SUBSTANTIATIONINTRODUCTION STATEMENT – ON COVER PAGEConfident, healthy and happy. Isn’t that how every woman wants to feel when leaving the house and starting their day? The demand for cosmetics products is higher than ever, with a recent study by ‘Cosmetics Europe’ showing 96-percent of women “cannot live without” them.1,2 In this highly competitive market, social-media (SM) has become a platform for brands to creatively connect with their current and potential customers in an intimate, casual and cost efficient way.3,4,5,6The fast-paced and oversaturated climate in the cosmetics industry has instigated a need for brands to use cosmetic marketing techniques on SM – to captivate a dense yet susceptible target-market for survival. 7,8,9,10 With Millennial and Gen Z women from ages 16 to 24 being the most emotionally impressionable and active on SM, they’re currently being targeted – and successfully so; injecting the most capital into the industry from every other age group.11,12,13,14 This begs the question, how are businesses from small start-ups to multi-million dollar companies so successful in influencing this particular target audience to buy their products through SM?THE E-MOTIONAL DEMOGRAPHIC Demand is constantly created by Millennial and Gen Z women, seeking cosmetics products that’ll make them feel more “presentable, confident and content”.15,16,17,18 According to a survey conducted by ‘Cosmetics Europe’ (2017), “76-percent of women in the 16 to 24 age-range consider cosmetics products very important to their quality of life”.19 With SM marketing targeting young women, societal pressures convincing them they should look a certain way are stronger than ever before.20,21,22,23,24 Consequently, this demographic constantly aims to achieve ‘flawless’ looks with the most suitable brands and products available – whether it be high or low maintenance, natural or glam, cruelty free or mass produced.25,26,27,28 Therefore, considering their vulnerabilities, insecurities and beliefs is essential.29,30,31,32, This is especially concerning, as young women with lowered self-esteems try modifying their bodies through cosmetics, such as makeup or invasive procedures to try and feel pretty enough, and will be easily persuaded to keep purchasing product.33,34 The same ‘Cosmetics Europe’ survey mentioned above further asserts, “80-percent of consumers identify cosmetics products as very important in building up self-esteem”, and “73-percent believe good looks give them a feeling of social acceptance, security and control over their emotions”.35 Therefore, cosmetics marketing especially on SM where young women are overexposed to advertisements and campaigns, is detrimental to their overall mental health.36,37 However extremely beneficial to the global economy, as young women are injecting the most capital into the industry.38,39 For example, the European Cosmetics Market, the largest globally, was valued at $118 billion AUD (2016), and continues to exponentially grow as SM marketing gains dominance.40 Unethical marketing is common, and manipulating this impressionable demographic to make them believe cosmetics are essential to generate profit.41,42,43 Consequently, the negative effects of marketing cosmetics have imposed society to perceive women in a particular way.44,45,46 A study conducted by Salem State University student, Bianca Debellen (2016), published in the ‘Journal of Consumer Research’, found one participant’s “sales began to increase, and this allowed her to become a more prominent person on her team.”47 Further affirming psychological ploys coupled with marketing strategies, transformed society’s perceptions and reactions to the extent of which women use cosmetics.48PSYCHOLOGICAL PLOYSThe inner-workings of the mind are the ultimate gateway for marketers to successfully target young women.49,50,51 With everyone sharing everything about their lives on SM, it’s become both a research and marketing mechanism for pushing certain products and brands to the target-market’s attention.52,53,54,55 However, for a cosmetics company to successfully captivate their target consumer’s attention, a variety of facets must be considered.56,57,58 Information such as the consumer’s interests, necessities, emotional periods and spending habits are vital to identify and understand.59,60,61,62,63 Whilst “selection, consumption and disposal processes” link their behaviors with marketing processes.64 After establishing these factors, most companies curate content calendars to form their SM marketing plan (SMMP).65,66,67 The plan is critical for startup businesses particularly, as it reinforces posting habits.68,69,70 Whilst in a wider sense, ensures psychological techniques or marketing strategies are implied to generate return on investment.71,72,73,74 Through the calendar, a theme, language and format of captions can be created to furthermore captivate the market’s attention.75,76,77,78,79 Below are the most common psychological ploys used on SM to assist in marketing to young women80,81,82,83:Unconscious-Stimuli – Within cosmetics product posts, stimuli such as; “food, sex, neurotic, art, intellect or empowerment”, can satisfy the customer’s need to fulfil or motivate certain aspects of their lives.84,85,86 If customers have a stimuli-related motivation, they commonly search for something to reduce negative emotions and relieve dissatisfaction.87,88,89Psychoanalytic-and-Psychodynamic-Theory – This construct shows that “mere exposure leads to more positive attitudes to stimuli”.90 Through regular posts using the content calendar, SM marketers can connect voluntarily or involuntarily with their target audience.91,92,93,94 Either by affirming personal qualities, or creating a desirable identity by self-promoting themselves specially in the workforce or social situations.95,96,97,98,99,100Cognitive-Dissonance – Refers to the connection between consumers doing the brand a favour and subliminally justifying this kind gesture and brand involvement (whether it be completing a poll or liking a post) with purchasing a related product. 