
Name:Date:Subject: Homeroom: DO NOW: PRONOUNSRead the following sentence.One of our potential members lives on Ms. Sparks street. He thinks he can get Ms. Sparks to speak at one of their meetings.Choose the word that best replaces the underlined word.hisouritsCorrect as isRead the following sentence.Everyone needs to make sure to bring back their books tomorrow. Choose the word that best replaces the underlined word.ouritshis or herCorrect as isRead the following sentence.Our school is hosting an end of the year dance in May. My best friend Sarah thinks that she could get Jay-Z to perform for them.Choose the word that best replaces the underlined word.hermeusCorrect as isRead the following sentence.My dad wanted us to attend The University of Alabama for college, but me and my sister have always thought about going to The University of Tennessee. What is the correct way to write the underlined phrase?my sister and memyself and my sistermy sister and ICorrect as isMAD MINUTEDirections: Answer the following questions.Read the following sentence.When we were walking to the bridge to see the parade, we saw that there were sirens and a feirce looking police dog.Which of the following underlined words is spelled incorrectly?bridgeparadesirensfeirce Read the following sentence.The police officer told us that they were doing a routine check sense the crowd was so large. Which of the following underlined words is spelled incorrectly?policeofficerroutinesense Read the following sentence.I decided I wanted to grab an ice cream cone. My brother said he wanted one, to.What is the correct way to spell the underlined word?tootwotewCorrect as isRead the following sentence.The man gave me a reciept for the ice cream cone. I handed it to my father as we walked over the promenade towards the sea of people. Which of the following underlined words is spelled incorrectly?recieptcreampromenadeseaIntroductory Elements and Appositives51054008001000Setting the StageSentences can have clauses, phrases, or even words that “SET THE STAGE” for the rest of the sentence. These intro elements will provide a setting for the sentence, a link to the previous sentence, or background knowledge about a noun. Set the Stage_______________________________________________, I broke up with my girlfriend.__________________________________________, the basketball team won the big game._______________________________, the actress, ________________________, cried tears of joy.Strategies to figure out where the comma can go:Draw a line right before the subject. The comma should be somewhere around there. Whisper read and figure out where you would naturally pause. Underline phrases that “set the stage” for the sentenceDraw lines from appositives to the nouns they modify. Commas must go around appositives!TRY IT OUTRead the sentence below.After visiting Dr. Jackson the best orthodontist in Nashville my mouth was very sore. What is the best way to revise this sentence with commas?After visiting Dr. Jackson, the best orthodontist in Nashville my mouth was very sore. After visiting Dr. Jackson, the best orthodontist in Nashville my mouth, was very sore.After visiting Dr. Jackson, the best orthodontist in Nashville, my mouth was very sore. After visiting Dr. Jackson the best orthodontist in Nashville, my mouth was very sore Which strategy did you use to answer the question? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SHOWTIMERound 1Directions: For each of the following sentences, carrot in commas where necessary.Despite the rainy weather Al was still outside riding his bicycle.Before you go home talk to Ms. Shultz a teacher at Nashville Prep about your homework grade.Even though you had solid grades last year your science grade this year which is your lowest grade is currently a 67.By the time class begins the bus will be long gone on its trip back to the transportation center in East Nashville.Without the sale of cashmere a type of expensive cloth India’s economy would suffer.When giving a presentation just look at Carlos your best friend to calm yourself down.Under the current law people have to buy health insurance or face a penalty on their next tax return.Although he already plays two other sports my friend just started playing rugby a sport that is popular in Australia and New Zealand.At the beginning of each day I eat a breakfast of two eggs.After running across the football field to get away from the wasps Ms. Klein hopped in her car and drove away.Round 2: Answer the following questions.Read the following sentence.When the bus arrived at the bus stop two people bolted through the door towards the mall.Which of the following sentences uses commas correctly?When the bus arrived at the bus stop, two people bolted through the door towards the mall.When the bus arrived, at the bus stop, two people bolted through the door towards the mall.When the bus arrived at the bus stop two people bolted, through the door towards the mall.When the bus, arrived at the bus stop two people, bolted through the door towards the mall.Which strategy did you use to answer the question? