ISIS Fast Facts CNN LibraryUpdated 11:18 AM ET, Mon September 3, 2018(CNN)Here's a look at?Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).Facts:Started as an al Qaeda splinter group.Also known as Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and Islamic State (IS).ISIS aims to create an Islamic state called a caliphate across?Iraq,?Syria?and beyond.The group is implementing Sharia Law, rooted in eighth-century Islam, to establish a society that mirrors the region's ancient of FormISIS is known for killing dozens of people at a time and carrying out public executions, crucifixions and other acts.ISIS uses modern tools like social media to promote reactionary politics and religious fundamentalism.?Fighters are destroying holy sites and valuable antiquities?even as their leaders propagate a return to the early days of Islam.In 2014, ISIS controlled more than 34,000 square miles in Syria and Iraq, from the Mediterranean coast to south of Baghdad. At the end of 2016, ISIS territory had shrunk to?about 23,320 square miles, according to IHS Jane's.In 2015, ISIS was believed to be holding?3,500 people as slaves,?according to a?United Nations report. Most of the enslaved were women and children from the Yazidi community, but some were from other ethnic and religious minority communities.ISIS's revenue?comes from oil production and smuggling, taxes, ransoms from kidnappings, selling stolen artifacts, extortion and controlling crops.Leader:Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.Is reportedly based in Syria.Baghdadi was detained for several months in Camp Bucca, which was a US-run prison in southern Iraq. He was released in 2004.Source: Attacks Demonstrate Islamic State’sAbility to Both Inspire and Coordinate TerrorBy?KAREN YOURISH,?DEREK WATKINS?and?TOM GIRATIKANON UPDATED?Dec. 7, 2015Attacks targeting civilians linked to or inspired by ISIS in 2015, outside Iraq and Syria?Circles represent number of deathsIn San Bernardino, Calif., a woman posted her “bayat,” or oath of allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, on a Facebook page moments before she and her husband opened fire in a conference room, killing 14 people.The couple does not appear to have been directed by the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, but seems to have been inspired by the group, following instructions issued this year for supporters to attack Western targets on their own.But just weeks ago, ISIS demonstrated a significant leap in its ability to coordinate operations against the West when it directed two major attacks that killed hundreds: an assault across Paris and the downing of a Russian passenger jet in Egypt.Whether inspired or coordinated, the recent?attacks have drawn attention to the growing number of civilian deaths caused by the group outside of Iraq and Syria.The Islamic State has a history of attacking mosques, hotels, busy city streets and other civilian targets in mostly non-Western countries. The civilian death toll outside Iraq and Syria has risen to nearly 1,000 since January.The Islamic State has been expanding beyond its base in Iraq and Syria since it declared a caliphate, or Islamic state, in June 2014. The group is focused on three parallel tracks, according to Harleen Gambhir, an analyst at the Institute for the Study of War:inciting regional conflict with attacks in Iraq and Syria;building relationships with jihadist groups that can carry out military operations across the Middle East and North Africa;and inspiring, and sometimes helping, ISIS sympathizers to conduct attacks in the West.ISIS Declares Provinces Across the Region5810252667000 “The goal,” Ms. Gambhir said, “is that through these regional affiliates and through efforts to create chaos in the wider world, the organization will be able to expand, and perhaps incite a global apocalyptic war.”031242000Major ISIS AttacksDescriptions of the Major AttacksDateLocationDetailsDec. 