Name: Kaitlyn Bradley

Bullying & How It Affects YOU!

Kaitlyn Bradley



Seattle University

Fall 2010

COUN 509

Name: Kaitlyn Bradley

Lesson Content Area: Personal/Social

Unit Theme: Bullying

Unit Objective: To help students understand what bullying and cyber-bullying are and what students can do about bullying

Essential Academic Learning Requirements (EALR’s) for the Unit:


o The student analyzes and evaluates the impact of real-life influences on health.

• 3.3 Evaluates the impact of social skills on health.

• 3.4 Understands the impact of emotions on health.

• 3.5 Applies decision-making skills related to the promotion of health.


o The student uses listening and observation skills and strategies to gain understanding.

• 1.1. Uses listening and observation skills and strategies to focus attention and interpret information.

o The student uses communication skills and strategies to interact/work effectively with others.

• 2.1. Uses language to interact effectively and responsibly in a multicultural context.

• 2.2. Uses interpersonal skills and strategies in a multicultural context to work collaboratively, solve problems, and perform tasks.

• 2.3. Uses skills and strategies to communicate interculturally.

o The student analyzes and evaluates the effectiveness of communication.

• 4.1. Assesses effectiveness of one's own and others' communication.

• 4.2. Sets goals for improvement.

ASCA Standards for the Unit:

• Students will acquire the attitudes, knowledge and skills that contribute to effective learning in school and across the life span.

• Students will acquire the attitudes, knowledge and interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect self and others.

• Students will understand safety and survival skills.

ASCA Student Competencies and Indicators for the Unit:

A:A1 Improve Academic Self-concept:

• A:A1.4 Accept mistakes as essential to the learning process

• A:A1.5 Identify attitudes and behaviors that lead to successful learning

A:A3 Achieve School Success:

• A:A3.1 Take responsibility for actions

• A:A3.2 Demonstrate the ability to work independently, as well as the ability to

work cooperatively with other students

• A:A3.4 Demonstrate dependability, productivity and initiative

• A:A3.5 Share knowledge

PS:A1 Acquire Self-knowledge

• PS:A1.2 Identify values, attitudes and beliefs

• PS:A1.5 Identify and express feelings

• PS:A1.6 Distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate behavior

• PS:A1.7 Recognize personal boundaries, rights and privacy needs

• PS:A1.8 Understand the need for self-control and how to practice it

• PS:A1.9 Demonstrate cooperative behavior in groups

PS:A2 Acquire Interpersonal Skills

• PS:A2.1 Recognize that everyone has rights and responsibilities

• PS:A2.3 Recognize, accept, respect and appreciate individual differences

• PS:A2.4 Recognize, accept and appreciate ethnic and cultural diversity

• PS:A2.5 Recognize and respect differences in various family configurations

• PS:A2.6 Use effective communication skills

• PS:A2.8 Learn how to make and keep friends

PS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills

• PS:C1.2 Learn about the relationship between rules, laws, safety and the protection

of rights of the individual

• PS:C1.3 Learn about the differences between appropriate and inappropriate

physical contact

• PS:C1.4 Demonstrate the ability to set boundaries, rights and personal privacy

• PS:C1.5 Differentiate between situations requiring peer support and situations

requiring adult professional help

• PS:C1.6 Identify resource people in the school and community, and know how to

seek their help

• PS:C1.7 Apply effective problem-solving and decision-making skills to make safe

and healthy choices

• PS:C1.9 Learn how to cope with peer pressure

• PS:C1.10 Learn techniques for managing stress and conflict

• PS:C1.11 Learn coping skills for managing life events

Lesson Rationale:

Connection to Data Driven Decision-Making:

• About 30% of U.S. youth reported moderate to frequent involvement in bullying. This includes people who are the bully and people who are being bullied.

