
Performa, Inc.

124 N. Broadway

DePere, Wisconsin 54115

Phone: (920) 336-9929

Fax: (920) 336-2899


Authorized Federal Supply Schedule Price List

On-line access to contract ordering information, terms and conditions, up-to-date pricing, and the option to create an electronic delivery order are available through GSA Advantage!, a menu-driven database system. The Internet address for GSA Advantage! is: .

Management, Organizational and Business Improvement Services (MOBIS)


Contract Number: GS-10F-0253L

Period Covered by Contract: May 1, 2006 - April 30, 2011

Business Size: Small

DUNS Number: 95-745-0802

Authorized Special Item Numbers (SIN's): 874-1: Consulting Services

874-2: Facilitation Services

874-3: Survey Services

874-7: Support Products











Performa is an organization of planners, architects and engineers committed to a systematic approach of linking capital assets to business strategy, resulting in the creation of high performance environments. Performa has a commitment to working with our clients directly, in the earliest stages of the planning and design process. Our multi-discipline team assists and guides the definition of goals, the delineation of strategic direction and provides guidelines within which design and construction can proceed most effectively. We feel optimum building planning and design solutions that satisfy aesthetic considerations, site constraints, budget parameters and energy conservation concerns, as well as the clients organizational, operational and functional requirements, require an efficient decision making process and a constant reappraisal of priorities throughout the planning, design and construction process. Performa brings its clients extensive strategic site and facilities master planning and design experience. Optimum solutions are developed through a highly collaborative approach that requires a true partnership between our clients and Performa. The valuable insight client's share on the organizational, operational and functional issues is critical in the development of a solution to the site and facility challenges they face. At critical point throughout our process, we will interact with the institutions key leadership and constituents to build consensus and define direction. A number of interactive workshops are the vehicle to discuss and review information and to drive decisions, at the highest level, as a team. These teams will vary in size and diversity depending on the project and the subject matter being addressed.


Contractors shall provide expert advice, assistance, guidance or counseling in support of agencies' management, organizational and business improvement efforts. This may also include studies, analyses and reports documenting any proposed developmental, consultative or implementation efforts. Examples of consultation include but are not limited to:

▪ strategic, business and action planning

▪ high performance work

▪ process and productivity improvement

▪ systems alignment

▪ leadership systems

▪ organizational assessments

▪ cycle time

▪ performance measures and indicators

▪ program audits, and evaluations

Offerors shall specify the Labor Category(ies) proposed and the hourly and daily rates for each. Total price for consulting services will be established at the time the Task Order is placed and will be based on the prices offered herein. The estimated number of hours negotiated with the ordering agency and the labor category(ies) provided will be shown on the resultant Task Order. If the agency Contracting Officer chooses to purchase from this SIN on a Labor Hour basis, the resultant Task Order shall specify the Not To Exceed price, the Labor Category(ies) proposed (with the ourly and daily rates for each), and any applicable Other Direct Costs (ODCs). Wherever the offeror knows of Other Direct Costs that will regularly be incurred, they should offer them under SIN 874-5, Support Products.

Performa employs an eight step process to guide clients through the myriad of issues that surround site and facility challenges and to get them from "where they are" to " where they want to be." Ultimately, this process is targeted at improving our clients business, their organizational effectiveness and operational efficiency. It provides them with a competitive advantage in their marketplace. The outcomes of the first three steps of this process embody the requirements of SIN 874-1. These steps are:

Step 1- Project Planning - "Setting the Direction"

The Project Planning step, although the shortest of any step within the process, is truly the most important. It is within this step that the most senior level project participants come together to identify and define the problem, discuss, identify and review the directives for the entire endeavor. These directives (goals, objectives, assumptions, critical issues, facts, milestones etc.) are used as the "road map" for guiding the team from one step to the next. This strategic one-day, on-site visioning session will be the vehicle to assure that all project participants are aligned with each other. The outcome of this critical step is a "Vision Report" produced by Performa that documents all the directives and is approved by all project participants before proceeding.

