Symbiosis Personal Ads

Symbiosis R.A.F.T.


Create a product of your choice that illustrates, represents or describes a symbiotic relationship in nature.


1. Choose a symbiotic relationship to represent (Mutualism, Parasitism, or Commensalism)

2. Research your chosen relationship, and find a real example in nature

3. Choose one of the project options shown below, and complete all requirements

Project Options:

1. Make a “personal ad” (with pictures) to illustrate a symbiotic relationship of your choice (Ex. “I’m a lonely bee, desperately seeking a flower…” (mutualism), or “I’m a harmless flea seeking a loving dog to shelter my family…” (parasitism)). Make yourself sound and look extremely attractive, and describe clearly what you are looking for in your potential partner.

2. Write a song/rap/poem from one symbiotic partner to another. It could be a love song about how much you benefit from them (mutualism), or a song about feeling used and betrayed in your relationship (parasitism), or maybe a song about having no feelings for your partner any more (commensalism). Write it out on paper & decorate the page (perform/record/video it if you want!)

3. Create a Facebook Profile (on paper) about yourself, as one partner in a symbiotic relationship. Describe your likes and dislikes, provide a picture, and create links to your fan pages (ex. A bee might list “Nectar Addicts Anonymous” or “Flower Slaves Support Group” as a fan page)

4. Write a letter to your symbiotic partner, from the following perspectives:

a. A formal letter of complaint from one “injured party” (the victim) to another (the parasite).

b. A love letter from one mutualistic partner to another

c. A “Dear John” breakup letter from one commensalistic partner to another

Grading Rubric:

See the point distribution provided over the page

Research Chart:


|Ex. Bee |Flower |Personal Ad |Mutualism |Nectar |

| | | | |Pollination |

| | | | |Color |

| | | | | |


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