• Research has proven that bullying can cause adolescents significant distress at school and can lead to significant adverse effects on students’ well being. Victims of bullying have been shown to have lower self esteem, and higher rates of depression and anxiety than their peers who are not being bullied (Rigby, 2000). In addition, research has linked to lower academic achievement and poorer functioning in school to students who are bullied compared to students who are not bullied (Flaspohler, Belfstrom, Vanderzee, Sink, and Birchmeier, 2009). Bullying has become a large problem in schools that is causing many children problems and should be addressed in an effort to help students understand what bullying is and ways that they can better deal with bullying so that students can live happier, healthier lives.

• Oftentimes people who are being bullied have little social support which has been proven to increase adolescents’ likelihood of presenting mental health problems (Rigby, 2000). Rigby’s research also suggests that teaching students ways to offer other students social support can be beneficial to all students, especially those who are being bullied. In this guidance unit, I have emphasized the importance of befriending others who are being bullied. Oftentimes, bystanders of bullying do not know how to help. This guidance unit gives bystanders skills they can utilize when they witness bullying.

• With the tremendous increase of internet usage over the last decade, cyber bullying has also become a major problem in schools. When someone engages in cyber bullying they can easily hide their identity from the cyber bullying victim. This often makes it difficult to find out who is doing the bullying and make it stop (Bhat, 2008). In addition, according to Bhat, cyber bullies can spread information much faster using internet technology than rumors can be spread through word of mouth. One email message could easily be sent to the whole school in a matter of minutes using the internet. While the internet can be a very valuable tool, it is important to teach children about ways to protect themselves and use the internet in an appropriate way. This guidance unit aims to help identify appropriate ways to use the internet.

• Recent studies have also shown that rates of bullying are higher among students who are in grades 6th-8th than among students in grades 9th-10th ( Nansel et al., 2001). Therefore, I chose to administer this guidance unit to students in 6th grade with the hope that they can learn about bullying and how to stop it before the problem of bullying starts or gets worse as the students enter 7th and 8th grade.

• Educating children about cyber bullying and giving students strategies to deal with cyber bullying can be helpful in the fight to stop cyber bullying (Bhat, 2008). This guidance unit aims to educate students about cyber bullying as well as traditional bullying and gives students realistic strategies to better deal with cyber bullying.

• This guidance unit addresses ways that students can address current bullying problems at school and at home. Also, the guidance unit aims to prevent further bullying in the future by implementing strategies that can help bullies be more aware of their actions so they can stop bullying others. Recent research has emphasized the need for prevention programs as well as intervention programs to deal with bullying (Flaspohler et al., 2009).

Lesson Topic: What is Bullying?

Lesson Sequence within Unit: Lesson # 1

Goals for the Lesson: To increase student understanding about what bullying is and how it affects students

Lesson Objective:

o To explain what bullying is and how it relates to middle school students

o To help students understand the affects of bullying through statistical and video examples

Materials Needed: white board, dry erase pens, projector, computer, pens or pencils, appendixes, and pre-test

Grade Level: 6

Number of Students: 25-30

Location: Classroom

Duration: 50 minutes

Lesson 1 Outline:

Assessment: (3 minutes) The instructor will begin the class by giving students the pre-test to test their bullying knowledge. Students will hold onto the pre-test and the instructor will go over the correct answers at the end of the class period. (See appendix C)

Introduction: (2 minutes)

o Ask the class, “What is bullying?”

o Students will respond to the question and instructor will write students’ ideas on the board

Instructor will give students the definition of bullying: (15 minutes)

o Bullying occurs when there is an imbalance of power between two people, the bully and the victim. Bullying occurs when someone repeatedly acts aggressively towards another individual with the intention of harming them.

o Harm can be physical or emotional

Instructor will share:

Who is involved in bullying?

o The bully – the person who is intending to do harm to another person

o The victim – the person who the bully is repeatedly targeting

o The bystanders – the people who witness the bullying

Instructor will describe different types of bullying and use a projector to show students a visual of the types of bullying (Appendix A):

o Physical bullying: physically intending to harm another. Examples, kicking, hitting, shoving, punching, or taking something that belongs to someone else.

o Verbal bullying: Includes name calling or making offensive remarks towards another person. This could include someone saying things about someone’s appearance, race, or religion.

o Indirect bullying: Includes spreading rumors about others, telling others something that was told to you in private, or excluding others from groups.

o Social alienation: When a bully purposefully excludes another person from a group. It can also include spreading rumors about another person with the intent of isolating them from others

o Intimidation: When a bully threatens another person to make them do what the bully wants them to do.

o Cyber-bullying: We will skip this for today and talk about this more in depth in the next lesson.

