MINI BLURB - University of Toronto

University of Toronto

Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program


2000 – 2001

FitzGerald Bldg., 150 College Street, Room 83D, Toronto ON M5S 3E2

Tel: 416/978-0746 Fax: 416/946-5713 E-mail:

Web site:








- Annual Student Research Day

- Human Biology Job Fair

- Summer Activities


- Medtronic Travel Award

- Bigelow Book Prize

- Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Funds (OSOTF) Award

- Life Sciences Committee Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships








- Students

- Faculty



In 1991, the Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program (CSCP) was created from a grassroots movement at the University of Toronto as an inter-Faculty/Departmental graduate training program and was approved by Governing Council and the Ontario Council on Graduate Studies. The CSCP continues to develop and expand to include a broad base of departments, institutes, and centres within the university providing our trainees with a rich, diverse experience. The CSCP also continues to develop new liaisons with other departments and faculties who express an interest in cardiovascular sciences. To that end, we would like to welcome the Department of Medical Biophysics as our newest participating department.

This year we also welcomed the opportunity to interact with the new Heart & Stroke/Richard Lewar Centre of Excellence (HSRLCE) which was established at the University of Toronto in 1998. The Centre’s primary purpose is to bring cutting edge cardiovascular research together at the University and to become an international leader. Immediate benefits to our trainees has been access to a new financial program while the HSRLCE Distinguished Visiting Professor Seminar Series has provided CSCP trainees a wonderful forum to meet and hear international scientists/clinicians. The annual Cardiovascular Scientific Day was run under the HSRLCE with Program students attending and participating in the poster session. Program faculty participated in the planning and also gave presentations. Combining the CSCP’s role in education and the HSRLCE’s role in research could provide an outstanding second to none cardiovascular initiative on campus. This relationship continues to be explored and we anticipate exciting times in the years ahead.

CSCP Student Enrolment:


It can be seen by the above graph that during the current academic year we had 23 Masters and 13 PhD trainees active in the Program. We also had a number of our trainees who completed and convocated. The PhD category was counterbalanced by new recruits while at the MSc level enrolment exceeded the convocated numbers. This is a reflection of initiatives focusing in promoting more student activities and available funding. For example, the newly created CSCP Student Committee has strived to inform and guide Program trainees. Their mandate is to enhance trainee interaction through the organization of both social and academic events and to provide trainees with the tools to make informed decisions about their graduate work. They have successfully organized several initiatives, including monthly social activities, their own course evaluations to help trainees select courses best suited to their needs, and the very successful “Student Research Day” that provides a unique blend of student and faculty involvement. We all look forward to the upcoming year with great enthusiasm as they work on some exciting new initiatives including their addition to the CSCP web site and the organization of scientific debates.

Our annual student interviews illustrated an unprecedented level of satisfaction with the Program. The increase in events targeted specifically for students resulted in more effective student participation which further elevated satisfaction with the Program. The post-graduate follow-up illustrated that once again the students have gone on to pursue either academic or research careers (see Convocated section). As part of our ongoing tradition, bound copies of each graduating student’s thesis is kept in the Program office (22 MSc and 11 PhD).

The Program’s financial base, through interest available from endowments and industry sponsorship, permitted the development of a number of financial aids to students including travel awards and bursaries. We are now better placed to provide an outstanding value added graduate training experience to those who wish to specialize in cardiovascular sciences.

The CSCP has several award programs. The Medtronic Travel Award makes it possible for students to attend scientific meetings and present their work and the OSOTF bursary provides much needed financial relief to deserving students. These funds are available on an annual basis to help those with demonstrated academic and research excellence that are in financial need. The Bigelow Book Prize is awarded to an outstanding Program student for sustained academic excellence, innovative experimental approaches, original discoveries and good scientific productivity. A plaque has been designed to commemorate this annual event and an unveiling reception is planned in the fall of 2001.

Due to their popularity, the original MSC 3060/3061 courses have now been redesigned into 4 half credit courses - approved by the School of Graduate Studies. Thus, there are now 4 courses on “Advanced Topics in Cardiovascular Sciences” for our trainees to select: MSC3060 – molecular biology and heart signal transduction; MSC3061 – hormones in the cardiovascular system; MSC3062 – heart function; and MSC3063 – vascular. Ongoing and frequent review of these courses continues to ensure that leading edge technologies and research foci are represented. This is considered critical if they are to serve as our flagship courses for our trainees. Enrolment continues to be strong in these courses and their popularity is reflected in the strong reviews by the students.

This past year we welcomed a new corporate sponsor, Solvay Pharma. The Program was pleased to be a part of a series of workshops focused on systolic hypertension that was offered to both G.P.’s, specialists and trainees. The “Cardi-Active: Systolic Hypertension Workshop” was held at the Glenn Abbey Golf Course on May 6th and at Niagara-on-the-Lake on June 13th. These were well attended and those present all felt the time well spent. It is hoped that together with Solvay a Canada-wide CME event may be created to promote the dissemination of current information on the management of systolic hypertension. A panel of experts in the field from across the country has been formed and discussions are ongoing.

Major corporate sponsors such as Bristol-Myers Squibb, Merck Frosst Canada & Co., and more recently Solvay Pharma, are to be recognised, once again, for their outstanding annual support of education in the cardiovascular sciences at the University of Toronto.

Thank you to all of our faculty and students for another successful year and to Victoria Simpson, our Business Officer, who contributes substantially to the success of the Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program.

Dr. Carin Wittnich


Associate Professor of Surgery & Physiology


“The Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program, approved by the University and Ontario Council on Graduate Studies in 1991, and listed in the calendar of the School of Graduate Studies, exists to give formal, organized expression to cardiovascular studies and research at the graduate level. It builds on the strengths of all participating academic units, and other agencies, to enhance the visibility of cardiovascular studies and to facilitate collaborative, interdisciplinary training and research.”

The above mission is achieved by advertising and promoting the importance of, and opportunities in, cardiovascular studies, by making known the results of such studies, by recruitment of excellent students, and by coordinating the graduate collaborative program in cooperation with the academic units in which they are registered. Students in this collaborative program must fulfill the requirements of their home units as well as the Program. Upon graduation the notation “Specialization in Cardiovascular Sciences” will appear on the student’s academic transcript and the Program will present the student with a certificate and gift.


Faculty: Medicine

Physical Education and Health

Clinical: Department of Anaesthesia

Department of Medicine

Department of Surgery

Graduate: Department of Biochemistry

Department of Community Health

Department of Exercise Sciences

Department of Medical Biophysics

Department of Pharmacology

Department of Physiology

Department of Rehabilitation Science

Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering

Institute of Medical Science

Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology


The Executive Committee consists of a representative from each collaborating department as well as two student representatives.

Dr. C. Wittnich (Director)

Dr. M. Plyley (Exercise Science)

Dr. M. Rabinovitch (Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology)

Dr. D.H. Osmond (Physiology)

Dr. R.D. Weisel (Institute of Medical Science)

Dr. R.I. Ogilvie (Pharmacology)

Dr. M. Ojha (Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering)

Dr. D. Cheng (Anaesthesia)

Dr. S. Thomas (Rehabilitation Science)

Dr. G. Wright (Medical Biophysics)

Karim Bandali (Sr. Student Representative)

Michelle Batthish (Jr. Student Representative)


BME1448H Cardiovascular Fluid Mechanics (BME)

EXS5508H Cardiovascular Disease and Exercise (EXS)

JEB1365H Ultrasound: Theory and Applications in Biology and Medicine (BME)

JTC1331H Biomaterials Science (BME)

LMP1015H Vascular Pathobiology (LMP)

LMP1504H Biochemistry, Molecular Biology of Cardiovascular Diseases (LMP)

MSC3060H* Advanced Topics in Cardiovascular Sciences – Molecular Biology & Heart Signal

Transduction (IMS)

MSC3061H* Advanced Topics in Cardiovascular Sciences – Hormones in the Cardiovascular

System (IMS)

MSC3062H* Advanced Topics in Cardiovascular Sciences – Heart Function (IMS)

MSC3063H* Advanced Topics in Cardiovascular Sciences – Vascular (IMS)

PSL1029H Advanced Course in Cardiovascular Regulation (PSL)

PSL1038H Volume, Electrolyte and Pressure Regulation in Body Fluid Compartments (PSL)

PSL1060H Developmental Cardiovascular Physiology (PSL)

PSL1462H Molecular Aspects of Cardiac Function (PSL)

* Core Courses for PhD Trainees

Suggested Courses

LMP1404S Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Disease (LMP)

PSL1052H Fundamentals on Ion Channel Function (PSL)


Annual Student Research Day

On Wednesday, February 28, 2001, the Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program held its 2nd Annual Student Research Day in the Medical Sciences Bldg. This was a fun filled day that was attended by CSCP trainees and faculty. Trainees began the day by giving a ten minute talk related to their research, followed by a question/answer period as below.