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Read the following sentence.After failing to win the Heisman trophy in college Peyton Manning went to the NFL where he was hugely successful.What is the correct way to revise this sentence using commas?After failing to win the Heisman trophy, in college, Peyton Manning went to the NFL where he was hugely successful.After failing, to win the Heisman trophy in college Peyton Manning went, to the NFL where he was hugely successful.After failing to win the Heisman trophy in college, Peyton Manning went to the NFL where he was hugely successful.After failing to win the Heisman trophy in college, Peyton Manning went, to the NFL where he was hugely successful.Answer choice _____ is incorrect because _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Read the following sentences.Without the bridge in St. Louis, no one would be able to cross the Mississippi River. The Mississippi River is an important waterway. What is the best way to combine these sentences?Without the bridge in St. Louis, no one would be able to cross the Mississippi River, an important waterway.Without the bridge in St. Louis, no one would be able to cross an important waterway the Mississippi River.Without the bridge in St. Louis, no one would be able to cross the Mississippi River, so the Mississippi River is an important waterway.Without the bridge in St. Louis, no one would be able to cross the Mississippi River, which means that therefore the Mississippi River is an important waterway. Answer choice _____ is incorrect because ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Read the following sentence.Before he became president Barack Obama lived in Chicago nicknamed “the Windy City.”What is the correct way to revise this sentence using commas?Before he became, president Barack Obama, lived in Chicago, nicknamed “the Windy City.”Before he became president, Barack Obama, lived in Chicago nicknamed “the Windy City.”Before he became president Barack Obama lived in Chicago, nicknamed “the Windy City.”Before he became president, Barack Obama lived in Chicago, nicknamed “the Windy City.”Answer choice _____ is correct because _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Read the following sentence.Even if one entire room caught on fire the building’s new sprinkler system would take care of it immediately. Which of the following sentences uses commas correctly?Even if, one entire room caught on fire the building’s new sprinkler system would take care, of it immediately.Even if one entire room caught on fire, the building’s new sprinkler system would take care of it immediately. Even if one entire room caught, on fire, the building’s new sprinkler system would take care of it, immediately.Correct as isWhich strategy did you use to answer the question? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Read the following sentence.Since I’m going to Denver my favorite city this winter I bought a big coat.Which of the following sentences uses commas correctly?Since I’m going to Denver my favorite city this winter, I bought a big coat.Since I’m going to Denver, my favorite city, this winter, I bought a big coat.Since I’m going to Denver, my favorite city, this winter I bought a big coat.Since I’m going, to Denver my favorite city, this winter I bought a big coat.Answer choice _____ is incorrect because ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ROUND 3: Answer the following questions.Read the following sentence.At the beginning of the season the coach an army veteran told everyone to prepare for a tough schedule.Which of the following sentences uses commas correctly?At the beginning of the season, the coach an army veteran told everyone to prepare, for a tough schedule.At the beginning of the season the coach, an army veteran, told everyone to prepare for a tough schedule.At the beginning of the season, the coach, an army veteran, told everyone to prepare for a tough schedule.At the beginning, of the season, the coach an army veteran told everyone to prepare, for a tough schedule.Which strategy did you use to answer the question? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Read the following sentence.Because of the increase in food prices the grocery store doesn’t stock as many things as it used to.What is the correct way to revise this sentence using commas?Because of the increase in food prices, the grocery store doesn’t stock as many things as it used to.Because of the increase, in food prices, the grocery store doesn’t stock as many things as it used to.Because of the increase in food prices the grocery store doesn’t stock, as many things, as it used to.Because of the increase in food prices, the grocery store, doesn’t stock as many things as it used to.Which strategy did you use to answer the question? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Read the following sentences.For most of his life, Napoleon lived in Paris and directed the government from there. Paris is the capital of France. What is the best way to combine these sentences?For most of his life, Napoleon lived in Paris, the capital of France, and directed the government from there.For most of his life, Napoleon lived in Paris and directed the government from there, but Paris is the capital of France.For most of his life, Napoleon lived in Paris and directed the government from there; since Paris is the capital of France.For most of his life, Napoleon, the capital of France, lived in Paris and directed the government from there.Answer choice _____ is incorrect because ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Read the following sentence.Before