2, 2015CaliforniaA married couple?shot and killed 14 people in San Bernardino, Calif.The FBI is investigating the shooting as an act of terrorism inspired by ISIS.? Nov. 26, 2015BangladeshISIS claimed responsiblity for an attack on a Shiite mosque during evening prayer in which?gunmen opened fire on worshipers?with machine guns, killing one man and injuring three others.? Nov. 24, 2015EgyptISIS militants?attacked a hotel?in the northern Sinai Peninsula, killing at least seven people.Nov. 13, 2015FrancePresident Fran?ois Hollande blamed the Islamic State for?terrorist attacks across Paris that killed more than 100 people. The Islamic State claimed responsiblity.? Nov. 12, 2015LebanonISIS claimed responsiblity for a?double suicide bombing that ripped through a busy shopping district?at rush hour, killing at least 43 people. Nov. 4, 2015EgyptISIS's Sinai affiliate claimed responsiblity for a?suicide bombing?that killed at least four police officers.? Nov. 4, 2015BangladeshISIS claimed responsibility for a?stabbing and shooting?that left one police officer dead and another wounded.? Oct. 31, 2015EgyptAn ISIS affiliate in Sinai claimed responsiblity for the?downing of a Russian passenger jet?that killed all 224 people on board.? Oct. 24, 2015BangladeshISIS claimed responsiblity for?bombings that killed one person and wounded dozens more?during a procession commemorating a Shiite Muslim holiday.? Oct. 10, 2015TurkeyTwo explosions killed more than 100 people?who had gathered for a peace rally in Turkey's capital. Turkish officials believe ISIS is responsible. Oct. 6, 2015YemenA series of bombings in Yemen's two largest cities?killed at least 25 people.??Oct. 3, 2015BangladeshISIS claimed responsibilty for the?shooting death of a Japanese manriding a rickshaw.?MORE ?Sep. 28, 2015BangladeshISIS claimed responsiblity for the?shooting death of an Italian aid worker.? Sep. 24, 2015YemenAt least 25 people were killed?when two bombs went off outside a mosque during prayers to commemorate Eid al-Adha, a major Muslim holiday.? Sep. 18, 2015LibyaMilitants loyal to the Islamic State?attacked a prison?inside a Tripoli air base.? Sep. 2, 2015YemenYemen's ISIS affiliate claimed responsibility for?two bombings at a mosque?that killed at least 20 people.? Aug. 26, 2015EgyptThe Sinai Province of the Islamic State group claimed responsibility for three gunmen who?shot and killed two police officers.Aug. 20, 2015EgyptAn ISIS affiliate claimed responsibility for?bombing a branch of the Egyptian security agency.? Aug. 12, 2015EgyptAn ISIS affiliate said it had?beheaded a Croatian expatriate workerbecause of Croatia's "participation in the war against the Islamic State." Aug. 7, 2015Saudi ArabiaISIS claimed responsibility for a?suicide bombing at a mosque?that killed at least 15 people, including 12 members of a Saudi police force.? Jul. 20, 2015TurkeyA Turkish citizen believed to have had ties to ISIS?killed at least 32 people at a cultural center.? Jul. 16, 2015EgyptIn what appeared to be the?first attack on a naval vessel?claimed by Sinai Province, the ISIS affiliate said it destroyed an Egyptian naval vessel and posted photographs on social media of a missile exploding in a ball of fire as it slammed into the vessel.? Jul. 11, 2015EgyptISIS claimed responsibility for an?explosion outside the Italian Consulate’s compound?in downtown Cairo that killed one person.? Jul. 1, 2015EgyptMilitants affiliated with the Islamic State?killed dozens of soldiers?in simultaneous attacks on Egyptian Army checkpoints and other security installations in Egypt's northern Sinai Peninsula.? Jun. 26, 2015TunisiaAt least one gunman disguised as a vacationer attacked a Mediterranean resort,?killing at least 38 people at a beachfront hotel?— most of them British tourists — before he was shot to death by the security forces. Jun. 26, 2015KuwaitA suicide bomber?detonated explosives at one of the largest Shiite mosques?in Kuwait City during Friday Prayer.? Jun. 17, 2015YemenAn ISIS branch claimed responsibilty for a?series of car bombings?in Sana, the capital, that killed at least 30 people.? Jun. 9, 2015EgyptISIS's Sinai province claimed responsibility for?firing rockets toward an air base?used by an international peacekeeping force.Jun. 5, 2015TurkeyAn?explosion at a political rally?in the predominantly Kurdish city of Diyarbakir killed two people and wounded more than 100. Turkish officials have said ISIS was behind the attack. Jun. 3, 2015AfghanistanISIS is suspected of?beheading 10 members of the Taliban.? May. 31, 2015LibyaA suicide bomber from an ISIS affiliate?killed at least four Libyan fighters?at a checkpoint.? May. 29, 2015Saudi ArabiaOne week after a similar attack in the same region, a suicide bomber dressed in women’s clothing detonated an explosive belt near the entrance to a Shiite mosque,?killing three people.? May. 22, 2015YemenISIS claimed responsibility for