoNoHOAA24 ElectricsEMER BATT SW/IND changed to latched toggle switch for STBY INSTRNoNorm, EmerHOAA24 ElectricsLarger 28 Amp-Hour lead acid emergency battery including 300W heaterNoNoHOAA24 ElectricsEmergency Bus load shedding/distributionNoAbnormTCBI,SUAA24 ElectricsCAB PWR SW/INDNoNoHOAA24 ElectricsElectrical synoptic page accessed via GTCs and displayed on DU 2NoNormHOAA25 Equipment and FurnishingsEmergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) with GPS. ELT switch located on pedestal.NoNoHOAA26 FireEngine and APU switches and panels located on pedestal.NoNoHOAA26 FireCrew Warning Panel/RMU indications removed.NoNoHOAA26 FireFire test performed at GTCs versus rotary test switchNoNormTCBI,SUAA27 Flight ControlsEICAS and Synoptic Indications of: aileron trim; rudder trim; pitch trim; flaps; and, spoilersNoNormHOAA27 Flight ControlsPitch Disconnect handle moved and color changed.NoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsSPLN RESET and FLAP RESET functionality moved to FLIGHT CONTROL panel on pedestal.NoNormHOAA27 Flight ControlsPIT TRIM BIAS switch moved to FLIGHT CONTROL panel on pedestal.NoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsELEV DISC handle relocated on pedestalNoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsRUD BOOST SW/IND located to FLIGHT CONTROL panel on pedestal.NoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsFlaps test accomplished with SYS TEST/RESET rotary knob on pedestalNoNormTCBI,SUAA30 Ice and RainANTI-ICE panel moved from center switch panel to pedestal.NoNoHOAA30 Ice and RainANTI-ICE test moved from rotary switch to GTC 1 and 2NoNoTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingThree LCD Display Units installed with select key functionality on lower bezel surfacesNoNorm AbnormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BBDIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR31Indicating/RecordingSummary Page and all synoptics differ in presentationNoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingElectronic Flight Information System (EFIS) differs in presentation and functionality.NoNorm AbnormHOAA31Indicating/RecordingEngine Indicating and Crew Alerting System (EICAS) differs in presentation and functionalityNoNorm AbnormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingSelectable Synthetic Vision System (SVS) on pilot and copilot DUs NoNormTCBI,SUBA31Indicating/RecordingSystem synoptics changed in presentationNoNormAbnormHOAA31Indicating/RecordingOptional flight data recorder differs.(future provision)No---31Indicating/RecordingClock functions and indications differ.NoNormHOAA31Indicating/RecordingAdvisory AOA indication selectable at PFD.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingCockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) panel removed.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingGarmin Stall Warning indications differNoNormAbnormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingStall Warning test moved to GTC 1 and 2 and indications during test differ.NoNormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingNew green bar indication on airspeed indicator represents approach reference speed.NoNormHOAA31Indicating/RecordingNo optional Runway Awareness Alerting System (RAAS).Safe Taxi and optional Enhanced Safe Taxi available.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingThird party provided electronic checklist displayed on MFD and selected at touch screen controllers. Operator Responsibility (future provision)No---31Indicating/RecordingAll DUs reversion controls on pilots and copilot’s glareshield removed. Functionality now controlled by DU REVERSION/DIM panel on pedestalNoAbnormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingADC and AHRS reversion knobs removed, functionally now controlled by DU softkeys.NoAbnormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingLow Speed Awareness and Overspeed cues on PFDs color logic changed. NoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR31Indicating/RecordingHeading, speed, altitude select bugs and navigation source color logic changes.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingVSI indication changed from an arc to a tape.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingElectronic navigation chart display availableNoNormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingFPA now FPM (Flight Path Marker). Speed carat indication removed.NoNormAbnormHOAA32Landing GearGEAR/HYD panel moved from co-pilot switch panel to center switch panel NoNoHOAA32Landing GearLanding gear handle moved from GEAR/HYD panel to copilot switch panel. NoNoHOAA32Landing GearGear test moved from rotary switch to GTC 1 and 2.NoNormTCBI,SUAA32Landing GearLanding gear position indications now EICAS indicationsNoNoHOAA32Landing GearGear Caution/Warning indications differ in presentation. Logic is the sameNoNoHOAA32Landing GearSynoptic presentation of AUX HYD and HYD XFLOW indicationsNoNoHOAA33 Lights External and wing inspection light control; no smoking/belts; and EMER LTS switches moved from center switch panel to new overhead light switch panelNoNormHOAA33 LightsDimming control panels on pedestal for GTCs, DUs, STBY INSTR and SW/INDNoNoHOAA34 NavigationPFD’s Nav source, course and bearing pointers controlled by DU soft key selection.NoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5CC34 NavigationPilot’s and copilot’s Display Control panels replaced by DU softkeys and GTCs.NoNormAbnormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationGarmin integrated AHRS system replaces Honeywell equipment. NoNormAbnormHOAA34 NavigationNavigation radios controlled and displayed at GTCsNoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationNavigation active and standby frequencies displayed on PFDsNoNoHOAA34 NavigationADC test removed, now a BIT test.NoNormHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR34 NavigationElectronic Standby Instrument System installed (ESIS) Four standby indications: A/S; ALT; ATT; and HDG.ESIS capable of ILS guidance.NoNormAbnormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BB34 NavigationPFD’s Nav Source and bearing pointers selected via DU softkeys. Course controlled via Garmin Mode Controller (GMC)NoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationMode S transponder with Enhanced Surveillance and ADS-B-Out (future provision) selected and displayed at GTCs.NoNormHOAA34 NavigationTransponder automatic - ground or altitude.NoNoHOAA34 NavigationLightning detection standard equipment and controlled by GTC 1 and 2NoAbnormHOAA34 NavigationNew weather radar selected at GTCs. No separate control panel.NoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationFMS CDUs removed, functionality and control at GTC1 and 2NoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BB34 NavigationPFD inset map available to display traffic and navigation map controlled by PFD softkeys.NoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationFMS… GPS navigation source only, no other GNSS constellations. NoNormHOAA34 NavigationFMS…. WAAS/LPV standard equipment was optional on base aircraft. No EGNOS capability.NoNormHOAA34 NavigationReactive windshear NoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationMFD auto zoom NoNormHOAA34 NavigationMFD joystick removed, functionally available at GTCsNoNormHOAA34 NavigationStandard takeoff and landing (TOLD) database (future provision)NoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationNav to Nav transfer available for VOR/ILS approachesNoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5CB34 NavigationTCAS II Resolution Advisory (RA) indications differ NoNoHOAA34 NavigationGarmin’s TAWS versus Honeywell’s EGPWSNoNormHOAA34 NavigationGPWS panel removed. Functionality and selection now at GTCsNoNormTCBI,SUAA35 OxygenOxygen quantity indications differ. NoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR35 OxygenPAX OXYGEN panel moved from copilot switch panel to pedestal and relabeled PAX OXY/PRESSNoNoHOAA45Central Maintenance SystemOptional Wi-FiIridium outNoNoHOAA46 Information SystemsElectronic flight charts via subscriptionAOPA airport directory available.NoNormTCBI,SUAA46 Information SystemsGraphical maps including geopolitical boundary, land mass and airspace boundaries.NoNormHOAA46 Information SystemsXM weather available through subscriptionNoNormHOAA46 Information SystemsInternational weather available through subscription (future provision)NoNormHOAA46 Information SystemsSD card slots installed on each DU to facilitate loading of data basesNoNormHOAA46 Information SystemsCPDLC available (future provision)NoNormTCBI,SUAA49 APUAPU control panel relocated on pedestal and APU BLEED SW/IND relocated to APU panelNoNoHOAA70 PowerplantL and R Engine controls relocated on pedestalNoNoHOAA70 PowerplantTFE731-40-BR engine mod -Increased thrust NoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRMANEUVERREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURRPTS ManeuversNo ChangesNoNoHOAAAnnex D – ODR Table: Learjet 45 to Learjet 70 DIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRDESIGNREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURRAircraftGeneralFlight Deck panel layout modified to integrate new Garmin 5000 avionics suite and to enhance aesthetics. NoNoHOAAAircraftGeneralRelocated flight deck control panels.NoNoHOAAAircraftGeneralLarger wingletsNoNoHOAAAircraftGeneralPassenger cabin updatedNoNoHOAAAircraftGeneralMaximum Zero Fuel Weight reduced to 16,000 lbs.NoNoHOAAAircraftGeneralOverall length reduced 23.55 inches.NoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR6Dimensions and AreasFuselage length reduction requires new formulas for weight and balance. NoNoHOAA9Towing and TaxiingFuselage length reduction results in smaller turning radius, no operational impact.NoNoHOAA11PlacardsFuel Quantity placards (interior & exterior) change to reflect usable quantity reduction.NoNoHOAA21Air ConditioningRemoval of 2 gaspers.Reduction in length of main cabin condition air ducting. Reduction in length vacuum line (pressurization, outflow valve control).System operation not affected.NoNoHOAA21 ECSPRESSURIZATION panel resized and reconfigured. L & R BLEED, PACK, HI FLOW and EMERG PRESS switches moved to new PAX/OXY PRESS panel on pedestal. APU BLEED switch move to APU panel on pedestal.NoNorm Abnorm EmerHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR21 ECSENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEM (ECS) synoptic page controlled via GTCsNoNoHOAA22 AFCSFlight Guidance Controller Panel (FGC) replaced by Garmin Mode Controller (GMC)NoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5CC22 AFCSFlight Director Modes same as Honeywell Primus 1000 suite except FLC versus Speed. NoNorm TCBI,SUBB22 AFCSNew Flight Director Takeoff Mode displayed on PFDNoNormHOAA22 AFCSNew autopilot servos, yaw damper and rudder boost NoNoHOAA22 AFCSFlight Director button now engages as well as disengages flight directorNoNormHOAA22 AFCSGarmin mode control panel has up/down wheel for pitch and speed referenceNoNormHOAA22 AFCSGarmin mode control panel – ASEL knob now called ALT NoNormHOAA22 AFCSAutopilot engage/disengage logic differs.NoNormAbnormEmerHOAA23 CommAntenna relocation results in no change to system operation.NONOHOAA23 CommCommunication and navigation radio functions selected and displayed at Garmin Touch Screens Controllers 1 and 2 (GTC)NoNormAbnormEmerCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BC23 CommAudio panels functionality selected and displayed at Garmin Touch Screens Controllers (GTC 1 and 2)NoNormAbnormEmerCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BB23 CommActive and standby communication frequency displayed on Pilot and Copilot DU1 and DU3 controlled by GTCs or GCUNoNormHOCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BB23 CommControl panel removed for Clearance Delivery Head radio. New functionality provided by CLR DLY SW/IND and/or EMER COM SW/IND.NoNormHOAA23 CommADS-C and CPDLC (VDL Mode 2) (future development)------23 CommOptional HF panel removed, functionality and control at GTC1 and 2NoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommOptional SELCAL HF/VHF PRESS FOR TEST/RESET button removed. Controlled at GTC 1 and GTC 2.NoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommPassenger Address (PA) functionality and selection moved from audio panels to GTCsNoNormTCBI,SUAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR23 CommInterphone/Intercom functionality moved from audio panels to GTCs and additional intercom with pass compartment. NoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommTransmit and receive selection moved from audio panels to GTCs accessed via GTC radio bars.NoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommOxygen Mask Mic selection moved from audio panels to pilot and copilot switch panels and relabeled L OXY MIC and R OXY MICNoNormAbnormEmerHOAA23 CommRADIO CTL HOT BUS SW/IND removed, functionality accomplished with the clearance delivery button.NoNormHOAA23 CommOptional SatCom handset removed. SatCom functionality controlled through GTC 1 and 2.NoNormHOAA23 CommGTC recorder capable of recording and playback of clearances. NoNormHOAA24 ElectricsELECTRICAL panel moved from Pilot Switch Panel to pedestal.NoNoHOAA24 ElectricsEMER BATT SW/IND changed to latched toggle switch for STBY INSTRNoNorm, EmerHOAA24 ElectricsLarger 28 Amp-Hour lead acid emergency battery including 300W heaterNoNoHOAA24 ElectricsEmergency Bus load shedding/distributionNoAbnormTCBI,SUAA24 ElectricsCAB PWR SW/INDNoNoHOAA24 ElectricsElectrical synoptic page accessed via GTCs and displayed on DU 2NoNormHOAA25 Equipment and FurnishingsEmergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) with GPS. ELT switch located on pedestal.NoNoHOAA26 FireEngine and APU switches and panels located on pedestal.NoNoHOAA26 FireCrew Warning Panel/RMU indications removed.NoNoHOAA26 FireFire test performed at GTCs versus rotary test switchNoNormTCBI,SUAA27 Flight ControlsReduced length control system cables. Control system operation not affected.NoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsEICAS and Synoptic Indications of: aileron trim; rudder trim; pitch trim; flaps; and, spoilersNoNormHOAA27 Flight ControlsPitch Disconnect handle moved and color changed.NoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR27 Flight ControlsSPLN RESET and FLAP RESET functionality moved to FLIGHT CONTROL panel on pedestal.NoNormHOAA27 Flight ControlsPIT TRIM BIAS switch moved to FLIGHT CONTROL panel on pedestal.NoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsELEV DISC handle relocated on pedestalNoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsRUD BOOST SW/IND located to FLIGHT CONTROL panel on pedestal.NoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsFlaps test accomplished with SYS TEST/RESET rotary knob on pedestalNoNormTCBI,SUAA28 FuelFuel System difference limited to a reduction in Total Useable Quantity. No change to any other system aspect.NoNoHOAA29Hydraulic PowerReductions in length of hydraulic nose gear extend and retract lines. Hydraulic system operation not affected.NoNoHOAA30 Ice and RainANTI-ICE panel moved from center switch panel to pedestal.NoNoHOAA30 Ice and RainANTI-ICE test moved from rotary switch to GTC 1 and 2NoNoTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingThree LCD Display Units installed with select key functionality on lower bezel surfacesNoNorm AbnormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BB31Indicating/RecordingSummary Page and all Synoptics differ in presentationNoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingElectronic Flight Information System (EFIS) differs in presentation and functionality.NoNorm AbnormHOAA31Indicating/RecordingEngine Indicating and Crew Alerting System (EICAS) differs in presentation and functionalityNoNorm AbnormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingSelectable Synthetic Vision System (SVS) on Pilot and copilot DUs NoNormTCBI,SUBA31Indicating/RecordingSystem synoptics changed in presentationNoNormAbnormHOAA31Indicating/RecordingOptional flight data recorder differs.(future provision)No---31Indicating/RecordingClock functions and indications differ.NoNormHOAA31Indicating/RecordingAdvisory AOA indication selectable at PFD.NoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR31Indicating/RecordingCockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) panel removed.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingGarmin Stall Warning indications differNoNormAbnormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingStall Warning test moved to GTC 1 and 2 and indications during test differ.NoNormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingNew green bar indication on airspeed indicator represents approach reference speed.NoNormHOAA31Indicating/RecordingNo optional Runway Awareness Alerting System (RAAS).Safe Taxi and optional Enhanced Safe Taxi available.