How does bullying affect others? (15 minutes)

o Have students split up into small groups 3-4 people and brainstorm what they think the effects of bullying are

o Then have a group discussion where students can share their ideas and instructor will write student responses on the board

Show video clip of bullying: (5 minutes)

o Show this clip about how bullying can effect others:

Instructor will share statistics about how bullying can affect others and how many people are affected and show a visual of the statistics on a projector (Appendix B): (5 minutes)

o About 30% of U.S. youth reported moderate to frequent involvement in bullying

o This includes people who are the bully and people who are being bullied

o The frequency of bullying behavior is higher among students in 6-8th grade than in students who are in 9-10th grade

o “Nearly one in six of U.S. children in grades 6-10 (3.2 million children) are targets of bullying each year; an even greater number, 3.7 million, are bullies”

o “Those who are bullied are five times more likely to be depressed and far more likely to be suicidal.”

o Students who are bullied having more absences than students who are not bullied.

o Students who are bullied have higher rates of suicidal ideation than students who are not bullied.

The instructor will go over the answer to the pre-test at the end of the period by calling on students who think they know the correct answers. (5 minutes)

Pre-test Answers:

1. True

2. False

3. False

4. False

5. False

6. True

7. False

8. True

9. False

10. False

For further explanation go to


American School Counselor Association (2005). The ASCA national model: a framework for school counseling programs (2nd ed.). 2005.

Bond, B.J. (2005). Bullying among children and youth. Retrieved from


Department of Education. (2010, August 13). What is bullying? [Video file]. Retrieved from

Flasphohler, P.D., Elfstrom, J.L., Vanderzee, K.L., Sink, H.E., & Birchmeier. (2009). Stand by

me: the effects of peer and teacher support in mitigating the impact of bullying on quality

of life. Psychology in Schools, 46(7), 636-649.

Nansel, T.R., Overpeck, M., Pilla, R.S., Ruan, W.J., Simons-Morton, B., & Scheidt, P. (2001). Bullying behaviors among US youth: prevalence and association with psychosocial adjustment. The Journal of the American Medical Association, 285(16), 2094-2100.

Oracle Think Quest, Education Foundation. (2008). Types of bullying. Retrieved from

Rigby, Ken. (2000). Effects of peer victimization in schools and perceived social support on

adolescent well-being. Journal of Adolescence, 23, 57-68.

Seattle Public Schools. (2009). Statistics on bullying. Retrieved from

Teaching Tolerance. (2009). Handout I: anti-bullying quiz. Retrieved from

Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. (2010). Online grade level

standards & resources. Retrieved from

Appendix A

Types of Bullying

o Physical bullying: physically intending to harm another person. Examples, kicking, hitting, shoving, punching, or taking something that belongs to someone else.

o Verbal bullying: Includes name calling or making offensive remarks towards another person. This could include someone saying things about someone’s appearance, race, or religion.

o Indirect bullying: Includes spreading rumors about others, telling others something that was told to you in private, or excluding others from groups.

o Social alienation: When a bully purposefully excludes another person from a group. It can also include spreading rumors about another person with the intent of isolating them from others.

o Intimidation: When a bully threatens another person to make them do what the bully wants them to do.

o Cyber-bullying: We will skip this for today and talk about this more in depth in the next lesson.

Appendix B

How Does Bullying Affect Others?

o About 30% of U.S. youth reported moderate to frequent involvement in bullying

o This includes people who are the bully and people who are being bullied

o The frequency of bullying behavior is higher among students in 6-8th grade than in students who are in 9-10th grade

o “Nearly one in six of U.S. children in grades 6-10 (3.2 million children) are targets of bullying each year; an even greater number, 3.7 million, are bullies.”

o “Those who are bullied are five times more likely to be depressed and far more likely to be suicidal.”

o Students who are bullied having more absences than students who are not bullied.

o Students who are bullied have higher rates of suicidal ideation than students who are not bullied.