travelling to Buckingham Palace the home of the Queen register with the British authorities.What is the correct way to revise this sentence using commas?Before travelling to Buckingham Palace, the home of the Queen register with the British authorities.Before travelling to Buckingham Palace, the home of the Queen, register with the British authorities.Before travelling, to Buckingham Palace the home of the Queen, register with the British authorities.Before travelling to Buckingham Palace the home of the Queen, register with the British authorities.Answer choice _____ is correct because _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Read the following sentence.Even though the lights went out I was still able to see because my mother packed extra flashlights in the kitchen. Which of the following sentences uses commas correctly?Even though the lights went out I was still able to see, because my mother packed extra flashlights in the kitchen.Even though the lights went out, I was still able to see because my mother packed extra flashlights in the kitchen. Even though, the lights went out, I was still able to see, because my mother packed extra flashlights in the kitchen.Even though the lights went out I was, still able to see because my mother, packed extra flashlights in the kitchen. Answer choice _____ is incorrect because ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Read the following sentence.For each of the questions on her paper Madison circled the correct answer and bubbled in her sheet.Which of the following sentences uses commas correctly?For each of the questions on her paper Madison circled the correct answer, and bubbled in her sheet.For each of the questions on her paper, Madison circled, the correct answer, and bubbled in her sheet.For each of the questions, on her paper Madison circled the correct answer, and bubbled in her sheet.For each of the questions on her paper, Madison circled the correct answer and bubbled in her sheet.Which strategy did you use to answer the question? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Round 4Directions: Read the passage. Then, answer the questions.-7620033655DAILY LIFE IN ANCIENT GREECE1) Most people in ancient Greece were poor and worked hard. They grew food, tended animals, and made things they needed, such as clothing and tools. Although some had a hard life wealthier people lived very differently. They had time for education, art, games, and other personal activities. Work and leisure time was vastly different in ancient Greece than it is today.Slavery2) Many people in ancient Greece were slaves. During this period of history, slavery was beleived to be normal. The Greeks would make slaves of the people they conquered Greek people themselves could also be slaves.3) Slaves worked on farms and in mines. They also did household work. Slaves with good skills did specialized jobs, such as making tools, pottery, or jewelry. Some worked in temples or for the government. Sometimes slaves were paid for their work. All slaves wages were meager though. They were allowed to save their money and buy their freedom. Slaves and free people usually worked together. Despite their servitude slaves were often treated as part of their owner's family which fed and clothed the slaves.Work4) In rural areas, most people were farmers. People who lived close to the seacoast also fished. Most farmers owned small plots and did their own work in the fields. ______, some farmers had a few slaves to help with the work. Wealthy landowners hired farmers to work their land. These big farms helped supply food for nearby towns and cities.5) The ancient Greeks developed an economy based on trade. Trading centers grew into large cities, where the population was employed in many ways. There were workshops where craftspeople made armor, weapons, and tools. Workshops also produced pottery, shoes, statues, and many other objects.Leisure6) Greek city-states held religious festivals throughout the year. They included feasting, dancing, music, and contests. Athens held a drama contest every year at the feast honoring Dionysus, the god of wine. People gathered to watch the year's new plays. Drama became an important part of Greek culture.7) The Greeks also loved athletic contests. Many city-states held regular sports festivals. Around 776 BCE, the Greeks organized a major athletic competition that became known as the Olympic Games. These games were held every four years and lasted for five days. They were so important that the Greeks even stopped wars temporarily so that the games could take place on schedule. 