SESSION I: Chair – Michelle Batthish

Renee Suen (MSc – Institute of Medical Science)

“Role of endothelian-1 in accelerated atherosclerosis and aneurysm formation”

Liz Yang (PhD – Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology)

“Conditional cardiac overexpression of human endothelin-1 in transgenic mice”

Sarah McCutcheon (MSc – Rehabilitation)

“The effects of interval training on the fitness and performance of elite level ballet dancers”

Peter Papageorgiou (MSc – Physiology)

“A new paradigm for cardiovascular regulation: Rapid method for purification of coagulation beta-FXIIa”

Jennifer Sarjeant (MSc – Institute of Medical Science)

“Apolipoprotein D and cell proliferation”

Sandra Merklinger (MSc – Institute of Medical Science)

“Pathogenesis of pulmonary vascular disease”

Anjum Khan (MSc – Institute of Medical Science)

“Elastase activity in pacing induced canine heart failure model”

Neelesh Jain (MSc – Institute of Medical Science)

“Atherosclerosis: The role of hemodynamic forces and the NF-kB signal transduction pathway”

SESSION II: Chair – Saeid Babaei

Nesime Askin (MSc – Physiology)

“Gender differences in skeletal muscle lactate accumulation during early ischemia”

Akis Amfilochiadis (MSc – Physiology)

“A new paradigm for cardiovascular regulation: Peptides that mediate the effects of coagulation beta-FXIIa”

Nataly Kogan (MSc – Physiology)

“A new paradigm for cardiovascular regulation: Involvement of coagulation beta FXIIa, peptides, and metalloproteases”

Warren Foltz (PhD – Medical Biophysics)

“MR oximetry for ischemic heart disease”

Zakaria Ahmed (PhD – Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology)

“Characterization of phosphatidylcholine products during peroxidation of HDL by peroxynitrite”

Nikolaos Mamalias (MSc – Institute of Medical Science)

“Barium modulates the effects of dofetilide and sotalol on defibrillation threshold and cardiac refractoriness in isolated rabbit hearts”

Saeid Babaei (PhD – Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology)

“Role of nitric oxide in bFGF-induced angiogenesis”

Tommaso Gori (MSc – Institute of Medical Science)

“The effects of nitroglycerin on endothelial function”

In the afternoon trainees were given valuable advice from Professors Colin Bayliss and Daniel Osmond who also shared with the students how they began their research/academic careers. This session was followed by a discussion period in which students had an opportunity to discuss the trials and tribulations of living a life devoted to education and research with these highly respected and successful scientists. The day concluded with a wine and cheese reception where students and faculty mixed and mingled, after which most of the students continued their interactions at a student planned social event.

The Student Research Day met with resounding success. This day would not have been possible without the efforts of the Planning Committee: Karim Bandali and Michelle Batthish (Co-Chairs) and Saeid Babaei, Nesime Askin, and Nathalie Lapointe (Members). Congratulations on a job well done!

Lecture Series

For this academic year the lecture series was focused in the two main areas of “Heart Function” and “Vascular”. A number of interesting speakers contributed their time and knowledge. Both these areas were covered from the perspective of whole body and organ to the molecular level including genetics, with a particular emphasis on bridging basic science and clinical approaches to these areas.

Human Biology Student Union Career Fair

The Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program was contacted by the Human Biology Undergraduate Student Association to participate in their Career Fair on November 30, 2000. Various graduate programs had displays and the Collaborative Program manned a booth and provided information to interested future graduate students.

Summer Activities

The Collaborative Program ran another very successful summer program. Applicants included undergraduate and medical school students from the University of Toronto as well as other universities. The Program provided a number of summer scholarships to help students who were unable to procure funding. Over the course of the summer, seminars were presented by graduate students currently enrolled in the Program and covered a range of topics with both clinical and basic science relevance. As well, the summer students were given the opportunity to present their summer work. An “end-of-summer” luncheon was held for both faculty and students.

This highly successful program is enjoyed by all who participate.


Medtronic Travel Award

Two competitions were held (spring and fall) for the Medtronic Travel Award. This award, established in 1995, helps to defray costs of travel for Program students presenting their research work at recognized scientific meetings. Students supported by this award this academic year were:

Fall 2000:

Michelle Batthish: Protein Kinase C Preconditioning Requires Chloride Channel Activation in Rabbit Ventricular Myocytes. Canadian Cardiovascular Congress 2000 (Supervisor: Dr. Greg Wilson, Physiology)

Karim Bandali: Does Chronic Hypoxia Affect Glucose Transport in Neonatal Hearts? Canadian Cardiovascular Congress 2000 (Supervisor: Dr. C. Wittnich, Physiology)

Spring 2001:

Saeid Babaei: Apoptosis and Angiogenesis/Endothelial Function/Blood Vessel Organization. Keystone Symposia on “Angiogenesis and Chronic Diseases”, April 2001 (Supervisor: Dr. D. Stewart, Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology)

Nikolaos Mamalias: Barium (IK1 Blocker) Modulates State Dependent IKr Block by Dofetilide and Sotalol in Isolated Rabbit Hearts. National Student Research Forum, April 2001 (Supervisor: Dr. Paul Dorian, Institute of Medical Science)

Bigelow Book Prize

The Bigelow Book Prize consists of 2 books written by Dr. W.G. Bigelow entitled “Cold Hearts” and “Mysterious Heparin”. This prize was established in 1995 by the Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program to recognize and honor a pioneer clinician and scientist in the field of cardiovascular sciences. Awardees should exemplify the personal traits of Dr. Bigelow -- curiosity, drive, and scientific integrity. The award is given in every year that a qualified student is identified. Qualifications include sustained academic scientific excellence, innovative experimental approaches, original discoveries and good scientific productivity. Some weight is given to work that has recognizable clinical relevance, especially that which promises to improve patient care.

1995 – Dr. John S. Ikonomidis

1996 – Ms. Shona M. Torrance

1997 – Dr. Vivek Rao

1998 – Dr. Bryce Cowan

1999 – Dr. Gideon Cohen

2000 – Dr. Michael Borger

2001 – Dr. Saeid Babaei

Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Funds (OSOTF) Award

The OSOTF award refers to a class of awards that have resulted from the Ontario government’s “matching” program. Under the program every dollar of donation received for student assistance has been matched by the government as well as the university on a dollar-for-dollar basis. The Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program participates in this program. There are two major conditions for all OSOTF awards; recipients must be Ontario residents and demonstrate financial need. However, the Program has additional eligibility criteria that must be adhered to, including excellence in science and academic performance. One competition is held per academic year.

The applications are handled centrally through the Office of the Associate Dean, Inter-Faculty and Graduate Affairs. Applications pertaining to the CSCP are sent to us and are then adjudicated by a subcommittee; chaired by Dr. D. Cheng. Committee recommendations are then forwarded to the OSOTF Awards Committee (Faculty of Medicine) where the final decision is made. Of this years’ eligible submissions, all were deemed meritorious and the awards were allocated equitably to the winners as follows:

Spring 2001 Competition

Karim Bandali, PhD, Dept. of Physiology

Jack Wallen, PhD, Dept. of Physiology

Nesime Askin, MSc, Dept. of Physiology

Life Sciences Committee Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships

These fellowships are awarded to support research at the University of Toronto to assist undergraduate students seeking training for graduate level research. Funds were awarded to the Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program for 7 undergraduate trainees. All candidates put forward by the Program were awarded funding.


The Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program’s web site underwent a complete facelift this past year. First and foremost, we simplified our web address to The site is updated regularly; including at faculty renewal, whenever relevant changes occur and when we are notified. Collaborating departments are encouraged to provide hypertext links to the Collaborative Program on their web site.

The Program distributes brochures at the various campus activities and the collaborating departments are encouraged to have links with the CSCP’s web site and distribute brochures.


Faculty are divided into 3 categories (Full, Associate, and Affiliate) depending on their SGS status.

FULL: L. Adamson, K. Adeli, P. Backx, C.E. Bayliss, M. Bendeck, D. Bradley, F. Coceani, J. Coles, P. Connelly, C.R. Ethier, J.S. Floras, C. Forrest, S. Fremes, J.M. Goodman, A.I. Gotlieb, K.W. Johnston, P.G. Kalman, F. Keeley, B.L. Langille, G.F. Lewis, R-K. Li, C-C. Liew, P. Liu, M. Locke, P. McLaughlin, D.A.G. Mickle, L. Mickleborough, M. Ojha, D.H. Osmond, T. Parker, M.J. Plyley, M. Rabinovitch, M. Rand, J-L Rouleau, M. Sefton, I. Sherman, A.S. Slutsky, M.J. Sole, G. Steiner, D.E. Stewart, D.J. Stewart, B. Strauss, S.G. Thomas, R.D. Weisel, G. Wilson, C. Wittnich, G. Wright, T-W. Wu, E.L. Yeo

ASSOCIATE: D. Brooks, D. Courtman, P. Dorian, L.S. Goodman, M. Husain, J. Irvine, T. Lindsay, J. Parker, N.A. Shaikh, R. Tsushima, R. Wald

AFFILIATE: J. Butany, D. Cheng, C.M. Feindel, J. Fisher, P. Murphy, R.I. Ogilvie, L. Schwartz