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingThird party provided electronic checklist displayed on MFD and selected at touch screen controllers. Operator Responsibility (future provision)No---31Indicating/RecordingAll DUs reversion controls on pilot’s and copilot’s glareshield removed. Functionality now controlled by DU REVERSION/DIM panel on pedestalNoAbnormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingADC and AHRS reversion knobs removed, functionally now controlled by DU softkeys.NoAbnormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingLow Speed Awareness and Overspeed cues on PFDs color logic changed. NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingHeading, speed, altitude select bugs and navigation source color logic changes.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingVSI indication changed from an arc to a tape.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingElectronic navigation chart display availableNoNormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingFPA now FPM (Flight Path Marker). Speed carat indication removed.NoNormAbnormHOAA32Landing GearShorter emergency landing gear cable, no change in system operation.NoNoHOAA32Landing GearGEAR/HYD panel moved from co-pilot switch panel to center switch panel NoNoHOAA32Landing GearLanding gear handle moved from GEAR/HYD panel to copilot switch panel. NoNoHOAA32Landing GearGear test moved from rotary switch to GTC 1 and 2.NoNormTCBI,SUAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR32Landing GearLanding gear position indications now EICAS indicationsNoNoHOAA32Landing GearGear Caution/Warning indications differ in presentation. Logic is the sameNoNoHOAA32Landing GearSynoptic presentation of AUX HYD and HYD XFLOW indicationsNoNoHOAA33 Lights External and wing inspection light control; no smoking/belts; and EMER LTS switches moved from center switch panel to new overhead light switch panelNoNormHOAA33 LightsDimming control panels on pedestal for GTCs, DUs, STBY INSTR and SW/INDNoNoHOAA34 NavigationPFD’s Nav source, course and bearing pointers controlled by DU soft key selection.NoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5CC34 NavigationPilot’s and copilot’s Display Control panels replaced by DU softkeys and GTCs.NoNormAbnormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationGarmin integrated AHRS system replaces Honeywell equipment. NoNormAbnormHOAA34 NavigationNavigation radios controlled and displayed at GTCsNoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationNavigation active and standby frequencies displayed on PFDsNoNoHOAA34 NavigationADC test removed, now a BIT test.NoNormHOAA34 NavigationElectronic Standby Instrument System installed (ESIS) Four standby indications: A/S; ALT; ATT; and HDG.ESIS capable of ILS guidance.NoNormAbnormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BB34 NavigationPFD’s Nav Source and bearing pointers selected via DU softkeys. Course controlled via Garmin Mode Controller (GMC)NoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationMode S transponder with Enhanced Surveillance and ADS-B-Out (future provision) selected and displayed at GTCs.NoNormHOAA34 NavigationTransponder automatic - ground or altitude.NoNoHOAA34 NavigationLightning detection standard equipment and controlled by GTC 1 and 2NoAbnormHOAA34 NavigationNew weather radar selected at GTCs. No separate control panel.NoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationFMS CDUs removed, functionality and control at GTC1 and 2NoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5CCDIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR34 NavigationPFD inset map available to display traffic and navigation map controlled by PFD softkeys.NoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationFMS… GPS navigation source only, no other GNSS constellations. NoNormHOAA34 NavigationFMS…. WAAS/LPV standard equipment was optional on base aircraft. No EGNOS capability.NoNormHOAA34 NavigationReactive windshear NoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationMFD auto zoom NoNormHOAA34 NavigationMFD joystick removed, functionally available at GTCsNoNormHOAA34 NavigationStandard takeoff and landing (TOLD) database (future provision)NoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationNav to Nav transfer available for VOR/ILS approachesNoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5CC34 NavigationTCAS II Resolution Advisory (RA) indications differ NoNoHOAA34 NavigationGarmin’s TAWS versus Honeywell’s EGPWSNoNormHOAA34 NavigationGPWS panel removed. Functionality and selection now at GTCsNoNormTCBI,SUAA35 Oxygen5 dual masks drop (was 6).Oxygen chart in AFM and Pilot’s manual changed.NoNoHOAA35 OxygenOxygen quantity indications differ. NoNoHOAA35 OxygenPAX OXYGEN panel moved from copilot switch panel to pedestal and relabeled PAX OXY/PRESSNoNoHOAA45Central Maintenance SystemOptional Wi-FiIridium outNoNoHOAA46 Information SystemsElectronic flight charts via subscriptionAOPA airport directory available.NoNormTCBI,SUAA46 Information SystemsGraphical maps including geopolitical boundary, land mass and airspace boundaries.NoNormHOAA46 Information SystemsXM weather available through subscriptionNoNormHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRMANEUVERREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR46 Information SystemsInternational weather available through subscription (future provision)NoNormHOAA46 Information SystemsSD card slots installed on each DU to facilitate loading of data basesNoNormHOAA46 Information SystemsCPDLC available (future provision)NoNormTCBI,SUAA49 APUAPU control panel relocated on pedestal and APU BLEED SW/IND relocated to APU panelNoNoHOAA52 DoorsQuantity reduction relocated gravity fuel fill door, no operational impact.NoNoHOAA53FuselageFuselage length reduction requires no special maintenance or operational restrictions.NoNoHOAA56WindowsRemoval of three windows requires no special maintenance or operational restrictions.NoNoHOAA70 PowerplantL and R Engine controls relocated on pedestalNoNoHOAA70 PowerplantTFE731-40-BR engine mod -Increased thrust NoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRMANEUVERREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURRPTS ManeuversNo ChangesNoNoHOAAAnnex E – ODR Table: Learjet 40 to Learjet 45 DIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRDESIGNREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURRWeightsMax Ramp Weight increased to 21,750 lbs.Max Takeoff Weight increased to21,500 lbs.Maximum Zero Fuel Weight increased to 16,500 lbs.NoNoHOAADimensionsOverall Length increased 23.55 inchesNoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR6Dimensions and AreasFuselage length increased requires new formulas for weight and balance. NoNoHOAA9Towing and TaxiingFuselage length increase results in bigger turning radius, no operational impact.NoNoHOAA11PlacardsFuel Quantity placards (interior & exterior) change to reflect useable quantity increase.NoNoHOAA21Air ConditioningAddition of 2 gaspers.Increase in length of main cabin condition air ducting. Increase in length vacuum line (pressurization, outflow valve control).System operation not affected.NoNoHOAA23CommunicationsAntenna relocation results in no change to system operation.NoNoHOAA27Flight ControlsIncreased length control system cables. Control system operation not affected.NoNoHOAA28FuelFuel System difference limited to an increase in Total Useable Quantity. No change to any other system aspect.NoNoHOAA29Hydraulic PowerIncrease in length of hydraulic nose gear extend and retract lines. Hydraulic system operation not affected.NoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRMANEUVERREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR31Indicating Recording SystemsCAS and CWP messages added for Cabin Altitude problem awareness. L R ECS CAS messages added for bleed air system failures.Note; These changes will be introduced to M45 (S/N 001 to 2000) aircraft also.NoNoHOAA32Landing GearLonger emergency landing gear cable, no change in system operation.NoNoHOAA34NavigationEGPWS, TCAS 2000 and ELT are installation standards, no operational differences from optional (STC) installations.NoNoHOAA35Oxygen6 dual masks drop (was 5)Oxygen chart in AFM and Pilot’s manual changed.NoNoHOAA52DoorsFuel quantity increase relocated gravity fuel fill door, no operational impact.NoNoHOAA53FuselageFuselage length increase requires no special maintenance or operational restrictions.NoNoHOAA56WindowsAdditional three windows require no special maintenance or operational restrictions.NoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRMANEUVERREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURRPTS ManeuversNo ChangesNoNoHOAAAnnex F – ODR Table: Learjet 40 to Learjet 75 DIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRDESIGNREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURRAircraftGeneralFlight Deck panel layout modified to integrate new Garmin 5000 avionics suite and to enhance aesthetics. NoNoHOAAAircraftGeneralRelocated flight deck control panels.NoNoHOAAAircraftGeneralLarger wingletsNoNoHOAAAircraftGeneralPassenger cabin updatedNoNoHOAAWeightsMax Ramp Weight increased to 21,750 lbs.Max Takeoff Weight increased to 21,500 lbs.Maximum Zero Fuel Weight 16,000 lbs.NoNoHOAADimensionsOverall Length increased 23.55 inchesNoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR6Dimensions and AreasFuselage length increased requires new formulas for weight and balance. NoNoHOAA9Towing and taxiingFuselage length increase results in bigger turning radius, no operational impact.NoNoHOAA11PlacardsFuel Quantity placards (interior & exterior) change to reflect useable quantity increase.NoNoHOAA21Air ConditioningAddition of 2 gaspers.Increase in length of main cabin condition air ducting. Increase in length vacuum line (pressurization, outflow valve control).System operation not affected.NoNoHOAA21 ECSPRESSURIZATION panel resized and reconfigured. L & R BLEED, PACK, HI FLOW and EMERG PRESS switches moved to new PAX/OXY PRESS panel on pedestal. APU BLEED switch move to APU panel on pedestal.NoNorm Abnorm EmerHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRMANEUVERREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR21 ECSENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEM (ECS) synoptic page controlled via GTCsNoNoHOAA22 AFCSFlight Guidance Controller Panel (FGC) replaced by Garmin Mode Controller (GMC)NoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5CC22 AFCSFlight Director Modes same as Honeywell Primus 1000 suite except FLC versus Speed. NoNorm TCBI,SUBB22 AFCSNew Flight Director Takeoff Mode displayed on PFDNoNormHOAA22 AFCSNew autopilot servos, yaw damper and rudder boost NoNoHOAA22 AFCSFlight Director button now engages as well as disengages flight directorNoNormHOAA22 AFCSGarmin mode control panel has up/down wheel for pitch and speed referenceNoNormHOAA22 AFCSGarmin mode control panel – ASEL knob now called ALT NoNormHOAA22 AFCSAutopilot engage/disengage logic differs.NoNormAbnormEmerHOAA23 CommAntenna relocation results in no change to system operation.NoNoHOAA23 CommCommunication and navigation radio functions selected and displayed at Garmin Touch Screens Controllers 1 and 2 (GTC)NoNormAbnormEmerCSS, PTT FTD2-5BC23 CommAudio panels functionality selected and displayed at Garmin Touch Screens Controllers (GTC 1 and 2)NoNormAbnormEmerCSS, PTT FTD 2-5CC23 CommActive and standby Comm frequency displayed on Pilot and Copilot DU1 and DU3 controlled by GTCs or GCUNoNormHOCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BB23 CommControl panel removed for Clearance Delivery Head radio. New functionality provided by CLR DLY SW/IND and/or EMER COM SW/IND.NoNormHOAA23 CommADS-C and CPDLC (VDL Mode 2) (future provision)------23 CommOptional HF panel removed, functionality and control at GTC1 and 2NoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommOptional SELCAL HF/VHF PRESS FOR TEST/RESET button removed. Controlled at GTC 1 and GTC 2.NoNormTCBI,SUAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR23 CommPassenger Address (PA) functionality and selection moved from audio panels to GTCsNoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommInterphone/Intercom functionality moved from audio panels to GTCs and additional intercom with pass compartment. NoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommTransmit and receive selection moved from audio panels to GTCs accessed via GTC radio bars.NoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommOxygen Mask Mic selection moved from audio panels to pilot and copilot switch panels and relabeled L OXY MIC and R OXY MICNoNormAbnormEmerHOAA23 CommRADIO CTL HOT BUS SW/IND removed, functionality accomplished with the clearance delivery button.NoNormHOAA23 CommOptional SatCom handset removed. SatCom functionality controlled through GTC 1 and 2.NoNormHOAA23 CommGTC recorder capable of recording and playback of clearances. NoNormHOAA24 ElectricsELECTRICAL panel moved from Pilot Switch Panel to pedestal.NoNoHOAA24 ElectricsEMER BATT SW/IND changed to latched toggle switch for STBY INSTRNoNorm, EmerHOAA24 ElectricsLarger 28 Amp-Hour lead acid emergency battery including 300W heaterNoNoHOAA24 ElectricsEmergency Bus load shedding/distributionNoAbnormTCBI,SUAA24 ElectricsCAB PWR SW/INDNoNoHOAA24 ElectricsElectrical synoptic page accessed via GTCs and displayed on DU 2NoNormHOAA25 Equipment and FurnishingsEmergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) with GPS. ELT switch located on pedestal.NoNoHOAA26 FireEngine and APU switches and panels located on pedestal.NoNoHOAA26 FireCrew Warning Panel/RMU indications removed.NoNoHOAA26 FireFire test performed at GTCs versus rotary test switchNoNormTCBI,SUAA27 Flight ControlsIncreased length control system cables. Control system operation not affected.NoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsEICAS and Synoptic Indications of: aileron trim; rudder trim; pitch trim; flaps; and, spoilersNoNormHOAA27 Flight ControlsPitch Disconnect handle moved and color changed.NoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR27 Flight ControlsSPLN RESET and FLAP RESET functionality moved to FLIGHT CONTROL panel on pedestal.NoNormHOAA27 Flight ControlsPIT TRIM BIAS switch moved to FLIGHT CONTROL panel on pedestal.NoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsELEV DISC handle relocated on pedestalNoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsRUD BOOST SW/IND located to FLIGHT CONTROL panel on pedestal.NoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsFlaps test accomplished with SYS TEST/RESET rotary knob on pedestalNoNormTCBI,SUAA28FuelFuel System difference limited to an increase in Total Useable Quantity. No change to any other system aspect.NoNoHOAA29Hydraulic PowerIncrease in length of hydraulic nose gear extend and retract lines. Hydraulic system operation not affected.NoNoHOAA30 Ice and RainANTI-ICE panel moved from center switch panel to pedestal.NoNoHOAA30 Ice and RainANTI-ICE test moved from rotary switch to GTC 1 and 2NoNoTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingThree LCD Display Units installed with select key functionality on lower bezel surfacesNoNorm AbnormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BB31Indicating/RecordingSummary Page and all synoptics differ in presentationNoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingElectronic Flight Information System (EFIS) differs in presentation and functionality.NoNorm AbnormHOAA31Indicating/RecordingEngine Indicating and Crew Alerting System (EICAS) differs in presentation and functionalityNoNorm AbnormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingSelectable Synthetic Vision System (SVS) on Pilot and copilot DUs NoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BA31Indicating/RecordingSystem synoptics changed in presentationNoNormAbnormHOAA31Indicating/RecordingOptional flight data recorder differs.(Future provision)No---31Indicating/RecordingClock functions and indications differ.NoNormHOAA31Indicating/RecordingAdvisory AOA indication selectable at PFD.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingCockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) panel removed.NoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR31Indicating/RecordingGarmin Stall Warning indications differNoNormAbnormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingStall Warning test moved to GTC 1 and 2 and indications during test differ.NoNormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingNew green bar indication on airspeed indicator represents approach reference speed.NoNormHOAA31Indicating/RecordingNo optional Runway Awareness Alerting System (RAAS).Safe Taxi and optional Enhanced Safe Taxi available.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingThird party provided electronic checklist displayed on MFD and selected at touch screen controllers. Operator Responsibility (future provision)No---31Indicating/RecordingAll DUs reversion controls on pilot’s and copilot’s glareshield removed. Functionality now controlled by DU REVERSION/DIM panel on pedestalNoAbnormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingADC and AHRS reversion knobs removed, functionally now controlled by DU softkeys.NoAbnormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingLow Speed Awareness and Overspeed cues on PFDs color logic changed. NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingHeading, speed, altitude select bugs and navigation source color logic changes.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingVSI indication changed from an arc to a tape.