ICAWEB201A Use social media tools

Use social media tools for collaboration and engagementSource: this resource TOC \o "1-2" \t "Heading 1,1,Heading 2,2,heading - attachment/assignment,2" Use social media tools for collaboration and engagement PAGEREF _Toc294602909 \h 1Inside this resource PAGEREF _Toc294602910 \h 1Topic 1: Describe different types of social media tools and applications PAGEREF _Toc294602911 \h 2What is social media PAGEREF _Toc294602912 \h 2Types of tools and applications PAGEREF _Toc294602913 \h 3Learning activity 1a: Research social media PAGEREF _Toc294602914 \h 6Issues with using social media PAGEREF _Toc294602915 \h 7Topic 2: Compare different types of social media tools and applications PAGEREF _Toc294602916 \h 8Review social media types PAGEREF _Toc294602917 \h 8Popular tools and applications PAGEREF _Toc294602918 \h 9Learning activity 2a: review one social media type PAGEREF _Toc294602919 \h 9Topic 3: Set up and use popular social media tools and applications PAGEREF _Toc294602920 \h 11Learning activity 3a: Setup and use popular tools PAGEREF _Toc294602921 \h 11Terms PAGEREF _Toc294602922 \h 14Topic 1: Describe different types of social media tools and applicationsWhat is social mediaSource: media is the use of a variety of media for the purpose of social networking. The term “media” is the tools we use and can include any technologies used for communication and interaction in conjunction with the web. Internet enabled mobile phones, netbooks and laptops can be used as well as traditional computers.Social networking is the term used to describe two or more people interacting for a specific purpose. Commonly this is the use of online websites and applications to make connections with other people. There are many reasons for people to want to connect such as for a common interest such as hobbies, sporting activities and simply to extend personal relationships. Businesses may use online tools for trading - buying and selling - or for getting their services out to the public. Many social communities are formed for the sharing of knowledge, their beliefs and new items.Types of tools and applicationsThere are many different tools and applications that are used for social networking. Each has a particular focus but all are predominantly information sharing tools. Many tools started out as single applications but are increasingly being merged into larger, all-inclusive applications.Social media tools can be used by individuals for personal communication or for business use in marketing or public relations. Sites will give the contributor options for making their information public for anyone to view or private for individual access only. There are variations within this to allow restricted access specific individuals and groups of people.Some of the main types of tools and application in common use include the following – click on an image for more information on the example site:Blogs (web logs) are part of a website set aside specifically for regular author comments and entries. This is often daily or weekly. They can also include images or video and links to other sites. Visitors are encouraged to interact and leave their own comments, feedback and links. Blogs are a way for authors to reflect on life or daily business and can become like an online diary or soapbox. Examples include: INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Microblogs are typically smaller and more regular then traditional blogs. They are limited to short sentences to a maximum of 140 characters. You can also add images, video links and URL’s. As well as being displayed in a web interface, postings can be forwarded to SMS or email. Examples include: INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Music sharing sites specifically allow musicians to share their own works with the public. Musicians who have not been signed with a record company have an outlet to publish and sell their own original works to millions of people daily. Some of these sites feature creative remixes and mash-ups. Examples include: INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Photo/image sharing sites allows users to post photography, video and personal artworks. It allows people to exhibit their own work and comment on the works of others. Works are categorised and tagged to enable efficient searching and linking. Examples include: INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Social bookmarking sites allow users to store references to other sites by creating and organizing bookmarks, similar to storing favourite sites in your web browser software but accessible from any web enabled computer. Descriptions can be added to these bookmarks, including comments and voting. This is called social tagging where links are made between shared content. These sites can include highlighting tools and sticky notes. Sites can be made public or private. Examples include: INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Social networks are web sites that focus on building relationships between people with shared interests and/or activities. There are many tools offered by these sites to locate and link to families and friends, share photos, promote events and keep in touch with regular updates and postings. Examples include: INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Social news sites allow users to submit news items and stories on a particular subject from elsewhere on the web. Stories are ranked based on the number of submissions and then listed on the news site. Site users can then post comments and feedback on the stories, popularity then moves the news item higher on the list. Examples include: Video sharing sites specifically allow for the uploading, viewing and sharing