Step 2- Needs Assessment - "Determining the Requirements"

Upon approval of the Vision Report, Performa will proceed to Step 2 - Needs Assessment. In this step, Performa assesses the organizational, operational and functional characteristics of the organization. In addition, organizational, operational and functional needs are established. Following a thorough study of all data previously produced by the client, Performa conducts a one-week, on-site series of user group workshops. During this week several activities take place: a complete audit (survey) of the existing facilities condition (more appropriate under SIN 874-3); assessment of land use patterns, and site and land analysis; operational patterns workshop - where operational patterns are assessed and more efficient operational models are developed; organizational workshop - where the organizational structure is over-laid on the current and newly developed operational models - and new organizational models are suggested; staff/space forecasting workshop - where staff and space requirements are established for near and long term, and spatial adjacencies are established; finally, order-of-magnitude budgets are built. The final day of the weeklong session is reserved for briefing the senior leadership of the organization on our findings and recommendations. The results of this step are documented in a Needs Assessment Report. This report will guide the conceptual development of site and facility master plans. Upon approval of this report, Performa will proceed to step 3.

Step 3- Master Planning - "Exploring the Options"

This step is two-fold: "Master Planning" and "Action Planning". Master Planning uses the results of steps 1 & 2 and begins to explore and develop a conceptual model for physically organizing the site and facilities. Various models are developed and assessed for their strengths and weaknesses. A one-day on-site planning meeting with the leadership team is used to present the models and to discuss and develop a final site and facility master plan direction. Upon completion of the final concept, Performa will conduct an action/implementation planning session - where the realities of capital investment are prioritized and scheduled. All projects are clearly identified, their costs are refined, and their schedule for implementation is established. The results of this phase are documented in a Master Plan Report that serves our clients with a solid plan for growing and improving their business. Our approach in bringing smart, value added services to our clients, is to work collaboratively as a team to provide our clients with improved business systems and efficiency through the creation of "high performance environments". Our team does not work in silos. They work side-by-side solving problems collaboratively.


Contractors shall provide facilitation and related decision support services to agencies engaging in collaboration efforts, working groups, or integrated product, process, or self-directed teams. Agencies bringing together diverse teams and/or groups with common and divergent interests may require a neutral party to assist them in:

▪ the use of problem solving techniques

▪ defining and refining the agenda

▪ debriefing and overall meeting planning

▪ resolving disputes, disagreements, and divergent views

▪ logistical meeting/conference support when performing technical facilitation

▪ convening and leading large and small group briefings and discussions

▪ providing a draft for the permanent record

▪ recording discussion content and focusing decision-making

▪ preparing draft and final reports for dissemination

Offerors shall specify the Labor Category(ies) proposed and the hourly and daily rates for each. Total price for facilitation services will be established at the time the Task Order is placed and will be based on the prices offered herein. The estimated number of hours negotiated with the ordering agency and the labor category(ies) provided will be shown on the resultant Task Order.

If the agency Contracting Officer choses to purchase from this SIN on a Labor Hour basis, the resultant Task Order shall specify the Not To Exceed price, the Labor Category(ies) proposed (with the hourly and daily rates for each), and any applicable Other Direct Costs (ODCs). Wherever the offeror knows of Other Direct Costs that will regularly be incurred, they should offer them under SIN 874-5, Support Products. Performa leads the client through an eight step process to lead clients through the myriad of issues that surround site and facility challenges and to get them from "where they are" to " where they want to be" and "how they'll get there". This process is highly collaborative and involves several interactive sessions with diverse users and constituents, as well as regular briefings for the most senior leadership. Ultimately, this process is targeted at improving our clients business, their organizational effectiveness and operational efficiency. It provides them with a competitive advantage in their marketplace. The techniques employed in the process embody the requirements of SIN 874-2. These steps are:

Step 1- Project Planning - "Setting the Direction"

The Project Planning step, although the shortest of any step within the process, is truly the most important. It is within this step that Performa facilitates the most senior level project participants in identifying and defining the problem, discussing, identifying and reviewing the directives for the entire endeavor, and resolving the most difficult issues by establishing and refining the agenda, utilizing unique, but proven problem solving techniques and recording discussion content for everyone to see. The directives established (goals, objectives, assumptions, critical issues, facts, milestones etc.) are used as the "road map" for guiding the team from one step to the next. This strategic one-day, on-site visioning session will be the vehicle to assure that all project participants are aligned with each other. The outcome of this critical step is a "Vision Report" produced by Performa that documents all the directives and is approved by all project participants before proceeding.