RETIRED: U. Ackermann, Professor Emeritus


Student Supervisor Degree Department

Zakaria Ahmed P. Connelly PhD LMP

Akis Amfilochiadis D. Osmond MSc Physiology

Nesime Askin C. Wittnich MSc Physiology

Saeid Babaei D. Stewart PhD LMP

Karim Bandali C. Wittnich PhD Physiology

Andrew Campbell D. Stewart PhD IMS

Paul Fedak R. Weisel PhD IMS

Warren Foltz G. Wright PhD Medical Biophysics

Tommaso Gori J. Parker MSc IMS

Sloane Hechter P. Liu MSc IMS

Neelesh Jain K.W. Johnston MSc IMS

Anjum Khan B. Strauss MSc IMS

Nataly Kogan D. Osmond MSc Physiology

Shathiyah Kulandavelu L. Adamson MSc Physiology

Nathalie Lapointe J. Rouleau PhD IMS

Negin Liaghati-Nasseri S. Fremes MSc IMS

Nikolaos Mamalias P. Dorian MSc IMS

Sarah McCutcheon S. Thomas MSc Rehab. Science

Sandra Merklinger M. Rabinovitch MSc IMS

Vaska Micevski D. Stewart PhD IMS

Peter Papageorgiou D. Osmond MSc Physiology

Sonja Reichert J. Goodman MSc Exercise Science

Sheila Riazi A. Hinek MSc IMS

Jennifer Sarjeant M. Rabinovitch MSc IMS

Damir Simic A. Hinek MSc LMP

Renee Suen D. Stewart MSc IMS

Shona Torrance C. Wittnich PhD IMS

Jack Wallen C. Wittnich PhD Physiology

Li Yang D. Stewart PhD LMP


Michelle Batthish, MSc, Dept. of Physiology (Supervisor, Dr. G. Wilson) has been accepted into medical school at the University of Toronto

Cathy Boscarino, MSc, Dept. of Physiology (Supervisor, Dr. C. Wittnich) currently working in a research laboratory

Michael Borger, PhD, Institute of Medical Science (Supervisor, Dr. R. Weisel) currently doing a Fellowship and has been accepted on staff in the Division of Cardiac Surgery at the Toronto General Hospital

Gideon Cohen, PhD, Institute of Medical Science (Supervisor, Dr. R. Weisel) currently doing a Fellowship in Pennsylvania

Sonia Katyal, MSc, Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine (Supervisor, Dr. S. Thomas) doing clinical research at Mount Sinai Hospital and Baycrest

Christie Lee, MSc, Institute of Medical Science (Supervisor, Dr. P. Liu) has been accepted into medical school at the University of Toronto

Tony Lee, MSc, Institute of Medical Science (Supervisor, Dr. D. Stewart) has been accepted into medical school at the University of Toronto


Nesime Askin Ontario Graduate Scholarship in Science & Technology (OGSST), Government of Ontario/Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario

Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund (OSOTF) Award, Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program, University of Toronto

The Lorne Phenix Graduate Award, Heart & Stroke/Richard Lewar Centre of Excellence

Saeid Babaei Wilfred G. Bigelow Book Prize, Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program, University of Toronto, 2001

Karim Bandali National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC-PGSB) Scholarship

Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund (OSOTF) Award, Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program, University of Toronto

Poster Award, Cardiovascular Sciences Scientific Day, University of Toronto

Michelle Batthish Department of Physiology, University of Toronto, Scholarship

Medtronic Travel Award, Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program, University of Toronto

John D. Hepburn Award, Department of Physiology, University of Toronto

Michael Borger Chisholm Memorial Fellowship, University of Toronto

First Prize, Gallie Bateman Day, Department of Surgery, University of Toronto

Honourable Mention, J.C. Laidlaw Competition, Institute of Medical Science, University of Toronto

Warren Foltz Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada Research Traineeship, University of Toronto

Tommaso Gori Young Investigator Award, American College of Cardiology

Merit Award, Institute of Medical Science, University of Toronto

Young Investigator Award (3rd Prize), International Conference on Nitrate Therapy, Dusseldorf, Germany

Neelesh Jain Physicians’ Services Incorporate Grant

S. Kulandavelu Life Science Award, Department of Physiology, University of Toronto

Poster Presentation (3rd Prize), Cardiovascular Sciences Scientific Day, Heart & Stroke/Richard Lewar Centre of Excellence

Nathalie Lapointe FRSQ (Fonds de la recherche en sante du Quebec) Fellowship

Sonja Reichert Student Scholarship, Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation

Sheila Riazi Open Fellowship, Institute of Medical Science, University of Toronto

Damir Simic Life Sciences Award, University of Toronto

Dutkevich Travel Award, ASCB Meeting, San Francisco

Pfizer Canada Award for best MSc Oral Presentation, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology Research Day, University of Toronto

Open Fellowship, University of Toronto

Jack Wallen Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Funds (OSOTF) Award, University of Toronto

Medical Research Council/K.M. Hunter Doctoral Research Award

Ontario Graduate Scholarship, Ontario Ministry of Education and Training, Awarded and Declined

Liz Yang Dutkevich Travel Award

The Lorne Phenix Graduate Award, Heart & Stroke/Richard Lewar Centre of Excellence

Ontario Graduate Scholarship in Science & Technology (OGSST) Government of Ontario/Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario


For the 2001-2002 academic year, we plan to continue our current activities and pursue the following priorities:

1. Further develop the student section in the Program’s web site.

2. Target recruitment of PhD students.

3. Continue developing endowments to provide permanent infrastructure support.

4. Further develop CME programs in cardiovascular sciences.

5. Firm up a 5-year plan for the program.

6. Recruit clinical residents doing 1-2 years of research into a formal graduate program where



Ahmed Z, Ravandi A, Maguire G, Kuksis A, Connelly PE: Unsaturated phosphatidylcholine in high density lipoprotein is more sensitive to peroxynitrite compared to low density lipoprotein. FASEB, 2001;14(8):956.

Ahmed Z, Ravandi A, Maguire, G, Emili A, Draganov D, La Du BN, Kuksis A, Connelly PW: Apolipoprotein A-I promotes the formation of phosphatidylcholine core aldehydes that are hydrolyzed by paraoxonase (PON-1) during high density lipoprotein oxidation with a peroxynitrite donor. J Biol Chem, 2001;276:24473-24481.

Rao V, Borger MA, Weisel RD, Ivanov J, Christakis GT, Cohen G, Yau TM: Insulin Cardioplegia Trial (ICT) Investigators: Insulin cardioplegia for elective coronary bypass surgery. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2000;119:1176-84.

Yau TM, Borger MA, Weisel RD, Ivanov J: The changing pattern of reoperative coronary surgery: Trends in 1230 consecutive reoperations. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2000;120:156-63.

Abrahamov D, Tamariz MG, Fremes SE, Guru V, Borger MA, Christakis GT, Bhatnagar G, Sever J, Goldman BS: Trends in coronary artery bypass surgery results: A recent, nine-year study. Ann Thorac Surg, 2000;70:84-90.

Ivanov J, Borger MA, David TE, Cohen G, Walton N, Naylor CD: Predictive accuracy study: Comparing a statistical model to clinicians’estimates of outcomes after coronary bypass surgery. Ann Thorac Surg, 2000;70:162-168.

Borger MA, Rao V, Weisel RD, Yau TM: Reoperative coronary bypass surgery: Effects of patent grafts and retrograde cardioplegia. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2001;121:83-90.

Rao V, Feindel CM, Cohen G, Borger MA, Ross HJ, Weisel RD: Effects of metabolic stimulation on cardiac allograft recovery. Ann Thorac Surg, 2001;71:219-225.

Borger MA, Peniston CM, Weisel RD, et al: Neuropsychological impairment post-coronary bypass surgery: effect of gaseous emboli during perfusionist interventions. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2001;121:743-749.

Hynninen M, Borger MA, Rao V, Weisel RD, Christakis GT, Carroll JA, Cheng DCH: The effect of insulin cardioplegia on atrial fibrillation after high-risk coronary bypass surgery: A double-blinded, randomized, controlled trial. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 2001;92:810-816.

Borger MA, Ivanov J, Weisel RD, Rao V, Peniston CM: Stroke during coronary bypass surgery; principal role of cerebral macroemboli. Eur J Cardiothor Surg, 2001;19:627-632.

Rao V, Ivanov J, Weisel RD, Cohen G, Borger MA, Mickle DAG: Lactate release during reperfusion predicts low cardiac output syndrome after coronary bypass surgery. Ann Thorac Surg, 2001;71:1925-1930.

Gori T, Parker JD: Abnormalities in nitric oxide synthase function induced by nitroglycerin treatment. JACC, 2001;2(Suppl A):413.

Ricci D, Gori T, Donati G, Schurfeld K, Forconi S: Embolizing mobile thrombus associated with prolapse and mixoid degeneration of the mitral valve. Int’l J Cardiol, 2000;74(4):239-240.

Blais Jr C, Lapointe N, Rouleau JL, Clement R, Gervais N, Geadah D, Adam A: Effects of the vasopeptidase inhibitor omapatrilat on cardiac endogenous kinins in rats with acute myocardial infarction. Peptides, 2001;22:953-962.

Wallen WJ, Cserti C, Belanger MP, Wittnich C: Gender differences in myocardial adaptation to afterload in normotensive and hypertensive rats. Hypertension, 2000;36:774-779.


Abbey SE, Stewart DE: Gender and psychosomatic aspects of ischemic heart disease. J Psychosom Res, 2000;48:417-423.

Ahmad F, Stewart DE, Cameron JI, Hyman I: Rural physician’s perspectives on cervical and breast cancer screening: A gender-based analysis. J Women’s Health & Gender Based Med, 2001;10:201-208.

Ahmed Z, Ravandi A, Maguire GF, Emili A, Draganov D, LaDu BN, Kuksis A, Connelly PW: Apolipoprotein A-I promotes the formation of phosphatidylcholine core aldehydes that are hydrolyzed by paraoxonase (PON-1) during high density lipoprotein oxidation with a peroxynitrite donor. J Biol Chem, 2001;276:24473-24481.

Aikawa Y, Rohde L, Greaves SC, Menapace F, Arnold M, Rouleau JL, et al: Regional wall stress predicts ventricular remodeling after nteroseptal myocardial infarction in the Healing and Early Afterload Reducing Trial (HEART): an echocardiography-based structural analysis. Am Heart J, 2001;141:234-242.