8) The hot weather in Greece made it uncomfortable to wear clothes while participating in sports. Male athletes went naked. The Greeks considered this normal. But they expected women to be clothed.DAILY LIFE IN ANCIENT GREECE1) Most people in ancient Greece were poor and worked hard. They grew food, tended animals, and made things they needed, such as clothing and tools. Although some had a hard life wealthier people lived very differently. They had time for education, art, games, and other personal activities. Work and leisure time was vastly different in ancient Greece than it is today.Slavery2) Many people in ancient Greece were slaves. During this period of history, slavery was beleived to be normal. The Greeks would make slaves of the people they conquered Greek people themselves could also be slaves.3) Slaves worked on farms and in mines. They also did household work. Slaves with good skills did specialized jobs, such as making tools, pottery, or jewelry. Some worked in temples or for the government. Sometimes slaves were paid for their work. All slaves wages were meager though. They were allowed to save their money and buy their freedom. Slaves and free people usually worked together. Despite their servitude slaves were often treated as part of their owner's family which fed and clothed the slaves.Work4) In rural areas, most people were farmers. People who lived close to the seacoast also fished. Most farmers owned small plots and did their own work in the fields. ______, some farmers had a few slaves to help with the work. Wealthy landowners hired farmers to work their land. These big farms helped supply food for nearby towns and cities.5) The ancient Greeks developed an economy based on trade. Trading centers grew into large cities, where the population was employed in many ways. There were workshops where craftspeople made armor, weapons, and tools. Workshops also produced pottery, shoes, statues, and many other objects.Leisure6) Greek city-states held religious festivals throughout the year. They included feasting, dancing, music, and contests. Athens held a drama contest every year at the feast honoring Dionysus, the god of wine. People gathered to watch the year's new plays. Drama became an important part of Greek culture.7) The Greeks also loved athletic contests. Many city-states held regular sports festivals. Around 776 BCE, the Greeks organized a major athletic competition that became known as the Olympic Games. These games were held every four years and lasted for five days. They were so important that the Greeks even stopped wars temporarily so that the games could take place on schedule. 8) The hot weather in Greece made it uncomfortable to wear clothes while participating in sports. Male athletes went naked. The Greeks considered this normal. But they expected women to be clothed.Rayonna wrote the following facts after reading this article:Greek city-states held religious festivals throughout the year.Ancient Greek families included several generationsAlthough slavery would later be considered inhumane, the Greek people didn’t protest the idea.Every Greek city and town had a central marketplace called an agoraWhich fact, if added, would be best support the ideas presented in paragraphs 2-3?Fact 1Fact 2Fact 3Fact 4What strategy did you use to answer the question? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Read this sentence from paragraph 1.Although some had a hard life wealthier people lived very differently.What is the best way to revise this sentence using commas?Although some had a hard life, wealthier people lived very differently.Although, some had a hard life wealthier people lived, very differently.Although some had a hard life wealthier people lived, very differently.Correct as isAnswer choice _____ is incorrect because ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Read this sentence from paragraph 1.All slaves wages were meager though.What is the correct way to write the underlined word?Slaves’sSlave’sSlaves’Correct as isWhat word did you annotate in the question to help you answer the question? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Azia made this list of facts to help Rayonna:Greek parents wanted their children to learn as much as possible and to have a prosperous life.?The majority of Greek people did not have very much money. It was expected that if your civilization was conquered by the Greeks, you would become the Greek’s slaves.Some slaves were given the opportunity to purchase their way out of freedom, but this was reserved for only an elite few.Which fact is not relevant to Rayonna’s report?Fact 1Fact 2Fact 3Fact 4Answer choice _____ is incorrect because ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Read these sentences from paragraph 2.Many people in ancient Greece were slaves. During this period of history, slavery was beleived to be normal.Which of the underlined words is spelled incorrectly?peopleancientperiodbeleiveWhat strategy did you use to answer the question? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Which detail best supports the ideas in paragraph three?A. Slaves were taken from enemies in times of war.B. Slaves that bought their freedom often continued to work in their previous jobs.C. The diet of slaves was often cheap and lacking good nutrition.D. The Greek people were divided into many different city-states.What strategy did you use to answer the question? