Constant Contact

4718050-797550046977301440180$750: ART DECO SPONSOR (AWARD SPONSOR)- Six (6) complimentary tickets; Opportunity to introduce business/person/organization winning award; Opportunity to present the award during program; References in GINCC media sponsor advertisements and promotional materials; Logo and link on GINCC website and Facebook page; andThank-you announced in the program and promotional letters.$500: FLAPPER SPONSOR?(GAME SPONSOR)- Four (4) complimentary tickets; Opportunity to brainstorm game within theme of event and marketing throughout event; References in GINCC media sponsor advertisements and promotional materials; Logo and link on GINCC website and Facebook page; and Thank-you announced in the program and promotional letters.$250: F. SCOTT FITZGERALD SPONSOR (TABLE SPONSOR)- Four (4) complimentary tickets; Logo on table and promotional materials; Name on GINCC website and Facebook page; and Thank-you announced in the program.$100: PINSTRIPE SPONSOR (PRIZE SPONSOR) -Sponsors provide a gift basket or prize* valued between $50-$100 for the silent auction during the Annual Dinner; Two (2) complimentary tickets; References in GINCC media sponsor advertisements and promotional materials; and Thank-you announced in the program and promotional letters.00$750: ART DECO SPONSOR (AWARD SPONSOR)- Six (6) complimentary tickets; Opportunity to introduce business/person/organization winning award; Opportunity to present the award during program; References in GINCC media sponsor advertisements and promotional materials; Logo and link on GINCC website and Facebook page; andThank-you announced in the program and promotional letters.$500: FLAPPER SPONSOR?(GAME SPONSOR)- Four (4) complimentary tickets; Opportunity to brainstorm game within theme of event and marketing throughout event; References in GINCC media sponsor advertisements and promotional materials; Logo and link on GINCC website and Facebook page; and Thank-you announced in the program and promotional letters.$250: F. SCOTT FITZGERALD SPONSOR (TABLE SPONSOR)- Four (4) complimentary tickets; Logo on table and promotional materials; Name on GINCC website and Facebook page; and Thank-you announced in the program.$100: PINSTRIPE SPONSOR (PRIZE SPONSOR) -Sponsors provide a gift basket or prize* valued between $50-$100 for the silent auction during the Annual Dinner; Two (2) complimentary tickets; References in GINCC media sponsor advertisements and promotional materials; and Thank-you announced in the program and promotional letters.88582505143500004321175507492000274320-14859000-7543801005840COMPANY NAME ______________________________________________ CONTACT ____________PHONE NUMBER ( ) _____________________ PAYMENT DETAILS (CHECK ONE) ___ I will write a check payable to GINCC ____Charge my credit card REGISTRATION TYPE (MARK ONE) Sponsor_____Individual ($45 /each) _____Couple ($75) _____Table (6) ($225/each) _____SPONSORSHIP LEVEL TOTAL PRICE NAME ON CARD ____________________________________CARD NUMBER _____________________________________EXPIRATION DATE __________________________________ CVV (ON BACK OF CARD) BILLING ZIP CODE ________________ SIGNATURE _________________________________________NAME(S) I would like to donate a prize: 00COMPANY NAME ______________________________________________ CONTACT ____________PHONE NUMBER ( ) _____________________ PAYMENT DETAILS (CHECK ONE) ___ I will write a check payable to GINCC ____Charge my credit card REGISTRATION TYPE (MARK ONE) Sponsor_____Individual ($45 /each) _____Couple ($75) _____Table (6) ($225/each) _____SPONSORSHIP LEVEL TOTAL PRICE NAME ON CARD ____________________________________CARD NUMBER _____________________________________EXPIRATION DATE __________________________________ CVV (ON BACK OF CARD) BILLING ZIP CODE ________________ SIGNATURE _________________________________________NAME(S) I would like to donate a prize: ................

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