Akins R, Sefton MV: Tissue engineering the human heart. New Surgery, 2001;1:26-32.

Babaei S, Picard P, Ravandi A, Monge JC, Lee T, Cernacek P, Stewart DJ: Blockade of endothelin receptors markedly reduces atherosclerosis in LDL receptor deficient mice: Role of endothelin in macrophage foam cell formation. Cardiovasc Res, 2000;48:158-167.

Babensee JE, Sefton MV: Viability of HEMA-MMA microencapsulated model hepatoma cells in rats and the host response. Tissue Eng, 2000;6:165-182.

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Blais Jr C, Lapointe N, Rouleau JL, Clement R, Gervais N, Geadah D, Adam A: Effects of vasopeptidase inhibitor omapatrilat on cardiac endogenous kinins in rats with acute myocardial infarction. Peptides, 2001;21:953-62.

Blais Jr. C, Marceau F, Rouleau JL, Adam A: The kallikrein-kininogen-kinin system : lessons from the quantification of endogenous kinins. Peptides, 2000;21:1903-1940.

Blanchette VS, Johnson J, Rand ML: The management of alloimmune neonatal thrombocytopenia. IN: Bailliere’s Best Practice & Research in Clinical Haematology. Ed. Lilleyman J. Paediatric Haematology, 2000,13:364-390.

Borger MA, Ivanov J, Weisel RD, Rao V, Peniston CM: Stroke during coronary bypass surgery: principal role of atherosclerotic macroemboli. Euro J Cardiothorac Surg, 2001;19:627-632.

Borger MA, Peniston CM, Weisel RD, Vasiliou M, Green RE, Feindel CM: Neuropsychologic impairment after coronary bypass surgery: effect of gas microemboli during perfusionist interventions. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2001;14:743-749.

Borger MA, Rao V, Weisel RD, Floh AA, Cohen G, Feindel CM, Scully HE, Mickleborough LL, Yau TM: Reoperative coronary bypass surgery: effect of patent grafts and retrograde cardioplegia. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2001;121:83-90.

Bradley TD, Hall MJ, Ando S, Floras JS: Hemodynamic effects of simulated obstructive apneas in subjects with and without heart failure. Chest, 2001;119:1827-1835.

Bradley TD, Logan AG, Floras JS, for the CANPAP Investigators: Rationale and design of the Canadian Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Trial for patients with congestive heart failure and central sleep apnea-the CANPAP Trial. Can J Cardiol, 2001;17:677-684.

Branigan M, Stewart DE, Tardif GS, Veltman A: Perceptions of primary health care services among persons with physical disabilities. Part II-Quality Issues. Med Gen Med, April, 2001.

Brooks D, Crowe J, Kelsey CJ, Lacy JB, Parsons J, Solway S: A clinical practice guideline in peri-operative cardiorespiratory physical therapy. Physiotherapy Canada 2001;53:9-25.

Brophy JM, Joseph L, Rouleau JL: Beta-blockers in congestive heart failure. A Bayesian meta-analysis. Ann Intern Med, 2001;134:550-560.

Cardella JA, Keshavjee S, Mourgeon, Cassivi SD, Fischer S, Isowa N, Slutsky AS, Liu M: A novel cell culture model for studying ischemia-reperfusion injury in lung transplantation. J App Physiology, 2000;89(4):1553-1560.

Carmini V, Damignani R, Brooks D, Graveline C: Preoperative physiotherapy teaching in paediatric cardiac patients. Physiotherapy Canada, 2000;52:312-314.

Cassivi SD, Liu M, Boehler A...Slutsky AS, Keshavjee SH: Transplant immunosuppression increases and prolongs transgene expression following adenoviral-mediated transfection of rat lungs. J Heart Lung Trans, 2000;19(10):984-994.

Cavic BA, Freedman J, Morel Z, Mody M, Rand ML, Stone DC, Thompson M: Blood platelet adhesion to surface-attached protein studied by on-line acoustic wave sensor. The Analyst, 2001;126:342-348.

Cheng DCH: Anesthetic techniques and early extubation: does it matter? J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth, 2000;14:627-630.

Cheng DCH: Economic issues in immediate extubation and fast track cardiac anesthesia. Current Anesthesiology Reports, 2000;2:245-250.

Cheng DCH, Newman M, Duke P, Wong W, et al: Efficacy and resource utilization of remifentanil and fentanyl in fast track CABG surgery: a prospective randomized double-blind controlled multicenter trial. Anesth Analg, 2001;92:1094-1102.

(Accompanied by an editorial – Coriat P, Beaussier M. Fast-tracking after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Anesth Analg, 2001;92:1081-1983.)

Cheng DCH: Safety and efficacy of o-raffinose cross-linked human hemoglobin in cardiac surgery. Can J Anesth, 2001;48:S41-S48.

Chiodo AA, Gur E, Pang CY, Neligan PC, Boyd JB, Binhammer PM, Forrest CR: The pig fibula bone flap model: Effect of segmental osteotomies and internal fixation on blood flow. Plastic Reconstructive Surg, 2000;105:1004-1012.

Cohn JN, and International Forum on Cardiac Remodeling: Cardiac remodeling – Concepts and clinical implications: A consensus paper from an International Forum on Cardiac Remodeling. J Am Coll Cardiol, 2000;35:569-82.

Courtman DW, Errett BF, Wilson GJ: The role of cross-linking in modification of the immune response elecited against xenogenic vascular acellular matrices. J Biomed Mat Res, 2001;55(4):576-586.

Cunningham CH, Stainsby JA, Wright GA, Wood ML: Partial discrete fourier transform (PDFT) multiband encoding, Mag Res Med, 2001;45:118-127.

Cybulsky MI, Iiyama K, Li H, Zhu S, Chen M, Iiyama M, Davis V, Gutierrez-Ramos J-C, Connelly PW, Milstone DS: A major role for VCAM-1, but not ICAM-1, in early atherosclerosis. J Clin Invest, 2001;107:1255-1262.

Cyr M, Eastlund T, Blais Jr C, Rouleau JL, Adam A: Bradykynin metabolism and hypotensive transfusion reactions. Transfusion, 2001;41:136-150.

Cyr M, Lepage Y, Blais Jr C, Gervais N, Cugno M, Rouleau JL, Adam A: The bradykinin (BK) – des-ARG9-BK metabolic pathway and the kinetic of activation of human plasma. Am J Physiol, 2001;281:H275-83.

Dalfen AK, Stewart DE : Who develops serious or fatal adverse drug reactions to SSRIs? Can J Psychiatry, 2001;46 :258-262.

David TE, Ivanov J, Armstrong S, Feindel CM, Cohen G : Late results of heart valve replacement with the Hancock II bioprosthesis. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2001;121(2) :268-277.

De Voll JR, Goodman L: Nanomachines and aerospace medicine. Aviat Space Environ Med, 2001;72:498-499.

Dean JA, Blanchette VS, Carcao MD... Rand ML: von Willebrand disease in a pediatric-based population: Comparison of type 1 diagnostic criteria and use of the PFA-100® and a von Willebrand factor-collagen-binding assay. Thromb Haemost, 2000;84:401-409.

Degousee, Borregaard N, Marshall J, Lindsay TF: Identification of group V phospholipase A, in human neutrophils. Surgical Forum, 2000;II:243-45.

Dell DL, Chen H, Ahmad F, Stewart DE: Knowledge about human papillomavirus among adolescents. Obstet Gynecol, 2000;96:653-656.

Dell D, Stewart DE: Menopause and mood. Postgraduate Med, 2000;108:34-43.

Dias B, Graba J, Siu S, Rouleau JL, Yau T, Butany J: Papillary muscle rupture complicating an acute myocardial infarction. Can J Cardiol, 2001;17(6):722-723.

Djaiani GN, Ali M, Heinrich L, Bruce J, Carroll J, Karski J, Cusimano RJ, Cheng DCH: Ultra-fast track anesthetic technique facilitates operating room extubation in patients undergoing off-pump coronary revascularization surgery. J Cardiothoracic Vasc Anesth, 2001;15:152-157.

Dos Santos CC, Slutsky AS: Invited Review: Mechanisms of ventilator-induced lung injury: a perspective. J App Physiology, 2000;89(4):1645-1655.

Dowd NP, Karski JM, Cheng DCH, et al: Cognitive recovery and resource utilization following fast track cardiac anesthesia for CABG surgery in the elderly: propofol versus benzodiazepines. Br J Anesth, 2001;86:68-76.

Dumoulin J, Adam A, Rouleau JL, Lamontagne D: Comparison of a vasopeptidase inhibitor with neutral endopeptidase and an enzyme inhibitor on bradykinin metabolism in the rat coronary bed. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol, 2001;37:359-66.

Fanella S, Harris SB, Young TK, Hanley AJ, Zinman B, Connelly PW, Hegele RA: Association between PON1 L/M55 polymorphism and plasma lipoproteins in two Canadian aboriginal populations. Clin Chem Lab Med, 2000;38:413-420.

Farkas LG, Forrest CR, Litsas L: Revision of neoclasical facial canons in young adult Afro-Americans. Aesthetic Plastic Surg, 2000;24:179-184.

Farkas LG, Forrest CR, Phillips JH: Comparison of the morphology of the “cleft face” and the normal face: Defining the anthropometric differences. J Craniofacial Surg, 2000;11:76-82.