101,102,103,104 Halo-Effect – Making perfect first impressions of otherwise controversial or suboptimal products through aesthetic posts. 105,106,107 Thus, target-market’s focus on the positives rather than the poor quality product or concerning issue. 108.109,110Compliance-and-Conformity – Research from the ‘Social Influence: Compliance and Conformity study shows, “people view behavior as correct in a given situation to the degree that we see others performing it.”111 Thus brands with larger followings and activity on their SM platforms, have more authority and trust from consumers. 112,113,114Target-Effect – Where young women specifically expect content and products to be visually appealing yet unique in design, while also inspiring or interesting. 115,116,117,118Aesthetic-Incongruity-Resolution – When stresses and emotions rise at certain periods in young consumers’ lives, more women are inclined to purchase expensive and luxury products. 119,120,121 A survey conducted by Faith Lutheran College student, Helena Radocaj (2018), states “65-percent of Australian women” do so.122 This ploy if implemented is extremely profitable, because when they purchase this type of product, it typically stands out from other possessions. 123,124 However instead of purging or returning it, consumers feel like they need to purchase more similar items to feel balanced.125MARKETING 101SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLANThe SMMP is critical in establishing then actualizing the brand identity, aesthetic and business goals. 126,127,128,129,130,131 Through ideal SM content matrices, ‘measurement and observation techniques’ and ‘consumer behavior measurements’ can be implied to market appropriately. 132,133,134‘Measurement and observation techniques’ give insight into the irrational desires, buried deep within consumers’ subconscious psyches and influencing their purchasing decisions.135 Examples are:Self-Report Measurement Tools – Surveys, attitude/personality scales 136Projective Techniques – In-depth interviews, personal journals/diaries 137Meanwhile, ‘consumer behavior’ is measured by digital applications and tools, which efficiently detect growth, engagement and retention of followers. 138,139 According to ‘Stephanie Nicole’, beauty influencer and cosmetics brand consultant, “Certain apps or programs carry out these functions algorithmically, while others attract traffic to market accordingly.”140 The most efficient algorithm-orientated programs are ‘Google Analytics’, ‘PeopleMap’ and ‘Followers+’, which:Show names of followers gained & lostOptimize the impact of contentProvide optimal posting times of day for different demographics, and;Identify and engage with ideal followers. 141, 142Throughout her career, apps which observably attract more traffic through visual aesthetics, are; ‘Enlight’, ‘PicPlayPost’, ‘Instasize’, ‘VSCO’, ‘Rhonna’, ‘WordSwag’ and ‘Videohance’.143By coupling the two, cosmetics companies can learn how to improve marketing to young women, or reaffirm their success through SMMP efficiency.144LOYALTYAchieving brand loyalty is essential in retaining customers on SM, especially since new initiatives must be implemented to ensure consumers are purchasing cosmetics through eCommerce retailers, rather than in-store. 145,146 Thus, personalizing and optimizing these new processes with reasonable pricing and outstanding customer service is essential in retaining and attaining customers’ loyalty. 147,148,149 However, according to the ‘Cross-Channel’ Marketing Report (2014), “Marketers are more focused on retention rather than acquisition, as 82-percent of companies agree retention is cheaper than acquisition.” 150“Increasing customer retention rates by just 5-percent increases profits by 25-percent to 95-percent.” 151“The probability of selling to an existing customer is 60 to 70-percent; and the probability of selling to a new prospect is 5 to 20-percent.” 152Additional loyalty tactics, involves brands engaging with their customers or SM followers.153 For example, ‘Ouai Haircare’s’ founder and CEO, Jen Atkin, admits to:Using “Punny and fun” hashtagsAsking opinions on product development through Instagram pollsAcknowledging colleagues by re-posting their content, and;Regularly supporting charities or other women in the cosmetics industry. 154Thus, SM cosmetics marketing can create a profitable “sense of community and deeper connection” with a range of target audiences. 155, 156BRAND IMAGEIn order to attract ideal prospects to their SM platform, cosmetics companies must maintain an ‘on-brand’ voice, tone, language and visual aesthetic. 157,158,159,160,161,162 Thus, adhering to their mission statement so each advertisement or campaign post can optimally impact “reviews, reputation and sales”. 163 According to the ‘Journal of Promotion Management’, “People will show more favorable attitudes and greater support towards beauty brands which maintain open and reliable relationship management strategies.”164 Therefore, broadcasting conferences and board-meetings on Facebook, and live-chats on Snapchat or Instagram stories, can increase the extent of customer self-identification with the brand. 165,166,167 By posting photos which makes their feed look aesthetically pleasing and encapsulates brand personality, the marketing can resonate with a range of market segments. 168,169,170 Emily Weiss, Founder and CEO or ‘Glossier’ cosmetics, says creating a “community united by this common interest [the brand]” through SM marketing is crucial in utilizing any platform as a billboard, thus “building [her] brand”.171 SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCERS vs CELEBritiesCurrently, SM influencers and celebrities are the most efficient vectors in marketing to a range of demographics by exemplifying brand image and ethos. 