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Read this sentence from paragraph 2.The Greeks would make slaves of the people they conquered Greek people themselves could also be slaves.What is the best way to revise this run-on sentence?The Greeks would make slaves of the people they conquered; so Greek people themselves could also be slaves.The Greeks would make slaves of the people they conquered, but Greek people themselves could also be slaves.The Greeks would make slaves of the people they conquered and, Greek people themselves could also be slaves.The Greeks would make slaves of the people they conquered, while, Greek people themselves could also be slaves.Answer choice _____ is incorrect because ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Rayonna wrote found some more facts:The agora was a place to buy and sell things, but it was also a place for people to gather and participate in public life.?Homes usually had an altar where families could offer prayers to the gods.The Greeks were so successful at trade because of their advanced background in sailing and their access to ports and oceans. At home, women cooked, cared for children, and did other household chores.?Which fact, if added, would best support the ideas presented in this essay?Fact 1Fact 2Fact 3Fact 4Answer choice _____ is correct because _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Read this sentence from paragraph 3.Despite their servitude slaves were often treated as part of their owner's family which fed and clothed the slaves.Which sentence correctly uses commas?Despite their servitude, slaves were often treated as part of their owner's family which fed, and clothed the slaves.Despite their servitude slaves were often treated as part of their owner's family, which fed, and clothed the slaves.Despite their servitude, slaves were often treated as part of their owner's family, which fed and clothed the slaves.Despite, their servitude slaves were often treated as part, of their owner's family which fed and clothed the slaves.Answer choice _____ is incorrect because ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Read these sentences from paragraph 4.Most farmers owned small plots and did their own work in the fields. ______, some farmers had a few slaves to help with the work.What is the best word to fill in the blank?HoweverFurthermoreThereforeAlsoWhat relationship do we need to show between these sentences? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Ms. Shultz made this list of facts to help Rayonna:Wealthy women had servants to perform housework, but all women, regardless of their social class, wove cloth and made garments for everyone in the household.The Western world’s most famous plays came from Greek drama.The ancient Olympic Games became the inspiration for the modern Olympics.The women held a separate competition during the years when the regular Olympics were not held.Which fact is not relevant to Rayonna’s report?Fact 1Fact 2Fact 3Fact 4What strategy did you use to answer the question? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Read these sentences from paragraph 6.Greek city-states held religious festivals throughout the year. It included feasting, dancing, music, and contests.Choose the word that best replaces the underlined word.WeHe or sheTheyCorrect as isWhat is the antecedent of the pronoun? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Which of the following sentences from the essay best expresses its intended thesis?Most people in ancient Greece were poor and worked hard.Around 776 BCE, the Greeks organized a major athletic competition that became known as the Olympic Games.Slaves with good skills did specialized jobs, such as making tools, pottery, or jewelry.Work and leisure time was vastly different in ancient Greece than it is today.What strategy did you use to answer the question? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Which of these sentences is the best concluding sentence for paragraph 7?The popularity of the Olympic Games and other sports contests in ancient Greece shows how important athetics was to the Greeks.The Olympic Games was a long competition with many events that many Greek men participated in.The Spartans were banned from certain competitions in the Olympic Games because they would not accept defeat, preferring to die rather than lose.Greek society is much different today.Answer choice _____ is incorrect because ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Name:Date:Subject: Homeroom: EXIT TICKETDirections: Answer the following questions. Read the sentence below.I went over to my friendly nieghbor’s house, only to find that their kitchen was filled with a dense cloud of smoke coming from the microwave.Which of the underlined words is spelled incorrectly?friendlynieghbor’sdensecloudRead the sentences below.Ms. Shultz saw a police officer talking to a crowd of people. They were being told by us to not cross the street.Choose the pronoun that best replaces the underlined word.themithimcorrect as isRead the sentence below.Before Hurricane Katrina a massive storm from 2005 New Orleans had never been hit by a category 5 storm. What is the best way to revise this sentence with commas?Before Hurricane Katrina, a massive storm from 2005, New Orleans had never been hit by a category 5 storm. Before, Hurricane Katrina, a massive storm from 2005 New Orleans had never been hit by a category 5 storm. Before Hurricane Katrina a massive storm from 2005, New Orleans, had never been hit by a category 5 storm. Before, Hurricane Katrina a massive storm from 2005 New Orleans had, never been hit by a category 5 storm. Read the sentence below.If you don’t water the plant it will wither and die. Which of the following sentences correctly uses commas?If you don’t water the plant, it will wither and die.If you don’t water the plant, it will wither, and die.If you don’t water, the plant it will wither and die.If, you don’t water the plant, it will wither, and die.220980017589500 ................

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