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingElectronic navigation chart display availableNoNormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingFPA now FPM (Flight Path Marker). Speed carat indication removed.NoNormAbnormHOAA32Landing GearLonger emergency landing gear cable, no change in system operation.NoNoHOAA32Landing GearGEAR/HYD panel moved from co-pilot switch panel to center switch panel NoNoHOAA32Landing GearLanding gear handle moved from GEAR/HYD panel to copilot switch panel. NoNoHOAA32Landing GearGear test moved from rotary switch to GTC 1 and 2.NoNormTCBI,SUAA32Landing GearLanding gear position indications now EICAS indicationsNoNoHOAA32Landing GearGear Caution/Warning indications differ in presentation. Logic is the sameNoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR32Landing GearSynoptic presentation of AUX HYD and HYD XFLOW indicationsNoNoHOAA33 Lights External and wing inspection light control; no smoking/belts; and EMER LTS switches moved from center switch panel to new overhead light switch panelNoNormHOAA33 LightsDimming control panels on pedestal for GTCs, DUs, STBY INSTR and SW/INDNoNoHOAA34 NavigationPFD’s Nav source, course and bearing pointers controlled by DU soft key selection.NoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5CC34 NavigationPilot’s and copilot’s Display Control panels replaced by DU softkeys and GTCs.NoNormAbnormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationGarmin integrated AHRS system replaces Honeywell equipment. NoNormAbnormHOAA34 NavigationNavigation radios controlled and displayed at GTCsNoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationNavigation active and standby frequencies displayed on PFDsNoNoHOAA34 NavigationADC test removed, now a BIT test.NoNormHOAA34 NavigationElectronic Standby Instrument System installed (ESIS) Four standby indications: A/S; ALT; ATT; and HDG.ESIS capable of ILS guidance.NoNormAbnormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BB34 NavigationPFD’s Nav Source and bearing pointers selected via DU softkeys. Course controlled via Garmin Mode Controller (GMC)NoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationMode S transponder with Enhanced Surveillance and ADS-B-Out (Future Provision) selected and displayed at GTCs.NoNormHOAA34 NavigationTransponder automatic - ground or altitude.NoNoHOAA34 NavigationLightning detection standard equipment and controlled by GTC 1 and 2NoAbnormHOAA34 NavigationNew weather radar selected at GTCs. No separate control panel.NoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationFMS CDUs removed, functionality and control at GTC1 and 2NoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5CC34 NavigationPFD inset map available to display traffic and navigation map controlled by PFD softkeys.NoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationFMS… GPS navigation source only, no other GNSS constellations. NoNormHOAA34 NavigationFMS…. WAAS/LPV standard equipment was optional on base aircraft. No EGNOS capability.NoNormHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR34 NavigationReactive windshear NoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationMFD auto zoom NoNormHOAA34 NavigationMFD joystick removed, functionally available at GTCsNoNormHOAA34 NavigationStandard takeoff and landing (TOLD) database (future provision)NoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationNav to Nav transfer available for VOR/ILS approachesNoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5CB34 NavigationTCAS II Resolution Advisory (RA) indications differ NoNoHOAA34 NavigationGarmin’s TAWS versus Honeywell’s EGPWSNoNormHOAA34 NavigationGPWS panel removed. Functionality and selection now at GTCsNoNormTCBI,SUAA35 Oxygen6 dual masks drop (was 5)Oxygen chart in AFM and Pilot’s manual changed.NoNoHOAA35 OxygenOxygen quantity indications differ. NoNoHOAA35 OxygenPAX OXYGEN panel moved from copilot switch panel to pedestal and relabeled PAX OXY/PRESSNoNoHOAA45Central Maintenance SystemOptional Wi-FiIridium outNoNoHOAA46 Information SystemsElectronic flight charts via subscriptionAOPA airport directory available.NoNormTCBI,SUAA46 Information SystemsGraphical maps including geopolitical boundary, land mass and airspace boundaries.NoNormHOAA46 Information SystemsXM weather available through subscriptionNoNormHOAA46 Information SystemsInternational weather available through subscription (future provision)NoNormHOAA46 Information SystemsSD card slots installed on each DU to facilitate loading of data basesNoNormHOAA46 Information SystemsCPDLC available (future provision)NoNormTCBI,SUAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRMANEUVERREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR49 APUAPU control panel relocated on pedestal and APU BLEED SW/IND relocated to APU panelNoNoHOAA53FuselageFuselage length increase requires no special maintenance or operational restrictions.NoNoHOAA56WindowsAdditional three windows require no special maintenance or operational restrictions.NoNoHOAA70 PowerplantL and R Engine controls relocated on pedestalNoNoHOAA70 PowerplantTFE731-40-BR engine mod -Increased thrust NoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRMANEUVERREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURRPTS ManeuversNo ChangesNoNoHOAAAnnex G – ODR Table: Learjet 40 to Learjet 70 DIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRDESIGNREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURRAircraftGeneralFlight Deck panel layout modified to integrate new Garmin 5000 avionics suite and to enhance aesthetics. NoNoHOAAAircraftGeneralRelocated flight deck control panels.NoNoHOAAAircraftGeneralLarger wingletsNoNoHOAAAircraftGeneralPassenger cabin updatedNoNoHOAAAircraftGeneralMax Ramp Weight increased to 21,750 lbs.Max Takeoff Weight increased to 21,500 lbs.NoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR21 ECSPRESSURIZATION panel resized and reconfigured. L & R BLEED, PACK, HI FLOW and EMERG PRESS switches moved to new PAX/OXY PRESS panel on pedestal. APU BLEED switch move to APU panel on pedestal.NoNorm Abnorm EmerHOAA21 ECSENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEM (ECS) synoptic page controlled via GTCsNoNoHOAA22 AFCSFlight Guidance Controller Panel (FGC) replaced by Garmin Mode Controller (GMC)NoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5CC22 AFCSFlight Director Modes same as Honeywell Primus 1000 suite except FLC versus Speed. NoNorm TCBI,SUBB22 AFCSNew Flight Director Takeoff Mode displayed on PFDNoNormHOAA22 AFCSNew autopilot servos, yaw damper and rudder boost NoNoHOAA22 AFCSFlight Director button now engages as well as disengages flight directorNoNormHOAA22 AFCSGarmin mode control panel has up/down wheel for pitch and speed referenceNoNormHOAA22 AFCSGarmin mode control panel – ASEL knob now called ALT NoNormHOAA22 AFCSAutopilot engage/disengage logic differs.NoNormAbnormEmerHOAA23 CommCommunication and navigation radio functions selected and displayed at Garmin Touch Screens Controllers 1 and 2 (GTC)NoNormAbnormEmerCSS, PTT FTD 2-5CC23 CommAudio panels functionality selected and displayed at Garmin Touch Screens Controllers (GTC 1 and 2)NoNormAbnormEmerCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BB23 CommActive and standby communication frequency displayed on Pilot and Copilot DU1 and DU3 controlled by GTCs or GCUNoNormHOCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BB23 CommControl panel removed for Clearance Delivery Head radio. New functionality provided by CLR DLY SW/IND and/or EMER COM SW/IND.NoNormHOAA23 CommADS-C and CPDLC (VDL Mode 2) (future provision)------23 CommOptional HF panel removed, functionality and control at GTC1 and 2NoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommOptional SELCAL HF/VHF PRESS FOR TEST/RESET button removed. Controlled at GTC 1 and GTC 2.NoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommPassenger Address (PA) functionality and selection moved from audio panels to GTCsNoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommInterphone/Intercom functionality moved from audio panels to GTCs and additional intercom with pass compartment. NoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommTransmit and receive selection moved from audio panels to GTCs accessed via GTC radio bars.NoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommOxygen Mask Mic selection moved from audio panels to pilot and copilot switch panels and relabeled L OXY MIC and R OXY MICNoNormAbnormEmerHOAA23 CommRADIO CTL HOT BUS SW/IND removed, functionality accomplished with the clearance delivery button.NoNormHOAA23 CommOptional SatCom handset removed. SatCom functionality controlled through GTC 1 and 2.NoNormHOAA23 CommGTC recorder capable of recording and playback of clearances. NoNormHOAA24 ElectricsELECTRICAL panel moved from Pilot Switch Panel to pedestal.NoNoHOAA24 ElectricsEMER BATT SW/IND changed to latched toggle switch for STBY INSTRNoNorm, EmerHOAA24 ElectricsLarger 28 Amp-Hour lead acid emergency battery including 300W heaterNoNoHOAA24 ElectricsEmergency Bus load shedding/distributionNoAbnormTCBI,SUAA24 ElectricsCAB PWR SW/INDNoNoHOAA24 ElectricsElectrical synoptic page accessed via GTCs and displayed on DU 2NoNormHOAA25 Equipment and FurnishingsEmergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) with GPS. ELT switch located on pedestal.NoNoHOAA26 FireEngine and APU switches and panels located on pedestal.NoNoHOAA26 FireCrew Warning Panel/RMU indications removed.NoNoHOAA26 FireFire test performed at GTCs versus rotary test switchNoNormTCBI,SUAA27 Flight ControlsEICAS and Synoptic Indications of: aileron trim; rudder trim; pitch trim; flaps; and, spoilersNoNormHOAA27 Flight ControlsPitch Disconnect handle moved and color changed.NoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsSPLN RESET and FLAP RESET functionality moved to FLIGHT CONTROL panel on pedestal.NoNormHOAA27 Flight ControlsPIT TRIM BIAS switch moved to FLIGHT CONTROL panel on pedestal.NoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsELEV DISC handle relocated on pedestalNoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsRUD BOOST SW/IND located to FLIGHT CONTROL panel on pedestal.NoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsFlaps test accomplished with SYS TEST/RESET rotary knob on pedestalNoNormTCBI,SUAA30 Ice and RainANTI-ICE panel moved from center switch panel to pedestal.NoNoHOAA30 Ice and RainANTI-ICE test moved from rotary switch to GTC 1 and 2NoNoTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingThree LCD Display Units installed with select key functionality on lower bezel surfacesNoNorm AbnormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BB31Indicating/RecordingSummary Page and all Synoptics differ in presentationNoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingElectronic Flight Information System (EFIS) differs in presentation and functionality.NoNorm AbnormHOAA31Indicating/RecordingEngine Indicating and Crew Alerting System (EICAS) differs in presentation and functionalityNoNorm AbnormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingSelectable Synthetic Vision System (SVS) on Pilot and copilot DUs NoNormTCBI,SUBA31Indicating/RecordingSystem synoptics changed in presentationNoNormAbnormHOAA31Indicating/RecordingOptional flight data recorder differs.(future provision)------31Indicating/RecordingClock functions and indications differ.NoNormHOAA31Indicating/RecordingAdvisory AOA indication selectable at PFD.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingCockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) panel removed.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingGarmin Stall Warning indications differNoNormAbnormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingStall Warning test moved to GTC 1 and 2 and indications during test differ.NoNormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingNew green bar indication on airspeed indicator represents approach reference speed.NoNormHOAA31Indicating/RecordingNo optional Runway Awareness Alerting System (RAAS).Safe Taxi and optional Enhanced Safe Taxi available.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingThird party provided electronic checklist displayed on MFD and selected at touch screen controllers. Operator Responsibility (future provision)------31Indicating/RecordingAll DUs reversion controls on pilot’s and copilot’s glareshield removed. Functionality now controlled by DU REVERSION/DIM panel on pedestalNoAbnormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingADC and AHRS reversion knobs removed, functionally now controlled by DU softkeys.NoAbnormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingLow Speed Awareness and Overspeed cues on PFDs color logic changed. NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingHeading, speed, altitude select bugs and navigation source color logic changes.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingVSI indication changed from an arc to a tape.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingElectronic navigation chart display availableNoNormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingFPA now FPM (Flight Path Marker). Speed carat indication removed.NoNormAbnormHOAA32Landing GearGEAR/HYD panel moved from co-pilot switch panel to center switch panel NoNoHOAA32Landing GearLanding gear handle moved from GEAR/HYD panel to copilot switch panel. NoNoHOAA32Landing GearGear test moved from rotary switch to GTC 1 and 2.NoNormTCBI,SUAA32Landing GearLanding gear position indications now EICAS indicationsNoNoHOAA32Landing GearGear Caution/Warning indications differ in presentation. Logic is the sameNoNoHOAA32Landing Gear Synoptic presentation of AUX HYD and HYD XFLOW indicationsNoNoHOAA33 Lights External and wing inspection light control; no smoking/belts; and EMER LTS switches moved from center switch panel to new overhead light switch panelNoNormHOAA33 LightsDimming control panels on pedestal for GTCs, DUs, STBY INSTR and SW/INDNoNoHOAA34 NavigationPFD’s Nav source, course and bearing pointers controlled by DU soft key selection.NoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5CC34 NavigationPilot’s and copilot’s Display Control panels replaced by DU softkeys and GTCs.NoNormAbnormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationGarmin integrated AHRS system replaces Honeywell equipment. NoNormAbnormHOAA34 NavigationNavigation radios controlled and displayed at GTCsNoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationNavigation active and standby frequencies displayed on PFDsNoNoHOAA34 NavigationADC test removed, now a BIT test.NoNormHOAA34 NavigationElectronic Standby Instrument System installed (ESIS) Four standby indications: A/S; ALT; ATT; and HDG.ESIS capable of ILS guidance.NoNormAbnormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BB34 NavigationPFD’s Nav Source and bearing pointers selected via DU softkeys. Course controlled via Garmin Mode Controller (GMC)NoNormTCBI,SUAADIFF DIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR34 NavigationMode S transponder with Enhanced Surveillance and ADS-B-Out (Future Provision) selected and displayed at GTCs.NoNormHOAA34 NavigationTransponder automatic - ground or altitude.NoNoHOAA34 NavigationLightning detection standard equipment and controlled by GTC 1 and 2NoAbnormHOAA34 NavigationNew weather radar selected at GTCs. No separate control panel.NoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationFMS CDUs removed, functionality and control at GTC1 and 2NoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5CC34 NavigationPFD inset map available to display traffic and navigation map controlled by PFD softkeys.NoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationFMS… GPS navigation source only, no other GNSS constellations. NoNormHOAA34 NavigationFMS…. WAAS/LPV standard equipment was optional on base aircraft. No EGNOS capability.NoNormHOAA34 NavigationReactive windshear NoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationMFD auto zoom NoNormHOAA34 NavigationMFD joystick removed, functionally available at GTCsNoNormHOAA34 NavigationStandard takeoff and landing (TOLD) database (future provision)NoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationNav to Nav transfer available for VOR/ILS approachesNoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5CB34 NavigationTCAS II Resolution Advisory (RA) indications differ NoNoHOAA34 NavigationGarmin’s TAWS versus Honeywell’s EGPWSNoNormHOAA34 NavigationGPWS panel removed. Functionality and selection now at GTCsNoNormTCBI,SUAA35 OxygenOxygen quantity indications differ. NoNoHOAA35 OxygenPAX OXYGEN panel moved from copilot switch panel to pedestal and relabeled PAX OXY/PRESSNoNoHOAA45Central Maintenance SystemOptional Wi-FiIridium outNoNoHOAA46 Information SystemsElectronic flight charts via subscriptionAOPA airport directory available.NoNormTCBI,SUAA46 Information SystemsGraphical maps including geopolitical boundary, land mass and airspace boundaries.NoNormHOAA46 Information SystemsXM weather available through subscriptionNoNormHOAA46 Information SystemsInternational weather available through subscription (future provision)NoNormHOAA46 Information SystemsSD card slots installed on each DU to facilitate loading of data basesNoNormHOAA46 Information SystemsCPDLC available (future provision)NoNormTCBI,SUAA49 APUAPU control panel