Appendix C

How Much Do You Know About Bullying?

1. Nearly one-third of American teens are involved in bullying.

True False

2. Less than 10% of American teens admit to bullying others.

True False

3. Students who are bullied in school are usually attentive students with good attendance.

True False

4. Most students who bully are insecure.

True False

5. Contrary to stereotypes, male bullies are not usually bigger and physically stronger than their peers.

True False

6. Students who witness bullying often refuse to remain friend with the victim and feel guilty for not reporting the incident.

True False

7. Bullies have trouble making friends

True False

8. Bullies do poorly in school compared to others who do not bully.

True False

9. Most bullies discontinue violent or aggressive behavior in adulthood.

True False

10. If you are being bullied it’s best to handle it alone.

True False

Lesson Topic: What is Cyber-Bullying?

Lesson Sequence within Unit: Lesson # 2

Goals for the Lesson: To increase student understanding about what cyber bullying is and how it affects students

Lesson Objective:

o To explain what cyber-bullying is and how it relates to middle school students

o To help students understand the effects of cyber-bullying through statistical and video examples

Materials Needed: white board, dry erase pens, projector, computer, pens or pencils, appendixes, and pre-test

Grade Level: 6

Number of Students: 25-30

Location: Classroom

Duration: 50 minutes

Lesson 2 Outline:

Assessment: (3 minutes) The instructor will begin the class by giving students the pre-test to test their cyber bullying knowledge. Students will hold onto the pre-test and the instructor will go over the correct answers at the end of the class period. (See appendix D)

Introduction and Review – Instructor can open with these points (5 minutes):

o During the last period we talked about what bullying is and how it relates to you as middle school students.

o Today we are going to talk about what cyber bullying is and how it affects you and your classmates.

o Ask the class, “What is cyber bullying?”

o Students will respond to the question and instructor will write students’ ideas on the board

Instructor will give students the definition of cyber bullying: (2 minutes)

o Cyber bullying is when a person uses technology with the intent to harm another individual.

o Like bullying it usually involves an imbalance of power and it is something that happens repeatedly.

Technology that Cyber Bullies Use: (5 minutes) See Appendix E for a projector image to show the class:

o Email

o Cell phones

o Instant messaging

o Social networking websites

o Defamatory personal websites

o Blogs

o Chat rooms

o Interactive gaming

Instructor will share: (3 minutes)

Who is involved in cyber bullying?

o The bully – the person who is intending to do harm to another person using technology

o The victim – the person who the bully is repeatedly targeting through technology

o The bystander – the people who witness the cyber bullying.

o Oftentimes there may not be bystanders who witness cyber bullying which makes it harder to stop.

o Cyber bullying can be witnessed if it is used in online pubic chat rooms, wall posts, and group gaming

Instructor will describe different types of cyber bullying and use a projector to show students a visual of the types of bullying (Appendix F): (10 minutes)

o Anonymity – When a bully sends hurtful or threatening messages to someone but is able to hide their identity

o Pseudonyms – When a bully uses a pseudonym or a alias that is different from their real name in order to hide their identity

o Flaming – A heated argument that takes place in a chat room, over email, or over instant messages.

o Bullies may use capital letters or images to show their emotions

o Masquerading – When a bully pretends to be someone they are not by using someone else’s online identity or a fake identity

o Cyber stalking – Occurs when a bully repeatedly contacts another person without their consent

o Outing – Occurs when someone forwards a private message to others. This may include printing off an online conversation and sharing it with others.

o Harassment – Occurs when someone sends offensive messages to another individual, often repeatedly

o Exclusion – Leaving someone out of a group who does not have a cell phone or online accounts that others have

Instructor will ask the class, “How do you think cyber bullying effects you and your peers?” (10 minutes) Students will split up into groups of 3-4 to brainstorm ideas of how cyber bullying affects others. Then the instructor will invite students to share their ideas and write students’ ideas on the board.

