*Don’t forget to have a break time!! I have been making sure that I have a walk around the house or the garden for 10 minutes at 10.30 when it is breaktime to keep my mind and body healthy.Monday 30th March PE – 9am Body coach workout.Guided Reading – Log onto your read Theory and complete the 2 quizzes that are set. English – ALIENS HAVE LANDED!!! Over the next week or two we are going to make our own newspaper articles reporting that Aliens have landed in Stafford!!! Today’s task is the features of a Newspaper Article. Think about these features and can you identify them in this document “Could A New Telescope Search For Alien Life?”Look at the link here to help you with what the features are: : 11am: Live Maths stream on Google classroom with activity available on Google Classroom. Afternoon Project: Over the next 2 weeks, I would like you to make your own TV show all about Space. Include something about each planet. Some fascinating facts about the planets. Discuss some space missions that have discovered things. Who is significant to NASA and why? What are they hoping future astronauts might discover? How does a rocket work?Tuesday 31st March.PE – 9am Body coach workout.Guided Reading – this link to take you to the pobble activities for today. You must complete at least: Question time, sentence challenge and story starter.English – In order to make a successful article, you have to make sure your article is snappy to entice your reader. This means it is all about QUALITY not Quantity. I want you all to write a 100word story about the aliens landing and explain what happened.Maths: 11am: Live Maths stream on Google classroom with activity available on Google Classroom. Afternoon Project: Over the next 2 weeks, I would like you to make your own TV show all about Space. Include something about each planet. Some fascinating facts about the planets. Discuss some space missions that have discovered things. Who is significant to NASA and why? What are they hoping future astronauts might discover? How does a rocket work?Wednesday 1st AprilPE – 9am Body coach workout.Guided Reading – Log onto your read Theory and complete the 2 quizzes that are set.English – Fact vs Opinion. This is the topic of today’s lesson. As a journalist, you are reporting the FACTS to what happened with the news therefore it is so important to know the difference between fact and opinion. Watch this: a look at the sheet on SeeSaw and decide if you will do Bronze / Silver or Gold. Challenge yourself! You can do it! Maths: 11am: Live Maths stream on Google classroom with activity available on Google Classroom. Afternoon Project: Over the next 2 weeks, I would like you to make your own TV show all about Space. Include something about each planet. Some fascinating facts about the planets. Discuss some space missions that have discovered things. Who is significant to NASA and why? What are they hoping future astronauts might discover? How does a rocket work?Thursday 2nd AprilPE – 9am Body coach workout.Guided Reading – this link to take you to the pobble activities for today. You must complete at least: Question time, sentence challenge and story starter.English – Past Tense. I have written 3 paragraphs Bronze/ Silver and Gold/ the tenses are all over the place. I have used the wrong homophones, different vocabulary! HELP. I need you to put it all in third person and make it sound good enough for a newspaper article. Maths: 11am: Live Maths stream on Google classroom with activity available on Google Classroom. Afternoon Project: Over the next 2 weeks, I would like you to make your own TV show all about Space. Include something about each planet. Some fascinating facts about the planets. Discuss some space missions that have discovered things. Who is significant to NASA and why? What are they hoping future astronauts might discover? How does a rocket work?Friday 3rd AprilPE – 9am Body coach workout.Guided Reading – Reading comprehension on Seesaw.English – Inverted commas. Put the whatsapp conversation between myself and Miss Gray into inverted commas for reported speech (document will be on SeeSaw on Friday). Watch this for help: : 11am: Live Maths stream on Google classroom with activity available on Google Classroom. Afternoon Project: Over the next 2 weeks, I would like you to make your own TV show all about Space. Include something about each planet. Some fascinating facts about the planets. Discuss some space missions that have discovered things. Who is significant to NASA and why? What are they hoping future astronauts might discover? How does a rocket work?Extras:Say a prayer when you feel things are a bit tough. Tell God 3 things you are thankful for. I saw this online and I have started to do it. Every time you moss doing something with the times that we are in, write that down on a post it note. When things begin to be a bit more normal, then make your way through your post it note jar as a to do list of things that you are grateful for. They could be really small things you are missing. One of mine is to go to Starbucks for coffee and cake with my best friend. Take some time out and have some mindfulness. There are loads of colouring pages here: We do love to colour in Year 5 for some down time. Don’t forget to read. I read every night before bed and you should too. ................

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