Sexuality Issues in Life Care Planning


The DRM WebWatcher: Abuse of People with Disabilities, by . A listing of links related to abuse & disability.

Burke, L., Bedard, C., & Ludwig, S. (1998). Dealing with sexual abuse of adults with a developmental disability who also have impaired communication: Supportive procedures for detection, disclosure, & follow-up. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 7, 79-91.

Fifield, B. B. (1984). Ethical issues related to sexual abuse of disabled persons. Sexuality & Disability, 7, 102-109.

LaBarre, A. (1998). Treatment of sexually abused children who are deaf. Sexuality & Disability, 16, 321-324.

McCarthy, M. & Thompson, D. (1996). Sexual abuse by design: An examination of the issues in learning disability services. Disability & Society, 11, 205-217.

McCarthy, M. (1998). Sexual violence against women with learning disabilities. Feminism & Psychology, 8, 544-551.

Nosek, M. A., Foley, C. C., Hughes, R. B., & Howland, C. A. (2001). Vulnerabilities for

abuse among women with disabilities. Sexuality & Disability, 19(3), 177-189.

Nosek, M. A., Howland, C. A., & Young, M. E. (1997). Abuse of women with

disabilities. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 8(1-2), 157-175.

Adolescents with Disabilities

Blum, R. W. (1997). Sexual health contraceptive needs of adolescents with chronic conditions. Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine, 151, 290-297.

Hardoff, D. & Millul, J. (1997). Education program on sexuality & disability for parents of physically handicapped adolescents. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine & Health, 9, 173-180.

Stevens, S. E., Steel, C. A., Jutal, J. W., Kalnins, I. V., Bortollussi, J. A., & Biggar, W. D. (1996). Adolescents with physical disabilities: Some psychosocial aspects of health. Journal of Adolescent Health, 19, 157-164.

Suris, J.-C., Resnick, M. D., Cassuto, N., & Blum, R. W. (1996). Sexual behavior of adolescents with chronic disease & disability. Journal of Adolescent Health, 19, 124-131.


Bodenheimer, C., Kerrigan, A. J., Garber, S. L., & Monga, T. N. (2000). Sexuality in persons with lower extremity amputations. Disability & Rehabilitation: An International Multidisciplinary Journal, 22(9), 409-415.

Walters, A. S., & Williamson, G. M. (1998). Sexual Satisfaction predicts quality of life: A study of adult amputees. Sexuality & Disability, 16(2), 103-115.

Body Image

Website of Thomas F. Cash, PhD, Professor of psychology, Old Dominion University. Dr. Cash is a specialist/consultant in the field of body image. The website lists publications, assessments, etc.

Taleporos, G. & McCabe, M. P. (2002). Body image & physical disability – personal perspectives. Social Science & Medicine, 54, 971-980.

Watson, L. A. (1999). 'Mirror, mirror on the wall...': An exploratory study of physical disability & women's expressed body image. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences & Engineering, 59[(9-B)], 5173-5173.

Brain Injury

Sexuality & the Person with Traumatic Brain Injury: A Guide for Families, by Ernest R. Griffith & Sally Lemberg, F. A. Davis Co., Philadelphia 1993.

Dombrowski, L. K., Petrick, J. D., & Strauss, D. (2000). Rehabilitation treatment of sexuality issues due to acquired brain injury. Rehabilitation Psychology, 45(3), 399-309.

Ducharme, S. (1994). Sexuality servs. in head injury rehabilitation centers: Issues in staff training. Intl. Journal of Adolescent Med. & Health, 7, 179-191.

Medlar, T. (1998). The manual of policies & procedures of the SHIP Sexuality Education Program. Sexuality & Disability, 16, 21-65.


Cosmetic Resources for Persons with burns and/or scarring Dermablend Corrective Cosmetic Systems,

Going Home (1993). A booklet containing information needed for patients going home. It addresses all needs from wound care to psychosocial/ sexuality issues. 25 pages, $5.00 per copy, includes shipping. Available by contacting:

Kimberly McCloud, BSN, Unit Mgr., Burn Acute Care Unit, Parkland Memorial Hosp., 5201 Harry Hines Blvd., Dallas, Texas 75235

Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors, Inc., 2153 Wealthy St. SE, #215, E. Grand Rapids, MI 49506, 800-888-2876, (616) 458-2773, Fax: (616) 458-2831

Online catalog, accessible through the resources link, lists books & videos, including the following titles:

AFTER PLASTIC SURGERY: ADAPTATION & ADJUSTMENT, Francis Cooke McGregor, (Prager Special Studies), Hardback $47.95

BODY IMAGE WORKBOOK: AN 8-STEP PROGRAM FOR LEARNING TO LIKE YOUR LOOKS, Thomas F. Cash, Ph.D., (New Harbringer Publications, Inc.), Softback $17.95

CHANGING FACES: THE CHALLENGE OF FACIAL DISFIGUREMENT, James Partridge (Penguin Books, London), Softback $11.95

COPING STRATEGIES FOR BURN SURVIVORS & THEIR FAMILIES, N.R. Bernstein, A.J. Breslau & J.A. Graham, (Praeger Publishers/Greenwood Press), Hardback $45.00, Paperback $14.95

Bianchi, T. (1997). Aspects of sexuality after burn injury: Outcomes in men. Journal of Burn Care Rehabilitation, 18, 183-186.

