Science 10 – Sustainable Ecosystems – Endangered ...

Science 10 – Sustainable Ecosystems – Endangered & Invasive Species Project

You are a member of a team working for Parks Canada. You and a potential partner have been given a task to educate the population about an endangered or invasive species in your area.

You have been asked to complete this task in the form of a brochure or mini poster, which will be copied and given to people during the Canada Day Parade.

Below is a list of species that your team could do, but only one species per team please! We want to spread as much information as possible.


• Sea Lamprey - Vanessa

• Asian Carp – Heather

• European Water Chestnut – Matthew D

• Brown Spruce Long Horn Beetle – Musea

• Mountain Pine Beetle – Sean/Francis

• Giant Hogweed - QJ

• Zebra Mussel – Regine/Anastasia, Oday


• Spotted Turtle – Hannah

• Spotted Owl – Angelina

• Northern Leopard Frog – Omar/Grant

• Grey Wolf – Matt T/Nick, Cody

• North Atlantic Right Whale – Jiyun

• Caribou – Maryn

• Atlantic Salmon – Julianna

• Piping Plover – Mackenzie

• Pacific Water Shrew – Gavin/Ameilya

It’s important your piece contains the following information:


• Common name and scientific name of at risk/endangered species

• Where it is located in Canada

• How many are currently alive – compare this to data from decades ago. Example, 1980 to now.

• What habitat do they live in?

• What is their role in the food web?

• If this species became extinct, what impacts would the ecosystem face?

• 5 facts about the species

• At least 3 pictures of the species, so people know what it is


• Common name and scientific name of invasive species

• Where it is located in Canada

• Where it originally came from/how it got to Canada

• When did it arrive in Canada?

• Why is it an invasive species? IE: What is it destroying/harming?

• What impacts does it have on the ecosystem?

• Can it survive here? IE: Would our winters kill it? Is it from an area of only warm temperatures?

• 5 facts about the species

• At least 3 pictures of the species, so people know what it is

The supervisor for this project will be giving your team a grade, which will influence your potential promotion for work on an independent Parks Canada project on Sable Island, so make sure you work hard! Remember to put all research in your own words ( Your poster will be graded on:

• Effort /5

• Creativity /10

• Clarity, easily read /5

• All information is given /10

Helpful Websites:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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