Feindel CM: Medical legal issues in allogeneic blood transfusion. Can J Anaesthesia, 2001;48(Suppl 4):S2-5.

Feng M, Sefton MV: Hydroxyethyl methacrylate – methyl methacrylate (HEMA-MMA) copolymers for cell microencapsulation: Effect of HEMA purity. J Biomat Sci Polymer, 2000;11:537-545.

Ferreira I, Brooks D, Lacasse Y, Goldstein R: Nutritional intervention in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a systematic review of nutritional supplementation in COPD. Chest, 2001;119:353-363.

Ferreira IM, Brooks D, Lacasse Y, Goldstein RS: Nutritional support for individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A meta-analysis. Airways Group, Cochrane Library, Issue 3, 2000.

Fischer S, MacLean AA, Liu M, Cardella JA, Slutsky AS, Suga M, Moreira JF, Keshavjee S: Dynamic changes in apoptotic and necrotic cell death correlate with severity of ischemia-reperfusion injury in lung transplantation. Am J Resp and Crit Care Med, 2000;162(5):1932-1939.

Floras JS: Arterial baroreceptor and cardiopulmonary reflex control of sympathetic outflow in human heart failure. IN: Neuro-cardiovascular regulation from molecules to man. Eds. Chapleau MW, Abboud FM. Ann New York Acad Sci, 2001;940:500-513.

Floras JS, Meneilly GS: Insulin-mediated blood flow and glucose uptake. Can J Cardiology, 2001;17:7A-10A.

Fredriksen PM, Therrien J, Veldtman G, Warsi MA, Liu PP, Siu S, Williams WG, Granton J, Webb GD: Lung function and aerobic capacity in adult patients following modified Fontan procedure. Heart, 2001;85:295-299.

Fredriksen PM, Veldtman G, Hechter S, Therrien J, Chen A, Warsi MA, Freeman M, Liu P, Siu S, Thaulow E, Webb G: Aerobic capacity in adults with various congenital heart diseases. Am J Cardiol, 2001;87(3):310-4.

Fremes SE, Tamariz MG, Abromov D, Christakis GT, Sever JY, Sykora K, Goldman BS, Feindel CMS, Lichtenstein SV: Late Results of the Warm Heart Trial – The influence of nonfatal cardiac events on late survival. Circulation, 2000;102(Supp II):339-345.

Gatzoulis MA, Elliott JT, Guru V, Siu SC, Warsi MA, Webb GD, Williams WG, Liu P, McLaughlin PR: Right and left ventricular systolic function late after repair of tetralogy of Fallot. Am J Cardiol, 2000;86:1352-1357.

Gatzoulis MA, Walters J, McLaughlin PR, Merchant N, Webb GD, Liu P: Late arrhythmias in adults with Mustard procedure for transposition of the great arteries: A surrogate marker for right ventricular dysfunction. Heart, 2000;84:409-15.

Gibbons RJ, Miller DD, Liu P, Guo P, Brooks MM, Schwaiger M: Similarity of ventricular function in patients alive 5 years after randomization to surgery or angioplasty in the BARI trial. Circulation, 2001;103(8):1076-82.

Girgrah N, Liu P, Collier J, Blendis L, Wong F: Haemodynamic, renal sodium handling, and neurohormonal effects of acute administration of low dose losartan, an angiotensin II receptor antagonist, in preascitic cirrhosis. Gut, 2000;46:114-120.

Goodman JM, McLaughlin PR, Liu PP: Left ventricular performance during prolonged exercise: absence of systolic dysfunction. Clin Science, 2001;100:529-37.

Goodman L, Handley P, Herzenberg C: Perturbation of carotid sinus transmural pressure during the push-pull tilting maneuver. Aviat Space Environ Med, 2001;72(3):247.

Granger CB, Ertl G, Kuch J, Maggioni AP, McMurray J, Rouleau JL, et al: Randomized trial of candesartan cilexetil in the treatment of patients with congestive heart failure and a history of intolerance to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. Am Heart J, 2000;139:609-617.

Guy RA, Maguire GF, Crandall, Connelly PW, Kain KC: Characterization of peroxynitrite-oxidized low density lipoprotein binding to human CD36. Atherosclerosis, 2001;155:19-28.

Hanley AJG, McKeown-Eyssen G, Harris SB, Hegele RA, Wolever TMS, Kwan J, Connelly PW, Zinman B: Cross-sectional and prospective associations between proinsulin and cardiovascular disease risk factors in a population experiencing rapid cultural transition. Diabetes Care, 2001;24:1240-1247.

Havranek EP, Lapuerta P, Simon TA, L’Italien G, Block AJ, Rouleau JL: A health status score predicts cardiac events in patients with heart failure: Results from the IMPRESS trial. J Card Failure, 2001;7(2):153-157.

Hechter SJ, Fredriksen PM, Liu P, Veldtman G, Merchant N, Freeman M, Therrien J, Benson L, Siu S, Webb G: Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in adults after the Mustard procedure. Am J Cardiol, 2001;87:660-3.

Hegele RA, Cao H, Harris SB, Hanley AJ, Zinman B, Connelly PW: The private hepatocyte nuclear factor-1 alpha G319S variant is associated with plasma lipoprotein variation in Canadian Oji-Cree. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 2000;20:217-222.

Hegele RA, Wang J, Harris SB, Brunt JH, Young TK, Hanley AJ, Zinman B, Connelly PW, Anderson CM: Variable association between genetic variation in the CYP7 gene promoter and plasma lipoproteins in three Canadian populations. Atherosclerosis, 2001;154:579-587.

Herzenberg, Goodman L, Handley P: Effect of aging on heart rate responses to push-pull tilting maneuver. Aviat Space Environ Med, 2001;72(3):248.

Hew Y, Grzelczak Z, Lau C, Keeley FW: Identification of a GA-rich sequence as a protein-binding site in the 3’UTR of chicken elastin mRNA with a potential role in the developmental regulation of elastin mRNA stability. J Biological Chem, 2000;275:24857-64.

Hinek A, Smith A, Cutiongco EM, Callahan JW, Weksberg R: Decreased elastin deposition and high proliferation of fibroblasts from Costello syndrome are related to functional deficiency in the 67-kDa elastin binding protein. Amer J Hum Genet, 2000;66 (3):859-872.

Hinek A, Wilson S: Impaired elastogenesis in hurler disease, dermatan sulfate accumulation linked to deficiency in elastin binding protein and elastic fiber assembly. Am J Pathol, 2000;56(3):925-938.

Hinek A, Zhang S, Smith A, Callahan JW: Impaired elastic fiber assembly by fibroblasts from patients with Morquio B disease and infantile GM1-gangliosidosis is linked to deficiency in the 67-kD spliced variant of ß-galactosidase. Amer J Hum Genet, 2000;67(1):23-36.

HOPE Study Investigators. Effects of ramipril on cardiovascular and microvascular outcomes in people with diabetes mellitus: results of the HOPE study and MICRO-HOPE substudy. Lancet, 2000;355:253-259.

Hopper RA, Forrest CR, Xu H, et al: Role and mechanism of PKC in ischemic preconditioning of pig skeletal muscle against infarction. Am J Physiol Regul Inegr Comp Physiol, 2000;279:R666-676.

Hopper RA, Zhang JR, Fornasier VL, Morova-Protzner I, Protzner K, Pang CY, Forrest CR: Effect of isolation of periosteum and dura on the healing of rabbit calvarial inlay bone grafts. Plastic and Reconstructive Surg, 2001;107:454-462.

Hornberger LK, Singhroy S, Cavelle-Garrido T, Tsang W, Keeley FW, Rabinovitch M: Synthesis of extracellular matrix and adhesion through (1 integrins are critical for fetal ventricular myocyte proliferation. Circ Res, 2000;87:508-515.

Hou G, Vogel W, Bendeck MP: The discoidin domain-receptor tyrosine kinase DDR1 in arterial wound repair. J Clin Investigation, 2001;107:727-735. (Feature Article for “In This Issue Series”.)

Howie MB, Cheng DCH, Newman MF, et al: A randomized double-blinded multicenter comparison of remifentanil and fentanyl for early extubation in CABG surgery: perioperative hemodynamic. Anesth Analg, 2001;92:1084-1093.

(Accompanied by an editorial – Coriat P, Beaussier M. Fast-tracking after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Anesth Analg, 2001;92:1081-1083.)

Hyman I, Guruge S, Ahmad F, Stewart DE: Primary prevention of violence against women. Women’s Health Issues, 2000;10:288-293.

Hynninen M, Borger MA, Rao V, Weisel RD, Christakis GT, Carroll JA, Cheng DC: The effect of insulin cardioplegia on atrial fibrillation after high-risk coronary bypass surgery: a double-blinded, randomized, controlled trial. Anesth Analg, 2001;92:810-816.

Hynninen MS, Cheng DCH, Hossain I, et al: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in treatment of postoperative pain after cardiac surgery. Can J Anesth, 2000;47:1182-1187.

Imai Y, Slutsky AS: Ventilator-induced lung injury: Damage beyond the lung (a review). Clin Int Care, 2000;11(4):177-185.

Jenkins DJ, Kendall CW, Popovich DG, Vidgen E, et al...Connelly PW: Effect of a very-high-fiber vegetable, fruit, and nut diet on serum lipids and colonic function. Metabolism, 2001;50:494-503.