of video content. User-generated content can include movie clips, TV clips, music videos, video blogging and short amateur videos. Content is publically available to viewers and can also be embedded into web pages outside of the hosting site. Examples include: Virtual worlds, or virtual hangouts, are online 3D communities where people can “virtually” walk around and interact with each other. Users create an online person called an avatar which is a 3D character that represents their own personality. Avatars can meet, socialise, buy and sell with virtual services and property. Many businesses and training organisations create virtual spaces to connect with potential customers. Examples include: Wikis are websites that can be created and modified by anyone using simple text editing tools through the web browser software. These are great to allow multiple people to collaborate and work on the same project from anywhere at any time. Different access rights can be granted to users to create, edit and delete information. The site can be made public or private. Examples: The above list explains distinct tools that are currently popular for personal and business use. More commonly these tools will be found merged or interlinked between applications so that updating one tool will display current information in another tool. The most difficult aspect is the requirement for multiple logins to distinct applications with no cross links. More applications now are starting to collaborate and link up allowing one logon to access multiple sites. This increases the networks created between people and organisationsLearning activity 1a: Research social mediaResearch the internet for one popular application of each of the types below (Try this list of social media and networking sites maintained by Traffikd). List a few of the main features of each tool.Social media tool typePopular Allows you to share information and interact with others.Having your own blog gives you full control over the content on your site.Microblog Use it as a live support tool.Interact with many people at once while sharing your thoughts.Music Has a lot of ‘user uploaded songs’No audible adverts during or between songs.Photo Free basic accountPlenty of other websites support Flickr integrationSocial bookmarking Allows users to see what the most famous sites on the web areLets you filter the links that most interest you Social Lets people stay in touch with and get back in touch with old/current friendsLets you share links to other websites, watch video(you tube)…very versatile social networking toolSocial news Lets users see what is the top rated internet articles on the internet as voted (digged ) by users.Video Enables users to share video with everyone on the netLets users showcase talents to the world wide web that might not ordinarily get the chance to show offVirtual Lets the user interact with other avatars in the virtual worldLets you build, create and edit objects around you.Wiki Allows anyone to create a free hosted wiki website in minutesIssues with using social mediaWhen you are posting personal information onto a public space there are many issues to be considered and huge potential for misuse:Copyright – digital media (images, videos, podcasts, etc) posted on public sites generally belong to the creator but are accessible for anyone to view, copy, modify and repost…sometimes for malicious purposes. Do you know how to protect your copyright? How do you know what media is copyright free or available under licence? Ensure you have permission to use or post pictures of other people on your site. Be aware that even if you delete your space, the content still exists on a server somewhere. Do you know the policies of the sites you are posting your content to – do you retain ownership of the copyright? Have you read the Terms and Conditions?Read more…NSW Government Digital Citizenship site - copyrightPrivacy – controlling who sees your personal information is not always easy – there are often options available for limiting access but not all users correctly apply the privacy settings. The biggest concern is with predators faking identification and age and misleading young people into risky situations. Be wary of data theft, viruses. Organisations can build profiles of online habits and behaviours. Posted content has a way of spreading to a wide audience and does not disappear.Do you really want everyone to know where you are, who you are with, what you are doing and your every thought? Think before you post.Read more…NSW Government Digital Citizenship site - privacySecurity - most sites enable access through a username and password to prevent unauthorised people modifying your account details. It is important to keep this information secure so no-one can gain access and cause damage to your personal information. Use strong passwords and don’t share them. Ensure you sign out of an account before leaving a computer unattended.How secure is your information on the social media site? Is it vulnerable to theft?Read more…NSW Government Digital Citizenship site – securityTrust – Most applications allow you to control who can see sections of your profile by granting different levels of trust – public, friends, family, colleagues, etc. Do you know the consequences of the new features that are constantly being added to social media sites? How can you be sure the policies of the site havent changed? Beware over-posting too much information – your personal details, where you are, what you are doing – this information can be collected and used maliciously. Read more…NSW Government Digital Citizenship site – LimitsTopic 2: Compare different types of social media tools and applicationsReview social media typesThe use of social media