Chronic Pain

Monga, T. N., Tan, G., Ostermann, H. J., Monga, U., & Grabois, M. (1998). Sexuality & sexual adjustment of patients with chronic pain. Disability & Rehabilitation: An International Multidisciplinary Journal, 20, 317-329.

Schlesinger, L. (1996). Chronic pain, intimacy, & sexuality: A qualitative study of women who live with pain. Journal of Sex Research, 33, 249-256.

Cerebral Palsy

Joseph, R. (1991). A case analysis in human sexuality: Counseling to a man with severe cerebral palsy. Sexuality & Disability, 9, 149-159.

Shulltleworth, R. P. (2000). The search for sexual intimacy for men with cerebral palsy. Sexuality & Disability, 18(4), 263-282.

Culture & Sexuality

Yoshida, K. K., Li, A., & Odette, F. (1999). Cross-cultural views of disability & sexuality: Experience of a group of ethno-racial women with physical disabilities. Sexuality & Disability, 17, 321-337.

Ethics & Sexuality

Ethical issues in sex therapy & research: Reproductive biology research foundation conference (1980). (First ed.) Boston, MA: Little, Brown.

Bancroft, J. (1999). Ethical aspects of sexuality & sex therapy. In S.Bloch, P. Chodoff, & S. A. Green (Eds.), Psychiatric Ethics (Third ed., pp. 215-242). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

General Sexuality & Disability

Sexual Health Network, developed & operated by Mitchell Tepper, PhD, is a very comprehensive website related to sexuality & disability. Prominent researchers/specialists in the field of sexuality & disability contribute to this site.

MossRehab ResourceNet website:

Fiduccia, B. W. (2000). Current issues in sexuality & the disability movement. Sexuality & Disability, 18, 167-174.

Gill, C. J. (1996). Dating & relationship issues. Sexuality & Disability, 14, 183-190.

Kroll, K. & Klein, E. L. (1992). Enabling Romance: A Guide to Love, Sex, & Relationships for the Disabled (And the People Who Care About Them). (Available at ; Hardcover | Paperback from $17.95)

McCabe, M. P. (1999). Sexual knowledge, experience & feelings among people with disability. Sexuality & Disability, 17, 157-170.

Parritt, S. & O'Callaghan, J. (2000). Splitting the difference: An exploratory study of therapists' work with sexuality, relationships & disability. Sexual & Relationship Therapy, 15, 151-169.

Silvers, B. E. (2000). Sexuality, early-onset physical disability, & sense of coherence. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences & Engineering 57[(12-B)], 7743-7743.

Sipski, M. L. & Alexander, C. J. (Eds) (1997). Sexual function in people with disability & chronic illness: A health professional's guide. Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen Publishers, Inc.

Tepper, M. S. (2000). Sexuality & disability: The missing discourse of pleasure.

Sexuality & Disability, 18(4), 283-290.

Wolfe, P. S. (1997). The influence of personal values on issues of sexuality & disability. Sexuality & Disability, 15, 69-90.

Intellectual Disabilities

Held, K. R. (1993). Ethical aspects of sexuality of persons with mental retardation. In M.Nagler (Ed.), Perspectives on Disability (2nd ed., pp. 255-259). Palo Alto, CA, US: Health Markets Research.

McCabe, M. P., Cummins, R. A., & Deeks, A. A. (1999). Construction & psychometric properties of sexuality scales: Sex knowledge, experience, & needs scales for people with intellectual disabilities (SexKen-ID), people with physical disabilities (SexKen-PD), & the general population (SexKen-GP). Research in Developmental Disabilities, 20, 241-254.

Interventions for Problematic Sexual Behaviors

Walsh, A. (2000). IMPROVE & CARE: Responding to inappropriate masturbation in people with severe intellectual disabilities. Sexuality & Disability, 18, 27-39.

Learning Disabilities

Edmonds, C. & Collins, A. (1999). Using social & educational approaches to enable a man with learning disabilities to develop his sexual identity & orientation. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 27, 127-131.

McCarthy, M. (1996). The sexual support needs of people with learning disabilities: A profile of those referred for sex education. Sexuality & Disability, 14, 265-280.

Men’s Health, Reproduction, & Sexuality

Pollets, D., Ducharme, S., & Pauporte, J. (1999). Psychological considerations in the assessment of erectile dysfunction. Sexuality & Disability, 17, 129-145.

Partners with Disabilities

Milligan, M. S. & Neufeldt, A. H. (1998). Postinjury marriage to men with spinal cord injuries: Women's perspectives on making a committment. Sexuality & Disability, 16, 117-132.

Mona, L. R. & Gardos, P. S. (2000). Disabled sexual partners. In L.T.Szuchman & F. Muscarella (Eds.), Psychological perspectives on human sexuality (pp. 309-354). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.