Jenkins DJA, Kendall CW, Vidgen E, Mehling CC, Parker T, et al...Connelly PW, Leiter LA, Vuksan V, Josse R: The effect on serum lipids and oxidized low-density lipoprotein of supplementing self-selected low-fat diets with soluble-fiber, soy, and vegetable protein foods. Metabolism, 2000;49:67-72.

Kaazempur-Mofrad MR, Ethier CR: Mass transport in an anatomically realistic human right coronary artery. Ann Biomed Eng, 2001;29:121-127.

Keith ME, Jeejeebhoy KN, Langer A, Kurian R, Barr A, O’Kelly B, Sole MJ: A controlled clinical trial of vitamin E supplementation in patients with congestive cardiac failure. Am J Clin Nutr, 2001;73:219-224.

Kinlough-Rathbone RL, Perry DW, Rand ML, Packham MA: Responses to aggregating agents after cleavage of GP1b of human platelets by the O-sialoglycoprotein endoprotease from Pasteurella haemolytica. Possible surrogates for Bernard-Soulier platelets? Thromb Res, 2000;99:165-172.

Kubo T, Ando S, Picton P, Atchison DJ, Notarius CF, Pollard MJ, Abramson BL, Floras JS: Atrial natriuretic peptide augments the variability of sympathetic nerve activity in human heart failure. J Hypertension, 2001;19:619-626.

Kuliszewski MA, Sandhu R, Kutryk MJB, Fitchett D, Stewart DJ: DNA integrity and transgene expression after passage through the NOGA needle catheter used for therapeutic myocardial angiogenesis. J Cardiovasc Intervent, 2000;3:167-172.

Lacasse Y, Ferreira I, Brooks D, Newman T, Goldstein R: Worldwide management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease through clinical practice guidelines. Arch Int Med, 2001;161:69-74.

Lahooti S, Sefton MV: Agarose enhances the viability of intraperitoneally implanted microencapsulated L929 fibroblasts. Cell Transpl, 2000;9:785-796.

Lahooti S, Sefton MV: Effect of an immobilization matrix and capsule membrane permeability on the viability of encapsulated HEK cells. Biomaterials, 2000;21:987-995.

Lahooti S, Sefton MV: Microencapsulation of normal and transfected L929 fibroblasts in a HEMA-MMA copolymer. Tissue Eng, 2000;6:139-149.

Langman L, Ray J, Yeo EL, Cole D: Hyperhomocysteinemia and the increased risk of venous thromboembolism: More evidence from a case control study. Arch Int Med, 2000;160:961-964.

Leask RL, Johnston KW, Ojha M: In vitro hemodynamic evaluation of a Simon Nitinol vena cava filter: possible explanation for IVC occlusion. J Vasc & Interventional Radiol, 2001;12:613-618.

Lee DK, Cheng R, Nguyen T, Fan T, Kariyawasam KPAP, Liu Y, Osmond DH, George S, O’Dowd BF: Characterization of Apelin, the ligand for the APJ receptor. J Neurochem, 2000;74:34-41.

Lee DSY, Dorian P, Downar E, Burns M, Yeo EL, et al: Thrombogenicity of radiofrequency ablation procedures: What factors influence thrombin generation? Europace, 2001;3:195-200.

Lee TC, Zhao YD, Courtman DW, Stewart DJ: Abnormal aortic valve development in mice lacking endothelial nitric oxide synthase. Circulation, 2000;101:2345-2348.

Lindsay TF, Rubin BB, Klein L, Shahani R: Interleukin-10 inhibits tumor necrosis factor alpha and decreases fluid requirements but does not attenuate pulmonary or intestinal injury in a rat model of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. Surgical Forum, 2000;L1:392-94.

Liu P, Aitken K, Kong YY, Opavsky MA, Martino T, et al: The tyrosine kinase p56lck is essential in coxsackievirus B3-mediated heart disease. Nature Med, 2000;6:429-434.

Liu PP, Opavsky MA: Viral myocarditis: Receptors that bridge that immune with the cardiovascular systems. Circ Res, 2000;86:253-254.

Lussier-Cacan S, Bolduc A, Xhignesse M, Niyonsenga T, Connelly PW, Sing CF: Impact of age and body size on inter-individual variation in measures of lipid metabolism: influence of gender and apolipoprotein E genotype. Clin Genet, 2000;57:35-47.

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Mahinpey N, Ojha M, Johnston KW, Trass O: Electrochemical mass transfer measurements in a Y-bufurcation model. Can Jr Chem Engin, 2000;78:902-907.

Mailis A, Umana M, Feindel CM: Anterior intercostal nerve damage after coronary artery bypass graft surgery with use of internal thoracic artery graft. Ann Thorac Surg, 2000;69(5):1455-1458.

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Marshall J, Krump E, Lindsay TF, Downey G, Rubin BB: Involvement of cystolic phospholipase A2 and secretory phospholipase A2 in arachidonic acid release from human neutrophils. J Immunology, 2000;2084-91.

Martino T, Petric M, Weingartl H, et al, Gauntt CJ, Liu PP: The coxsackie-adenovirus receptor (CAR) is used by reference strains and clinical isolates representing all 6 serotypes of coxsackievirus group B, and by swine vescicular disease virus. J Virol, 2000;271:99-108.

Mazzotta D, Stewart DE, Atanackovic G, Koren G, Magee LA: Psychosocial morbidity among women with nausea and vomiting of pregnancy: Prevalence and association with anti-emetic therapy. J Psychosom Obstet Gynecol, 2000;21:129-136.

Mazzotta P, Stewart DE, Koren G, Magee LA: Factors associated with elective termination of pregnancy among Canadian and American women with nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol, 2001;22:7-12.

McGuinness C... Steiner G, DAIS Project Group (Sole MJ): Laboratory standardization of a large international clinical trial: the DAIS experience. Clin Biochemistry, 2000;33(1):15-24.

McKeown KJ, Challis JRG, Small C, Adamson L, et al: Altered fetal pituitary-adrenal function in the ovine fetus treated with RU486 and meloxicam, an inhibitor of prostaglandin synthase-II. Biology of Reproduction, 2000;63:1899-1904.

Meade MO, Guyatt GH, Cook RJ...Slutsky AS, Stewart TE: Agreement between alternative classifications of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Am J Resp and Crit Care Med, 2001;163(2):490-493.

Meana M, Stewart DE: Pain: Adding to the affective burden, IN: Mood Disorders in Women. Eds: Steiner M, Yonkers K, Eriksson E, Martin Dunitz. London, 2000;469-484.

Meneilly GS, Battistini B, Floras JS: Contrasting effects of L-arginine on insulin-mediated blood flow and glucose disposal in the elderly. Metabolism, 2001;50:194-199.

Meneilly GS, Elliott T, Battistini B, Floras JS: N(G(-Monomethyl-L-Arginine alters insulin-mediated blood flow but not glucose disposal in the elderly. Metabolism, 2001;50:306-310.

Mickleborough LL: Is mitrial valvuloplasty always indicated in patients with poor left ventricular ischemic cardiomyopathy? J thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2001;121(1):97. Editorial

Mickleborough LL, Carson S, Ivanov J: Repair of dyskinetic or akinetic left ventricular aneurysm: Results obtained with a modified linear closure. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2001;121(4):675-682.

Miner SE, Hegele RA, Sparkes J, Teitel JM, Bowman KA, Connelly PW, Banijamali H, Lau HK, Chisholm RJ, Babaei S, Strauss BH: Homocysteine, lipoprotein(a), and restenosis after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty: A prospective study. Am Heart J, 2000;140(2):272-278.

Moe GW, Rouleau JL, Charbonneau L, Proulx G, Arnold MD, de Champlain J, Hall C, Sirois P, Packer M, on behalf of the Canadian PROFILE investigators: Neurohormonal activation by flosequinan contributes to increased mortality in patients with severe heart failure. Am Heart J, 2000;139:587-595.

Morroco A, Stewart DE: We’ve come a long way, maybe: Recruitment of women and analysis of results by sex in clinical research. J Women’s Health & Gender Based Med, 2000;10:175-179.

Mourgeon E, Isowa N, Keshavjee S, Zhang X, Slutsky AS, Liu M: Mechanical stretch stimulates macrophage inflammatory protein-2 secretion from fetal rat lung cells. Am J Physiol – Lung Cell and Molecular Phsyiol, 2000;279(4):L699-L706.

Murphy DB, Cregg N, Tremblay L, Engelberts D, Laffey JG, Slutsky AS, Romaschin A, Kavanagh BP: Adverse ventilatory strategy causes pulmonary-to-systemic translocation of endotoxin. Am J Respir and Crit Care Med, 2000;162(1):27-33.

Myers JG, Moore JA, Ojha M, Johnston KW, Ethier CR: Factors influencing blood flow patterns in the human right coronary artery. Ann Biomed Engin, 2001;29:109-120.

Nag S, Picard P, Stewart DJ: Expression of nitric oxide synthases and nitrotyrosine during blood-brain barrier breakdown and repair following cold injury. Lab Investigation, 2001;81:1-41.

Nguyen QT, Colombo F, Rouleau JL, Dupuis J, Calderone A: EndothelinA receptor blockade did not reverse pulmonary artery remodeling or lung fibrosis in the rat model of myocardial infarction. Br J of Pharmacol, 2000;130:1525-1530.

Notarius CF, Atchison DJ, Floras JS: Impact of heart failure and exercise capacity on sympathetic responses to handgrip exercise. Am J Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 2001;280:H969-H976.

Ojha M, Leask R, David T, Johnston KW, Butany J: Histology and morphology of 59 thoracic artery grafts and their distal anastomoses. Ann Thorac Surg, 2000;70:1338-1344.