is fast becoming a powerful tool for businesses to interact with their customers and network with potential customers. Clients provide feedback through comments, ratings and recommendations. Many organisations already have a public website but find the process of publishing updates is too slow and are utilizing one or more of the following types of tools for promotions:Blogs and microblogs Photo, music and video Social bookmarking sites allow businesses to provide links to websites that may be of interest to customers or add to their experience. Tools are provided so web resources can be shared, organised and searched by users. Social networks –Wikis RSS Popular tools and applicationsThe most popular social networking tool at the time of writing is Facebook. This site is evolving continuously and endeavouring to include all of the above tools to enable a single site for networking of people and organisations. Some of the activities and terminology: create a personal profile, add a friend, update their status, like other people places or pages, send messages, create events, ask questions, upload photos and video, play games, make notes, search and connect to people. Facebook for mobile devices also allows you to check-in at a specific location and see who else is near you.*Watch the following video – How to register and join Facebook – on *Read the following review - How to choose between Facebook or Myspace - on Twitter is currently the most well known/common blogging tool in wide use by people and organisations and the messages sent and received are called tweets. *Watch the following video – Twitter in plain English – on YouTubeWikis are web sites used to allow many people to access, edit and collaborate on different media. Terminology used includes: create pages, invite people, post to a discussion group, insert links and upload files.*Watch the following videos – Wikispaces tutorial and How to use Wikispaces – on Youtube.Both the above tools were used extensively by emergency services during the 2011 Queensland Flood crisis. Read the following article – Social media vs the floodsLearning activity 2a: review one social media typeFor this activity you will be given a scenario and will be required to research, select and conduct a review on an appropriate social media tool:Select one social media type : Social NetworkingReview the most popular tools and applications within this typeThe most popular applications that fall under the Social Networking banner would be obviously Facebook and Twitter.Facebook is certainly the most advanced or sophisticated of the two, with many features to offer the account holder. It has many built in privacy options that the end user should make themselves aware of before they get started using their account.Facebook has many features to enrich the user experience including..The Wall which is an area on each users profile page which allows others users to post messages for the user to see.Photos allows users to upload albums and photos to their account to share with their friends.Status allows users to make their friends aware of their whereabouts and or what they are doing.News Feed which is on a users homepage highlights information including changes to profiles,events and birthdays of friends etc…Live Voice Call lets the user chat with other people around the world andVideo Calling which allows obviously one to one video calling through it`s partner Skype. Twitter is a much simpler but nevertheless extremely popular way for people to basically stay in contact through web based text ‘tweets’ to other Twitter users. This allows real time interaction between people and those that follow their tweets by anyone with web access.Of course another benefit of Twitter is the ability to provide links in your tweets to other websites and direct traffic to your own business website if you want.Itemise the benefits from the use of this applicationThe benefits of these types of apps are fairly obvious including:Keeping up with other people who have similar interests to your ownBuilding new friendships and maintaining old onesPutting your business out there on the web for all to seeEnabling customers from a business point of view to give feedback on your products and or services you offerThrough the use of video calling you can see in real time how people you care about are keeping and dramatically close the distance between loved ones.Select the most suitable and give your reasonsThe most suitable benefits of these types of applications are to my mind the obvious benefits to business by putting itself up for scrutiny and comment by establishing an Account on a site like Facebook . The reasons are you are enabling a massive audience to participate in the growth and brand building of you business by interacting with the cyber community.On a personal level the benefits of Facebook to friends and family separated by distance is immeasurable in keeping families in touch and up to date with each ic 3: Set up and use popular social media tools and applicationsWhen the decision has been made to setup a web presence for an individual or an organisation there are a number of steps to take:Determine the business needsIdentify the tool or application to useInitiate the tool – create a logon account and set up the preferencesEstablish the interface – this will involve adding text and media content such as images, videos, documents, mence the social networking interaction – invite people to join, link to other groups, etcTest and evaluate the toolPresent findingsThe above steps will differ depending on the type of tool or application selected.Learning activity 3a: Setup and use popular toolsFor this activity you will practise the use of a variety of social media tools including your own web site using a wiki tool. The theme for the site will be based on these exercises and your experiences/reflection. For each application you may need to create a new account or, if you are already a member, you may use an existing logon. *Hint: You may want to create a free webmail account to keep these activities separate to your personal/student email address-discuss this with your teacher.You are required to keep a journal of your online activities in this task document and record steps taken, URL’s, usernames (keep passwords private) and any other information you will need to remember to revisit the sites and use the tools. Capture screen shots at relevant points and paste these into the document.