relocated on pedestal and APU BLEED SW/IND relocated to APU panelNoNoHOAA70 PowerplantL and R Engine controls relocated on pedestalNoNoHOAA70 PowerplantTFE731-40-BR engine mod -Increased thrust NoNoHOAADIFF DIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRMANEUVERREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURRPTS ManeuversNo ChangesNoNoHOAAAnnex H – Learjet 75 to Learjet 70 DIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRDESIGNREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURRDimensionsOverall Length Reduced 23.55 inchesNoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR6Dimensions and AreasFuselage length reduction requires new formulas for weight and balance. NoNoHOAA9Towing and TaxiingFuselage length reduction results in smaller turning radius, no operational impact.NoNoHOAA11PlacardsFuel Quantity placards (interior & exterior) change to reflect useable quantity reduction.NoNoHOAA21Air ConditioningRemoval of 2 gaspers.Reduction in length of main cabin condition air ducting. Reduction in length vacuum line (pressurization, outflow valve control).System operation not affected.NoNoHOAA23CommAntenna relocation results in no change to system operation.NoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsReduced length control system cables. Control system operation not affected.NoNoHOAA28 FuelFuel System difference limited to a reduction in Total Useable Quantity. No change to any other system aspect.NoNoHOAA29Hydraulic PowerReductions in length of hydraulic nose gear extend and retract lines. Hydraulic system operation not affected.NoNoHOAA32Landing GearShorter emergency landing gear cable, no change in system operation.NoNoHOAA33LightsInterior lights are LED-based, no operational impact.NoNoHOAA34NavigationEGPWS, TCAS 2000 and ELT are installation standards, no operational differences from optional (STC) installations.NoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR35 Oxygen5 dual masks drop (was 6).Oxygen chart in AFM and Pilot’s manual changed.NoNoHOAA52 DoorsFuel quantity reduction relocated gravity fuel fill door, no operational impact.NoNoHOAA53FuselageFuselage length reduction requires no special maintenance or operational restrictions.NoNoHOAA56WindowsRemoval of three windows requires no special maintenance or operational restrictions.NoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRMANEUVERREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURRPTS ManeuversNo ChangesNoNoHOAAAnnex I – ODR Table: Learjet 75 to Learjet 45 DIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRDESIGNREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURRAircraftGeneralFlight Deck panel layout differs from Learjet 75 (Garmin) to accommodate Honeywell Primus 1000 suite.NoNoHOAAAircraftGeneralRelocated flight deck panelsNoNoHOAAAircraftGeneralSmaller WingletsNoNoHOAAAircraftGeneralPassenger cabin differsNoNoHOAAAircraftGeneralDimensions unchangedNoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR21 ECSENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL panel resized and reconfigured. NoNoHOAA21 ECSPRESSURIZATION panel configuration. PAX/OXY PRESS panel relocated.APU BLEED switch located on Pressurization panel L/R BLEED, EMER PRESS, PACK, HIFLOW switches located on lower instrument panelNoNoHOAA21 ECSENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEM (ECS) synoptic page accessed with DU bezel keys and format differentNoNormHOAA22 AFCSGarmin Mode Controller (GMC) replaced by Flight Guidance Controller Panel (FGC)NoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5CC22 AFCSFlight Director Modes same as G5000 except Speed versus FLC. No Takeoff Mode (TO)NoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BB22 AFCSAutopilot servos, yaw damper and rudder boost (Manufacturer differs, operation the same)NoNoHOAA22 AFCSFD button only disengages flight director. It does not engage the flight director.NoNormTCBI,SUAA22 AFCSNo UP/DOWN wheel on FGC panel.NoNormTCBI,SUAA22 AFCSFGC panel – ALT knob now called ASEL NoNoHOAA22 AFCSAutopilot engage/disengage logic is different NoNormAbnormEmerTCBI,SUAA23 CommCommunication and navigation radio functions selected and displayed at Radio Management Units (RMU) on instrument panel. NoNormEmerCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BB23 CommAudio Management functionality selected on separate audio control panel (ACP) located on instrument panel and selections displayed on RMUsNoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BB23 CommActive and Standby COM frequencies displayed only on RMUs NoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommNo provision for ADS-B Out.NoNormHOAA23 CommCLR DLY switch functionality controlled by Radio Control Hot Bus switch on Clearance Delivery Head panel located on upper pedestal. NoNormHOAA23 CommNo provision for ADS-C and CPDLC (VDL Mode 2) NoNormHOAA23 CommGTC HF radio (optional) tuning functionality and control on HF radio panel on pedestalNoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommSELCAL HF/VHF PRESS FOR TEST/RESET button located on pedestalNoNormHOAA23 CommPassenger Address (PA) functionality and selection moved from GTC to ACPNoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommIntercom functionality and selection moved from GTC to ACPNoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommTransmit and receive selection moved from GTC to ACPNoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommL/R Oxygen Mask Mic selection moved from pilot and copilot switch panels to ACPs and relabeled PAX OXY/AUTONoNormAbnormEmerHOAA23 CommRADIO CTL HOT BUS SW/IND added.NoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommOptional Satellite Phone Handset on pedestal NoNormHOAA23 CommNo record and playback of clearances capabilityNoNoHOAA23 CommEMER COM switch functionality differsNoAbnormEmerTCBI,SUAA24 ElectricsELECTRICAL panel moved from pedestal to Pilot Switch Panel.NoNoHOAA24 ElectricsEMER BATT switch for STBY INSTR changed to SW/IND NoNormEmerTCBI,SUAA24 Electrics27 or 38 Amp-Hour NiCad or 28 Amp-Hour lead acid batteries are available. No battery heater.NoAbnorm EmerHOAA24 ElectricsEmergency Bus load shedding/distributionNoAbnormEmerTCBI,SUAA24 ElectricsCAB PWR SW/IND located on Co-Pilot’s sidewallNoNoHOAA24 ElectricsCircuit breaker panel (CBP), CB location on panels reassigned.NoNoHOAA24 ElectricsElectrical synoptic page accessed via DU bezel keys and different formatNoNormHOAA25 Equipment and FurnishingsEmergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) does not have GPS. ELT switch panel and indicator light located on separate panel on pedestal.NoNoHOAA26 FireEngine and APU switches and panels relocated on pedestal.NoNoHOAA26 FireCrew Warning Panel/RMU indications installedNoNormEmerTCBI,SUAA26 FireFire test accomplished with SYS TEST/RESET rotary knob on pedestalNoNormTCBI,SUAA27 Flight ControlsEICAS and Synoptic Indications of: aileron trim; rudder trim; pitch trim; flaps; and, spoilers differentNoNormHOAA27 Flight ControlsSPLN RESET and FLAP RESET functionality on rotary test knob located on SYS TEST/RESET panel on throttle quadrant.NoAbnormHOAA27 Flight ControlsPIT TRIM BIAS switch moved to throttle quadrantNoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsPITCH TRIM/RUDDER TRIM panel relocated on pedestalNoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsRUD BOOST SW/IND relocated to throttle quadrantNoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsPilot’s and copilot’s RUD PEDAL switches relocated on pilot and copilot switch panels and relabeled RUDDER PEDALNoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsFlaps test accomplished with SYS TEST/RESET rotary knob on pedestalNoNormTCBI,SUAA30 Ice and RainANTI-ICE panel moved from pedestal to center switch panel.NoNoHOAA30 Ice and RainAnti-Ice system test accomplished on SYS TEST/RESET rotary test knob on pedestalNoNoTCBI,SUAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR31Indicating/RecordingFour CRT displays select key functionality on lower bezel surfacesNoNormAbnormTCBI,SUBA31Indicating/RecordingSummary Page and all Synoptics differ in presentationNoNoTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingElectronic Flight Information System (EFIS) differs in presentation and functionality.NoNormAbnormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingEngine Indicating and Crew Alerting System (EICAS) differs in presentation and functionalityNoNormAbnormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingNo Synthetic Vision System (SVS) NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingChronometer/clock installed at both the pilot and copilot position.NoNormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingAdvisory AOA indications located on optional stand-alone AOA gauge on instrument panelNoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingCockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) panel installed.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingHoneywell Stall Warning system (No vane change) PFD indications differ in presentationNoNormAbnormEmerTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingStall system test accomplished with SYS TEST/RESET rotary knob on pedestal. PFD test indications differentNoNormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingNo Green Circle Ratio presented on airspeed indicatorNoNormAbnormHOAA31Indicating/RecordingLanding gear position indications moved from EICAS to GEAR/HYD panelNoNormAbnormHOAA31Indicating/RecordingOptional Runway Awareness Alerting System (RAAS) available NoNoHOAA31Indicating/Recording(Optional) Electronic Checklist selected for display on MFD with MFD bezel keys.NoNormHOAA31Indicating/RecordingDU REVERSION/DIM panel moved to pilot switch panel and labeled REVERSION - includes ADC/AHRS/ICSG reversion switchesNoAbnormEmerCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BA31Indicating/RecordingDU2 and DU3 reversion controls on pilot’s and copilot’s glareshield. NoAbnormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BA31Indicating/RecordingLow Speed Awareness and Overspeed cues on PFDs, color logic changed.NoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR31Indicating/RecordingHeading, speed, altitude select bugs and navigation source color logic changes.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingVSI indication changed from a tape to an arc.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingElectronic navigation chart display not availableNoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingFPV now FPA (Flight Path Angle) and generated by the Universal FMS. Includes speed carat indicationNoNormAbnormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingDatabase management accomplished through separate Data Transfer UnitNoNoHOAA32Landing GearGEAR/HYD panel moved from center switch panel to co-pilot switch panel.NoNoHOAA32Landing GearLanding Gear handle moved from Co-Pilot’s switch panel to GEAR/HYD panelNoNoHOAA32Landing GearGear test accomplished with rotary test knob on pedestalNoNormTCBI,SUAA32Landing GearGear Caution/Warning indications differ in presentation. Logic is the sameNoNoHOAA32Landing GearNo Synoptic presentation of AUX HYD or HYD XFLOW indicationsNoNoHOAA33 Lights Exterior light control; no smoking/belts; and Emergency light switches moved from overhead light switch panel to center switch panel NoNormHOAA33 LightsLights test accomplished with rotary knob on pedestal. Also runs audio test.NoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationSome of the pilot’s and copilot’s Garmin’s DU softkeys and GTCs functions replaced by Pilot/Co-Pilot’s PFD Display Controllers.NoNormAbnormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BB34 NavigationHoneywell’s AHRS replaces Garmin’s integrated AHRS systemNoNormAbnormHOAA34 NavigationPilot’s and copilot’s PFD display options controlled by PFD Display Controllers.NoNormAbnormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationTuning of Navigation radios via RMUs. Audio portion of Nav radios controlled via Audio control panels located on pilot and copilot instrument panels.NoNormAbnormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BA34 NavigationNo automatic reversion of ADCs during malfunctions. NoNormAbnormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationADC test added, not a BIT test. Test completed with rotary test switch located on pedestal. NoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationTraditional round gauges replace Integrated Electronic Standby (IESI) for Airspeed, Attitude and Altitude. Standby navigation accomplished on RMU.NoAbnormEmerTCBI,SUBB34 NavigationPFD’s Nav Source, Course and bearing pointers controlled via Pilot/Co-Pilot PFD display Controllers located on glareshieldNoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationMode S transponder without Enhanced Surveillance and ADS-B-OutNoNormAbnormEmerHOAA34 NavigationTransponder, no auto select function for ground and airborne ops.NoNormAbnormHOAA34 NavigationDifferent weather radar with panel located on pedestal. No lightning or turbulence detection.NoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationUniversal FMS CDUs located on pedestal. Operation and functionality differentNoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5CB34 NavigationNo PFD insert map to display traffic or navigation.NoNoHOAA34 NavigationUniversal FMS uses GPS, VOR and DME/DME capability. (Garmin uses GPS and SBAS WAAS only)NoNormAbnormHOAA34 NavigationWAAS/LPV optional equipment on Universal FMS. Operation and functionality differentNoNormAbnormHOAA34 NavigationNo reactive wind shear detection and guidance.NoNoHOAA34 NavigationNo MFD Auto-ZoomNoNoHOAA34 NavigationMFD joystick provides FMS position input and control of some MFD displaysNoNormHOAA34 NavigationOptional Takeoff and Landing (TOLD) data base housed in Universal FMS. Operation and functionality differentNoNoTCBI,SUBA34 NavigationNo Nav to Nav transfer for VOR/ILS approachesNoNoTCBI,SUCB34 NavigationACSS TCAS II (previously Garmin). PFD indications and guidance differentNoAbnormEmerHOAA34 NavigationHoneywell’s GPWS (previously Garmin TAWS-A). PFD/MFD indications differentNoNormalAbnormHOAA34 NavigationGPWS control panel with G/S, FLAP, STEEP APPR and TERR override switched located on throttle quadrantGPWS test on rotary test switch replaces TAWS test on System Test page of GTNoNormAbnormTCBI,SUBA35 OxygenOxygen synoptic page accessed via DU bezel keys. Format and information displayed is different.NoNormHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR35 OxygenPAX OXY/PRESS panel relocated on pedestal moved to copilot switch panel and relabeled PAX OXYGEN NoNoHOAA45Central Maintenance SystemNo Wi-Fi Iridium out. Maintenance data accessed with laptop via port in lower pedestalNoNoHOAA46 Information SystemsNo capability to display electronic flight charts or AOPA airport directory. NoNoHOAA46 Information SystemsNo graphical map capabilityNoNoHOAA46 Information SystemsNot capable of XM or international weather presentationNoNoHOAA70 PowerplantL and R Engine controls relocated on pedestalNoNoHOAA70 PowerplantTFE 731-20 AR or BR engines decreased thrust from 3850 lbs. to 3500 lbs. or 3650 lbs. with APR activeNoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRMANEUVERREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURRPTS ManeuversNo ChangesNoNoHOAAAnnex J – ODR Table: Learjet 75 to Learjet 40 DIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRDESIGNREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURRAircraftGeneralFlight Deck panel layout differs from Learjet 75 (Garmin) to accommodate Honeywell Primus 1000 suite.NoNoHOAAAircraftGeneralRelocated flight deck panelsNoNoHOAAAircraftGeneralSmaller WingletsNoNoHOAAAircraftGeneralPassenger cabin differsNoNoHOAAWeightsMax Ramp Weight reduction to 21,250 lbs.Max Takeoff Weight reduction to 21,000 lbs.Maximum Zero Fuel Weight 16,000 lbs.NoNoHOAADimensionsOverall Length reduction 23.55 inchesNoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR6Dimensions and AreasFuselage length reduction requires new formulas for weight and balance. NoNoHOAA9Towing and TaxiingFuselage length reduction results in smaller turning radius, no operational impact.NoNoHOAA11PlacardsFuel Quantity placards (interior & exterior) change to reflect useable quantity reduction.NoNoHOAA21Air ConditioningRemoval of 2 gaspers.Reduction in length of main cabin condition air ducting. Reduction in length vacuum line (pressurization, outflow valve control).System operation not affected.NoNoHOAA21 ECSENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL panel resized and reconfigured. NoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR21 ECSPRESSURIZATION panel configuration. PAX/OXY PRESS panel relocated.APU BLEED switch located on Pressurization panel L/R BLEED, EMER PRESS, PACK, HIFLOW switches located on lower instrument panelNoNoHOAA21 ECSENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEM (ECS) synoptic page accessed with DU bezel keys and format differentNoNormHOAA22 AFCSGarmin Mode Controller (GMC) replaced by Flight Guidance Controller Panel (FGC)NoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5CC22 AFCSFlight Director Modes same as G5000 except Speed versus FLC. No Takeoff Mode (TO)NoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BB22 