172,173,174,175,176 Although some cosmetics-brands don’t like to admit it, social media influencers are pioneering the “spreading, exchanging and consuming” of products – nowadays even more so than celebrities on social media. 177,178,179 By readily positing reviews, tutorials and commentaries on SM platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and YouTube, most readily accessed by young women, these bloggers continually change the face of the industry.180, 181,182 A survey conducted by global market researcher, ‘Mintel’, confirms, “Social media is the go-to source for discovering and learning how to use beauty and personal care products.”183 With “65-percent of young women use[ing] YouTube to learn how to create a new style or use a product,” and “56-percent of teenagers follow[ing] beauty/personal care brands on social media”, harvesting profits through their online presence can be extremely valuable.184,185 Fortunately, due to the rapidly progressing Digital and Information Ages, younger consumers in the SM-cosmetics-market are more informed and knowledgeable on ingredients and practices used when producing a product.186,187 Consequently, they have the ‘pull’ on the industry and how profitable certain products are, as their opinions and reviews cannot be monitored. 188,189,190 If reviews are negative, the publicity could be detrimental to the brand and product success. 191,192 Hence why companies are taking discrete approaches to combat this, by sponsoring or affiliating social media influencers to create hype around their products. 193,194,195 To find suitable affiliates and sponsor-worthy influencers, brands typically assess their ethical, social and cultural SM authority. 196,197,198 So influencers that promote healthy living and organic or animal-free foods, will be most suitable to advertise cosmetics which are cruelty free or vegan. 199,200 Whereas SM personalities who promote feminism, activism and humanitarianism, are more likely to influence the target-market for ethically sourced products, donating percentages of profits for certain charities. 201,202 This aids in marketing to the young Millennial and Gen Z women demographic, alongside younger or older potential markets; as majority still live with their parents at home and share products with them.203 Their objectives when purchasing these products, can be supported with a survey conducted by ‘Cosmetics Europe’. Stating the most important elements when purchasing cosmetics products for this demographic, are “87-percent quality, 86-percent efficient, 68-percent financial consideration, 52-percent socially responsible and 34-percent innovative.”204 Therefore, this marketing method avoids mistrust between the consumers and company, while being the best way to advertise cosmetics and increase revenues. 205,206,207,208,209,210Celebrities have lost allure in being tools for marketing to young women, but nonetheless are prevalent in the cosmetics industry on SM.211 A survey conducted by Salem State University student, Casey-Debellen, reveals, “89-percent of participants stated they are not influenced by celebrities for their purchasing decisions.”212 This is due to young women seeing them as a personality, rather than a peer, like an influencer. 213,214 Hence, why they are spokespeople for brands and are featured in advertisements or commercials. 215,216 They also promote products on their SM pages, which have incredibly large followings, useful for tapping into a great target-market. 217,218 For more traditional and multi-million-dollar company, such as M.A.C., they will still endorse celebrities; as their demographic are consumers who see these figures as role models. 219,220 Another means of using celebrities in cosmetics marketing on SM, is by featuring them in campaigns or advertisements. 221,222 As young women’s self-esteem typically plummets when looking at these physically attractive people – thinking their features or allure is created from the product being advertised.223 Thus, consumers begin self-referencing the product into their life, since the marketing has made them believe the product will fix their flaws and make them as attractive as the person in the advertisement. 224,225 Creating the illusion of solving a problem. 226,227 The power of this technique still proves to be effective, as a survey conducted by Radocaj states, “88-percent of respondents were influenced by celebrities in purchasing cosmetics.”228CONCLUSION Furthermore, cosmetics marketing on SM is multifaceted and only successful if a range of techniques and considerations are implied to target a specific market segment. For the most profitable segment in the industry, young women between the ages of 16 and 24, understanding behaviors online and offline, extent of knowledge, and their aesthetic or personality influences, is crucial. Basic marketing techniques as well as contemporary SM marketing constructs must also be implemented in every post, live-chat or story to optimize the impact each post has on followers and potential customers. Therefore, authentically employing these strategies when marketing cosmetics on SM to young women, will generate the most hype and revenue, thus lead to business success. _________________________1 Cosmetics Europe?2017,?CONSUMER INSIGHTS 2017,?Brussels, Belgium, accessed?14 February 2018, < Cosmetics Europe?2017,?SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY 2017,?Brussels, Belgium, accessed?14 February 2018, < />.3 Charlton, G?2015,?21 ways online retailers can improve customer retention rates,?Econsultancy, accessed?14 February 2018, < Glossier, E 2016, The Top Shelf Live, With Emily Weiss & Jen Atkin, online video, 25 April, accessed 4 April 2018, < DeBellen, B?2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’,?Salem State University,?1 