Step 2- Needs Assessment - "Determining the Requirements"

Upon approval of the Vision Report, Performa will proceed to Step 2 - Needs Assessment. In this step, Performa organizes, establishes the agenda and facilitates a series of "user group" workshops in which we assess the organizational, operational and functional characteristics of the organization. Following a thorough study of all data previously produced by the client, Performa will conduct the one-week, on-site series of user group workshops. These workshops will focus on; operational patterns workshops - where operational patterns are assessed and more efficient operational models are developed with the various user groups; organizational workshops - where the organizational structure is over-laid on the current and newly developed operational models - and new organizational models are discussed; staff/space forecasting workshops - where staff and space requirements are established for near and long term, and spatial adjacencies are established; finally, order-of-magnitude budgets are built. The final day of the weeklong session is reserved for briefing the senior leadership (those that participated in Step 1) of the organization on our process, findings and recommendations. The results of this step are documented in a Needs Assessment Report. This report will guide the conceptual development of site and facility master plans. Upon approval of this report, Performa will proceed to step 3.

Step 3- Master Planning - "Exploring the Options"

This step is two-fold: "Master Planning" and "Action Planning". Master Planning uses the results of steps 1 & 2 and begins to explore and develop a conceptual model for physically organizing the site and facilities. Various models are developed and assessed for their strengths and weaknesses. Multi-day on-site planning sessions with the leadership team are used to present the models and to discuss and develop a final site and facility master plan direction. Upon completion of the final concept, Performa will conduct an action/implementation planning session - where the realities of capital investment are prioritized and scheduled in collaboration with the group. All projects are clearly identified, their costs are refined, and their schedule for implementation is established. The results of this phase are documented in a Master Plan Report that serves our clients with a solid plan for growing and improving their business. Our approach in bringing smart, value added services to our clients, is to work collaboratively as a team, while leading and facilitating a proven process, to provide our clients with improved business systems and efficiency through the creation of "high performance environments". Our team does not work in silos. They work side-by-side solving problems collaboratively.


Contractors shall provide expert consultation, assistance, and deliverables associated with all aspects of surveying within the context of MOBIS. Contractors shall assist with, and/or perform all phases of the survey process to include, but not limited to:

▪ planning survey design

▪ sampling; survey development

▪ pretest/pilot surveying

▪ defining and refining the agenda

▪ survey database administration

▪ assessing reliability and validity of data

▪ determining proper survey data collection methodology

▪ administering surveys using various types of data collection methods

▪ analyses of quantitative and qualitative survey data

▪ Production of reports to include, but not limited to: description and summary of results with associated graphs, charts, and tables; description of data collection and survey administration methods; discussion of sample characteristics and the representative nature of data; analysis of non-response; and briefings of results to include discussion of recommendations and potential follow-up actions.

If a firm fixed price delivery order is used, the total price will be established at the time of the delivery order and will be based on the prices offered herein. Indicate any quantity discount, if applicable. If the agency Contracting Officer chooses to purchase from this SIN on a Labor Hour basis, the resultant Task Order shall specify the Not To Exceed price, the Labor Category(ies) proposed (with the hourly and daily rates for each), and any applicable Other Direct Costs (ODCs). Wherever the offeror knows of Other Direct Costs that will regularly be incurred, they should offer them under SIN 874-5, Support Products.

Performa employs an eight step process to guide clients through the myriad of issues that surround site and facility challenges and to get them from "where they are " to " where they want to be." Ultimately, this process is targeted at improving our clients business, their organizational effectiveness and operational efficiency. It provides them with a competitive advantage in their marketplace. The outcomes of the first three steps of this process embody the requirements of SIN 874-3. These steps are:

Step 1- Project Planning - "Setting the Direction"

The Project Planning step, although the shortest of any step within the process, is truly the most important. It is within this step that the most senior level project participants come together to identify and define the problem, discuss, identify and review the directives for the entire endeavor. These directives (goals, objectives, assumptions, critical issues, facts, milestones etc.) are used as the "road map" for guiding the team from one step to the next. This strategic one-day, on-site visioning session will be the vehicle to assure that all project participants are aligned with each other. The outcome of this critical step is a "Vision Report" produced by Performa that documents all the directives and is approved by all project participants before proceeding.

