Internet Simulation Handout

Computer Matching Lesson

Information Sources (Answers)

San Diego Zoo:

1. Adult Giraffes weigh about 3,000 pounds.

2. Puffins live along the coastlines of Russia, Norway, Iceland, the British Isles, Western France, and Maine.

3. Newborn elephants weigh about 200 pounds.

4. Adult elephants eat about 275 pounds of plants and grasses each day.

5. An adult elephant needs about 275 pounds of food each day.

6. Adult elephants weigh about 12,125 pounds.

7. The nest of a Puffin could be located along the coastlines of Russia, Norway, Iceland, the British Isles, Western France, and Maine.

8. Zero matches to your question.


9. An adult Shark is about 20 feet in length.

10. An adult whale is about 100 feet in length.

11. Adult Sharks are about 20 feet long.

12. Adult Sharks weigh about 2,500 pounds.

13. Newborn Sharks are about 6 feet long.

14. A baby shark is about 6 feet in length.

15. Adult whales can weigh about 200 tons (400,000 pounds).

16. Zero matches to your question.


17. The first student science experiment on the Space Shuttle studied moth & bee flight.

18. Construction of the space station began in December 1998.

19. The first school science project on the Space Shuttle studied moth & bee flight.

20. Here is a picture of the Mars Sojurner robot explorer.

21. The first woman to walk in space was Kathy Sullivan.

22. The planets that orbit the sun include Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

23. NASA began building the space station in December 1998.

24. Zero matches to your question.

The Smithsonian Museum of American History and U.S. Government:

25. There are 271 million people in the USA.

26. The Liberty Bell is located in the city of Philadelphia, PA.

27. The last two states to join the United States were Hawaii and Alaska.

28. The first battle of the American Revolution took place in Massachusetts, in the towns of Lexington and Concord.

29. The names of the 49th and 50th states are Hawaii and Alaska.

30. Albert Gore is the Vice President of the United States.

31. The United States has a population of 271 million adults and children.

32. Zero matches to your question.

Massachusetts Towns and Government:

33. The population of Easthampton is about 15,700.

34. Michael Tautznik is the mayor of Easthampton.

35. The names of the Massachusetts Senators are John Kerry & Ted Kennedy.

36. Paul Celluci is the Governor of Massachusetts.

37. The name of the current Governor of Mass. Is Paul Celluci.

38. Easthampton, Massachusetts is in Hampshire County.

39. About 15,700 people live in Easthampton, Massachusetts.

40. Zero matches to your question.

Museum of Ancient History:

41. Clay dolls are one kind of Ancient Greek toy for children.

42. The capital of the Aztecs was called Tenochtitlan.

43. The paintings and sculpture from ancient Greece show how important human beings were thought to be in Greek culture – the sculptures of gods resemble humans and the paintings usually center around people.

44. Gladiators would dress to protect themselves with sturdy armor; shields, which were often made of wood or bronze; and helmets, which would often have an elaborate design.

45. Many Aztec people lived in the city of Tenochtitlan.

46. Dinosaurs lived in the Mesozoic time period, which began 245 Million Years Ago and ended 65 Million Years Ago.

47. Children in Ancient Greece played with clay dolls.

48. Zero matches to your question.

Food Facts:

49. The original McDonalds hamburger cost 15 cents.

50. Greek people like to eat stews, roasts, and salads.

51. Most kids say that their favorite school lunch is pizza.

52. Hersheys made the first Hershey's Kiss in 1907.

53. The hamburger was invented in Germany.

54. The most popular types of foods in Greece are stews, roasts, and salads.

55. Students voted pizza as the best lunch food.?

56. Zero matches to your question.

American Medical Association:

1. The most common allergies in the United States are to pollen, dust mites, animals, and foods.

2. A doctor will prescribe an antibiotic, such as penicillin, for Strep Throat.

3. Good ways to treat a sunburn are soaking in a cool bath, taking some Tylenol, and applying morturizing cream.

4. Americans are most often allergic to pollen, dust mites, animals, and foods.

5. Soaking in a bath with oatmeal, cornstarch and baking soda can relieve the itchy symtoms of chicken pox.

6. When you have influenza, your doctor will prescribe plenty of rest.

7. People often take the medicine penicillin when they have the Strep Throat.

8. Zero matches to your question.

Holidays of the World:

1. Trick-or-treating started in the United States in this century, but may be related to an ancient Irish custom of giving cakes to the poor at the end of the harvest season, around “All Souls Day”.

2. On May 5th, a holiday is held in Mexico commemorating the Mexican victory over French invaders at the Battle of Pueblo in 1862

3. U.S. citizens celebrate Independence Day with fireworks, parades, speeches, concerts and picnics.

4. In Korea, Arbor Day is celebrated on April 5.

5. New Years Eve is often celebrated by remembering old friends, making new resolutions, toasting the coming year, and watching Dick Clarke in Times Square on television.

6. Cinco de Mayo is a holiday commemorating the Mexican victory over French invaders at the Battle of Pueblo in 1862.

7. Korean people celebrate the holiday of trees on April 5.

8. Zero matches to your question.


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