Memo0 - Greens NSW | Greens NSW

Ending the CrueltyThe Greens NSW Plan to Protect AnimalsThe Greens have today launched their plans to overhaul the regulation of animal welfare in NSW and bring an end to cruel factory farming practices.?Greens NSW MP and Animal Welfare spokesperson, Dr Mehreen Faruqi MLC, has stated that the time has come to increase animal welfare outcomes in NSW, especially following several high profile failures of prosecuting animal cruelty, such as the Wally’s Farm case.?The plan includes introducing a ban on cage egg production and de-breaking and the use of inhumane sow stalls and farrowing crates in pig farming.?The Greens are proposing that the bans be implemented by a newly created office of Animal Welfare. The creation of an independent office of animal welfare will for the first time ensure that animal welfare is regulated without influence from the Department of Primary Industries or the factory farming lobby.Greens NSW MP, Dr Mehreen Faruqi MLC and Greens Newtown Candidate Jenny Leong?announced the package of measures that includes:?????Creating an independent Office Of Animal Welfare?(the office) as the primary regulator of animal welfare in NSW.?????Stripping the Department of Primary industries of its powers?as the current regulator and transferring responsibility for monitoring and enforcement of animal welfare regulations to the office.?????Double the animal welfare grants program that assist animal welfare organisations?across a range of activities such as animal shelters and identifying and referring instances of animal cruelty.?????Legislation to?ban battery caged production and de-breaking?in the egg industry????????Bring an end to the use of cruel sow stalls and farrowing crates?in the pig industry.????????Strengthening ties with animal welfare organisations and the NSW police to?better detect and enforce animal welfare policies and laws.????????Drive change in the state’s animal welfare laws?to bring them into line with community expectations.?Media commentsGreens NSW MP, Spokesperson for Animal Welfare and Candidate for the Legislative Council, Dr Mehreen Faruqi said: “The time for talking is over, too many animals in New South Wales are at risk from animal cruelty. People across the state are fed up with animal welfare not being taken seriously. “The current system is broken with animal cruelty cases falling through the cracks.“Here in NSW we have a Nationals Primary Industry Minister who calls animal welfare activists ‘terrorists’ and a Labor party that is virtually invisible on animal welfare issues. The Greens are putting animal welfare clearly on the electoral agenda. “An Office of Animal Welfare would give the community confidence that animal cruelty was being investigated regardless of whether it happens on farms, in backyards or in the bush by a completely independent authority. “Many factory farming practices, such as sow stalls and battery cages are unnecessarily inhumane. While there have been some industry efforts to phase these out, it is now time to relegate these cruel practices to the history books where they belong. “The Greens are responding to community concern and elevating the regulation of animal welfare to a level expected by the people of NSW.“The Coalition Government has confirmed that the animal welfare grants are $533,000 a year, the same amount that was allocated in 2009 by Labor. The time is right for an increase and diversification of these grants. Jenny Leong, Greens candidate for Newtown, said:“Many factory farming practices, such as sow stalls and battery cages are barbaric. While there have been some industry efforts to phase these out, it is now time to relegate these cruel practices to the history books where they belong. "It is clear that the community is getting behind ethically and sustainably produced food. There is ever increasing demand in cafés, restaurants, shops and local growers markets for this approach.“Having an office of Animal Welfare with oversight of animal cruelty throughout NSW – from puppy farms to ethical farming practices - is long overdue.”Details: The Greens NSW will establish an Independent office of animal welfare under the Department of Premier and Cabinet to monitor, enforce and drive change in animal welfare law and practice in NSW. The office would be the primary body responsible for regulating animal welfare in NSW. This would strip the Department of Primary industries of its role as the key animal welfare regulator in NSW and would have a staff of forty, including animal welfare investigators to work with the police to identify and prosecute animal cruelty. Similar to the Similar to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), the office would have regulatory and enforcement powers. The office would be empowered to:The office would be the primary body responsible for administering the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979 (PoCTAA) and regulating animal welfare in NSW. This would strip the Department of Primary industries of its role as the key animal welfare regulator in NSW and would have a staff of forty, including animal welfare investigators to work with the police to identify and prosecute animal cruelty. Similar to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), the office would have regulatory and enforcement powers. The office would be empowered to:Monitor compliance with the PoCTAA including the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulation 2012 and incorporated Codes of Practice.Oversee the appointment of inspectors and officers under the PoCTAA and manage their performance.Licence certain activities relating to animal welfare for example dog breeding, slaughterhouse regulations, farm animals, horse racing and greyhound racing and kangaroo management plans and make recommendations to improve animal welfare outcomes and end cruel practices. Review existing animal welfare policy and laws in NSW and advocate for reforms necessary to improve animal welfare outcomes. Investigate breaches of existing animal welfare laws and policies and prosecute organisations and individuals who break NSW animal welfare laws.Liaise with the police and the Department of Public Prosecutions (DPP) to detect, enforce and prosecute animal cruelty cases.Develop formalised relationships with animal welfare organisations to detect and report possible animal welfare abuse. Grants will be provided on a merit mission research and prepare reports on animal welfare issues relevant to the state of NSWManage the animal welfare grant programThe Greens NSW will almost double current grants provided to animal organisations to detect animal cruelty and provide services including shelters ($533,000) to a total of 1 millionThe grant criteria will also be broadened to ensure that funding is equitably allocated. Currently almost 80% of funding goes to just one organisation (the RSPCA NSW - $424,000). These changes would bring NSW into line with the grants model currently in place in Victoria. The Greens NSW will also enact a comprehensive factory farming bill with a two year phase out period to ban debeaking and battery cage for chickens and ban sow stalls and farrowing crates. Many animals in factory farming live in terrible and cruel conditions. Battery chickens can spend their lives in the space less than the size of a piece of A4 paper and pregnant female pigs are kept for up to 16 weeks in a sow stall barely large enough for a fully grown female pig to take a single step forward or backward, and they are unable to move sideways at all.There are currently some voluntary industry initiatives, such as Woolworths phasing out battery eggs and Australian Pork Limited’s commitment to a partial sow stall phase but legislation is required to ensure improved welfare for all farmed animals. Animal welfare is becoming an increasing priority for many people in NSW and across the country. 83% of Australians support or strongly support laws to ensure food animals have access to the outdoors, companions, natural materials and enough space to carry out their instinctive behaviour.CostItemCostSourceOffice of Animal Welfare *including 40 staff and running costs5 millionTransfer of current funding from Department of Primary Industries plus small additional recurrent funding increase. Additional Animal Welfare Grant Program1 million$533,000 from current program with additional from recurrent funding. For more information: Dr Mehreen Faruqi MLC, 0402 118 350 Jenny Leong 0434 095 865 ................

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