Step 2- Needs Assessment - "Determining the Requirements"

Upon approval of the Vision Report, Performa will proceed to Step 2 - Needs Assessment. In this step, Performa assesses the organizational, operational and functional characteristics of the organization. In addition, it could also be called the "data gathering" phase. Throughout this process of "needs" determination, Performa utilizes several different data collection techniques - internet surveys, written surveys, focus groups, telephone interviews, personal interviews, visual inspection, archival research etc. This information is data based. Following a qualitative and quantitative analysis, Performa conducts a one-week, on-site series of user group workshops and physical audits/surveys. During this week several activities take place: a complete audit (survey) of the existing facilities condition - of all buildings being considered - all findings are data based; survey and assessment of land use patterns, and site and land analysis; operational patterns workshop - where operational patterns are surveyed, documented and assessed and more efficient operational models are developed; organizational workshop - where the organizational structure is over-laid on the current and newly developed operational models - and new organizational models are suggested; staff/space forecasting workshop - where staff and space requirements are established for near and long term, and spatial adjacencies are established; finally, order-of-magnitude budgets are built. The final day of the weeklong session is reserved for briefing the senior leadership of the organization on our findings and recommendations. All survey data is used to formulate recommendations - renovation verses new construction, demolition, corrective measures, preventative maintenance, budgeting etc. The results of this step are documented in a Needs Assessment Report. This report will guide the conceptual development of site and facility master plans. Upon approval of this report, Performa will proceed to step 3.

Step 3- Master Planning - "Exploring the Options"

This step is two-fold: "Master Planning" and "Action Planning". Master Planning uses the results of steps 1 & 2 and begins to explore and develop a conceptual model for physically organizing the site and facilities. Various models are developed and assessed for their strengths and weaknesses. A multi-day on-site planning meeting with the leadership team is used to present the models and to discuss and develop a final site and facility master plan direction. Upon completion of the final concept, Performa will conduct an action/implementation planning session - where the realities of capital investment are prioritized and scheduled. All projects are clearly identified (whether they are a new building or very modest upgrades), their costs are refined, and their schedule for implementation is established. The results of this phase are documented in a Master Plan Report that serves our clients with a solid plan for growing and improving their business.

Our approach in bringing smart, value added services to our clients, is to work collaboratively as a team to provide our clients with improved business systems and efficiency through the creation of "high performance environments". Our team does not work in silos. They work side-by-side solving problems collaboratively.


Contractors shall provide services in the management, integration, and programs and projects. These services may include, but are not limited to:

▪ program management

▪ program oversight

▪ project management

▪ program integration (team leader)

Offerors shall specify the Labor Category(ies) proposed and the hourly and daily rates for each. Total price for program integration and project management services will be established at the time the Task Order is placed and will be based on the prices offered herein. The estimated number of hours negotiated with the ordering agency and the labor category(ies) provided will be shown on the resultant Task Order.

If the agency Contracting Officer chooses to purchase from this SIN on a Labor Hour basis, the resultant Task Order shall specify the Not To Exceed price, the Labor Category(ies) proposed (with the hourly and daily rates for each), and any applicable Other Direct Costs (ODCs). Wherever the offeror knows of Other Direct Costs that will regularly be incurred, they should offer them under SIN 874-5, Support Products.

The Performa Project Management philosophy embodies the sound principles of direct, effective and meaningful communication; timely and thorough documentation; effective resource deployment; fiscal responsibility; a clear road map - scheduling; responsiveness; and teamwork. Performa's approach to

Project Management also incorporates the fundamental principles of project organization - clearly defined and sequenced actions, well-defined roles & responsibilities, utilization of proven project development systems, and regular benchmarking against measurable goals and objectives.

With these principles firmly in place, a "Project Management Plan" is developed for every project. It is developed with the client and other project team members. They are concise and, at a minimum, the following is included:

1) Success Criteria (how will the project be measured?)

2) Scope (what is to be done?)

3) Schedule (when is it to be done?)

4) Budget (how much will it cost?)

5) Team Organization (who will do the project?)

6) QA/QC Plan (how will quality be measured?)

7) Protocol & Procedures (how it will be done)

Performa provides project management services to all of its clients and for all the projects it undertakes. While project management is offered as a stand alone service, most often, it is provided in conjunction with projects being planned and designed by the Performa staff. These services are highly valued by our clients and are seen as a vehicle for implementing initiatives that improve their enterprise. In most cases, our clients neither have the staff nor the expertise to perform such tasks; therefore, these services and skills are highly sought.