Instructor will show video of cyber bullying: (5 minutes)

Instructor will share facts about how cyber bullying affects others. Also see Appendix G to show on the projector so students can visually see the statistics: (5 minutes)

• About 20% of teens ages 11-18 reported that they had been a victim of cyber bullying sometime in their life

• 42.9% of middle school students experienced at least one of the following things in the last 30 days:

o Received an email that made them upset (not spam)

o Received an instant message that made them upset

o Had something posted on MySpace that made them upset

o Been made fun of in a chat room

o Had something posted on a Web site that made them upset

o Had something posted online they didn’t want others to see

o Been afraid to go on the computer

• Victims of cyber bullying are more likely to internalize feelings of depression, anxiety, and loneliness

• Victims of cyber bullying are also more likely to disengage in school and perform poorly academically

The instructor will go over the answer to the pre-test at the end of the period by calling on students who think they know the correct answers. (Appendix D) (3 minutes)

Pre-test Answers:

1. True

2. False

3. False

4. True

5. False

6. False

7. False

8. True

9. False

10. False

For further explanation visit: !


Bhat, C.S. (2008). Cyber bullying: overview and strategies for school counselors, guidance

officers, and all school personnel. Australian Journal of Guidance & Counseling. 18(1), 53-66.

Childnet International. (2008, May 20). Cyber bullying – lets fight it together. [Video file].

Retrieved from

Cyberbullying Research Center. (2010). Facts about cyberbullying quiz. Retrieved from


Hinduja, S., & Patchin, J.W. (2009). Cyberbullying fact sheet what you need to know about

online aggression. Cyberbullying Research Center. Retrieved from

Hinduja, S., & Patchin, J.W. (2010). Cyberbullying identification, prevention, and response.

Cyberbullying Research Center. Retrieved from

Stop Bullying Now. (2010). Cyberbullying. Retrieved from

Webster, C. (2010, September). Types of cyberbullying. Retrieved from

Appendix D

What Do You Know About Cyber Bullying?

1. Victims of cyber bullying are at an increased risk for traditional bullying victimization, substance use, and school problems.

True False

2. A school is protected from legal liability and not required to intervene in cyber bullying incidents that occur away from campus.

True False

3. Most victims of cyber bullying tell and adult about their experience.

True False

4. Research has shown that victims of cyber bullying suffer from anger, frustration, and sadness.

True False

5. Cyber bullying does not result in physical harm to victims because it occurs (and is contained) completely online.

True False

6. Cyber bullying is just a problem in the United States.

True False

7. Victims reports that they are primarily cyber bullied by strangers.

True False

8. Traditional schoolyard bullies are also likely to be cyber bullies.

True False

9. Boys are more likely to be victims of cyber bullying than girls.

True False

10. Research has shown that utilizing blocking and filtering software decrease the likelihood of experiencing bullying.

True False

Appendix E

Technology that Cyber Bullies Use

o Email

o Cell phones

o Instant messaging

o Social networking websites

o Defamatory personal websites

o Blogs

o Chat rooms

o Interactive gaming

Appendix F

Types of Cyber Bullying

Anonymity – When a bully sends hurtful or threatening messages to someone but is able to hide their identity

Pseudonyms – When a bully uses a pseudonym or an alias that is different from their real name in order to hide their identity

Flaming – A heated argument that takes place in a chat room, over email, or over instant messages.

Masquerading – When a bully pretends to be someone they are not by using someone else’s online identity or a fake identity

Cyber stalking – Occurs when a bully repeatedly contacts another person without their consent

Outing – Occurs when someone forwards a private message to others. This may include printing off an online conversation and sharing it with others.