December, accessed?30 March 2018, < Translate Media 2016, How the Cosmetics Industry Embraced Technology, London, accessed 27 January 2018, < Cosmetics Europe?2017,?SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY 2017,?Brussels, Belgium, accessed?14 February 2018, < />.8 Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018 ,< Translate Media 2016, How the Cosmetics Industry Embraced Technology, London, accessed 27 January 2018, < Glossier, E 2016, The Top Shelf Live, With Emily Weiss & Jen Atkin, online video, 25 April, accessed 4 April 2018, < Cosmetics Europe 2017, CONSUMER INSIGHTS 2017, Brussels, Belgium, accessed 14 February 2018, < Brennan, B 2013, Three Strategies for Marketing to Millennial Women, Forbes, accessed 30 March 2018, < D'Adamo, A 2016, Beauty Marketing to Generation Z, Women's Marketing, accessed 30 March 2018, < DeBellen, B 2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’, Salem State University, 1 December, accessed 30 March 2018, < Cosmetics Europe 2017, CONSUMER INSIGHTS 2017, Brussels, Belgium, accessed 14 February 2018, < Brennan, B 2013, Three Strategies for Marketing to Millennial Women, Forbes, accessed 30 March 2018, < D'Adamo, A 2016, Beauty Marketing to Generation Z, Women's Marketing, accessed 30 March 2018, < DeBellen, B 2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’, Salem State University, 1 December, accessed 30 March 2018, < Cosmetics Europe 2017, CONSUMER INSIGHTS 2017, Brussels, Belgium, accessed 14 February 2018, < Cosmetics Europe 2017, CONSUMER INSIGHTS 2017, Brussels, Belgium, accessed 14 February 2018, < Radocaj, H 2018, Cosmetics Industry - Efficiency of Marketing Techniques on Social Media, survey, SurveyMonkey, 24 March, accessed 27 March 2018, <;. 22 Brennan, B 2013, Three Strategies for Marketing to Millennial Women, Forbes, accessed 30 March 2018, < D'Adamo, A 2016, Beauty Marketing to Generation Z, Women's Marketing, accessed 30 March 2018, < DeBellen, B 2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’, Salem State University, 1 December, accessed 30 March 2018, < Glossier, E 2016, The Top Shelf Live, With Emily Weiss & Jen Atkin, online video, 25 April, accessed 4 April 2018, < DeBellen, B 2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’, Salem State University, 1 December, accessed 30 March 2018, < Radocaj, H 2018, Cosmetics Industry - Efficiency of Marketing Techniques on Social Media, survey, SurveyMonkey, 24 March, accessed 27 March 2018, <;. 28 Brennan, B 2013, Three Strategies for Marketing to Millennial Women, Forbes, accessed 30 March 2018, < Cosmetics Europe 2017, CONSUMER INSIGHTS 2017, Brussels, Belgium, accessed 14 February 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < Brennan, B 2013, Three Strategies for Marketing to Millennial Women, Forbes, accessed 30 March 2018, < DeBellen, B 2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’, Salem State University, 1 December, accessed 30 March 2018, < Cosmetics Europe 2017, CONSUMER INSIGHTS 2017, Brussels, Belgium, accessed 14 February 2018, < DeBellen, B 2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’, Salem State University, 1 December, accessed 30 March 2018, < Cosmetics Europe 2017, CONSUMER INSIGHTS 2017, Brussels, Belgium, accessed 14 February 2018, < Cosmetics Europe 2017, CONSUMER INSIGHTS 2017, Brussels, Belgium, accessed 14 February 2018, < DeBellen, B 2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’, Salem State University, 1 December, accessed 30 March 2018, < Cosmetics Europe 2017, SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY 2017, Brussels, Belgium, accessed 14 February 2018, < Cosmetics Europe 2017, CONSUMER INSIGHTS 2017, Brussels, Belgium, accessed 14 February 2018, < Cosmetics Europe 2017, CONSUMER INSIGHTS 2017, Brussels, Belgium, accessed 14 February 2018, < Cosmetics Europe 2017, CONSUMER INSIGHTS 2017, Brussels, Belgium, accessed 14 February 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < Rancic, M 2018, Answering Questions, Messenger, 1 April, accessed 1 April 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < Radocaj, H 2018, Cosmetics Industry - Efficiency of Marketing Techniques on Social Media, survey, SurveyMonkey, 24 March, accessed 27 March 2018, <;. 46 DeBellen, B 2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’, Salem State University, 1 December, accessed 30 March 2018, < DeBellen, B 2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’, Salem State University, 1 December, accessed 30 March 2018, < DeBellen, B 2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’, Salem State University, 1 December, accessed 30 March 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < Gorbatch, A 2016, 5 psychological tricks to use in your SMM strategy, Awario, accessed 27 January 2018, < Rancic, M 2018, Answering Questions, Messenger, 1 April, accessed 1 April 2018, < Gorbatch, A 2016, 5 psychological tricks to use in your SMM strategy, Awario, accessed 27 January 2018, < Rancic, M 2018, Answering Questions, Messenger, 1 April, accessed 1 April 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < ‘002: Instagram Growth & Effective Social Media Marketing with Jennifer Puno’ 2017, The Influencer Podcast with Julie Solomon, Podcast, iTunes, 23 April, accessed 27 January 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < Shen, B & Bissel, K 2013, ‘Social Media, Social Me: A Content Analysis of Beauty Companies’ Use of Facebook in Marketing and Branding’, Journal of Promotion Management, vol. 19, no. 5, 14 November, pp. 629-651, accessed 14 March 2018, Taylor and Francis Online, CSIRO Library Services.58 Gorbatch, A 2016, 5 psychological tricks to use in your SMM strategy, Awario, accessed 27 January 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < Charlton, G 2015, 21 ways online retailers can improve customer retention rates, Econsultancy, accessed 14 February 2018, < Kissmetrics 2014, ‘10 