Your Name:

Mailing Address:

Telephone: Message phone:


NOTE: If you do not wish the other party to know your physical address, you must still provide a mailing address so that the court and the other party can serve you by mail.



City or Town where the Court is located



Plaintiff, )

v. )


) Your Case No.

Defendant. )


COMPLAINT FOR DIVORCE Without Minor Child(ren)

I, ___________________________ , state that the following facts are true and request

(Print your name here.)

the following relief:

1. Residence: I am a resident of the State of Alaska.

2. Facts of the Marriage:

Date of marriage: Place of marriage:

Date of separation:

Plaintiff’s date of birth: Defendant’s date of birth:

3. Basis for Decree of Divorce

Our marriage does not work and is over. It is impossible to continue together as a married couple.

4. Restoration of plaintiff’s former name (if applies)

I want my former name restored to:

(Print your full former name here.)

I do not want my former name restored or I never changed my name.

5. Property and debt

5A. We have already divided all marital property and debt so there is none for this court to divide. We can each keep what we have in our possession or control.

5B. There is marital property and debt for the court to divide in a fair and equitable manner. I have attached a Property & Debt Worksheet, SHC-1000 Word | PDF. (If you think there is any chance the other side will not file an Answer, which will allow this case go to default, attach a property and debt worksheet telling the court specifically how you want to divide the property and debts.)

I am aware of the following property and debt earned or received during the marriage:

Home(s) value: $_________________

Mortgage amt: $______________

Raw land value: $_________________

Loan amt: $__________________

Car / truck: value $________________

Loan amt: $__________________

Car / truck: value $________________

Loan amt: $__________________

Motorcycle _________________

Snow machine





Furniture and household goods

Bank / credit union account(s)

Other property:____________________

Plaintiff Retirement Account

401(k) / 403(b) account(s)

IRA account(s)

Pension – PERS, TRS, FERS, other


Military retirement

Other retirement funds

Defendant Retirement Account

401(k) / 403(b) account(s)

IRA account(s)

Pension – PERS, TRS, FERS, other


Military retirement

Other retirement funds

Credit card debt(s)

Medical bills

Utility bills / cell phone bill

Student loans

Other debt(s):_____________________

6. Minor Child(ren) (If you answer “YES” to i(a) or ii, you cannot use this form.)

i. Are there any minor children of this relationship born prior to or during the marriage and/or adopted during the marriage? NO YES

a. If YES, do you still have parental rights for the child(ren)? NO YES

ii. Is the wife pregnant? NO YES

If you marked “YES” to i(a) or ii, STOP. Use the Divorce With Minor Child(ren) Complaint, SHC-101 Word | PDF. If you marked “NO” to all questions, continue.

7. Other: (For example attorney’s fees, spousal support, etc. If you want the court to award you attorney’s fees or spousal support before the end of the case, you must file a separate motion in addition to writing it in this section. See for forms.)


I REQUEST that the court:

1. end our marriage and issue a Decree of Divorce;

2. enter a Final Order and Judgment regarding property and debt as requested in section 5 of this Complaint;

3. if requested, restore my former name of ;

(Print full former name here)

4. Other: _________________________________________________________________


5. For such other and further relief as the Court deems fit and proper.

I have attached the following documents:

Property & Debt Worksheet, SHC-1000 Word | PDF

Other ___________________________________________________________________

Date Your Signature (In blue ink if possible)

Service Instructions

Copies for the defendant:

After you open the court case, you must serve the defendant with a copy of this form and all of its attachments by:

• certified mail / restricted delivery/ return receipt, OR

• by process server.

For information about serving the defendant, see: .

Other Useful Contact Information for Family Law Cases

Alaska Court System’s Family Law Self-Help Center

Helpline: (907) 264-0851 or (866) 279-0851 (toll-free in Alaska but outside Anchorage)

Court Contact Information: courts.courtdir/index.htm


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