Harassment – Occurs when someone sends offensive messages to another individual, often repeatedly

Exclusion – Leaving someone out of a group who does not have a cell phone or online accounts that others have

Appendix G

Facts about How Cyber Bullying Affects Others

➢ About 20% of teens ages 11-18 reported that they had been a victim of cyber bullying sometime in their life

➢ 42.9% of middle school students experienced at least one of the following things in the last 30 days:

o Received an email that made them upset (not spam)

o Received an instant message that made them upset

o Had something posted on MySpace that made them upset

o Been made fun of in a chat room

o Had something posted on a Web site that made them upset

o Had something posted online they didn’t want others to see

o Been afraid to go on the computer

➢ Victims of cyber bullying are more likely to internalize feelings of depression, anxiety, and loneliness

➢ Victims of cyber bullying are also more likely to disengage in school and perform poorly academically

Lesson Topic: What Can I do about Bullying?

Lesson Sequence within Unit: Lesson # 3

Goals for the Lesson: To teach students how to prevent and stop cyber and traditional bullying

Lesson Objective:

o To explain possible solutions to help stop bullying

o To explain possible solutions to help stop cyber bullying

o To explain appropriate and inappropriate ways of handling bullying

Materials Needed: white board, dry erase pens, projector, computer, pens or pencils, and appendixes

Grade Level: 6

Number of Students: 25-30

Location: Classroom

Duration: 50 minutes

Lesson 2 Outline:

Introduction and Review: (5 minutes)

• We have talked about what bullying and cyber bullying are at length. Now we will investigate solutions to stop bullying.

• Instructor will ask the class, “What do you think would be a good way to handle bullying?”

o Instructor will write students’ responses on the board

Instructor will share things that students can do to stop bullying: Show projection while talking about this (Appendix H) (7 minutes)

• If you see bullying happening do not join in the bullying too

o Oftentimes students might think bullying is funny and students will stand around and laugh or agree with what the bully is saying. This behavior can be very hurtful to the person who is getting bullied.

• Stand up for people you see who are getting bullied

o If you see one of your friends getting bullied tell your friend that you care about them and that it is not right that they are being treated badly

o If you are there when someone is getting bullied you can tell the bully to stop or tell them their behavior is bullying and it is not OK – only if you feel safe enough to do so

• Tell a trusted adult about the bullying that is occurring

o Telling an adult about bullying does not mean that you are telling on the bully. You are helping the victim of the bullying to get help so the bullying does not continue

• Befriend others who are being bullied

o Oftentimes bullying can leave people feeling isolated from their peers and lonely

o Bullies tend to target individuals who are by themselves so spending more time with others can help to discourage bullies

• Join activities or clubs that will help you to get more involved and meet new people

Instructor will share what NOT to do if you are being bullied: Show projection while talking about this (Appendix I) (7 minutes)

• Blame yourself for the bullying or think it is your fault

• Physically fight back against the bully

o Fighting does not make things better and it could get you in a lot of trouble

• Keep the bullying to yourself and decide not to tell anyone about it

o Most of the time bullying doesn’t stop by itself until others get involved

• Skip school or activities because you are afraid of getting bullied

• Think that you are being a “tattle tale” if you tell someone about the bullying

• Hurt yourself

o Talk to a trusted adult about what’s going on to get help to make the bullying stop

Instructor will share things that students can do about cyber bullying: Show projection while talking about this (Appendix J) (10 minutes)

• Do not respond to someone who is cyber bullying you

o Oftentimes cyber bullies are wanting to get a reaction out of you

• Save the evidence

o If you save the cyber bullying conversations it can be much easier to get help

• Try to identify who the cyber bully is

• Block the person who is cyber bullying you

o Blocking can be done on social networking sites, instant messaging, and on email accounts

• Contact adults at school if the cyber bullying is occurring through your school’s internet

• Report the cyber bullying to websites such as

o Many website have policies that prohibit any form of harassment and the website may shut down the bully’s account

• Contact the police if the cyber bullying includes physical threats

Instructor will give the following situation related to cyber bullying and students will split into groups of 3-4 people to brainstorm ways they could deal with the situation. Instructor will read the first scenario aloud, then after about 3 minutes the class will discuss the possible solutions together and instructor will write them on the board. Repeat the same procedure for scenario 2. Instructor will show projection while talking about the scenarios. (Appendix K). This exercise will serve as the post-test to see how well students are able to come up with practical solutions (20 minutes).