*Note: Alt+PrntScrn to capture screen shot, then place cursor at the point in the document you want the image to go and click Paste.You will search and collect some different digital media files to use in your wiki and some sample files have also been provided for use.Wiki site Create a wiki member accountConfigure the settings and create a basic profile pageCreate a new wiki suggested name: mysocialmediatools followed by your full initials ie: mysocialmediatools-ABCPermissions: Protected (free)Type: personalBrowse through the “getting started” pageGo to Manage Wiki – NotificationsEmail – notify all changesRSS Feed - track all changes Edit the home page with a basic introductionManage wiki - set the look and feel for the siteCreate a new page and upload an imageCreate a new page and embed a mapContinue to trial the different tools – add links, documents, etcComment on your experienceSo far I have really enjoyed the experience of creating my own Wiki. It is a wonderful free resource with the option of purchasing upgrades for your account if you so wish.I haven’t anywhere near pushed the limits of what can be achieved with my Wiki yet but so far it is an enjoyable learning experience.RSS While performing the following exercises look for the RSS logo and subscribe to any interesting “social media” feedsView feeds in your web browser (Internet Explorer menu, View, Explorer bars, Feeds)Comment on your experienceI find RSS feeds a good way to get ongoing info on specific topics or interests you might want to keep informed on.Social networking site logon and configure your profileupload an image update your statussearch for an interesting “social media” page and link to it Comment on your experienceI had a Facebook account and I used to take the time to upload my status and upload images of my children on the site but I found it time consuming and I already spend loads of time on the computer with gaming, work and my Tafe related activities. I think something like Facebook is an invaluable tool to keep in touch with friends and family especially if you are divided by great distance.Blog and/or microblog siteCreate an accountSearch for “social media” topic of interest and follow itMake a comment Create a new conversation and respond to any feedback Comment on your experienceI found twitter to be completely underwhelming and not very stimulating as it really is just a text based real time way of passing small comments to a person or group.Video sharing sitesSearch for “social media” videosPost a response Embed one video in your wikiUpload a video you have created or been suppliedUse keywords to tag the video and respond to any feedbackComment on your experienceI very much enjoy using You Tube and I love uploading good quality videos of my children to share with my family members who are far away.Photo sharing sitesSearch for images of “social media” Download a copyright free image and add to your wikiComment on your experienceNot much to comment really , the operation was a very simple file download and then upload to my wiki. Although the image itself did display a really good example of free advertising that is available on social networking sites for tech savy companies.Finalise Wiki site Create a new page named: ReviewFor each application trialled add a review based on your comments.Upload a copy of this completed task documentInvite people to view your site (your teacher minimum)Approve your teacher as a memberThe wiki can be deleted when unit is completedTermsAvatarA 3D character, or a 2D icon, that represents a user’s own personality for online participationCollaborationTwo or more people working together to achieve the same goalFolksonomyA system of classification derived from the practice and method of collaboratively creating and managing tags to annotate and categorize contentRSS feedReally Simple Syndication – sites that regularly update information make it available in RSS format. A user can subscribe to the feed and new updates are delivered direct to the userSocial mediaA range of web applications that facilitate information sharing, interoperability and user-centred design.Social networkingis being connected by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as common interest, financial exchange, knowledge, prestige, relationships of beliefs, personal relationshipsSocial taggingKeywords that allow links to be made between shared contentTagsA keyword or term assigned to a piece of information – it helps to describe an item and allow it to be found again by searching.User-generated contentUGC - Any media content created by the general public (amateurs) and posted online using social media tools. includes photos, blogs, design, videos & mixed mediaCopyright notice: unless otherwise specified and/or credited all images, logos and logotypes are the copyright and/or trademark of their respective owners.JISC web2practice guides are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License ................

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