Factors Influencing - Barry L. Rimpsey Professional Portfolio

Factors InfluencingBarry L. RimpseyAET/505September 21, 2013Dr. Donna Rice Factors InfluencingOverviewIt is undeniable that a global trend that has been capable to have an influence in the current adult learning is the integration and use of technologies. These technologies have been a great help for the mature educators to ensure that they are competent to provide the best education for their adult students.DiscussionThe study of Mason (2006) tackled three technologies that have been able to contribute significantly towards the improvement of adult continuing education, specifically the Master’s program. These are blogging, learning objects and e-portfolios. Mason mentioned that these technologies were utilized to help facilitate self-directed learning in the tasks done by the adult students. Mason’s study proved that on-line learning is very helpful making adult continuing education successful. The technologies being used in online learning for adult education make the lessons easier to understand for the Adult students. Blogging, learning objects, and e-portfolios make adult education challenging, interesting and exciting for Adult students. They take advantage of their computer literacy and apply them in their studies. Blogging, for example, encourages the developed students to voice out their ideas, feedbacks and other concerns through a written output. Through the use of a computer and Internet access, students are capable to participate more actively in the learning process as they are capable to share what they have learned in the lessons and receive feedbacks from their instructors in the long run.The study of Oguzor (2011) proved that the Internet has become a vital learning resource in the present generation. Oguzor mentioned that the present status of adult education has become very dynamic, and the presence of the Internet has certainly helped in this process of making adult education become more interesting and exciting. Even in Africa which is a country that is not considered as very progressive, the impacts of state of the art technologies in educating adults have already been significant. For instance, adult education in Africa uses modern technologies like overhead projectors, slide projectors, as well as radio and television clips as part through the teaching process. However, it has actually been e-learning that has turned out as the quickest way for the adult educators in Africa to teach and for the adult students to learn through the Internet. As stated by the study of Oguzor, there are certain essential resources that are needed to ensure that e-learning in adult education can be successfully executed. These include computers, compact discs and the videophone system. Once these resources are present, there is an excellent chance for the e-learning process to be done successfully. Oguzor also provided information about the benefits being provided by e-learning to academic adult educators and students. For example, the e-learning method enables the adult educators and students to further collaborate with one another and ensure that the learning process become excellent. This is because the adult educators and students are capable to communicate with one another more effectively under the e-learning method.The study of Dr. Usun (2003) helped to prove that adult education is indeed a method of inquiry where people learn in an organized manner from their everyday experiences, and through the help of educational technologies that they can access and use. Technologies provide methods to approach teaching that will help address the needs of the students and can also provide ways of improving teaching. This effort will ensure the adult students can learn quickly and effectively.The article provided details regarding the important benefits that technologies are able to provide in adult education. For example, technologies help facilitate the learning of adult students, even if they are not within the premises of classrooms. Technologies help in terms of ensuring that the adult students are able to manage their learning time effectively. Because technologies make the learning process easier and more exciting, students are more motivated to keep learning and improve their knowledge. The presence of technologies makes it simpler for the adult students to access the information that they need and understand the lessons that they are studying. Dr. Usun proved that modern technologies like computers are being used due to the advantages that they provide to adult students. However, while computers are considered as the best technologies to address the changing demands of adult education, there is still a possibility that computers may not address the adult students’ characteristics and their preferred learning style. REFERENCESMason, R. (2006). “Learning technologies for adult continuing education.” Studies in Continuing Education, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 121133Oguzor, N. (2011). “E-learning technologies and adult education in Nigeria.” Educational Research and Reviews, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 347-349Usun, S. (2003). “Advantages of Computer Based Educational Technologies for Adult Learners.” The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 1-8 ................

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