a bomb?attack on a Shiite mosque?that injured at least 13 worshipers.May. 22, 2015Saudi ArabiaIn what appeared to be ISIS's first official claim of an attack in Saudi Arabia, a suicide bomber detonated an explosive at a Shiite mosque during midday prayer,?killing at least 21?and injuring 120.? May. 3, 2015TexasTwo men who reportedly supported ISIS and were later acknowledged by ISIS as "soldiers of the caliphate"?opened fire in a Dallas suburb?outside a Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest.? Apr. 30, 2015YemenOne of ISIS's Yemen affiliates released a video showing?the killing of 15 Yemeni soldiers.Apr. 19, 2015LibyaISIS released a video of militants from two of its Libya affiliates?killing dozens of Ethiopian Christians, some by beheading and others by shooting.Apr. 12, 2015LibyaISIS's Tripoli affiliate claimed credit for a?bomb that exploded?outside the Moroccan Embassy.Apr. 12, 2015EgyptISIS militants?killed at least 12 people?in three separate attacks on Egyptian security forces.? Apr. 12, 2015LibyaISIS's Tripoli affiliate claimed responsibility for an attack on the South Korean Embassy that?killed two local police officers.? Apr. 8, 2015Saudi ArabiaGunmen opened fire on a police patrol,?killing two officers.Apr. 5, 2015LibyaISIS?killed at least four people?in an attack on a security checkpoint.Apr. 4, 2015AfghanistanThe Afghan vice president accused ISIS of?kidnapping 31 civilians?in February.Apr. 2, 2015EgyptSinai's ISIS affiliate?killed 13 people?with simultaneous car bombs at military checkpoints. Mar. 20, 2015YemenAn ISIS affiliate claimed responsibility for coordinated?suicide strikes?on Zaydi Shiite mosques that?killed more than 130 people?during Friday Prayer.? Mar. 18, 2015TunisiaISIS claimed responsibility for an?attack on a museum that killed 22 people, almost all European tourists.? Feb. 20, 2015LibyaISIS's Derna affiliate claimed responsibility for three car bombs that?killed at least 40 people.? Feb. 15, 2015LibyaISIS released a video that appeared to show its militants in Libyabeheading a group of Egyptian Christians?who had been kidnapped in January.? Feb. 15, 2015DenmarkA Danish-born gunman who was inspired by ISIS went on a?violent rampage in Copenhagen, killing two strangers and wounding five police officers.?Feb. 3, 2015LibyaISIS militants were suspected of?killing 12 people, including four foreigners, in an attack on an oil field.?MJan. 29, 2015EgyptISIS's Sinai affiliate claimed responsibility for coordinated bombings thatkilled 24 soldiers, six police officers and 14 civilians.? Jan. 27, 2015LibyaISIS's Tripoli affiliate claimed credit for?an armed assault on a luxury hotel?that killed at least eight people. It was the deadliest attack on Western interests in Libya since the assault on the American diplomatic mission in Benghazi.? Jan. 23, 2015LebanonISIS attacked an outpost of the Lebanese Armed Forces.Jan. 12, 2015LibyaISIS's Tripoli affiliate said they were?holding 21 Egyptian Christians captive.? Jan. 11, 2015FranceA video surfaced of Amedy Coulibaly, one of three gunmen who?attacked the newspaper Charlie Hebdo, declaring allegiance to ISIS.? Dec. 15, 2014AustraliaA gunman who said he was acting on ISIS's behalf?seized 17 hostages in a Sydney cafe.? Nov. 22, 2014Saudi ArabiaA Danish?executive was shot in his car. A group of ISIS supporters later claimed responsibility.Oct. 23, 2014New YorkA hatchet-wielding man?charged at four police officers?in Queens. ISIS said the attack was the “direct result" of its September call to action. Oct. 22, 2014CanadaAn Islamic convert?shot and killed a soldier?who was guarding the National War Memorial in Ottawa, stormed Canada's parliament and fired multiple times before being shot and killed.? Oct. 20, 2014CanadaA 25-year-old man who had recently adopted radical Islam?ran over two soldiers near Montreal, killing one.? Sep. 24, 2014AlgeriaMilitants?kidnapped and beheaded a French tourist?shortly after the Islamic State called on supporters around the world to harm Europeans in retaliation for airstrikes in Iraq and Syria.? Sep. 23, 2014AustraliaAn 18-year-old ISIS sympathizer was shot dead after?stabbing two counterterrorism officers?outside a Melbourne police station.? Sources: Institute for the Study of War; Soufan Group; Aaron Y. Zelin, ; State Department; Justice DepartmentSource: New York Times ................

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