AFCSAutopilot servos, yaw damper and rudder boost (Manufacturer differs, operation the same)NoNoHOAA22 AFCSFD button only disengages flight director. It does not engage the flight director.NoNormTCBI,SUAA22 AFCSNo UP/DOWN wheel on FGC panel.NoNormTCBI,SUAA22 AFCSFGC panel – ALT knob now called ASEL NoNoHOAA22 AFCSAutopilot engage/disengage logic is different NoNormAbnormEmerTCBI,SUAA23 CommAntenna relocation results in no change to system operation.NoNoHOAA23 CommCommunication and navigation radio functions selected and displayed at Radio Management Units (RMU) on instrument panel. NoNormEmerCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BB23 CommAudio Management functionality selected on separate audio control panel (ACP) located on instrument panel and selections displayed on RMUsNoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BB23 CommActive and Standby COM frequencies displayed only on RMUs NoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommNo provision for ADS-B Out.NoNormHOAA23 CommCLR DLY switch functionality controlled by Radio Control Hot Bus switch on Clearance Delivery Head panel located on upper pedestal. NoNormHOAA23 Comm No provision for ADS-C and CPDLC (VDL Mode 2) NoNormHOAA23 CommGTC HF radio (optional) tuning functionality and control on HF radio panel on pedestalNoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommSELCAL HF/VHF PRESS FOR TEST/RESET button located on pedestalNoNormHOAA23 CommPassenger Address (PA) functionality and selection moved from GTC to ACPNoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommIntercom functionality and selection moved from GTC to ACPNoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommTransmit and receive selection moved from GTC to ACPNoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommL/R Oxygen Mask/Mic selection moved from pilot and copilot switch panels to ACPs and relabeled PAX OXY/AUTONoNormAbnormEmerHOAA23 CommRADIO CTL HOT BUS SW/IND added.NoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommOptional Satellite Phone Handset on pedestal NoNormHOAA23 CommNo record and playback of clearances capabilityNoNoHOAA23 CommEMER COM switch functionality differsNoAbnormEmerTCBI,SUAA24 ElectricsELECTRICAL panel moved from pedestal to Pilot Switch Panel.NoNoHOAA24 ElectricsEMER BATT switch for STBY INSTR changed to SW/IND NoNormEmerTCBI,SUAA24 Electrics27 or 38 Amp-Hour NiCad or 28 Amp-Hour lead acid batteries are available. No battery heater.NoAbnorm EmerHOAA24 ElectricsEmergency Bus load shedding/distributionNoAbnormEmerTCBI,SUAA24 ElectricsCAB PWR SW/IND located on Co-Pilot’s sidewallNoNoHOAA24 ElectricsCircuit breaker panel (CBP), CB location on panels reassigned.NoNoHOAA24 ElectricsElectrical synoptic page accessed via DU bezel keys and different formatNoNormHOAA25 Equipment and FurnishingsEmergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) does not have GPS. ELT switch panel and indicator light located on separate panel on pedestal.NoNoHOAA26 FireEngine and APU switches and panels relocated on pedestal.NoNoHOAA26 FireCrew Warning Panel/RMU indications installedNoNormEmerTCBI,SUAA26 FireFire test accomplished with SYS TEST/RESET rotary knob on pedestalNoNormTCBI,SUAA27 Flight ControlsEICAS and Synoptic Indications of: aileron trim; rudder trim; pitch trim; flaps; and, spoilers differentNoNormHOAA27 Flight ControlsSPLN RESET and FLAP RESET functionality on rotary test knob located on SYS TEST/RESET panel on throttle quadrant.NoAbnormHOAA27 Flight ControlsPIT TRIM BIAS switch moved to throttle quadrantNoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsPITCH TRIM/RUDDER TRIM panel relocated on pedestalNoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsRUD BOOST SW/IND relocated to throttle quadrantNoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsPilot’s and copilot’s RUD PEDAL switches relocated on pilot and copilot switch panels and relabeled RUDDER PEDALNoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsFlaps test accomplished with SYS TEST/RESET rotary knob on pedestalNoNormTCBI,SUAA30 Ice and RainANTI-ICE panel moved from pedestal to center switch panel.NoNoHOAA30 Ice and RainAnti-Ice system test accomplished on SYS TEST/RESET rotary test knob on pedestalNoNoTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingFour CRT displays select key functionality on lower bezel surfacesNoNormAbnormTCBI,SUBA31Indicating/RecordingSummary Page and all Synoptics differ in presentationNoNoTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingElectronic Flight Information System (EFIS) differs in presentation and functionality.NoNormAbnormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingEngine Indicating and Crew Alerting System (EICAS) differs in presentation and functionalityNoNormAbnormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingNo Synthetic Vision System (SVS) NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingChronometer/clock installed at both the pilot and copilot position.NoNormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingAdvisory AOA indications located on optional stand-alone AOA gauge on instrument panelNoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingCockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) panel installed.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingHoneywell Stall Warning system (No vane change) PFD indications differ in presentationNoNormAbnormEmerTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingStall system test accomplished with SYS TEST/RESET rotary knob on pedestal. PFD test indications differentNoNormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingNo Green Circle Ratio presented on airspeed indicatorNoNormAbnormHOAA31Indicating/RecordingLanding gear position indications moved from EICAS to GEAR/HYD panelNoNormAbnormHOAA31Indicating/RecordingOptional Runway Awareness Alerting System (RAAS) available NoNoHOAA31Indicating/Recording(Optional) Electronic Checklist selected for display on MFD with MFD bezel keys.NoNormHOAA31Indicating/RecordingDU REVERSION/DIM panel moved to pilot switch panel and labeled REVERSION - includes ADC/AHRS/ICSG reversion switchesNoAbnormEmerCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BA31Indicating/RecordingDU2 and DU3 reversion controls on pilot’s and copilot’s glareshield. NoAbnormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BA31Indicating/RecordingLow Speed Awareness and Overspeed cues on PFDs, color logic changed.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingHeading, speed, altitude select bugs and navigation source color logic changes.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingVSI indication changed from a tape to an arc.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingElectronic navigation chart display not availableNoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingFPV now FPA (Flight Path Angle) and generated by the Universal FMS. Includes speed carat indicationNoNormAbnormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingDatabase management accomplished through separate Data Transfer UnitNoNoHOAA32Landing GearShorter emergency landing gear cable, no change in system operation.NoNoHOAA32Landing GearGEAR/HYD panel moved from center switch panel to co-pilot switch panel.NoNoHOAA32Landing GearLanding Gear handle moved from Co-Pilot’s switch panel to GEAR/HYD panelNoNoHOAA32Landing GearGear test accomplished with rotary test knob on pedestalNoNormTCBI,SUAA32Landing GearGear Caution/Warning indications differ in presentation. Logic is the sameNoNoHOAA32Landing GearNo Synoptic presentation of AUX HYD or HYD XFLOW indicationsNoNoHOAA33 Lights Exterior light control; no smoking/belts; and Emergency light switches moved from overhead light switch panel to center switch panel NoNormHOAA33 LightsLights test accomplished with rotary knob on pedestal. Also runs audio test.NoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationSome of the pilot’s and copilot’s Garmin’s DU softkeys and GTCs functions replaced by Pilot/Co-Pilot’s PFD Display Controllers.NoNormAbnormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BB34 NavigationHoneywell’s AHRS replaces Garmin’s integrated AHRS systemNoNormAbnormHOAA34 NavigationPilot’s and copilot’s PFD display options controlled by PFD Display Controllers.NoNormAbnormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationTuning of Navigation radios via RMUs. Audio portion of Nav radios controlled via Audio control panels located on pilot and copilot instrument panels.NoNormAbnormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BA34 NavigationNo automatic reversion of ADCs during malfunctions. NoNormAbnormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationADC test added, not a BIT test. Test completed with rotary test switch located on pedestal. NoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationTraditional round gauges replace Integrated Electronic Standby (IESI) for Airspeed, Attitude and Altitude. Standby navigation accomplished on RMU.NoAbnormEmerTCBI,SUBB34 NavigationPFD’s Nav Source, Course and bearing pointers controlled via Pilot/Co-Pilot PFD display Controllers located on glareshieldNoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationMode S transponder without Enhanced Surveillance and ADS-B-OutNoNormAbnormEmerHOAA34 NavigationTransponder, no auto select function for ground and airborne ops.NoNormAbnormHOAA34 NavigationDifferent weather radar with panel located on pedestal. No lightning or turbulence detection.NoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationUniversal FMS CDUs located on pedestal. Operation and functionality differentNoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5CC34 NavigationNo PFD insert map to display traffic or navigation.NoNoHOAA34 NavigationUniversal FMS uses GPS, VOR and DME/DME capability. (Garmin uses GPS and SBAS WAAS only)NoNormAbnormHOAA34 NavigationWAAS/LPV optional equipment on Universal FMS. Operation and functionality differentNoNormAbnormHOAA34 NavigationNo reactive wind shear detection and guidance.NoNoHOAA34 NavigationNo MFD Auto-ZoomNoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR34 NavigationMFD joystick provides FMS position input and control of some MFD displaysNoNormHOAA34 NavigationOptional Takeoff and landing (TOLD) data base housed in Universal FMS. Operation and functionality differentNoNoTCBI,SUBA34 NavigationNo Nav to Nav transfer for VOR/ILS approachesNoNoTCBI,SUCB34 NavigationACSS TCAS II (previously Garmin). PFD indications and guidance differentNoAbnormEmerHOAA34 NavigationHoneywell’s GPWS (previously Garmin TAWS-A). PFD/MFD indications differentNoNormalAbnormHOAA34 NavigationGPWS control panel with G/S, FLAP, STEEP APPR and TERR override switched located on throttle quadrantGPWS test on rotary test switch replaces TAWS test on System Test page of GTNoNormAbnormTCBI,SUBA35 OxygenOxygen synoptic page accessed via DU bezel keys. Format and information displayed is different.NoNormHOAA35 OxygenPAX OXY/PRESS panel relocated on pedestal moved to copilot switch panel and relabeled PAX OXYGEN (Also in 21)NoNoHOAA45Central Maintenance SystemNo Wi-Fi Iridium out. Maintenance data accessed with laptop via port in lower pedestalNoNoHOAA46 Information SystemsNo capability to display electronic flight charts or AOPA airport directory. NoNoHOAA46 Information SystemsNo graphical map capabilityNoNoHOAA46 Information SystemsNot capable of XM or international weather presentationNoNoHOAA70 PowerplantL and R Engine controls relocated on pedestalNoNoHOAA70 PowerplantTFE 731-20 AR or BR engines (Decreased thrust from 3850 lbs. to 3500 lbs. or 3650 lbs. with APR activeNoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRMANEUVERREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURRPTS ManeuversNo ChangesNoNoHOAAAnnex K – Learjet 70 to Learjet 75 DIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRDESIGNREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURRWeightsMaximum Zero Fuel Weight 16,500 lbs.(aircraft modified by SB 75-11-1)NoNoHOAADimensionsOverall Length increased 23.55 inchesNoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR6Dimensions and AreasFuselage length increased requires new formulas for weight and balance. NoNoHOAA9Towing and TaxiingFuselage length increase results in bigger turning radius, no operational impact.NoNoHOAA11PlacardsFuel Quantity placards (interior & exterior) change to reflect useable quantity increase.NoNoHOAA21Air ConditioningAddition of 2 gaspers.Increase in length of main cabin condition air ducting. Increase in length vacuum line (pressurization, outflow valve control).System operation not affected.NoNoHOAA23CommAntenna relocation results in no change to system operation.NoNoHOAA27Flight ControlsIncreased length control system cables. Control system operation not affected.NoNoHOAA28FuelFuel System difference limited to an increase in Total Useable Quantity. No change to any other system aspect.NoNoHOAA29Hydraulic PowerIncrease in length of hydraulic nose gear extend and retract lines. Hydraulic system operation not affected.NoNoHOAA32Landing GearLonger emergency landing gear cable, no change in system operation.NoNoHOAA35Oxygen6 dual masks drop (was 5)Oxygen chart in AFM and Pilot’s manual changed.NoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR52DoorsFuel quantity increase relocated gravity fuel fill door, no operational impact.NoNoHOAA53FuselageFuselage length increase requires no special maintenance or operational restrictions.NoNoHOAA56WindowsAdditional three windows require no special maintenance or operational restrictions.NoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 75 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRMANEUVERREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURRPTS ManeuversNo ChangesNoNoHOAAAnnex L – Learjet 70 to Learjet 45 DIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRDESIGNREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURRAircraftGeneralFlight Deck panel layout differs from Learjet 75 (Garmin) to accommodate Honeywell Primus 1000 suite.NoNoHOAAAircraftGeneralRelocated flight deck panels NoNoHOAAAircraftGeneralSmaller WingletsNoNoHOAAAircraftGeneralPassenger cabin differsNoNoHOAAWeightsMaximum Zero Fuel Weight 16,500 lbs.NoNoHOAADimensionsOverall Length increased 23.55 inchesNoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR6Dimensions and AreasFuselage length increased requires new formulas for weight and balance. NoNoHOAA9Towing and TaxiingFuselage length increase results in bigger turning radius, no operational impact.NoNoHOAA11PlacardsFuel Quantity placards (interior & exterior) change to reflect useable quantity increase.NoNoHOAA21Air ConditioningAddition of 2 gaspers.Increase in length of main cabin condition air ducting. Increase in length vacuum line (pressurization, outflow valve control).System operation not affected.NoNoHOAA21 ECSENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL panel resized and reconfigured. NoNoHOAA21 ECSPRESSURIZATION panel configuration. PAX/OXY PRESS panel relocated.APU BLEED switch located on Pressurization panel L/R BLEED, EMER PRESS, PACK, HIFLOW switches located on lower instrument panelNoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR21 ECSENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEM (ECS) synoptic page accessed with DU bezel keys and format differentNoNormHOAA22 AFCSGarmin Mode Controller (GMC) replaced by Flight Guidance Controller Panel (FGC)NoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5CC22 AFCSFlight Director Modes same as G5000 except Speed versus FLC. No Takeoff Mode (TO)NoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BB22 AFCSAutopilot servos, yaw damper and rudder boost (Manufacturer differs, operation the same)NoNoHOAA22 AFCSFD button only disengages flight director. It does not engage the flight director.NoNormTCBI,SUAA22 AFCSNo UP/DOWN wheel on FGC panel.NoNormTCBI,SUAA22 AFCSFGC panel – ALT knob now called ASEL NoNoHOAA22 AFCSAutopilot engage/disengage logic is different NoNormAbnormEmerTCBI,SUAA23 CommAntenna relocation results in no change to system operation.NoNoHOAA23 CommCommunication and navigation radio functions selected and displayed at Radio Management Units (RMU) on instrument panel. NoNormEmerCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BB23 CommAudio Management functionality selected on separate audio control panel (ACP) located on instrument panel and selections displayed on RMUsNoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BB23 CommActive and Standby COM frequencies displayed only on RMUs NoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommNo provision for ADS-B Out.NoNormHOAA23 CommCLR DLY switch functionality controlled by Radio Control Hot Bus switch on Clearance Delivery Head panel located on upper pedestal. NoNormHOAA23 Comm No provision for ADS-C and CPDLC (VDL Mode 2) NoNormHOAA23 CommGTC HF radio (optional) tuning functionality and control on HF radio panel on pedestalNoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommSELCAL HF/VHF PRESS FOR TEST/RESET button located on pedestalNoNormHOAA23 CommPassenger Address (PA) functionality and selection moved from GTC to ACPNoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommIntercom functionality and selection moved from GTC to ACPNoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommTransmit