Introduction to Forensic Science & Crime Scene Sketching ...

Name: _____________________

Introduction to Forensic Science & Crime Scene Sketching Review Sheet

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|What is forensic science? What does the term forensic mean? |Forensic Science is the science behind the law. The term forensic means |

| |forum. |

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|What are two very important skills that a forensic scientist must have? |-Being observant. |

| |-Attention to detail |

|Who is Edmond Locard and what is he known for in forensic science? |Edmond Locard is known as the father of forensic science. He created the |

| |first police lab out of 2 attic rooms in Lyons, France in 1910. He created|

| |Locard’s Exchange Principle. |

|What is deductive and inductive reasoning and how are the important in forensic science? |Deductive reasoning involved looking at all facts and evidence and |

| |narrowing your decision down to a single source. –Proces s of elimination.|

| |Inductive reasoning is finding one clue and building your case from that. |

|Key terms: Pathologist, Odontologist, Entomologist, Anthropologist, Serologist, |Pathologist – also known as medical examine. Is responsible for completing|

|Toxicologist. |the autopsy and determining COD. |

| |Odontologist – forensic dentist. |

| |Entomologist – examines bugs to solve crimes to determine time of death. |

| |Anthropologist – examines skeletal remains |

| |Serologist – Examines blood and biological fluids. |

| |Toxicologist – Examines drugs and poisons. |

|What are the roles and responsibilities of the medical examiner? |Determine cause of death, time of death by completing the autopsy. Will |

| |testify in court depending on the case. |

|Describe who an “expert” is in the courtroom. What is so significant about an expert |An expert is a professional with skills and training to examine the |

|witness versus a witness of the crime. |evidence, make conclusions and testify in court. They are allowed to give |

| |their opinion regarding evidence. |

|What are the similarities and differences between Daubert and Frye. Why do we have these |Daubert : Judge is the gatekeeper of evidence. He/she has the right to |

|two rulings? |determine admissibility of evidence in a particular case. Evidence is |

| |still subjected to peer review and regulations. |

| |Frye: The evidence must be generally accepted by the scientific community.|

| |Jury has more control over the evidence validity. |

|Explain the following statement: “Use logic when analyzing evidence.” |Ex: A weapon may come into the lab. It may need to go to multiple |

| |departments in the lab ---- certain evidence is more temporary than others |

| |and needs to be handled first. |

|Two general types of evidence: Testimonial (direct) and Physical. Which is more |Physical --- it’s tangible and was present at the scene. |

|accountable, why? | |

|What are some factors that affect the reliability of the eye-witness? * |Relationship, emotional state, mental condition, time, weather. |

| |Ronald Cotton --- wrongfully convicted based on eyewitness testimony |

|What is the difference between transient evidence, pattern, conditional, transfer & |Transient – temporary |

|associative? Know some examples. |Pattern – leaves recognizable pattern |

| |Conditional-produced by a specific event or action |

| |Transfer – most evidence |

| |Associative – links someone to the crime scene |

|What is the difference between class and individual evidence? Know examples. |Class – belongs to a group of people or things. |

| |Individual – unique, only belonging to one person or thing. |

|What are ways to search a scene? In what types of situations are each used to search? |Grid |

| |Line |

| |Zone |

| |Spiral |

|What are some ways that forensic investigators document a scene? |Photos |

| |Notes |

| |Video |

| |Sketch |

|What should a crime scene sketch include? Why is it used? |Name, date, location, compass, scale, key, drawn to scale |

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|What is the chain of custody? Why is it so important? |The processing of evidence and the accountability log of who has the |

| |evidence and when. It must be maintained until the evidence is released |

| |back to the local PD or else the evidence is not admissible in court. |

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Other study tips:

• Re-read and re-write your notes

• Read through the supplemental information online omellscience. (Focus on what we have covered in class…the reading/chapters may contain additional information we didn’t cover.)

• Describe the activities/labs we have done so far in class. They always are very purposeful!

Test Info:

• Multiple choice

• True/False

• Fill in the blank

• Short answer

Check your class expectations to see how many points this test is…it’s a lot!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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