Nemeth, S. A. (2000). Society, sexuality, & disabled/ablebodied romantic relationships. In D.O.Braithwaite & T. L. Thompson (Eds.), Handbook of communication & people with disabilities: Research & application (pp. 37-48). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Publishers.

Peer-Support Services

To locate Peer Support Services, refer to the National directory of Centers for Independent Living at

Self-Esteem & Disability

Marini, I., Rogers, L., Slate, J. R., & Vines, C. (1995). Self-esteem differences among persons with spinal cord injury. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 38, 198-206.

Sensory Disabilities

Gannon, C. L. (1998). The Deaf community & sexuality education. Sexuality & Disability, 16, 283-293.

Ingraham, C. L., Vernon, M., Clemente, B., & Olney, L. (2000). Sex education for deaf-

blind youth & adults. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 94(12), 756-


Sex Aids & Devices

Xandria Collection: Spec. Edition for Disabled People, The Lawrence Research Group, POB 319005, San Francisco, CA 94131, (800-242-2823)

Sexual Aids for the Physically Disabled, Enabling Devices, INC., 385 Warburton Ave., Hastings on Hudson, NY 10706, (914-478-0960)

Goodman, R. E. (1980). Sex aids & the disabled. Sexuality & Disability, 3, 232-235.

Sex Counseling/Therapy

For locating a qualified, sex counselor/therapist, contact the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors & Therapists (AASECT), 435 N. Michigan Ave, Suite 1717, Chicago, IL 60611 – 4067, 312-644-0828,

Chipouras, S., Cornelius, D., Daniels, S. M., & Makas, E. (1979). Who Cares?: A handbook on sex education & counseling services for disabled people. Washington, DC: George Washington University.

Gillan, P. (1980). Psychological methods in sex therapy for the disabled. Sexuality & Disability, 3, 199-202.

Greengross, W. (1980). Some problems that professionals experience in counseling the disabled. Sexuality & Disability, 3, 187-192.

Spinal Cord Injury

Male Fertility Research Program at The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis

SpinalCord Injury Information Network - Pamphlets, books, factsheets

Demasio, K. & Magriples, U. (1999). Pregnancy complicated by maternal paraplegia or tetraplegia as a result of spinal cord injury & spina bifida. Sexuality & Disability, 17, 223-232.

Donelson, E. G. (1998). The relationship of sexual self-concept to the level of spinal cord injury & other factors. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences & Engineering 58[(12-B)], 6805-6805.

Marini, I., Rogers, L., Slate, J. R., & Vines, C. (1995). Self-esteem differences among persons with spinal cord injury. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 38, 198-206.

Mona, L. R., Krause, J. S., Norris, F. H., Cameron, R. P., Kalichman, S. C., & Lesondak, L. M. (2000). Sexual expression following spinal cord injury. NeuroRehabilitation, 15, 121-131.

Phelps, J. Albo, M., Dunn, K., Joseph, A. (2001). Spinal cord injury & sexuality in

married or partnered men: Activities, function, need, & predictors of sexual

adjustment. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 30(6), 591-602.

Richards, E., Tepper, M. S., Whipple, B., & Komisaruk, B. R. (1997). Women with complete spinal cord injury: A phenomenological study of sexuality & relationship experiences. Sexuality & Disability, 15, 271-283.

Sawyer, H. W. & Allen, H. A. (1983). Sexuality & spinal cord injured individuals: A challenge for counselors & trainers. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 14, 14-17.

Sipski, M. L. (1997). Spinal cord injury & sexual function: An educational model. In M.L.Sipski & C. J. Alexander (Eds.), Sexual function in people with disability & chronic illness: A health professional's guide (pp. 149-176). Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen Publishers, Inc.

Tepper, M. S. (1992). Sexual education in spinal cord injury rehabilitation: Current trends & recommendations. Sexuality & Disability, 10, 15-31.

Westgren, N. & Levi, R. (1999). Sexuality after injury: Interviews with women after traumatic spinal cord injury. Sexuality & Disability, 17, 309-319.

Women’s Health, Reproduction, & Sexuality

Women with Disabilities: Sexuality & Disability, from The National Women’s Health Information Center, Office on Women’s Health, Department of Health & Human Services. Links to information related to health, reproduction, & sexuality of women with disabilities.

Collins, C. (1999). Reproductive technologies for women with physical disabilities. Sexuality & Disability, 17, 299-307.

Demasio, K. & Magriples, U. (1999). Pregnancy complicated by maternal paraplegia or tetraplegia as a result of spinal cord injury & spina bifida. Sexuality & Disability, 17, 223-232.

Nosek, M. A., Howland, C., Rintala, D. H., Young, M. E., & Chanpong, G. F. (2001). National study of women with physical disabilities: Final report. Sexuality & Disability, 19(1), 5-40.

Welner, S. L. (1997). Gynecologic care & sexuality issues for women with disabilities. Sexuality & Disability, 15, 33-40.

Welner, S. L. (1999). Menopausal issues. Sexuality & Disability, 17, 259-267.

Welner, S. L. (1999). Sexually transmitted diseases. Sexuality & Disability, 17, 215-222.

Welner, S. L. (1999). Contraceptive choices for women with disabilities. Sexuality & Disability, 17, 209-214.


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