and receive selection moved from GTC to ACPNoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommL/R Oxygen Mask Mic selection moved from pilot and copilot switch panels to ACPs and relabeled PAX OXY/AUTONoNormAbnormEmerHOAA23 CommRADIO CTL HOT BUS SW/IND added.NoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommOptional Satellite Phone Handset on pedestal NoNormHOAA23 CommNo record and playback of clearances capabilityNoNoHOAA23 CommEMER COM switch functionality differsNoAbnormEmerTCBI,SUAA24 ElectricsELECTRICAL panel moved from pedestal to Pilot Switch Panel.NoNoHOAA24 ElectricsEMER BATT switch for STBY INSTR changed to SW/IND NoNormEmerTCBI,SUAA24 Electrics27 or 38 Amp-Hour NiCad or 28 Amp-Hour lead acid batteries are available. No battery heater.NoAbnorm EmerHOAA24 ElectricsEmergency Bus load shedding/distributionNoAbnormEmerTCBI,SUAA24 ElectricsCAB PWR SW/IND located on Co-Pilot’s sidewallNoNoHOAA24 ElectricsCircuit breaker panel (CBP), CB location on panels reassigned.NoNoHOAA24 ElectricsElectrical synoptic page accessed via DU bezel keys and different formatNoNormHOAA25 Equipment and FurnishingsEmergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) does not have GPS. ELT switch panel and indicator light located on separate panel on pedestal.NoNoHOAA26 FireEngine and APU switches and panels relocated on pedestal.NoNoHOAA26 FireCrew Warning Panel/RMU indications installedNoNormEmerTCBI,SUAA26 FireFire test accomplished with SYS TEST/RESET rotary knob on pedestalNoNormTCBI,SUAA27 Flight ControlsIncreased length control system cables. Control system operation not affected.NoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsEICAS and Synoptic Indications of: aileron trim; rudder trim; pitch trim; flaps; and, spoilers differentNoNormHOAA27 Flight ControlsSPLN RESET and FLAP RESET functionality on rotary test knob located on SYS TEST/RESET panel on throttle quadrant.NoAbnormHOAA27 Flight ControlsPIT TRIM BIAS switch moved to throttle quadrantNoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsPITCH TRIM/RUDDER TRIM panel relocated on pedestalNoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsRUD BOOST SW/IND relocated to throttle quadrantNoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsPilot’s and copilot’s RUD PEDAL switches relocated on pilot and copilot switch panels and relabeled RUDDER PEDALNoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsFlaps test accomplished with SYS TEST/RESET rotary knob on pedestalNoNormTCBI,SUAA28FuelFuel System difference limited to an increase in Total Usable Quantity. No change to any other system aspect.NoNoHOAA29Hydraulic PowerIncrease in length of hydraulic nose gear extend and retract lines. Hydraulic system operation not affected.NoNoHOAA30 Ice and RainANTI-ICE panel moved from pedestal to center switch panel.NoNoHOAA30 Ice and RainAnti-Ice system test accomplished on SYS TEST/RESET rotary test knob on pedestalNoNoTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingFour CRT displays select key functionality on lower bezel surfacesNoNormAbnormTCBI,SUBA31Indicating/RecordingSummary Page and all Synoptics differ in presentationNoNoTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingElectronic Flight Information System (EFIS) differs in presentation and functionality.NoNormAbnormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingEngine Indicating and Crew Alerting System (EICAS) differs in presentation and functionalityNoNormAbnormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingNo Synthetic Vision System (SVS) NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingChronometer/clock installed at both the pilot and copilot position.NoNormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingAdvisory AOA indications located on optional stand-alone AOA gauge on instrument panelNoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingCockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) panel installed.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingHoneywell Stall Warning system (No vane change) PFD indications differ in presentationNoNormAbnormEmerTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingStall system test accomplished with SYS TEST/RESET rotary knob on pedestal. PFD test indications differentNoNormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingNo Green Circle Ratio presented on airspeed indicatorNoNormAbnormHOAA31Indicating/RecordingLanding gear position indications moved from EICAS to GEAR/HYD panelNoNormAbnormHOAA31Indicating/RecordingOptional Runway Awareness Alerting System (RAAS) available NoNoHOAA31Indicating/Recording(Optional) Electronic Checklist selected for display on MFD with MFD bezel keys.NoNormHOAA31Indicating/RecordingDU REVERSION/DIM panel moved to pilot switch panel and labeled REVERSION - includes ADC/AHRS/ICSG reversion switchesNoAbnormEmerCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BA31Indicating/RecordingDU2 and DU3 reversion controls on pilot’s and copilot’s glareshield. NoAbnormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BA31Indicating/RecordingLow Speed Awareness and Overspeed cues on PFDs, color logic changed.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingHeading, speed, altitude select bugs and navigation source color logic changes.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingVSI indication changed from a tape to an arc.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingElectronic navigation chart display not availableNoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingFPV now FPA (Flight Path Angle) and generated by the Universal FMS. Includes speed carat indicationNoNormAbnormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingDatabase management accomplished through separate Data Transfer UnitNoNoHOAA32 Landing GearLonger emergency landing gear cable, no change in system operation.NoNoHOAA32Landing GearLanding Gear handle moved from Co-Pilot’s switch panel to GEAR/HYD panelNoNoHOAA32Landing GearGear test accomplished with rotary test knob on pedestalNoNormTCBI,SUAA32Landing GearGear Caution/Warning indications differ in presentation. Logic is the sameNoNoHOAA32Landing GearNo Synoptic presentation of AUX HYD or HYD XFLOW indicationsNoNoHOAA33 Lights Exterior light control; no smoking/belts; and Emergency light switches moved from overhead light switch panel to center switch panel NoNormHOAA33 LightsLights test accomplished with rotary knob on pedestal. Also runs audio test.NoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationEGPWS, TCAS 2000 and ELT are installation standards, no operational differences from optional (STC) installations.NoNoHOAA34 NavigationSome of the pilot’s and copilot’s Garmin’s DU softkeys and GTCs functions replaced.NoNormAbnormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BB34 NavigationHoneywell’s AHRS replace by Garmin’s integrated AHRS systemNoNormAbnormHOAA34 NavigationPilot’s and copilot’s PFD display options controlled by PFD Display Controllers.NoNormAbnormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationTuning of Navigation radios via RMUs. Audio portion of Nav radios controlled via Audio control panels located on pilot and copilot instrument panels.NoNormAbnormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BA34 NavigationNo automatic reversion of ADCs during malfunctions. NoNormAbnormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationADC test added, not a BIT test. Test completed with rotary test switch located on pedestal. NoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationTraditional round gauges replace Electronic Standby Instrumentation System (ESIS) for Airspeed, Attitude and Altitude. Standby navigation accomplished on RMU.NoAbnormEmerTCBI,SUBB34 NavigationPFD’s Nav Source, Course and bearing pointers controlled via Pilot/Co-Pilot PFD display Controllers located on glareshieldNoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationMode S transponder without Enhanced Surveillance and ADS-B-OutNoNormAbnormEmerHOAA34 NavigationTransponder, no auto select function for ground and airborne ops.NoNormAbnormHOAA34 NavigationDifferent weather radar with panel located on pedestal. No lightning or turbulence detection.NoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationUniversal FMS CDUs located on pedestal. Operation and functionality differentNoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5CC34 NavigationNo PFD insert map to display traffic or navigation.NoNoHOAA34 NavigationUniversal FMS uses GPS, VOR and DME/DME capability. (Garmin uses GPS and SBAS WAAS only)NoNormAbnormHOAA34 NavigationWAAS/LPV optional equipment on Universal FMS. Operation and functionality differentNoNormAbnormHOAA34 NavigationNo reactive wind shear detection and guidance.NoNoHOAA34 NavigationNo MFD Auto-ZoomNoNoHOAA34 NavigationMFD joystick provides FMS position input and control of some MFD displaysNoNormHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR34 NavigationOptional Takeoff and Landing (TOLD) data base housed in Universal FMS. Operation and functionality differentNoNoTCBI,SUBA34 NavigationNo Nav to Nav transfer for VOR/ILS approachesNoNoTCBI,SUCB34 NavigationACSS TCAS II (previously Garmin). PFD indications and guidance differentNoAbnormEmerHOAA34 NavigationHoneywell’s GPWS (previously Garmin TAWS-A). PFD/MFD indications differentNoNormalAbnormHOAA34 NavigationGPWS control panel with G/S, FLAP, STEEP APPR and TERR override switched located on throttle quadrantGPWS test on rotary test switch replaces TAWS test on System Test page of GTNoNormAbnormTCBI,SUBA35 Oxygen6 dual masks drop (was 5)Oxygen chart in AFM and Pilot’s manual changed.NoNoHOAA35 OxygenOxygen synoptic page accessed via DU bezel keys. Format and information displayed is different.NoNormHOAA35 OxygenPAX OXY/PRESS panel relocated on pedestal moved to copilot switch panel and relabeled PAX OXYGEN (Also in 21)NoNoHOAA45Central Maintenance SystemNo Wi-Fi Iridium out. Maintenance data accessed with laptop via port in lower pedestalNoNoHOAA46 Information SystemsNo capability to display electronic flight charts or AOPA airport directory. NoNoHOAA46 Information SystemsNo graphical map capabilityNoNoHOAA52 DoorsFuel quantity increase relocated gravity fuel fill door, no operational impact.NoNoHOAA53FuselageFuselage length increase requires no special maintenance or operational restrictions.NoNoHOAA56WindowsAdditional three windows require no special maintenance or operational restrictions.NoNoHOAA46 Information SystemsNot capable of XM or international weather presentationNoNoHOAA70 PowerplantL and R Engine controls relocated on pedestalNoNoHOAA70 PowerplantTFE 731-20 AR or BR engines (Decreased thrust from 3850 lbs. to 3500 lbs. or 3650 lbs. with APR activeNoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 45 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRMANEUVERREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURRPTS ManeuversNo ChangesNoNoHOAAAnnex M – Learjet 70 to Learjet 40 DIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRDESIGNREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURRAircraftGeneralFlight Deck panel layout differs from Learjet 70 (Garmin) to accommodate Honeywell Primus 1000 suite.NoNoHOAAAircraftGeneralRelocated flight deck panelsNoNoHOAAAircraftGeneralSmaller WingletsNoNoHOAAAircraftGeneralPassenger cabin differsNoNoHOAAWeightsMax Ramp Weight increased to 21,750 lbs.Max Takeoff Weight increased to 21,500 lbs.NoNoHOAADimensionsDimensions unchangedNoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR21 ECSENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL panel resized and reconfigured. NoNoHOAA21 ECSPRESSURIZATION panel configuration. PAX/OXY PRESS panel relocated.APU BLEED switch located on Pressurization panel L/R BLEED, EMER PRESS, PACK, HIFLOW switches located on lower instrument panelNoNoHOAA21 ECSENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEM (ECS) synoptic page accessed with DU bezel keys and format differentNoNormHOAA22 AFCSGarmin Mode Controller (GMC) replaced by Flight Guidance Controller Panel (FGC)NoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5CC22 AFCSFlight Director Modes same as G5000 except Speed versus FLC. No Takeoff Mode (TO)NoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BB22 AFCSAutopilot servos, yaw damper and rudder boost (Manufacturer differs, operation the same)NoNoHOAA22 AFCSFD button only disengages flight director. It does not engage the flight director.NoNormTCBI,SUAA22 AFCSNo UP/DOWN wheel on FGC panel.NoNormTCBI,SUAA22 AFCSFGC panel – ALT knob now called ASEL NoNoHOAA22 AFCSAutopilot engage/disengage logic is different NoNormAbnormEmerTCBI,SUAA23 CommCommunication and navigation radio functions selected and displayed at Radio Management Units (RMU) on instrument panel. NoNormEmerCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BB23 CommAudio Management functionality selected on separate audio control panel (ACP) located on instrument panel and selections displayed on RMUsNoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BB23 CommActive and Standby COM frequencies displayed only on RMUs NoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommNo provision for ADS-B Out.NoNormHOAA23 CommCLR DLY switch functionality controlled by Radio Control Hot Bus switch on Clearance Delivery Head panel located on upper pedestal. NoNormHOAA23 CommNo provision for ADS-C and CPDLC (VDL Mode 2) NoNormHOAA23 CommGTC HF radio (optional) tuning functionality and control on HF radio panel on pedestalNoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommSELCAL HF/VHF PRESS FOR TEST/RESET button located on pedestalNoNormHOAA23 CommPassenger Address (PA) functionality and selection moved from GTC to ACPNoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommIntercom functionality and selection moved from GTC to ACPNoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommTransmit and receive selection moved from GTC to ACPNoNormTCBI,SUAA23 CommL/R Oxygen Mask/Mic selection moved from pilot and copilot switch panels to ACPs and relabeled PAX OXY/AUTONoNormAbnormEmerHOAA23 CommRADIO CTL HOT BUS SW/IND added.NoNormTCBI,SUAA23 Comm(Optional) Satellite Phone Handset on pedestal NoNormHOAA23 CommNo record and playback of clearances capabilityNoNoHOAA23 CommEMER COM switch functionality differsNoAbnormEmerTCBI,SUAA24 ElectricsELECTRICAL panel moved from pedestal to Pilot Switch Panel.NoNoHOAA24 ElectricsEMER BATT switch for STBY INSTR changed to SW/IND NoNormEmerTCBI,SUAA24 Electrics27 or 38 Amp-Hour NiCad or 28 Amp-Hour lead acid batteries are available. No battery heater.NoAbnorm EmerHOAA24 ElectricsEmergency Bus load shedding/distributionNoAbnormEmerTCBI,SUAA24 ElectricsCAB PWR SW/IND located on Co-Pilot’s sidewallNoNoHOAA24 ElectricsCircuit breaker panel (CBP), CB location on panels reassigned.NoNoHOAA24 ElectricsElectrical synoptic page accessed via DU bezel keys and different formatNoNormHOAA25 Equipment and FurnishingsEmergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) does not have GPS. ELT switch panel and indicator light located on separate panel on pedestal.NoNoHOAA26 FireEngine and APU switches and panels relocated on pedestal.NoNoHOAA26 FireCrew Warning Panel/RMU indications installedNoNormEmerTCBI,SUAA26 FireFire test accomplished with SYS TEST/RESET rotary knob on pedestalNoNormTCBI,SUAA27 Flight ControlsEICAS and Synoptic Indications of: aileron trim; rudder trim; pitch trim; flaps; and, spoilers differentNoNormHOAA27 Flight ControlsSPLN RESET and FLAP RESET functionality on rotary test knob located on SYS TEST/RESET panel on throttle quadrant.NoAbnormHOAA27 Flight ControlsPIT TRIM BIAS switch moved to throttle quadrantNoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsPITCH TRIM/RUDDER TRIM panel relocated on pedestalNoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsRUD BOOST SW/IND relocated to throttle quadrantNoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsPilot’s and copilot’s RUD PEDAL switches relocated on pilot and copilot switch panels and relabeled RUDDER PEDALNoNoHOAA27 Flight ControlsFlaps test accomplished with SYS TEST/RESET rotary knob on pedestalNoNormTCBI,SUAA30 Ice and RainANTI-ICE panel moved from pedestal to center switch panel.NoNoHOAA30 Ice and RainAnti-Ice system test accomplished on SYS TEST/RESET rotary test knob on pedestalNoNoTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingFour CRT displays select key functionality on lower bezel surfacesNoNormAbnormTCBI,SUBA31Indicating/RecordingSummary Page and all Synoptics differ in presentationNoNoTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingElectronic Flight Information System (EFIS) differs in presentation and functionality.NoNormAbnormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingEngine Indicating and Crew Alerting System (EICAS) differs in presentation and functionalityNoNormAbnormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingNo Synthetic Vision System (SVS) NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingChronometer/clock installed at both the pilot and copilot position.NoNormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingAdvisory AOA indications located on optional stand-alone AOA gauge on instrument panelNoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingCockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) panel installed.