Tactics for Increasing Your Customer Lifetime Value and Loyalty’, Blog post, 25 March, accessed 14 February 2018, < LePage, E 2017, ‘How to Create a Social Media Marketing Plan in 6 Steps’, Blog post, 28 June, accessed 22 February 2018, < DeBellen, B 2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’, Salem State University, 1 December, accessed 30 March 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < Charlton, G 2015, 21 ways online retailers can improve customer retention rates, Econsultancy, accessed 14 February 2018, < Kissmetrics 2014, ‘10 Tactics for Increasing Your Customer Lifetime Value and Loyalty’, Blog post, 25 March, accessed 14 February 2018, < LePage, E 2017, ‘How to Create a Social Media Marketing Plan in 6 Steps’, Blog post, 28 June, accessed 22 February 2018, < Charlton, G 2015, 21 ways online retailers can improve customer retention rates, Econsultancy, accessed 14 February 2018, < Kissmetrics 2014, ‘10 Tactics for Increasing Your Customer Lifetime Value and Loyalty’, Blog post, 25 March, accessed 14 February 2018, < LePage, E 2017, ‘How to Create a Social Media Marketing Plan in 6 Steps’, Blog post, 28 June, accessed 22 February 2018, < Gorbatch, A 2016, 5 psychological tricks to use in your SMM strategy, Awario, accessed 27 January 2018, < Charlton, G 2015, 21 ways online retailers can improve customer retention rates, Econsultancy, accessed 14 February 2018, < Kissmetrics 2014, ‘10 Tactics for Increasing Your Customer Lifetime Value and Loyalty’, Blog post, 25 March, accessed 14 February 2018, < LePage, E 2017, ‘How to Create a Social Media Marketing Plan in 6 Steps’, Blog post, 28 June, accessed 22 February 2018, < Charlton, G 2015, 21 ways online retailers can improve customer retention rates, Econsultancy, accessed 14 February 2018, < Kissmetrics 2014, ‘10 Tactics for Increasing Your Customer Lifetime Value and Loyalty’, Blog post, 25 March, accessed 14 February 2018, < LePage, E 2017, ‘How to Create a Social Media Marketing Plan in 6 Steps’, Blog post, 28 June, accessed 22 February 2018, < Womenology 2013, Gender Marketing meetings: Elisabeth Tissier-Desbordes and Isabelle Ulrich, accessed 4 April 2018, < Glossier, E 2016, The Top Shelf Live, With Emily Weiss & Jen Atkin, online video, 25 April, accessed 4 April 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < Rancic, M 2018, Answering Questions, Messenger, 1 April, accessed 1 April 2018, < DeBellen, B 2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’, Salem State University, 1 December, accessed 30 March 2018, < Womenology 2013, Gender Marketing meetings: Elisabeth Tissier-Desbordes and Isabelle Ulrich, accessed 4 April 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < Rancic, M 2018, Answering Questions, Messenger, 1 April, accessed 1 April 2018, < Radocaj, H 2018, Cosmetics Industry - Efficiency of Marketing Techniques on Social Media, survey, SurveyMonkey, 24 March, accessed 27 March 2018, <;. 87 Cosmetics Europe 2017, CONSUMER INSIGHTS 2017, Brussels, Belgium, accessed 14 February 2018, < DeBellen, B 2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’, Salem State University, 1 December, accessed 30 March 2018, < Gorbatch, A 2016, 5 psychological tricks to use in your SMM strategy, Awario, accessed 27 January 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < Gorbatch, A 2016, 5 psychological tricks to use in your SMM strategy, Awario, accessed 27 January 2018, < LePage, E 2017, ‘How to Create a Social Media Marketing Plan in 6 Steps’, Blog post, 28 June, accessed 22 February 2018, < Shen, B & Bissel, K 2013, ‘Social Media, Social Me: A Content Analysis of Beauty Companies’ Use of Facebook in Marketing and Branding’, Journal of Promotion Management, vol. 19, no. 5, 14 November, pp. 629-651, accessed 14 March 2018, Taylor and Francis Online, CSIRO Library Services.94 DeBellen, B 2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’, Salem State University, 1 December, accessed 30 March 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < Cosmetics Europe 2017, CONSUMER INSIGHTS 2017, Brussels, Belgium, accessed 14 February 2018, < Gorbatch, A 2016, 5 psychological tricks to use in your SMM strategy, Awario, accessed 27 January 2018, < LePage, E 2017, ‘How to Create a Social Media Marketing Plan in 6 Steps’, Blog post, 28 June, accessed 22 February 2018, < Shen, B & Bissel, K 2013, ‘Social Media, Social Me: A Content Analysis of Beauty Companies’ Use of Facebook in Marketing and Branding’, Journal of Promotion Management, vol. 19, no. 5, 14 November, pp. 629-651, accessed 14 March 2018, Taylor and Francis Online, CSIRO Library Services.100 DeBellen, B 2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’, Salem State University, 1 December, accessed 30 March 2018, < Rancic, M 2018, Answering Questions, Messenger, 1 April, accessed 1 April 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < Gorbatch, A 2016, 5 psychological tricks to use in your SMM strategy, Awario, accessed 27 January 2018, < LePage, E 2017, ‘How to Create a Social Media Marketing Plan in 6 Steps’, Blog post, 28 June, accessed 22 February 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < Gorbatch, A 2016, 5 psychological tricks to use in your SMM strategy, Awario, accessed 27 January 2018, < LePage, E 2017, ‘How to Create a Social Media Marketing Plan in 6 Steps’, Blog post, 28 June, accessed 22 February 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < Gorbatch, A 2016, 5 psychological tricks to use in your SMM strategy, Awario, accessed 27 January 2018, < LePage, E 2017, ‘How to Create a Social Media Marketing Plan in 6 Steps’, Blog post, 28 June, accessed 22 February 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < Charlton, G 2015, 21 ways online retailers can improve customer retention rates, Econsultancy, accessed 14 February 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < Glossier, E 2016, The Top Shelf Live, With Emily Weiss & Jen Atkin, online video, 25 April, accessed 4 April 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < Rancic, M 2018, Answering Questions, Messenger, 1 April, accessed 1 April 2018, < DeBellen, B 2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’, Salem State University, 1 December, accessed 30 March 2018, < Radocaj, H 2018, Cosmetics Industry - Efficiency of Marketing Techniques on Social Media, survey, SurveyMonkey, 24 March, accessed 27 March 2018, <;. 