Quiz Facts & opinion

[Pages:12]Quiz Facts & opinion

Level A Circle the right answer for each question.

1) A fact is... A) something you know is true B) something you can't prove

2) Is this a fact or opinion? Smoking is bad for your health. A) Fact B) Opinion

3) Is this a fact or opinion? Oranges taste nice. A) Fact B) Opinion

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4) Is this a fact or opinion? The cheetah is the fastest land animal. A) Fact B) Opinion

5) Do adverts use facts or opinions? A) Adverts use facts B) Adverts use opinions C) Adverts use both facts and opinions

6) Which of these statements is a fact? A) That dress suits you. B) That dress is pretty. C) That dress is a size 10.

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Facts & opinion

Level B Circle the right answer for each question.

1) Which of these statements is a fact? A) I read 20 pages of that book. B) I thought that book was too long. C) That was a great book.

2) Which of these statements is an opinion? A) Plants need water. B) Plants need talking to. C) Plants need sunlight.

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3) Is this a fact or opinion? Wearing glasses can help you to see better. A) Fact B) Opinion

4) Is this a fact or opinion? Most people have a mobile phone now. A) Fact B) Opinion

5) Is this a fact or opinion? The government knows best. A) Fact B) Opinion

6) Will a reference book contain more facts or more opinions? A) more facts B) more opinions

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? BBC 2012

Quiz Facts & opinion

Level C Circle the right answer for each question.

1) Is this a fact or opinion? Cigarette smoke smells awful. A) Fact B) Opinion

2) Is this a fact or opinion? Oranges contain citric acid. A) Fact B) Opinion

3) Do celebrity magazines contain more facts or opinions? A) more facts B) more opinions

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4) Is this a fact or an opinion? It's in the newspaper so it must be true. A) Fact B) Opinion

5) If you read a review of a film, is that more likely to be fact or opinion? A) Fact B) Opinion

6) Which of these is a fact? A) The TV programme should be on earlier. B) The TV programme is very funny. C) The TV programme is a repeat.

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Quiz - answers Facts & opinion

Level A

1) A fact is ... The correct answer is A. A fact is something you know is true.

2) Is this a fact or opinion? The correct answer is A. The statement 'smoking is bad for your health' is a fact.

3) Is this a fact or opinion? The correct answer is B. The statement 'oranges taste nice' is an opinion.

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4) Is this a fact or opinion? The correct answer is A. The statement 'the cheetah is the fastest land animal' is a fact.

5) Do adverts use facts or opinions? The correct answer is C. Adverts use both facts and opinions.

6) Which of these statements is a fact? The correct answer is C. The only fact here is the statement 'that dress is a size 10.'

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