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingHoneywell Stall Warning system (No vane change) PFD indications differ in presentationNoNormAbnormEmerTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingStall system test accomplished with SYS TEST/RESET rotary knob on pedestal. PFD test indications differentNoNormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingNo Green Circle Ratio presented on airspeed indicatorNoNormAbnormHOAA31Indicating/RecordingLanding gear position indications moved from EICAS to GEAR/HYD panelNoNormAbnormHOAA31Indicating/Recording(Optional) Runway Awareness Alerting System (RAAS) available NoNoHOAA31Indicating/Recording(Optional) Electronic Checklist selected for display on MFD with MFD bezel keys.NoNormHOAA31Indicating/RecordingDU REVERSION/DIM panel moved to pilot switch panel and labeled REVERSION - includes ADC/AHRS/ICSG reversion switchesNoAbnormEmerCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BA31Indicating/RecordingDU2 and DU3 reversion controls on pilot’s and copilot’s glareshield. NoAbnormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BA31Indicating/RecordingLow Speed Awareness and Overspeed cues on PFDs, color logic changed.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingHeading, speed, altitude select bugs and navigation source color logic changes.NoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR31Indicating/RecordingVSI indication changed from a tape to an arc.NoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingElectronic navigation chart display not availableNoNoHOAA31Indicating/RecordingFPV now FPA (Flight Path Angle) and generated by the Universal FMS. Includes speed carat indicationNoNormAbnormTCBI,SUAA31Indicating/RecordingDatabase management accomplished through separate Data Transfer UnitNoNoHOAA32Landing GearGEAR/HYD panel moved from center switch panel to co-pilot switch panel.NoNoHOAA32Landing GearLanding Gear handle moved from Co-Pilot’s switch panel to GEAR/HYD panelNoNoHOAA32Landing GearGear test accomplished with rotary test knob on pedestalNoNormTCBI,SUAA32Landing GearGear Caution/Warning indications differ in presentation. Logic is the sameNoNoHOAA32Landing GearNo Synoptic presentation of AUX HYD or HYD XFLOW indicationsNoNoHOAA33 Lights Exterior light control; no smoking/belts; and Emergency light switches moved from overhead light switch panel to center switch panel NoNormHOAA33 LightsLights test accomplished with rotary knob on pedestal. Also runs audio test.NoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationSome of the pilot’s and copilot’s Garmin’s DU softkeys and GTCs functions replaced by Pilot/Co-Pilot’s PFD Display Controllers.NoNormAbnormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BB34 NavigationHoneywell’s AHRS replaces Garmin’s integrated AHRS systemNoNormAbnormHOAA34 NavigationPilot’s and copilot’s PFD display options controlled by PFD Display Controllers.NoNormAbnormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationTuning of Navigation radios via RMUs. Audio portion of Nav radios controlled via Audio control panels located on pilot and copilot instrument panels.NoNormAbnormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5BA34 NavigationNo automatic reversion of ADCs during malfunctions. NoNormAbnormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationADC test added, not a BIT test. Test completed with rotary test switch located on pedestal. NoNormTCBI,SUAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR34 NavigationTraditional round gauges replace Electronic Standby Instrumentation System (ESIS) for Airspeed, Attitude and Altitude. Standby navigation accomplished on RMU.NoAbnormEmerTCBI,SUBB34 NavigationPFD’s Nav Source, Course and bearing pointers controlled via Pilot/Co-Pilot PFD display Controllers located on glareshieldNoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationMode S transponder without Enhanced Surveillance and ADS-B-OutNoNormAbnormEmerHOAA34 NavigationTransponder, no auto select function for ground and airborne ops.NoNormAbnormHOAA34 NavigationDifferent weather radar with panel located on pedestal. No lightning or turbulence detection.NoNormTCBI,SUAA34 NavigationUniversal FMS CDUs located on pedestal. Operation and functionality differentNoNormCSS, PTT FTD 2-5CC34 NavigationNo PFD insert map to display traffic or navigation.NoNoHOAA34 NavigationUniversal FMS uses GPS, VOR and DME/DME capability. (Garmin uses GPS and SBAS WAAS only)NoNormAbnormHOAA34 NavigationWAAS/LPV optional equipment on Universal FMS. Operation and functionality differentNoNormAbnormHOAA34 NavigationNo reactive wind shear detection and guidance.NoNoHOAA34 NavigationNo MFD Auto-ZoomNoNoHOAA34 NavigationMFD joystick provides FMS position input and control of some MFD displaysNoNormHOAA34 Navigation(Optional) Takeoff and Landing (TOLD) data base housed in Universal FMS. Operation and functionality differentNoNoTCBI,SUBA34 NavigationNo Nav to Nav transfer for VOR/ILS approachesNoNoTCBI,SUCB34 NavigationACSS TCAS II (previously Garmin). PFD indications and guidance differentNoAbnormEmerHOAA34 NavigationHoneywell’s GPWS (previously Garmin TAWS-A). PFD/MFD indications differentNoNormAbnormHOAA34 NavigationGPWS control panel with G/S, FLAP, STEEP APPR and TERR override switched located on throttle quadrantGPWS test on rotary test switch replaces TAWS test on System Test page of GTNoNormAbnormTCBI,SUBA35 OxygenOxygen synoptic page accessed via DU bezel keys. Format and information displayed is different.NoNormHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRSYSTEMREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURR35 OxygenPAX OXY/PRESS panel relocated on pedestal moved to copilot switch panel and relabeled PAX OXYGEN (Also in 21)NoNoHOAA45Central Maintenance SystemNo Wi-Fi Iridium out. Maintenance data accessed with laptop via port in lower pedestalNoNoHOAA46 Information SystemsNo capability to display electronic flight charts or AOPA airport directory. NoNoHOAA46 Information SystemsNo graphical map capabilityNoNoHOAA46 Information SystemsNot capable of XM or international weather presentationNoNoHOAA70 PowerplantL and R Engine controls relocated on pedestalNoNoHOAA70 PowerplantTFE 731-20 AR or BR engines (Decreased thrust from 3850 lbs. to 3500 lbs. or 3650 lbs. with APR activeNoNoHOAADIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 40 BASE AIRCRAFT: Learjet 70 APPROVED BY (POI)____________________________COMPLIANCE METHODTRAININGCHKG/CURRMANEUVERREMARKSFLTCHARPROCCHNGLVLALVLBLVLCLVLDCHKCURRPTS ManeuversNo ChangesNoNoHOAAAPPENDIX 3AIRCRAFT REGULATORY COMPLIANCE CHECKLISTCompliance checklist supplied by Bombardier Learjet for LR-75 only, Original FSB report for LR-45 (05/10/1998) and LR-40 (03/03/2006) did not have compliance checklist.14 CFRSectionRequirementComplianceRemarkFSB Finding 91. 9(a)Compliance with Flight Manual, Markings, and Placard MarkingsCompliantAn Airplane Flight Manual is provided and placards are installedComplies 91. 9 (b)(1)Availability of Current Airplane Flight Manual in AircraftCompliantAn Airplane Flight Manual is provided and placards are installedComplies 91. 9 (c)Identification of Aircraft inAccordance with FAR 45CompliantAircraft is identified painted on the aircraftComplies91.103 (a)IFR Flight Planning and Fuel RequirementsCompliantAircraft performance information is provided in the AFM and in the Pilots guideComplies91.103 (b)(1)Preflight Planning Runway Performance DataCompliantAircraft performance takeoff and landing data is provided in the AFMComplies91.126 (c)On or In The Vicinity of an Airport in Class G Airspace Minimum Certificated Landing Flap SettingCompliantAircraft performance landing data for normal and abnormal flap settings are provided in the AFMComplies91.180 (a)(1)Reduced Vertical Separation MinimumsCompliantRVSM operational information and procedures are provided in the AFMComplies91.189Category II or III OperationsNot ApplicableNot approved for operation Not Applicable91.191Category II and Category III ManualNot ApplicableNot approved for operation Not Applicable 91.203 (a)(b) Valid Airworthiness Certificate, Flight Permit, Registration pliantThe holder is in the same location as it is on the 45. It is in the cockpit mounted on the Forward side of the LH Forward CabinetComplies 91.203 (c) Fuel Tanks in the Passenger/Baggage CompartmentNot ApplicableFuel tanks are not in the passenger or baggage compartments Not Applicable 91.203 (d)Fuel Venting and Exhaust Emissions RequirementsCompliantFuel & vent system is unchanged from the Model 45 aircraftComplies 91.205 (a) Powered Civil Aircraft with Standard Category U.S. Airworthiness Certificates: Instrument and Equipment Requirements: GeneralCompliantInstruments and items are includedComplies 91.205 (b) Day VFRCompliantInstruments and items are includedComplies 91.205 (c)Night VFRCompliantInstruments and items are includedComplies91.205 (d) IFRCompliantInstruments and items are includedComplies91.205 (e)Flight at and Above FL240CompliantInstruments and items are includedComplies91.205 (f)Category II OperationsNot ApplicableNot approved for operation Not Applicable91.205 (g)Category III OperationsNot ApplicableNot approved for operation Not Applicable91.205 (h)Night Vision Goggle OperationsNot ApplicableNot approved for operation Not Applicable91.207 (a)(b)Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT)CompliantELT is installed as requiredComplies91.207 (c)Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT)BatteriesOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility91.207 (d)Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) MaintenanceOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility91.209 (b)Operate an aircraft equipped with an anti-collision light pliantPosition, beacon and anti-collision lights installed on aircraftComplies91.211 (a)Supplemental Oxygen: GeneralCompliantO2 system is installed in the aircraft and O2 duration information is provided for the flight crew to determine if enough O2 is onboard for the flightComplies91.211 (b)Pressurized Cabin AircraftCompliantO2 system is installed in the aircraft and O2 duration information is provided for the flight crew to determine if enough O2 is onboard for the flightComplies91.213Inoperative Instruments and EquipmentCompliantFAA AEG will update the existing MMEL for the M45 to include the aircraft modificationComplies91.215 (a)ATC Transponder and Altitude Reporting Equipment and UseCompliantATC transponder meets environmental requirements of classComplies91.215 (b),(c) (d)Transponder OperationCompliantATC transponder meets environmental requirements of classComplies91.217 (a)(1)Deactivation of equipmentOperator ResponsibilityNot directed by ATCAgree - Operator Responsibility91.217 (a)(2) Tests and pliantTested and calibrated to 125’Complies91.217 (a)(3)Altimeters and digitizers pliantMeets standards of TSO-C10b and TSO-C88Complies91.217 (b)Same SourceCompliantDerived from same sourceComplies91.219 (a)Approved Altitude Alerting SystemCompliantAn altitude alerting system is installed in the aircraftComplies91.219 (b)Altitude alerting system or pliantAn altitude alerting system is installed in the aircraftComplies91.221 (a)(b)Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System Equipment and UseCompliantA Traffic Collision Avoidance System, TCAS, with resolution advisory is installed in the aircraftComplies91.223 (a)Terrain Awareness and Warning SystemCompliantCompliant Class A TAWS to C151B installedComplies91.223 (b)Terrain Awareness and Warning SystemNot applicableManufactured after Mar 29, 2002Not Applicable91.223 (c)Terrain Awareness and Warning SystemCompliantThe AFM contains the procedures for the Terrain Awareness Warning System, TAWSComplies91.223 (d) Terrain Awareness and Warning SystemNot applicableNot Applicable91.225 (a) Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast Out EquipmentCompliantADS-B equipment installed and verifiedComplies91.227 (b)1090 MHz ES and UAT Broadcast Links and Power RequirementsCompliantADS-B equipment installed and verified and meets the performance requirements of TSO-C166b, Class plies91.227 (c)ADS-B Out Performance RequirementsCompliantADS-B equipment installed and verifiedComplies91.227 (d)Minimum Broadcast Message Element SetCompliantADS-B equipment installed and verifiedComplies91.227 (e)ADS-B Latency RequirementsCompliantADS-B equipment installed and verifiedComplies91.227 (g)Incorporation by ReferenceNot applicableNot Applicable91.409InspectionsOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility91.411Altimeter System and Altitude Reporting Equipment Tests and InspectionsOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility91.413ATC Transponder Tests and InspectionsOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility 91.503 (a)(1)Flying Equipment and Operating Information: FlashlightsOperator ResponsibilityPIC responsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility 91.503 (a)(2)Cockpit ChecklistCompliantProcedure provided in AFM & a checklist is provided with the aircraftComplies91.503 (a)(3)(a)(4)Aeronautical ChartsOperator ResponsibilityPIC responsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility91.503 (a)(5)One Engine Inoperative Climb Performance DataCompliantProcedure provided in AFM & a checklist is provided with the aircraftComplies91.503 (b)(c)Cockpit Checklist ContentsCompliantProcedure provided in AFM & a checklist is provided with the aircraftComplies91.503 (d)Use of Data by CrewOperator ResponsibilityPIC responsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility91.505Familiarity with Operating Limitations and Emergency EquipmentOperator ResponsibilityPIC responsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility91.507Equipment Requirement: Over the Top, or Night VFR OperationsCompliantAircraft has necessary instruments and equipment and multiple landing lightsComplies91.509 (a)Survival Equipment for Overwater Operations (life preserver / flotation means)CompliantAircraft has flotation devices for each seatComplies91.509 (b)Survival Equipment for Overwater Operations (extended overwater equipment)Operator ResponsibilityPIC responsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility91.509 (d)(e)Survival Equipment for Overwater Operations (extended overwater equipment)Operator ResponsibilityPIC responsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility91.511Radio Equipment for Overwater OperationsCompliantThe radio communication and navigation equipment installed meets the requirementsComplies91.513Emergency EquipmentCompliantAll emergency equipment is installedComplies91.517Passenger informationCompliantPassenger signs are installedComplies91.519Passenger BriefingOperator ResponsibilityPart of Cabin Management System (CMS)Agree - Operator Responsibility91.521Shoulder HarnessCompliantShoulder harnesses are installedComplies91.525Carriage of CargoOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility91.527Operating in Icing ConditionsCompliantAnti-ice equipment is installedComplies91.531Second In Command RequirementsCompliantTwo pilots requiredComplies91.533Flight Attendant RequirementsNot applicableNot Applicable91.535Stowage of Food, Beverages and Passenger Service Equipment.Operator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility91.603Aural Speed Warning DeviceCompliantAural Speed warning installedComplies91.605Transport Category Civil Airplane Weight LimitationsOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility91.607Emergency Exits for Airplanes Carrying Passengers for HireCompliantEquipped with emergency exitComplies91.609 (a)Operation with Inactive Flight Data Recorder or Cockpit Voice RecorderOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility91.609 (b)Operation by Other than Holder of Air Carrier or Commercial CertificateOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility91.609 (c)Requirements for Flight Data Recorder - 10+ passengersNot applicableNot Applicable91.609 (d)FDR OperationsOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility91.609 (e)(f)Requirement for Cockpit Voice RecorderCompliantCVR installedComplies91.609 (g)Accident ReportingOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility91.609 (h)CVR specifications effective April 7, 2012CompliantCVR meets requirementsComplies91.609 (i)Cockpit Voice RecorderNot ApplicableOperator Responsibility91.609 (j)Datalink RecordingNot applicableOperator Responsibility91.613Materials for Compartment Interiors CompliantInterior materials meet requirementsComplies91.801 (a)(2)Part 36 ApplicabilityCompliantMeets noise limitsComplies91.805Operating Noise Limits for Subsonic AirplanesCompliantMeets noise limitsComplies91.853Operating Noise Limits for Subsonic AirplanesCompliantMeets noise limitsComplies91.1023 & .1025Program Operating Manual Requirements and ContentsOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility91.1033(a)(1) & (b) Cockpit ChecklistCompliantChecklist provided with aircraftComplies91.1033(a)(2) & (c) Emergency Cockpit ChecklistCompliantChecklist provided with aircraftComplies91.1033(a)(3) Aeronautical ChartsOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility91.1033(a)(4)IFR Navigation/Approach ChartsOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility91.1035 (e)Automated Briefing RecordingOptionally CompliantIntegrated into the Cabin Management System (CMS)Agree - Operator Responsibility91.1035(f)Passenger Briefing CardsCompliantCards come with aircraftComplies91.1045(b)(1)Cockpit Voice RecorderCompliantCVR installedComplies91.1045(b)(2)Flight RecorderNot applicableNot Applicable91.1045(b)(3)TAWS SystemCompliantTAWS installedComplies91.1045(b)(4)TCAS SystemCompliantTCAS installedComplies91.1045(b)(5)Airborne Weather Radar EquipmentCompliantWeather radar installedComplies91.1109 (b)(1)Manufacturer Aircraft Maintenance Inspection ProgramOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility91.1115(a)Minimum Equipment ListOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility91.1411Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance ProgramOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility91.App ACategory II OperationsNot ApplicableNot approved for operation Not Applicable91.App COperations in the North Atlantic (NAT) Minimum Navigation Performance Specifications (MNPS) AirspaceCompliantNavigation tolerances qualify for NAT MNPS airspaceComplies 91 App GOperations in Reduced Vertical Separation (RVSM) AirspaceCompliantNavigation tolerances qualify for RVSM airspaceComplies135. 