119 Cosmetics Europe 2017, SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY 2017, Brussels, Belgium, accessed 14 February 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < Radocaj, H 2018, Cosmetics Industry - Efficiency of Marketing Techniques on Social Media, survey, SurveyMonkey, 24 March, accessed 27 March 2018, < Radocaj, H 2018, Cosmetics Industry - Efficiency of Marketing Techniques on Social Media, survey, SurveyMonkey, 24 March, accessed 27 March 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < Rancic, M 2018, Answering Questions, Messenger, 1 April, accessed 1 April 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < ‘002: Instagram Growth & Effective Social Media Marketing with Jennifer Puno’ 2017, The Influencer Podcast with Julie Solomon, Podcast, iTunes, 23 April, accessed 27 January 2018, < Charlton, G 2015, 21 ways online retailers can improve customer retention rates, Econsultancy, accessed 14 February 2018, < LePage, E 2017, ‘How to Create a Social Media Marketing Plan in 6 Steps’, Blog post, 28 June, accessed 22 February 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < Rancic, M 2018, Answering Questions, Messenger, 1 April, accessed 1 April 2018, < Glossier, E 2016, The Top Shelf Live, With Emily Weiss & Jen Atkin, online video, 25 April, accessed 4 April 2018, < ‘002: Instagram Growth & Effective Social Media Marketing with Jennifer Puno’ 2017, The Influencer Podcast with Julie Solomon, Podcast, iTunes, 23 April, accessed 27 January 2018, < Charlton, G 2015, 21 ways online retailers can improve customer retention rates, Econsultancy, accessed 14 February 2018, < LePage, E 2017, ‘How to Create a Social Media Marketing Plan in 6 Steps’, Blog post, 28 June, accessed 22 February 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < ‘002: Instagram Growth & Effective Social Media Marketing with Jennifer Puno’ 2017, The Influencer Podcast with Julie Solomon, Podcast, iTunes, 23 April, accessed 27 January 2018, < Nicole, S 2018, Year 12 Research Project Inquiry, Email, Outlook, Adelaide, SA141 Nicole, S 2018, Year 12 Research Project Inquiry, Email, Outlook, Adelaide, SA142 ‘002: Instagram Growth & Effective Social Media Marketing with Jennifer Puno’ 2017, The Influencer Podcast with Julie Solomon, Podcast, iTunes, 23 April, accessed 27 January 2018, < Nicole, S 2018, Year 12 Research Project Inquiry, Email, Outlook, Adelaide, SA144 Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < Charlton, G 2015, 21 ways online retailers can improve customer retention rates, Econsultancy, accessed 14 February 2018, < Kissmetrics 2014, ‘10 Tactics for Increasing Your Customer Lifetime Value and Loyalty’, Blog post, 25 March, accessed 14 February 2018, < Charlton, G 2015, 21 ways online retailers can improve customer retention rates, Econsultancy, accessed 14 February 2018, < Kissmetrics 2014, ‘10 Tactics for Increasing Your Customer Lifetime Value and Loyalty’, Blog post, 25 March, accessed 14 February 2018, < Glossier, E 2016, The Top Shelf Live, With Emily Weiss & Jen Atkin, online video, 25 April, accessed 4 April 2018, < LePage, E 2017, ‘How to Create a Social Media Marketing Plan in 6 Steps’, Blog post, 28 June, accessed 22 February 2018, < LePage, E 2017, ‘How to Create a Social Media Marketing Plan in 6 Steps’, Blog post, 28 June, accessed 22 February 2018, < LePage, E 2017, ‘How to Create a Social Media Marketing Plan in 6 Steps’, Blog post, 28 June, accessed 22 February 2018, < Glossier, E 2016, The Top Shelf Live, With Emily Weiss & Jen Atkin, online video, 25 April, accessed 4 April 2018, < Glossier, E 2016, The Top Shelf Live, With Emily Weiss & Jen Atkin, online video, 25 April, accessed 4 April 2018, < Glossier, E 2016, The Top Shelf Live, With Emily Weiss & Jen Atkin, online video, 25 April, accessed 4 April 2018, < LePage, E 2017, ‘How to Create a Social Media Marketing Plan in 6 Steps’, Blog post, 28 June, accessed 22 February 2018, < Gorbatch, A 2016, 5 psychological tricks to use in your SMM strategy, Awario, accessed 27 January 2018, < Charlton, G 2015, 21 ways online retailers can improve customer retention rates, Econsultancy, accessed 14 February 2018, < Kissmetrics 2014, ‘10 Tactics for Increasing Your Customer Lifetime Value and Loyalty’, Blog post, 25 March, accessed 14 February 2018, < LePage, E 2017, ‘How to Create a Social Media Marketing Plan in 6 Steps’, Blog post, 28 June, accessed 22 February 2018, < Shen, B & Bissel, K 2013, ‘Social Media, Social Me: A Content Analysis of Beauty Companies’ Use of Facebook in Marketing and Branding’, Journal of Promotion Management, vol. 19, no. 5, 14 November, pp. 629-651, accessed 14 March 2018, Taylor and Francis Online, CSIRO Library Services.162 Glossier, E 2016, The Top Shelf Live, With Emily Weiss & Jen Atkin, online video, 25 April, accessed 4 April 2018, < Shen, B & Bissel, K 2013, ‘Social Media, Social Me: A Content Analysis of Beauty Companies’ Use of Facebook in Marketing and Branding’, Journal of Promotion Management, vol. 19, no. 5, 14 November, pp. 629-651, accessed 14 March 2018, Taylor and Francis Online, CSIRO Library Services.164 DeBellen, B 2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’, Salem State University, 1 December, accessed 30 March 2018, < Shen, B & Bissel, K 2013, ‘Social Media, Social Me: A Content Analysis of Beauty Companies’ Use of Facebook in Marketing and Branding’, Journal of Promotion