Put the Title of

Native Americans

Social Studies S.O.L.’s 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4

Oral Language S.O.L. 2.3a

Designed By

Diane Woods


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About 300 years ago a group of people called “Indians” roamed what we now call the United States of America. These people lived on the land, survived on the land, and used the environment around them to meet their basic needs. We now know these people as Native Americans or First Americans. Our project will be to learn more about 3 groups of Native Americans. These 3 groups are called the Eastern Woodlands (Powhatans), Plains (Sioux) and Southwest (Pueblo).


Your job will be to complete the following tasks.

❖ Answer questions about the First Americans.

❖ Create a Venn diagram comparing the three tribes.

❖ Label the map worksheet to tell where the Eastern Woodlands, the Plains and the Southwest tribes were located. *You can earn extra credit if you find what First American groups were located in the other two spaces.

❖ Make one of the types of homes that the Eastern Woodlands, Sioux or Pueblo lived in. You will be assigned one of the three listed above.

❖ Present the created “home” to the class as an oral presentation. You will be able to tell your classmates 4 important facts about how your tribe lived.



1. Your group will receive a folder with worksheets included to complete the first three tasks listed above. Remember to work as a group. Part of your grade will come from how well you can do this together.

Click on any of the following websites to answer the questions on your worksheet. Look at the website address to help you to answer the questions. The words woodlands, plains or southwest will be in the address. You may want to investigate the different sites to look at the information that is there before you begin.










2. Use the websites above, in blue, to find information to complete your Venn Diagram. This diagram is in your folder. Compare each of the three regions. How are they alike? How are they different?

3. Complete the map that is in your folder.

4. Create a home from one of the three regions. You will find all of the supplies that you need in the back of the room.

5. Prepare your presentation. Each person from your group must be able to share a fact that they learned while completing your project.


- - Tells about the word tribe and the different types of homes.

- - Tells about the land, occupations, and food of the Eastern Woodlands.

- - Tells about the buffalo, the occupations of the Plains. You can also find information about how this group of people moved with the buffalo.

- - Tells about the home and the climate.

- – Tells about the home, the land and what they ate.

- – Tells about the home and how the home was portable to move with the buffalo.

- - Tells about the home of the Southwest, what they ate and their occupation.

- - Map - has the different regions.


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|Name: ________________________ |Teacher: |

|Date : ___________________ |Title of Work: ___________________ |

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|Criteria |

|Points |

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|1 |

|2 |

|3 |

|4 |

|  |

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|Answered questions correctly and completely, using proper grammar spelling and punctuation. |

|Poor |

|Good |

|Very Good |

|Excellent |

|____ |

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|Used the Venn Diagram properly, comparing the three tribes. |

|Poor |

|Good |

|Very Good |

|Excellent |

|____ |

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|Labeled the regions on the map correctly with proper spelling. |

|Poor |

|Good |

|Very Good |

|Excellent |

|____ |

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|Created one of the homes of the Eastern Woodlands, Plains or Southwest First Americans. |

|Poor |

|Good |

|Very Good |

|Excellent |

|____ |

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|Group presentation with 4 important facts about your tribe. |

|Poor |

|Good |

|Very Good |

|Excellent |

|____ |

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|  |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|Total----> |

|____ |

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Teacher Comments:



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Upon completion of this WebQuest, you should be able to identify the Eastern Woodlands, Plains, and Southwest tribes. You will be able to identify the names of the tribes, the types of homes they live in and their occupations. You will be able to compare the three tribes to find similarities and differences. To conclude your project you will share what you have learned with the class.


The next few pages are the worksheets to add to the folder for the group to complete.

Name __________________________________

Questions Worksheet

Answer all questions in complete sentences.

1. What is the meaning of the word tribe? _____________________


2. What type of home would you find in the Southwest? __________


3. Name the tribe that lives on the Plains. _____________________


4. What are the occupations (jobs people do) of the Eastern Woodlands? ___________________________________________


5. What tribe lived in the Eastern Woodlands? _________________


6. The Sioux used every part of what animal? __________________


7. What was the occupation of the Southwest people? ____________


8. Name the type of home that the Plains people lived in. __________


9. Why did the people of the Plains need to keep moving? __________


10. What tribe lived in the Southwest?________________________


11. What type of home did the Eastern Woodlands live in and what was it made of? ____________________________________________


12. What was the main occupation of the Plains Indians? ___________



Name _________________________________

Map Worksheet

Label the map with the First American groups that we are studying.

Eastern Woodland



*You can receive extra credit if you can find what groups are not listed above.



Venn Diagram



Eastern Woodlands




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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