21Manual RequirementsOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility135.75 (b)Inspector’s Credential: Admission to pilot’s compartment: Forward observer’s seat.Operator ResponsibilityOperator must supply headset/splitterAgree - Operator Responsibility135.76 (b) DOD Commercial Air Carrier Evaluator’s Credentials: Admission to Pilots Compartment: Forward Observer’s SeatOperator ResponsibilityOperator must supply headset/splitterAgree - Operator Responsibility135.81 (c)Aircraft Equipment Manuals and Aircraft Flight ManualCompliantAFM and equipment manuals provided with aircraftComplies135.83 (a)(1) & (b)Cockpit ChecklistCompliantChecklist provided with aircraftComplies135.83 (a)(2) & (c)Emergency Procedures ChecklistCompliantChecklist provided with aircraftComplies135.83 (a)(3)Aeronautical ChartsOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility135.83 (a)(4) IFR Navigation/Approach ChartsOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility135.83 (a)(5)Multiengine Aircraft One-Engine Climb DataCompliantChecklist provided with aircraftComplies135.89 (b)Supplemental Oxygen, Pressurized Cabin AircraftCompliantSupplemental oxygen system installedComplies135.93Autopilot: Minimum Altitudes for UseCompliant500’ minimum enroute altitudeComplies135.99 (a)Composition of Flight Crew – AFM LimitationsCompliantTwo pilots requiredComplies135.99 (b)Second in Command required for 10 or more passenger seating configuration.Not applicableNot Applicable135.113Passenger Occupancy of Pilot SeatOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility135.117Briefing of Passengers before FlightOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility135.122Stowage of Food, Beverages and Passenger Service Equipment.Operator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility135.123Emergency and Emergency Evacuation DutiesOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility135.127Passenger InformationCompliantPassenger signs installedComplies135.128Safety Belts and Child Restraint SystemsOperator ResponsibilitySafety belts installed. Child restraint system provided by carrier or passengerAgree - Operator Responsibility135.129(d)(e) Exit Seating Passenger Information CardsOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility135.143(b)Approved/Operable Instruments and EquipmentCompliantRequired instruments installedComplies135.143(c)ATC TransponderCompliantRequired transponder installedComplies135.145 (d)(1)Validation TestingOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility135.147Dual Controls RequiredCompliantTwo pilots requiredComplies135.149(a)Altimeter Adjustable for Barometric PressureCompliantTwo primary and standby altimeters installedComplies135.149(b)Heating or Deicing EquipmentNot applicableNot Applicable135.149(c)Turbojet Additional equipmentCompliantStandby ADI installedComplies135.149(e)Additional Equipment Administrator RequiresCompliantAs required by the AdministratorComplies135.150 (a)Public Address SystemNot applicablePA system installedNot Applicable135.150 (b)Crew Interphone SystemNot applicableInterphone system installedNot Applicable135.151(a)Requirement and Installation of CVRCompliantCVR installedComplies135.151(b)Requirement and Installation of CVRNot applicableCVR installedNot Applicable135.151(d)Boom and Mask MicrophoneCompliantBoom and mask interphone installedComplies135.151 (c)(e)CVR - Recorded DataCompliantCVR capable of keeping recorded dataComplies135.151(f)Additional CVR RequirementsNot applicableOperator Responsibility135.151(g)Additional CVR RequirementsCompliantRequired CVR installedComplies135.151(h)Recording Datalink messagesNot applicableOperator Responsibility135.152(a)Requirement for FDRNot applicableOperator Responsibility135.152(b)Requirement for Flight Data RecorderNot applicableNot Applicable135.152(c)FDR OperationsNot applicableOperator Responsibility135.152 (d)(e)FDR – Recorded DataOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility135.152(f)Installation RequirementsNot applicableOperator Responsibility135.152(g)Underwater Locator DeviceNot applicableOperator Responsibility135.152(h)Operational Parameters Required to be RecordedNot applicableOperator Responsibility135.152(i)FDR required parameters data ranges, accuracies, resolutions and intervalsNot applicableNot Applicable135.152(j)FDR required parameters data ranges, accuracies, resolutions and intervalsNot applicableNot Applicable135.152(m)FDR RequirementsNot applicableOperator Responsibility135.153(a)Requirement for GPWSCompliantInstalled GPWS compliantComplies135.153(c)Airplane Flight ManualCompliantAFM supplied with aircraftComplies135.154 (a)Terrain Awareness and Warning SystemCompliantInstalled TAWS compliantComplies135.154 (c)AFM procedures for TAWSCompliantAFM supplied with aircraftComplies135.155(a)Fire Extinguishers: Type and Suitability of AgentCompliantHalon 1211Complies135.155(b)Fire Extinguisher on Flight DeckCompliantHalon 1211Complies135.155(c)Fire Extinguisher in Passenger CompartmentCompliantCustomer optionComplies135.156Flight data Recorders: Filtered DataNot applicableNot Applicable135.157(a)Oxygen Equipment Requirements Unpressurized aircraft.Not applicableNot Applicable135.157(b)Oxygen Equipment Requirements Pressurized pliantInstalled O2 system compliantComplies135.157(c)Equipment requirementCompliantInstalled O2 system compliantComplies135.158(a)Pitot Heat Indicating Systems Requirement and OperationCompliantPitot Heat Indicating System installedComplies135.159(a) - (g)Equipment Requirements: Carrying Passengers under VFR at Night or under VFR Over The Top ConditionsCompliantRequired equipment installedComplies135.161Radio and Navigational Equipment: Aircraft Carrying Passengers Under VFR at Night or under VFR Over The TopCompliantRequired equipment installedComplies135.163Equipment Requirements: Aircraft Carrying Passengers Under IFRCompliantRequired equipment installedComplies135.165Radio and Navigational Equipment: Extended Overwater or IFR OperationsCompliantRequired equipment installedComplies135.167Emergency Equipment: Extended Overwater OperationsOptionally CompliantOperator Responsibility135.169Additional Airworthiness RequirementsCompliantCargo bay compliantComplies135.170Materials for Compartment InteriorsCompliantInterior materials compliantComplies135.171(a)Shoulder Harness Installation at Flight Crewmember StationsNot applicableShoulder harness system installedComplies135.173(a)Airborne Thunderstorm Detection EquipmentNot applicableAirborne weather radar installedNot Applicable135.173(f)Power SupplyNot applicableNot Applicable135.175(a)Airborne Weather Radar EquipmentCompliantAirborne weather radar installedComplies135.175(e)Power SupplyNot applicableNot Applicable135.177Emergency Equipment Requirements for more than 19 PassengersNot applicableNot Applicable135.178Additional Emergency EquipmentNot applicableNot Applicable135.179(a)Inoperable Instruments and EquipmentOperator ResponsibilityInstruments installed and operatingAgree - Operator Responsibility135.179(b)Instruments and Equipment NOT included in MELOperator ResponsibilityInstruments installed and operatingAgree - Operator Responsibility135.180(a)Requirement for an approved TCASNot applicableTCAS installedComplies135.180(b)Flight Manual RequirementsNot applicableTCAS instructions included in AFMComplies135.181(a)(1)Performance Requirements: Single Engine Aircraft Operated Over The Top or in IFR ConditionsNot applicableNot Applicable135.181(a)(2)Performance Requirements: Multi Engine Aircraft Operated Over The Top or in IFR ConditionsCompliantAircraft compliant if limitations in AFM are not exceededComplies135.183(a)Performance Requirements: Land Aircraft Operated Over WaterOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility135.183(c)Performance Requirements: Multi Engine Land Aircraft Operated Over WaterCompliantAircraft compliant if limitations in AFM are not exceededComplies135.185(a)Empty Weight and Center of Gravity: Currency RequirementNot applicableAircraft weight report supplied at delivery. Subsequent weighing is operator’s responsibilityOperator Responsibility135.185(b)Aircraft Original Airworthiness CertificateCompliantAircraft weight report supplied at delivery. Subsequent weighing is operator’s responsibilityComplies135.227(a),(b) (c),(e), (f)Icing Conditions: Operating LimitationsCompliantAnti-ice system installedComplies135.363(f)AFM Performance DataCompliantPerformance data supplied with AFMComplies135.364Maximum Flying Time Outside the U.S.Operator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility135.397Small Transport Category Airplane Performance Operating LimitationsOperator ResponsibilityPerformance data supplied with AFMAgree - Operator Responsibility135.398(a) (b) (c) (d)Commuter Category Airplanes Performance Operating LimitationsOperator ResponsibilityPerformance data supplied with AFMAgree - Operator Responsibility135.399Small Non-Transport Category Airplane Performance Operating LimitationsOperator ResponsibilityPerformance data supplied with AFMAgree - Operator Responsibility135.411 (a)(2)Maintenance ApplicabilityNot applicableNot Applicable135.419Approved Aircraft Inspection ProgramOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility135.421 (c) (d) (e)Manufacturer’s Maintenance ProgramNot applicableNot Applicable135.422Aging Airplane Inspections and Records or Airplanes Certificated With 9 or Fewer Passenger SeatsOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility135.425Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance and Alteration ProgramsOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility135.427(b)Manual for Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance and AlterationsOperator ResponsibilityAgree - Operator Responsibility135 App. ANot applicableNot Applicable135 App. BNot applicableNot Applicable135 App. DNot applicableNot Applicable135 App. FNot applicableNot Applicable135 App. GNot applicableNot ApplicableAPPENDIX 4Pilot Training Course OutlinesDifferences Course Learjet 40/45 to Learjet 70/75 ( 2 Pilots = Complete Crew)DayTheoretical TrainingHoursPractical TrainingTraining Hours1Classroom Instruction4.0IPT / FTD2.0 / 2.01Classroom Instruction4.0IPT / FTD2.0 / 2.0 1Classroom Instruction4.0IPT / FTD2.0 / 2.01Classroom Instruction4.0IPT / FTD - LOE2.0 / 2.0Total16.016.0Note 1: (1 Pilot only = Half Crew) being trained – minimum 12 hours IPT / FTDNote 2: Length of difference course #1 evaluated and recommended by FSB.Note 3: IPT training hours cannot be credited for FTD training hours, but FTD training hours can be credited for IPT training hours.Differences Course Learjet 70/75 to Learjet 40/45 (2 Pilots = Complete Crew)DayTheoretical TrainingHoursPractical TrainingTraining Hours1Classroom Instruction4.0IPT / FTD2.0 / 2.01Classroom Instruction4.0IPT / FTD2.0 / 2.01Classroom Instruction4.0IPT / FTD2.0 / 2.01Classroom Instruction4.0IPT / FTD2.0 / 2.01Classroom Instruction4.0IPT / FTD - LOE2.0 / 2.0Total20.020.0Note 1: (1 Pilot only = Half Crew) being trained – minimum 16 hours IPT / FTDNote 2: Length of difference course #2 evaluated through analysis and FSB Chair must be advised of first class offering to evaluate / validate training course. Note 3: IPT training hours cannot be credited for FTD training hours, but FTD training hours can be credited for IPT training hours.Learjet 70/75 Initial Type Rating Course (2 Pilots = Complete Crew)Training ElementsTraining DaysTraining HoursGround Training Segment(Phase I)Instructor-Led TrainingSystems Integration636.012.0Flight Segment(Phase II)Instructor Briefings / DebriefingsFFS (5)520.0 LOFT14.0 Practical Test1As RequiredNote 1: (1 Pilot only = Half Crew) being trained – minimums:10 hours pilot flying / 2 hours pilot monitoring = 12 hours FFSLOFT – 2 hours pilot flying / 2 hours pilot monitoring = 4 hours FFS Note 2: Length of initial type rating course #3 evaluated and recommended by FSB Chair. Line Oriented Evaluation (LOE)Upon completion of Differences Course #1 - Learjet 40/45 to Learjet 70/75, the FSB requires a partial proficiency check in the FTD or ODR Training Level D or E Device. The LOE is administered to demonstrate proficiency in a realistic Line Operations profile of approximately 2 hours. The tasks listed below will be evaluated during the LOE. A LOE would include: Preflight, System checks, Before Takeoff checks, Departure, Climb to a Cruise altitude, Descent, Arrival, Instrument approach, missed approach, Load and fly a different instrument approach, After Landing and Shutdown checks. The evaluator would provide normal ATC instructions, weather, weight and balance data, etc. The crew is expected to perform the tasks without assistance from the evaluator. The LOE evaluator cannot be the same person / instructor that trained the Pilot(s).Completion StandardsThe pilot must be able to describe, locate, and identify aircraft systems; perform normal, abnormal, and emergency checklists; and demonstrate proficiency with the Garmin G5000 Avionics.The Partial Proficiency check minimum tasks required include:1. Check Database expiration dates 2. Display an appropriate Instrument Approach Procedure chart 3. Turn on / off Synthetic Vision System 4. Set V-speeds on airspeed indicator 5. Tune a Communication and Navigation frequency6. Input / change a Transponder code7. Change the altimeter setting8. Set Primary Flight Display from Full to Primary Flight Display / Multi-Function Window (MFW) and back9. Select full and half mode on Multi-Function Display 10. Select System Synoptics for display11. Select all System Tests12. Load and activate a flight plan including weight functions13. Insert and delete flight plan waypoints 14. Show how to fly direct to a waypoint 15. Program a Vertical Navigation descent 16. Change arrival airport and approach procedure17. Create, Enter, Modify, Depart and Delete a holding pattern 18. Identify Level of Service for a Radio Navigation approach19. Set minimums for an approach20. Change active Navigation source21. Select bearing pointers On / Off22. Select different wind data window formats23. Select / De-Select Angle of Attack 24. De-Clutter inset map display25. Change Navigation Map range on Multi-Function Display SAMPLE - Minimum Tasks to be EvaluatedLine Oriented Evaluation (LOE) Evaluator Guidance: Satisfactory completion of the Line Oriented Evaluation requires a minimum score of 80% (corrected to 100% after all tasks have been attempted). If pilot is unable to achieve a minimum score of 80%, additional training will be required.Place in box: “S” - Satisfactory / “N” - Not Satisfactorily / “Y” – Retrain or Blank if Not RetrainedTask #Task1st AttemptRetrain2nd AttemptCheck Database expiration dates Display an appropriate Instrument Approach Procedure chartTurn On / Off Synthetic Vision System Set V-speeds on airspeed indicator Tune a Communication and Navigation frequencyInput / Change a Transponder codeChange the altimeter settingSet Primary Flight Display from Full to PFD / MFW and backSelect full and half mode on Multi-Function DisplaySelect System Synoptics for displaySelect all Systems TestsLoad and activate a flight plan including weights functionInsert and delete flight plan waypointsShow how to fly direct to a waypointProgram a Vertical Navigation descentChange arrival airport and approach procedureCreate / Enter / Modify / Depart / Delete a holding patternIdentify Level of Service for a Radio Navigation approachSet minimums for an approachChange active Navigation sourceSelect bearing pointers ON / OFFSelect different wind data window formatsSelect / deselect Angle of Attack De-clutter inset map displayChange Navigation Map range on Multi-Function DisplayNote: Completion of an Initial Qualification Course or Recurrent Training Course in a LR-70/75 aircraft, or simulator satisfies the requirements of this Differences Course and Demonstration of Proficiency. A log book entry, Training Record documenting successful completion of the LOE in LR-70/75, Check Ride form for a 61.58 check in a LR-70/75, or a copy of FAA Form FAA 8710-1 in LR-70/75 is required to show completion of training. ................

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