Heroes Publisher Newsletter Rubric

|Endangered Animals Publisher Newsletter Rubric | |

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |Points Earned |

|Content - Timeline |Timeline includes at least|Timeline includes 5 events|Timeline includes 4 events|Timeline includes less | |

| |6 events that are |that are important to |that are important to |than 4 events and may or | |

| |important to endangered |endangered animal. Each |endangered animal. Each |may not make sense when | |

| |animal. Each event is |event is informative and |event is informative and |read aloud. Events may | |

| |well written and |makes sense when read. |makes sense when read. |have been taken directly | |

| |informative. | | |from the Internet. | |

| | | | | |__________ |

|Content – Additional |Newsletter includes at |Newsletter includes two |Newsletter includes two |Newsletter has less than | |

|Articles |least two additional |additional sections that |additional sections that |two additional sections | |

| |sections that explain, in |explain, in student’s own |explain, in student’s own |that explain threats, | |

| |student’s own words, |words, threats to species,|words, threats to species,|protection, and | |

| |threats to species, |protection, and |protection, and |preservation. A section | |

| |protection, and |preservation of species. |preservation of species. |or several sections may | |

| |preservation of species. |Facts reflected in-depth | |have been copied from the | |

| |Facts reflected in-depth |research. | |Internet. |__________ |

| |research. | | | | |

|Writing Style and Editing |The articles are well |The articles were somewhat|The articles lacked |The articles were poorly | |

|(x 5) |written, fluent, and have |fluent and had a few |fluency and some sentences|written and lacked | |

| |little or no errors in |errors in grammar, |were awkward. Several |fluency. Many errors in | |

| |grammar, spelling, |spelling, capitalization, |errors in grammar, |grammar, spelling, | |

| |capitalization, usage. |and punctuation. |spelling, capitalization, |capitalization, and | |

| | | |and punctuation were |punctuation were found. | |

| | | |found. | |__________ |

|Layout Design (4) |Layout is logical and |Layout is organized. |Layout is haphazard. |Layout is confusing. | |

| |appealing. Design elements|Design elements are |Design elements are not |Design elements interfere | |

| |are consistent and |consistent, and support |consistent, may not |with the content message. | |

| |reinforce the content |the content message. |sup-port the content |Titles don't relate to the| |

| |message. Titles are |Titles are adequate. |message. Titles show |article except | |

| |interesting. Overall look |Overall look is somewhat |little creativity. Overall|superficially. The | |

| |is creative. Text fonts |creative. Text fonts and |design is not creative. |newsletter is not | |

| |and sizes are well chosen.|sizes are readable. |Text fonts and sizes may |creative. Text fonts and |__________ |

| | | |cause distraction. |sizes make the newsletter | |

| | | | |difficult to read. | |

|Graphics (3) |Graphics (map and photos) |Graphics (map and photos) |Graphics (map and photos) |Graphics show little if | |

| |are interesting and well |are related to the |may not always enhance the|any relation to the | |

| |suited to the newsletter. |articles sufficiently. |meaning and may be |articles. They are often | |

| |They help communicate and |They are placed adequately|distracting to the overall|distracting and detract | |

| |message and enhance the |in the article. |design. |from the overall message. | |

| |work. Placement of | | | | |

| |graphics is effective. | | | |__________ |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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