Osmond DH: Don’t underestimate skunks. Can Beekeeping, 2000;21(10):224-226.

Packer M, Coats AJS, Fowler MB, Katus HA, Krum H, Mohacsi P, Rouleau JL, et al: Effect of carvedilol on the survival of patients with severe chronic heart failure. N Eng J of Med, 2001;344:1651-1658.

Pang CY, Xu H, Huan N, Forrect CR, Perreault, Neligan PC: Amplification effect and mechanism of action of ET-1 in U46619-induced vasoconstriction in pig skin. Am J Physiol, 2001;280:R713-720.

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Ralley FE, Day F, Cheng DCH: Pro: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be routinely administered for postoperative analgesia after cardiac surgery. J Cardiothoracic Vasc Anesth, 2000;14:731-734.

Rand ML, Murray RK: Plasma proteins, immunoglobulins, and blood coagulation. IN: Harper’s Biochemistry (25th Edition). Eds: Murray RK, Granner DK, Mayes PA, Rodwell VW. Appleton & Lange, Stamford, Connecticut, 2000:737-762.

Ranieri VM, Zhang H, Mascia L...Slutsky AS: Pressure-time curve predicts minimally injurious ventilatory strategy in an isolated rat lung model. Anesthesiology, 2000;93(5):1320-1328.

Rao V, Borger MA, Weisel RD, Ivano J, Christakis GT, Cohen G, Yau TM, for the Insulin Cardioplegia Trial Investigators: Insulin cardioplegia for elective coronary bypass surgery. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2000;119:1176-1184.

Rao V, Feindel CM, Cohen G, Borger MA, Ross HJ, Weisel RD: Effects of metabolic stimulation on cardiac allograft recovery. Ann Thorac Surg, 2001;71:219-225.

Rao V, Ivanov J, Weisel RD, Cohen G, Borger MA, Mickle DAG: Lactate release during reperfusion predicts low cardiac output syndrome after coronary bypass surgery. Ann Thorac Surg, 2001;71:1925-1930.

Rashid S, Uffelman K, Barrett P, Vicini P, Adeli K, Lewis G: Triglyceride enrichment of HDL does not alter HDL-selective cholesteryl ester clearance in rabbits. J Lipid Res, 2001;42:265-271.

Ray JG, Langman L, Vermeulen MJ, Evrovski J, Yeo EL, Cole DEC, GUTTSI (Genetics University of Tornto Thrombophilia Study in Women): Genetic and other risk factors for venous thromboembolism in women. Curr Controlled Trials in Cardiovasc Med, 2001;2(3):141-149.

Ray JG, Mamdani M, Tsuyuki RT, Anderson DR, Yeo EL, Laupacis A: Use of statins and the subsequent development of deep vein thrombosis. Arch Int Med, 2001;161:1405-1410.

Reddy PP, Barrieras DJ, Wilson G, Bagli DJ, McLorie GA, Khoury AE, Merguerian PA: Regeneration of functional bladder substitutes using large segment (>40 cm2) acellular matrix allografts in a porcine model: long term results. J Urol, 2000;164(3):936-941. Pt 2 of 2.

Ribeiro SP, Rhee K, Tremblay L, Veldhuizen R, Lewis JF, Slutsky AS: Heat stress attenuates ventilator-induced lung dysfunction in an ex vivo rat lung model. Am J Resp and Crit Care Med, 2001;163(3):1451-1456.

Ritvo P, Robinson GE, Matlow R... Stewart DE: Psychological adjustment to familial genetic risk assessment. Patient Education and Counselling, 2000;40(2):163-172.

Robinson GE, Stewart DE: Postpartum psychiatric disorders. IN: Psychological Aspects of Women’s Health Care: The Interface Between Psychiatry and Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2nd Edition. Eds: Stewart DE, Stotland N. APPI, Washington DC, 2001:117-140.

Robson P, Wright GM, Keeley FW: Distinct non-collagen based cartilages comprising the endoskeleton of the atlantic hagfish, Myxine glutinosa. Anatomy and Embryology, 2000;202:281-290. (cover article)

Robson P, Wright GM, Youson JH, Keeley FW: The structure and organization of lamprin genes. Multiple copy genes with alternative splicing and convergent evolution with insect structural proteins. Mol Biol and Evol, 2000;17:1739-1752.

Rongen GA, Lenders JWM, Smits P, Floras JS: Comparison of two indices for forearm noradrenaline release in humans. Clinical Science, 2000;99:363-369.

Rouleau JL, Pfeffer MA, Stewart DJ, Isaac D, Sestier F, et al: Comparison of the vasopeptidase inhibitor omapatrilat and the ACE inhibitor lisinopril on exercise tolerance and morbidity in patients with heart failure, the IMPRESS trial. Lancet, 2000;356:615-620.

Sakai T, Li R-K, Weisel RD, Mickle DAG, Kim EJ, Jia Z-Q, Yau MT: The fate of a tissue engineered cardiac graft in the right ventricular outflow tract. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2001;121:932-942.

Sanchez R, MacKenzie A, Nguyen TD, Stewart DJ, Mercier I, Calderone A, Thorin E: Etb-mediated regulation of preproendothelin-1 Mrna expression endothelin-1 content and release in cultured procine aorta endothelial cell. Br J Pharmacol, 2000;129:3-10.

Sarjeant J, Yau TM, Li R-K, Weisel RD, Mickle DAG: Cell therapy for ventricular dysfunction. Cardiovascular Review and Reports, 2000;21:287-292.

Sasaki T, Irie-Sasaki J, Aitken K, Opavsky A, Smith D, Iscove N, Liu PP, Penninger J: CD45 is a JAK phosphatase and negatively regulates cytokine receptor signaling. Nature, 2001;409:349-354.

Schaubel D, Stewart DE, Morrison HI, et al: Sex inequality in kidney transplantation rates. Arch Intern Med, 2000;160:2349-2354.

Sefton MV, Gemmell CH, Gorbet MB: What really is blood compatibility. J Biomat Sci Polymer Edn, 2001;11:1165-1182.

Sefton MV, May MH, Lahooti S, Babensee JE: Making microencapsulation work: Conformal coating, immobilization gels and in vivo performance. J Control Rel, 2000;65:173-186.

Sefton MV: Perspective on hemocompatibility testing. J Biomed Mater Res, 2001;55:445-446.

Sefton MV, Sawyer A, Gorget M, et al: Does surface chemistry affect thrombogenicity of surface modified polymers? J Biomed Mater Res, 2001;55:447-459.

Shahani R, Klein L, Rubin B, Lindsay TF: Hemorrhage induced alpha-adrenergic signaling results in myocardial TNF-alpha and contractile dysfunction. Am J Physiol, 2001.

Shneck ZM, Irvine J, Stewart DE, Abbey S: Psychosocial factors in ischemic heart disease. Health Psychol, 2001;20:141-145.

Silkoff PE, McClean P, Spino M, Erlich L, Slutsky AS, Zamel N: Dose-response relationship and reproducibility of the fall in exhaled nitric oxide after inhaled beclomethasone dipropionate therapy in asthma patients. Chest, 2001;119(5):1322-1328.

Silverman, Sommer LZ, Robicsek A, Dickstein J, Greenberg A, Kruger J, Rucker J, Volgyesi G, Fisher JA, Iscoe S: Tracheal constrictor drive above the apneic threshold in anesthetized dogs. J Appl Physiol, 2000;89(6):2258-2262.

Slutsky AS: Basic science in ventilator-induced lung injury: Implications for the bedside (Editorial). Am J Resp and Crit Care Med, 2001;163:599-600.

Slutsky AS, Ranieri VM: Mechanical ventilation: Lessons from the ARDSNet trial. Respiratory Res, 2000;1:73-77.

Smith PJW, Ornatsky O, Stewart DJ, Picard P, Dawood F, Wen WH, Liu PP, Webb DJ, Monge JC: Effects of estrogen replacement on infarct size, cardiac remodeling, and the endothelin system after myocardial infarction in ovariectomized rats. Circulation, 2000;102:2983-2989.

Sole MJ, Jeejeebhoy KN: Conditioned nutritional requirements and the pathogenesis and treatment of myocardial failure. Current Opinion in Clin Nutrition & Metabolic Care, 2000;3:417-424.

Solomon SD, Glynn RJ. Greaves S, Ajani U, Rouleau JL, Menapace F, Arnold MO, Hennekens C, Pfeffer MA: Recovery of ventricular function following myocardial infarction in the reperfusion era: The Healing and Early Afterload Reducing Therapy (H.E.A.R.T.) Study. Ann Intern Med, 2001;134:451-458.

Solway S, Brooks D, Lacasse Y, Thomas S: A qualitative systematic overview of the measurement properties of functional walk tests used in the cardiorespiratory domain. Chest, 2001;119:256-270.

Steiner G, DAIS Project Group (Sole MJ): Effect of fenofibrate on progression of coronary artery disease in type 2 diabetes: the Diabetes Atherosclerosis Intervention Study, a randomized study. The Lancet, 2001;357:905-910.

Steiner M, Stewart DE, et al: Fluoxetine’s efficacy in improving physical symptoms associated with premenstrual dysphoric disorders. Br J Obstets Gynecol, 2001;108:462-468.

Stewart DE: Antidepressant drugs in pregnancy and lactation. Int Clin Psychopharm, 2000;15:S19-S24.