Our ability to bring about action is the result of experienced personnel, sound project management principles, and a proven project delivery process that we call The PerformaNCE® Process. The basics concepts of this process are:

Step 1- Project Planning - "Setting the Direction"

The Project Planning step, although the shortest of any step within the process, is truly the most important. It is within this step that Performa facilitates the most senior level project participants in identifying and defining the problem, discussing, identifying and reviewing the goals and objectives for the entire endeavor.

Step 2- Needs Assessment - "Determining the Requirements"

The Needs Assessment Step establishes the organizational, operational and functional needs of the project.

Step 3- Master Planning - "Exploring the Options"

Master Planning uses the results of steps 1 & 2 and begins to explore and develop a conceptual model for organizing the site and facilities. Various models are developed and assessed for their strengths and weaknesses.



Principal Planner/Project Manager $113.91/hr

Senior Planner $98.34/hr

Planner $69.71/hr

Consulting Engineer $98.34/hr

Administrative Support Staff $47.62/hr


Principal Planner/Project Manager

The Principal Planner/Project Manger is responsible for managing the overall project imitative. All personnel assigned to the projects report directly to the Principal Planner/Project Manger. Specific roles and responsibilities include:

▪ Coordination of the project organization, start-up

▪ Leading internal meetings with staff to discussed projects expectation, goals/objectives

▪ Quality assurance/control for the project

▪ Meeting the project budget

▪ Keeping the project on schedule/meeting agreed upon deadlines

▪ Leading/facilitating critical client meetings

▪ Overseeing development of all deliverables

▪ Documenting all project communication

▪ Project closeout procedures

▪ Client day-to-day liaison

▪ Internal billing/invoicing

Senior Planner

The Senior Planner works independently on various projects as assigned by the Principal Planner. He or she may oversee the entire planning process or assist as a technical expert on specialized planning. The Senior Planner may work on several concurrent projects. The Senior Planner has gained extensive experience in all areas of planning.

▪ Assess the requirements of a project, break a project into tasks, and work with a Project Manager to determine scope of work, budget and staffing.

▪ Write scope of work for planning effort based on preliminary review and meetings with the client.

▪ Leads all meetings with the client for projects within his or her charge. Documents the outcomes and communicates information to the project team.

▪ Knowledge of applicable building codes. Work with code officials and other design professionals when an interpretation or exception to building codes is required.

▪ Assign and review work of project planning team. Check progress of work and alert Project Manager to change of scope or additional services.

▪ Coordinate all aspects of project document completion within company and externally with clients and other design professionals. Proficient written and oral communication skills.

▪ Prepare or review budgets based on experience and scope of project.

▪ Promote use of and participate in development of company planning and production standards.

▪ Assist in the education and development of planning staff and act as resource for planning questions.


No staff reports directly to this position; however, this position coordinates activities and performs the work of the Planning Department as it relates to specific projects. This position has no direct operational budget authority; however, it is involved in the project budget process by providing input and monitoring project expenditures as appropriate.

▪ Performs various project coordination duties: may assist Senior Planner in project analysis, programming, site analysis, scheduling and establishing project objectives; coordinates activities of all professional disciplines assigned to the project; assists in the identification of the client's expectations for quality, price and schedule.

▪ Various planning-related duties: participates in all phases of project work; works closely with the Senior Planner in providing a professional point of contact with the client during the planning process; provides Project Manager with input in establishing and monitoring project budget and schedule; assists in creation of packages for client review.

▪ Ensures preparation of documents including all reports graphics.

▪ Performs document preparation: maintains the information flow to the project coordinator; assures that documents accurately reflect the scope and intent; reviews documents periodically to ensure accuracy; coordinates all technical information from consultants and owners.

▪ Participates in project team meetings; identifies proposed changes and coordinates with the Senior Planner, Project Manager, and the client; assures completion and distribution of all documents and deliverables.

Consulting Engineer

The Consulting Engineer actively engages in the planning effort as required by project type. He or she will lead by example and set high standards for creativity and cooperation. The Consulting Engineer is assigned specific tasks on project teams and is expected to use their education, intelligence and common sense to resolve engineering problems and tasks they are assigned. They will give expert advice on engineering systems and problem-resolution scenarios.

▪ Coordinate with planning team during process.

