Fact sheet template - Palm Beach State College

SACS Timeline - Compliance Certification

|Phase/Event |Actions |Timeline |

|Organizational Meeting – Compliance Certification |Review assignments |September 22, 2009 |

| |Preparation guidelines | |

| |Compliance Assist training | |

|Documentation – Evidence of Compliance Assessment |Complete assessment document |October 23, 2009 |

|SACS Annual Meeting |Annual Meeting in Atlanta |December 5-8, 2009 |

|SACS – Compliance Committee Organizational Meeting |Meeting in Atlanta for Compliance Certification/QEP – |January 2010 |

| |Class of 2012 | |

|Compliance Certification Preparation |Administrators begin the preparation of the compliance|Spring 2010 |

| |certification | |

|First Draft of the Compliance Certification |First complete draft of the Compliance Certification |June 2010 |

| |with documentation attached in Compliance Assist | |

|Second Draft of the Compliance Certification |Second draft of the Compliance Certification with |September 2010 |

| |documentation attached in Compliance Assist | |

|Third Draft of the Compliance Certification |Third draft of the Compliance Certification with |November 2010 |

| |documentation attached in Compliance Assist | |

|Final Review & Editing |Final Review and Editing of the Compliance |January 2011 |

| |Certification/Website finalization | |

|Submission of Compliance Certification to SACS |Submit final document/website to SACS |March 2011 |

|SACS Review |SACS offsite review of the Compliance Certification |April 2011 |

|Focused Report |Prepare focused report for any compliance issues (if |July 2011 |

| |needed) | |

|Prepare for Visit |Prepare for SACS site visit – Fall 2011 |August 2011 |

|SACS Site Visit & QEP Review |SACS Site visit and QEP review |November 2011 |

|SACS Reaffirmation Decision |Final SACS decision on reaffirmation |June 2012 |

SACS Timeline - QEP

|Phase/Event |Actions |Timeline |

|QEP Introductory Meetings |Meetings at the campuses to introduce QEP process and |Fall 2009 |

| |timeline | |

|Faculty Meeting on QEP |All-Faculty meeting on QEP |January 2010 |

|Campus Forums |Campus forums to discuss QEP topics |Spring 2010 |

| |Development of possible topics | |

|QEP Development Committee |QEP Development Committee examines topics and prepares|Spring 2010 |

| |report of 4-5 topic areas | |

| |Top 3 developed as brief proposals | |

|VP/Provost/President Review |VP/Provosts review and recommend topic to President – |Spring 2010 |

| |final approval | |

|QEP Preparation |QEP Development Committee prepares QEP document |Fall 2010 |

|Final Editing and Document Preparation |Final editing through draft versions |Spring 2011 |

| |Preparation and final document layout and design | |

|Submission to SACS |Submit QEP to SACS |June 2011 |

|Committee Site Visit |SACS Committee site visit to review QEP |November 2011 |

|QEP Implementation |Implement QEP and assessment procedures |January or July 2012 |

BS/BAS Timelines

|Phase/Event |Actions |Timeline |

|Notice of Intent |Notice of Intent filed with DOE |August 2009 |

|Accreditation |Notify the Southern Association of Colleges and |August 2009 |

| |Schools of the intent to offer a Bachelor of Science | |

| |in Nursing/BAS in Information Management | |

|Proposal Preparation |Prepare state proposals for BSN/BAS degrees |August – December 2009 |

|Proposal |Proposals submitted to the Commissioner and Chancellor|January 2010 |

|SACS Substantive Change Process |Begin substantive change process for BSN/BAS degree |January – March 2010 |

|State Board of Education Consideration |The State Board of Education reviews the proposals |January – February 2010 |

|Budget Considerations |Submit additional faculty and staff positions to |March – April 2010 |

| |support the degrees | |

| |Submit needed additional resources in library/learning| |

| |resources through budget process | |

|Curriculum Development |Develop course outlines, textbook selections, online |May – September 2010 |

| |versions of the developed courses for BSN/BAS | |

|Memorandum of Agreement |Development and approval of the memorandum of |June 2010 |

| |agreement | |

|Marketing |Develop marketing plan for the BSN/BAS degrees |June – October 2010 |

| |Design and produce brochures and other marketing | |

| |materials | |

|SACS Substantive Change Process |Submit SACS substantive change prospectus – BSN/BAS |August 2010 |

|SACS Substantive Change Process |SACS approval of the substantive change expected at |December 2010 |

| |the December 2010 Annual Meeting | |

|Program Begins |First upper division BSN courses offered Fall Term |August 2011 |

| |2011 | |

|SACS Site Visit |SACS follows-up substantive change request with site |January 2012 |

| |visit | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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