Stewart DE, Cheung AM, Duff S, et al: Attributions of cause and recurrence in long term breast cancer survivors. Psycho-Oncology, 2001;10:179-183.

Stewart DE, Cheung AM, Duff S, et al: Long term breast cancer survivors: Confidentiality, disclosure, effects on work and insurance. Psycho-Oncology, 2001;10:259-263.

Stewart DE: The interface between psychiatry and obstetrics and gynecology. IN: Psychological Aspects of Women’s Health Care: The Interface Between Psychiatry and Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2nd Edition. Eds: Stotland NL, Stewart DE. American Psychiatric Press, Inc. (APPI), Washington DC, 2001:1-12.

Stewart DE, Robinson GE: Psychotropic drugs and ECT in pregnancy and lactation. IN: Psychological Aspects of Women’s Health Care: The Interface Between Psychiatry and Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2nd Edition. Eds: Stotland NL, Stewart DE. American Psychiatric Press, Inc. (APPI), Washington DC, 2001:67-94.

Stewart DE, Robinson GE: Reproduction and eating disorders. IN: Psychological Aspects of Women’s Health Care: The Interface Between Psychiatry and Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2nd Edition. Eds: Stotland NL, Stewart DE. American Psychiatric Press, Inc. (APPI), Washington DC, 2001:441-456.

Stewart DE: Women and selective seretonin receptor inhibitor antidepressants in the real world. Medscape Women’s Health, 2001;6(3).

Stewart DE: Women’s health in context. IN: Pakistani Women’s Health Monograph, 2000.

Stewart DJ, Zhao YD: Endothelin-1 and pulmonary hypertension. IN: Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology 152, Endothelin and Its Inhibitors. Eds: Timothy D. Warner. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, New York, 2001.

Suskin N, McKelvie RS, Burns RJ, Latini R, Pericak D, Probstfield J, Rouleau JL, et al: Glucose and insulin abnormalities relate to functional capacity in patients with congestive heart failure. Eur Heart J, 2000;21:1368-1373.

Taghibiglou C, Carpentier A, Rudy D, Aiton A, Lewis G, Adeli K: Mechanisms of VLDL-apoB overproduction in insulin resistance: Evidence for enhanced lipoprotein assumbly, reduced apoB degradation and increased microsomal triglyceride transfer protein in a fructose-fed hamster model. J Biol Chem, 2000;275:8416-8425.

Taghibiglou C, Rudy D, Aiton A, Adeli K: Intracellular mechanisms regulating apoB-containing lipoprotein assembly and secretion in primary hamster hepatocytes. J Lipid Res, 2000;41:499-513.

Teichert-Kulisewska K, Maisonpierre PC, Jones N, Campbell AIM, Master Z, Bendeck MP, Alitalo K, Dumont DJ, Yancopoulus GD, Stewart DJ: Biological action of angiopoietin-2 in a fibrin matrix model of angiogenesis is associated with activation of Tie2. Cardiovascular Res, 2001;49:659-670.

The HOPE Study Investigators. Effects of an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, ramipril, on death from cardiovascular causes, myocardial infarction, and stroke in high-risk patients. N Engl J Med, 2000;342:145-153.

The HOPE Study Investigators. Effects of long-term vitamin E supplementation on cardiovascular events in 9541 high-risk persons. N Engl J Med, 2000;342:154-160.

Theriault A, Wang Q, Chen B, Van Iderstine S, Adeli K: Modulation of hepatic lipoprotein synthesis and secretion by Taxifolin, a plant flavanoid. J Lipid Res, 2000;41:1969-1979.

Therrien J, Siu SC, McLaughlin PR, Liu PP, Williams WG, Webb GD: Pulmonary valve replacement in adults late after repair of tetralogy of fallot: are we operating too late? J Am Coll Cardiol, 2000;36:1670-1675.

Tkacova R, Dajani HR, Rankin F, Fitzgerald FS, Floras JS: Continuous positive airway pressure improves nocturnal baroreflex sensitivity in patients with obstructive sleep apnea and heart failure. J Hypertension, 2000;18:1257-1262.

Veldhuizen RA, Slutsky AS, Joseph M, McCaig L: Effects of mechanical ventilation of isolated mouse lungs on surfactant and inflammatory cytokines. Eur Resp J, 2001;17(3):488-494.

Veldhuizen RAW, Tremblay LN, et al...Slutsky AS: Pulmonary surfactant is altered during mechanical ventilation of isolated rat lung. Crit Care Med, 2000;28(7):2545-2551.

Veltman A, Stewart DE, Tardif GS, Branigan M: Perceptions of primary healthcare services among persons with physical disabilities. Part I-Access Issues, Med Gen Med, April, 2001.

Verma S, Lovren F, Dumont AS...Stewart DJ, Triggle CR, Anderson T: Endothelin receptor blockade improves endothelial function in human internal mammary arteries. Cardiovasc Res, 2001;49:146-151.

Verma S, Yao L, Stewart DJ, Anderson TJ, McNeill JH: Endothelin antagonisms uncovers insulin-mediated vasorelaxation in-vitro and in-vivo. Hypertension, 2001;37:328-333.

Vesely A, Sasano H, Volgyesi G, Somogyi R, et al...Fisher JA, Mikulis D: MRI mapping of cerebrovascular reactivity using square wave changes in end tidal PCO2. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine(CPA), 2001;45(6):1011-1013.

Vicente KJ, Ethier CR: Why fluid dynamics matters for display design in process control: Commentary on bennett and malek. Human Factors, 2000;42:451-454. (Invited)

Villar J, Mendez S, Slutsky AS: Critical care medicine in the 21st century: From CPR to PCR. Critical Care, 2001;5(3):125-130.

Volgyesi GA, Tremblay LN, Webster P, Zamel N, Slutsky AS: A new ventilator for monitoring lung mechanics in small animals. J App Physiol, 2000;89(2):413-421.

Wallen WJ, Cserti C, Belanger MP, Wittnich C: Gender differences in myocardial adaptation to afterload in normotensive and hypertensive rats. Hypertension, 2000;36:774-779.

Wang J, Burnett JR, Near S, Young K, Zinman B, Hanley AJ, Connelly PW, Harris BW, Hegele RA: Common and rare ABCA1 variants affecting plasma HDL cholesterol. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 2000;20(8):1983-1989.

Weisel RD, Li R-K, Mickle DAG, Yau TM: Cell transplantation comes of age. Editorial. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2001;121:835-836.

White M, Yusuf S, McKelvie RS, Pericak D, et al...Avezum A, Rouleau JL: Effects of metoprolol CR in patients with ischemic and dilated cardiomyopathy: the RESOLVD pilot study. Circulation, 2000;101:378-384.

Wijesundera DN, Butler GC, Ando S, Pollard MJ, Pictorn P, Floras JS: Attenuated cardiac baroreflex in healthy subjects with pre-syncope evoked by lower body negative pressure. Clinical Science, 2001;100:303-309.

Wittnich C, Torrance SM, Carlyle CE: Effects of hyperoxia on neonatal myocardial energy status and response to global ischemia. Ann Thorac Surg, 2000;70:2125-2131.

Wong F, Stewart DE, Cheung A, Dancey J, Meana M, McAndrews MP, Bunston T: Men with prostate cancer: The influence of psychological factors on information needs and decision-making. J Psychosomatic Res, 2000;49:13-19.

Wright GM, Keeley FW: The cartilaginous skeleton of the sea lamprey: A family of non-collagen-based cartilages. IN: Vertebrate Functional Morphology: Horizon of Research in the 21st Century, (Eds. H.M. Dutta and J.S. Datta Munshi), Science Publishers Inc., Enfield, New Hampshire, 2000.

Yau TM, Borger MA, Weisel RD, Ivanov J: The changing pattern of reoperative coronary surgery: trends in 1230 consecutive reoperations. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2000;120:156-163.

Yokomuro H, Li R-K, Mickle DAG, Weisel RD, Verma S, Yau TM: Transplantation of cryopreserved cardiomyocytes. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2001;121:98-107.

Yoo K-J, Li R-K, Weisel RD, Mickle DAG, Jia Z-Q, Kim E-J, Tomita S, Yau TM: Heart cell transplantation improves heart function in dilated cardiomyopathic hamsters. Circulation, 2000;102(Suppl III):204-209.

Yoo KY, Li R-K, Weisel RD, Mickle DAG, Li GM, Kim EJ, Tomita S, Yau TM: Autologous smooth muscle cell transplantation improved function in dilated cardiomyopathy. Ann Thorac Surg, 2000;70:859-865.

Zhang H, Porro G, Orzech N, Mullen B, Liu M, Slutsky AS: Neutrophil defensins mediate acute inflammatory response and lung dysfunction in a dose related fashion. Am J Physiol – Lung Cell and Molecular Phsyiol, 2001;280(5):L947-L954.

Zhang S, Bashaw R, Hilson W, Oho Y, Hinek A, Clarke JTR, Callahan JW: Characterization of beta-galactosidase mutations Asp332-->Asn and Arg148-->Ser, and a polymorphism, Ser532-->Gly, in a case of GM1 gangliosidosis. Biochem J, 2000;348(3):621-632.

Zhang W, Ethier CR: Direct pressure measurements in a hyaluronan ultrafiltration concentration polarization layer. Colloid and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2001;180:63-73.

Zimmerman D, Donnelly S, Mille J, Stewart DE, Albert SE: Gender disparity in living renal transplant donation. Am J Kidney Dis, 2000;36:534-540.

(Publications listed are based on responses provided by faculty and students.)


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