Management, vol. 19, no. 5, 14 November, pp. 629-651, accessed 14 March 2018, Taylor and Francis Online, CSIRO Library Services.166 Rancic, M 2018, Answering Questions, Messenger, 1 April, accessed 1 April 2018, < DeBellen, B 2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’, Salem State University, 1 December, accessed 30 March 2018, < Womenology 2013, Gender Marketing meetings: Elisabeth Tissier-Desbordes and Isabelle Ulrich, accessed 4 April 2018, < Glossier, E 2016, The Top Shelf Live, With Emily Weiss & Jen Atkin, online video, 25 April, accessed 4 April 2018, < DeBellen, B 2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’, Salem State University, 1 December, accessed 30 March 2018, < Glossier, E 2016, The Top Shelf Live, With Emily Weiss & Jen Atkin, online video, 25 April, accessed 4 April 2018, < DeBellen, B 2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’, Salem State University, 1 December, accessed 30 March 2018, < Inglorious, I 2015, M.A.C. Case Study, Issuu, accessed 30 March 2018, < Radocaj, H 2018, Cosmetics Industry - Efficiency of Marketing Techniques on Social Media, survey, SurveyMonkey, 24 March, accessed 27 March 2018, <;. 175 Nicole, S 2018, Year 12 Research Project Inquiry, Email, Outlook, Adelaide, SA176 Glossier, E 2016, The Top Shelf Live, With Emily Weiss & Jen Atkin, online video, 25 April, accessed 4 April 2018, < Glossier, E 2016, The Top Shelf Live, With Emily Weiss & Jen Atkin, online video, 25 April, accessed 4 April 2018, < DeBellen, B 2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’, Salem State University, 1 December, accessed 30 March 2018, < Brennan, B 2013, Three Strategies for Marketing to Millennial Women, Forbes, accessed 30 March 2018, < Radocaj, H 2018, Cosmetics Industry - Efficiency of Marketing Techniques on Social Media, survey, SurveyMonkey, 24 March, accessed 27 March 2018, <;. 181 DeBellen, B 2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’, Salem State University, 1 December, accessed 30 March 2018, < Shen, B & Bissel, K 2013, ‘Social Media, Social Me: A Content Analysis of Beauty Companies’ Use of Facebook in Marketing and Branding’, Journal of Promotion Management, vol. 19, no. 5, 14 November, pp. 629-651, accessed 14 March 2018, Taylor and Francis Online, CSIRO Library Services.183 Shen, B & Bissel, K 2013, ‘Social Media, Social Me: A Content Analysis of Beauty Companies’ Use of Facebook in Marketing and Branding’, Journal of Promotion Management, vol. 19, no. 5, 14 November, pp. 629-651, accessed 14 March 2018, Taylor and Francis Online, CSIRO Library Services.184 Brennan, B 2013, Three Strategies for Marketing to Millennial Women, Forbes, accessed 30 March 2018, < D'Adamo, A 2016, Beauty Marketing to Generation Z, Women's Marketing, accessed 30 March 2018, < Brennan, B 2013, Three Strategies for Marketing to Millennial Women, Forbes, accessed 30 March 2018, < D'Adamo, A 2016, Beauty Marketing to Generation Z, Women's Marketing, accessed 30 March 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < Brennan, B 2013, Three Strategies for Marketing to Millennial Women, Forbes, accessed 30 March 2018, < D'Adamo, A 2016, Beauty Marketing to Generation Z, Women's Marketing, accessed 30 March 2018, < Brennan, B 2013, Three Strategies for Marketing to Millennial Women, Forbes, accessed 30 March 2018, < D'Adamo, A 2016, Beauty Marketing to Generation Z, Women's Marketing, accessed 30 March 2018, < Shen, B & Bissel, K 2013, ‘Social Media, Social Me: A Content Analysis of Beauty Companies’ Use of Facebook in Marketing and Branding’, Journal of Promotion Management, vol. 19, no. 5, 14 November, pp. 629-651, accessed 14 March 2018, Taylor and Francis Online, CSIRO Library Services.194 Rancic, M 2018, Answering Questions, Messenger, 1 April, accessed 1 April 2018, < DeBellen, B 2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’, Salem State University, 1 December, accessed 30 March 2018, < Shen, B & Bissel, K 2013, ‘Social Media, Social Me: A Content Analysis of Beauty Companies’ Use of Facebook in Marketing and Branding’, Journal of Promotion Management, vol. 19, no. 5, 14 November, pp. 629-651, accessed 14 March 2018, Taylor and Francis Online, CSIRO Library Services.197 Brennan, B 2013, Three Strategies for Marketing to Millennial Women, Forbes, accessed 30 March 2018, < D'Adamo, A 2016, Beauty Marketing to Generation Z, Women's Marketing, accessed 30 March 2018, < Brennan, B 2013, Three Strategies for Marketing to Millennial Women, Forbes, accessed 30 March 2018, < D'Adamo, A 2016, Beauty Marketing to Generation Z, Women's Marketing, accessed 30 March 2018, < Brennan, B 2013, Three Strategies for Marketing to Millennial Women, Forbes, accessed 30 March 2018, < D'Adamo, A 2016, Beauty Marketing to Generation Z, Women's Marketing, accessed 30 March 2018, < D'Adamo, A 2016, Beauty Marketing to Generation Z, Women's Marketing, accessed 30 March 2018, < Cosmetics Europe 2017, CONSUMER INSIGHTS 2017, Brussels, Belgium, accessed 14 February 2018, < DeBellen, B 2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’, Salem State University, 1 December, accessed 30 March 2018, < Inglorious, I 2015, M.A.C. Case Study, Issuu, accessed 30 March 2018, < Radocaj, H 2018, Cosmetics Industry - Efficiency of Marketing Techniques on Social Media, survey, SurveyMonkey, 24 March, accessed 27 March 2018, <;. 