▪ Assist in the business planning strategy.

▪ Uses computer-assisted engineering design software and equipment to examine engineering and design solutions.

▪ Develops conceptual engineering layouts that aid the planning effort if required.

▪ Research design options and document findings.

▪ Research code issues and ask general questions of code officials.

▪ Works with client’s existing A/E to resolve any engineering issues or concerns on the project.

Administrative Staff

Work with a team to provide general office services support. Each member of the team is responsible for ensuring that office service needs are met on a day-to-day basis. These include the provision of supplies, maintenance of equipment, generation of copies, arranging lunches for meetings, deadfiling, shipping and receiving, building and grounds maintenance, security, and other clerical and administrative tasks as requested by the staff. Individual members of the team will be assigned specific tasks to ensure that all requirements of the department are met in a timely fashion.

▪ Sort and distribute incoming and internal mail once per day.

▪ Daily shipment of outgoing mail, whether via U.S. mail or overnight services.

▪ Maintain incoming fax machine: collect and collate faxes, inform intended recipient, deliver.

▪ Photocopy and assemble reports, generate blueprints and color copies, stamp and sleeve photographs, photo paste-ups, prepare divider tabs for reports.

▪ Coordinate courier and emergency courier service.

▪ Arrange repair for copy, fax and other office equipment.

▪ Maintain supplies at each copy station (e.g. toner and paper).

▪ Receptionist/switchboard operator relief, backup and training.

▪ Regular support to outside departments (accounting, library).

▪ Collect list, place lunch orders, pickup lunches and deliver to appropriate meeting on schedule.

▪ Set up for meetings as desired by the meeting leader, including media apparatus. Handle videotaping and tape duplications as requested.

▪ Incorporate all new deadfiles (drawing and text) into the system. Respond to requests for retrieval of deadfiles. Update the deadfile database regularly.

▪ Order office supplies weekly as needed to maintain stock. Investigate prices for special order items requested by the staff and obtain.

▪ Receive delivered items and verify against order placed and quoted price.

▪ Inform requestors of delivery or delays.

▪ Maintain inventory of all stationery items (letterhead, labels, window and regular envelopes, resume paper).


1a. Authorized Special Item Numbers (SIN's)

Special Item No. 874-1 Consulting Services

Special Item No. 874-2 Facilitation Services

Special Item No. 874-3 Survey Services

Special Item No. 874-7 Support Products

1b. Lowest priced model number and lowest unit price for that model for each SIN awarded in the contract.

2. Maximum order: $1,000,000

3. Minimum order: $300.00

4. Geographic coverage (delivery area): Worldwide

5. Point(s) of production (city, county, and state or foreign country): DePere, Wisconsin

6. Discount from list prices or statement of net price:

7. Quantity discounts: N/A

8. Prompt payment terms: 30 Days

9a. Government purchase cards are accepted below the micropurchase threshold.

9b. Government purchase cards are accepted above the micropurchase threshold.

10. Foreign items (list items by country of origin): N/A

11a. Time of delivery: Dependant on Need

(The Contractor may use a symbol of its choosing to highlight items in its price lists that have expedited delivery.)

11c. Overnight and 2-day delivery: Available - Call for prices

11d. Urgent Requirements: Available - Call for prices

12. F.O.B. Point(s): N/A

13. Ordering address(es): 124 N. Broadway, DePere, Wisconsin 54115

14. Payment address(es): 124 N. Broadway, DePere, Wisconsin 54115

15. Warranty provision: N/A

16. Export packing charges, if applicable: N/A

17. Terms and conditions of Government purchase card acceptance (any thresholds above the micropurchase level): N/A

18. Terms and conditions of rental, maintenance, and repair (if applicable): N/A

19. Terms and conditions of installation (if applicable): N/A

20. Terms and conditions of repair parts indicating date of parts price lists and any discounts from list prices (if applicable): N/A

20a. Terms and conditions for any other services (if applicable): N/A

21. List of service and distribution points (if applicable): N/A

22. List of participating dealers (if applicable): N/A

23. Preventive maintenance (if applicable): N/A

24. Year 2000 (Y2K) compliant: Yes

25. Environmental attributes, e.g., recycled content, energy efficiency, and/or reduced pollutants: N/A

26. Data Universal Number System (DUNS) number: 95-745-0802

27. Performa is registered in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database.


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