Greek Mythology Project - Weebly

Greek Mythology Project

Your task is to research and write a paper about your god or goddess. You will also dress up as your character and present a brief speech to the class. Lastly, you will make a prop that goes with your costume. There’s a lot to do, but don’t get overwhelmed, the following guidelines will help you along the way:

Research Paper

This research paper should be about your Greek character. You need to find one book and one website that are about your character. You MUST use ONLY the websites on Mrs. Houston’s faculty website. Use your sources to write 1 ½ typed pages concerning who your character was, what he/she was like, and the myths in which he/she was involved. Double space your paper, use 12 font and 1 inch margins.

Create a title page with the name of your god or goddess, include a picture of the character below the title, and type your name below the picture. Include a Works Cited page using MLA format. Use the website to create your Works Cited page.


Prepare a brief 2 minute speech about your Greek character. Include the basics of who he/she was, what myths he/she was involved in, and other interesting facts. Take the information from your paper to create your speech. Do NOT read your report.


Put together a costume to wear while you present your speech. Students should be dressed as their character. Greek gods were often shown wearing togas (a sheet could work for this).


Make a prop that goes with your god or goddess (i.e. a trident, lightning bolt, wings, etc.). Be creative. Use materials around your home. Do not go out and buy a prop.

You will be given 2 class periods to work on your report. Bring your book and website information to class by Wednesday, January 15th.

The report and prop will be due Friday, January 24, 2014. Presentations will begin the following week, on Monday, January 27th .

Greek Mythology Project Rubric

This project is worth 40 points in both Literature and Social Studies.

Research Paper (20 pts) _______

Title Page includes character name,

picture, your name (3 pts) ______

Character Description (4 pts) ______

Myth (4 pts) ______

Interesting Details (4 pts) ______

Works Cited page (2 pts) ______

Correct spelling and grammar (2 pts) ______

Correct spacing and font (1 pt) ______

Speech (10 pts) _______

Character Description (3 pts) ______

Included Myth (2 pts) ______

Interesting Details (2 pts) ______

Eye Contact & Volume (2 pts) ______

2 Minutes in Length (1 pt) ______

Costume (5 pts) _______

Representative of god or goddess (3 pts) ______

Creativity (2 pts) ______

Prop (5 pts) _______

Representative of god or goddess (3 pts) ______

Creativity (2 pts) ______

Total (40 pts) _______


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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