208 Nicole, S 2018, Year 12 Research Project Inquiry, Email, Outlook, Adelaide, SA209 Glossier, E 2016, The Top Shelf Live, With Emily Weiss & Jen Atkin, online video, 25 April, accessed 4 April 2018, < Shen, B & Bissel, K 2013, ‘Social Media, Social Me: A Content Analysis of Beauty Companies’ Use of Facebook in Marketing and Branding’, Journal of Promotion Management, vol. 19, no. 5, 14 November, pp. 629-651, accessed 14 March 2018, Taylor and Francis Online, CSIRO Library Services.211 Inglorious, I 2015, M.A.C. Case Study, Issuu, accessed 30 March 2018, < DeBellen, B 2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’, Salem State University, 1 December, accessed 30 March 2018, < D'Adamo, A 2016, Beauty Marketing to Generation Z, Women's Marketing, accessed 30 March 2018, < Brennan, B 2013, Three Strategies for Marketing to Millennial Women, Forbes, accessed 30 March 2018, < Inglorious, I 2015, M.A.C. Case Study, Issuu, accessed 30 March 2018, < Shen, B & Bissel, K 2013, ‘Social Media, Social Me: A Content Analysis of Beauty Companies’ Use of Facebook in Marketing and Branding’, Journal of Promotion Management, vol. 19, no. 5, 14 November, pp. 629-651, accessed 14 March 2018, Taylor and Francis Online, CSIRO Library Services.217 Inglorious, I 2015, M.A.C. Case Study, Issuu, accessed 30 March 2018, < Shen, B & Bissel, K 2013, ‘Social Media, Social Me: A Content Analysis of Beauty Companies’ Use of Facebook in Marketing and Branding’, Journal of Promotion Management, vol. 19, no. 5, 14 November, pp. 629-651, accessed 14 March 2018, Taylor and Francis Online, CSIRO Library Services.219 Inglorious, I 2015, M.A.C. Case Study, Issuu, accessed 30 March 2018, < Shen, B & Bissel, K 2013, ‘Social Media, Social Me: A Content Analysis of Beauty Companies’ Use of Facebook in Marketing and Branding’, Journal of Promotion Management, vol. 19, no. 5, 14 November, pp. 629-651, accessed 14 March 2018, Taylor and Francis Online, CSIRO Library Services.221 Inglorious, I 2015, M.A.C. Case Study, Issuu, accessed 30 March 2018, < Shen, B & Bissel, K 2013, ‘Social Media, Social Me: A Content Analysis of Beauty Companies’ Use of Facebook in Marketing and Branding’, Journal of Promotion Management, vol. 19, no. 5, 14 November, pp. 629-651, accessed 14 March 2018, Taylor and Francis Online, CSIRO Library Services.223 DeBellen, B 2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’, Salem State University, 1 December, accessed 30 March 2018, < DeBellen, B 2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’, Salem State University, 1 December, accessed 30 March 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < DeBellen, B 2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’, Salem State University, 1 December, accessed 30 March 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < Radocaj, H 2018, Cosmetics Industry - Efficiency of Marketing Techniques on Social Media, survey, SurveyMonkey, 24 March, accessed 27 March 2018, <;. INTERVIEWS- Glossier, E 2016, The Top Shelf Live, With Emily Weiss & Jen Atkin, online video, 25 April, accessed 4 April 2018, < Nicole, S 2018, Year 12 Research Project Inquiry, Email, Outlook, Adelaide, SA- Rancic, M 2018, Answering Questions, Messenger, 1 April, accessed 1 April 2018, < Womenology 2013, Gender Marketing meetings: Elisabeth Tissier-Desbordes and Isabelle Ulrich, accessed 4 April 2018, < DeBellen, B 2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’, Salem State University, 1 December, accessed 30 March 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < Radocaj, H 2018, Cosmetics Industry - Efficiency of Marketing Techniques on Social Media, survey, SurveyMonkey, 24 March, accessed 27 March 2018, <;. - Shen, B & Bissel, K 2013, ‘Social Media, Social Me: A Content Analysis of Beauty Companies’ Use of Facebook in Marketing and Branding’, Journal of Promotion Management, vol. 19, no. 5, 14 November, pp. 629-651, accessed 14 March 2018, Taylor and Francis Online, CSIRO Library Services.SECONDARY SOURCES- ‘002: Instagram Growth & Effective Social Media Marketing with Jennifer Puno’ 2017, The Influencer Podcast with Julie Solomon, Podcast, iTunes, 23 April, accessed 27 January 2018, < Bowman-Busato, J 2016, Jacqueline Bowman-Busato, LinkedIn, 5 September, accessed 12 March 2018, < Brennan, B 2013, Three Strategies for Marketing to Millennial Women, Forbes, accessed 30 March 2018, < Charlton, G 2015, 21 ways online retailers can improve customer retention rates, Econsultancy, accessed 14 February 2018, < Cosmetics Europe 2018, About Us, Brussels, Belgium, accessed 12 March 2018, < Cosmetics Europe 2017, CONSUMER INSIGHTS 2017, Brussels, Belgium, accessed 14 February 2018, < Cosmetics Europe 2017, SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY 2017, Brussels, Belgium, accessed 14 February 2018, < D’Adamo, A 2016, Beauty Marketing to Generation Z, Women’s Marketing, accessed 30 March 2018, < DeBellen, B 2016, ‘Marketing Makeup: How Advertising Cosmetics Affects Consumers’, Salem State University, 1 December, accessed 30 March 2018, < Desbordes, E 2013, pers. comm., 29 August.- Gorbatch, A 2016, 5 psychological tricks to use in your SMM strategy, Awario, accessed 27 January 2018, < Inglorious, I 2015, M.A.C. Case Study, Issuu, accessed 30 March 2018, < Jacques, R 2016, Meet the YouTube Beauty Blogger Who Isn’t Afraid to be Honest, Allure, San Francisco, accessed 4 April 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Psychological Foundations of Marketing: The Keys to Consumer Behaviour, 2 edn, Rutledge, Paris, France, accessed 20 February 2018, < Kimmel, A 2018, Year 12 Research Project Inquiry, Email, Outlook, Adelaide, SA- Kissmetrics 2014, ‘10 Tactics for Increasing Your Customer Lifetime Value and Loyalty’, Blog post, 25 March, accessed 14 February 2018, < LePage, E 2017, ‘How to Create a Social Media Marketing Plan in 6 Steps’, Blog post, 28 June, accessed 22 February 2018, < Management Consulting, J 2017, Third-i bvba Overview, LinkedIn, 23 May, accessed 12 March 2018, < Shen, B & Bissel, K 2013, ‘Social Media, Social Me: A Content Analysis of Beauty Companies’ Use of Facebook in Marketing and Branding’, Journal of Promotion Management, vol. 19, no. 5, 14 November, pp. 629-651, accessed 14 March 2018, Taylor and Francis Online, CSIRO Library Services.- Translate Media 2016, How the Cosmetics Industry Embraced Technology, London, accessed 27 January 2018, <;. ................

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