Scenario #1

“Every day, Marta gets on the bus only to be bothered by the other girls in the front of the bus. They comment on her clothes and make fun of her book bag. Luckily, Shania lets her sit with her, but she does not talk to Marta.”

• What could Marta do in this situation to help stop the bullying on the bus?

• What could Shania do to help stop the bullying?

Potential Solutions:

• Marta could tell the girls to stop and that they are bullying her and it is wrong

• Marta could tell a trusted adult about the bullying

• Shania could decide to befriend Marta instead of ignoring her on the bus

• Marta could try to make new friends on the bus

• Other bystanders could reach out to Marta and invite them to sit with them

• Shania could stand up for Marta instead of ignoring her

Scenario #2

Phil and a group of his friends decide it would be funny to create a website making fun of one of the other students in their grade, Ted. Phil puts embarrassing edited photos of Ted on the website and has a list of things on the website that he dislikes about Ted. Phil decides to share his website with all his facebook friends. By the next day at school, half of the kids in his class have seen the website.

• What can Ted do to help stop the cyber bullying?

• What could Phil’s friends do to stop the cyber bullying?

• What could bystanders do that were sent the link to Phil’s website do to stop the cyber bullying?

Potential solutions:

• Ted or another person could report the website to the webpage’s administrator.

o Many websites have policies that prohibit people using their websites to harm others

• Phil’s friends could have told Phil that they did not think making the website was a good idea instead of laughing and going along with it

• Ted or any other person who knows about the website could report the website to the school administrators

• Bystanders could befriend Ted and stand up for him at school the next day

• Save the evidence to show to school administrators or the website’s administrator


Connect with kids network. (2007). Silent witness resource guide. Retrieved from

Feinberg, T., Robey, N. (2009). Cyberbullying: intervention and prevention strategies.

Communiqué Handout, 38(4), 1-5. Retrieved from

Stop Bullying Now. (2010). Cyberbullying. Retrieved from

Stop Bullying Now. (2010). What you can do. Retrieved from

(Appendix H)

What YOU Can Do to Stop Bullying

• If you see bullying happening do not join in the bullying too

• Stand up for people you see who are getting bullied

• Tell a trusted adult about the bullying that is occurring

• Befriend others who are being bullied

Appendix I

What NOT To Do if You Are Being Bullied

• Blame yourself for the bullying or think it is your fault

• Physically fight back against the bully

• Keep the bullying to yourself and decide not to tell anyone about it

• Skip school or activities because you are afraid of getting bullied

• Think that you are being a “tattle tale” if you tell someone about the bullying

• Hurt yourself

Appendix J

What YOU Can Do About

Cyber Bullying

• Do not respond to someone who is cyber bullying you

• Save the evidence

• Try to identify who the cyber bully is

• Block the person who is cyber bullying you

• Contact adults at school if the cyber bullying is occurring through your school’s internet

• Report the cyber bullying to websites such as

• Contact the police if the cyber bullying includes physical threats

Appendix K

Bullying Scenarios and Solutions

For the following two scenarios split into groups of 3-4 people and brainstorm potential positive solutions for the following bullying scenarios.

Scenario #1

“Every day, Marta gets on the bus only to be bothered by the other girls in the front of the bus. They comment on her clothes and make fun of her book bag. Luckily, Shania lets her sit with her, but she does not talk to Marta.”

• What could Marta do in this situation to help stop the bullying on the bus?

• What could Shania do to help stop the bullying?

Appendix K continued

Scenario #2

Phil and a group of his friends decide it would be funny to create a website making fun of one of the other students in their grade, Ted. Phil puts embarrassing edited photos of Ted on the website and has a list of things on the website that he dislikes about Ted. Phil decides to share his website with all his facebook friends. By the next day at school, half of the kids in his class have seen the website.

• What can Ted do to help stop the cyber bullying?

• What could Phil’s friends do to stop the cyber bullying?

• What could bystanders do that were sent the link to Phil’s website do to stop the cyber bullying?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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